3-Cent Hike TRUE, DEATH-DEFYING EXPLOITS Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. September 17, 1953 Czechs OF THE GREAT DAREDEVIL! : EANNFF. Alta. CP) A new i BIRTH RECORD Streamline chalet-type administration build- KINGSTON, Ont. (CP) A total j Ine for the Banfl Shool of Fine of 240 births here last August I Arts has been officially opend was the highest on record. It .5 7 t M . if V" "' V U 'V : ' U Jf f V1' -'yHx f -I . i if! it COION BY Technicolor . Tnnv s ' ikucT 1 H here. The building cost $335,000 compared with 213 in Aug. 19f2. r.. .- Operations Recommended For Loggers VANCOUVER (CP) An increase of three cents an hour for interior British Columbia woodworkers has been recommended by a majority report of the three-man conciliation board pt uo to deal with a contract 0 VIENNA, Austria (API i UNTRIMMED, UNCLUTTERED, SUM-PRKEO -5 . CURTIS- LEIGH 'W ' - - i i . ' .nh TOM mnm b, nmii m m, b, mam A j' Sltrtiplj, bj Wllf IHIH i;t M I book by Hit! Ktllotk t WMSjH ((if dispute between operators and j TOTEM TODAY to SATURDAY VEMN(jS 7 and 9:05 Matinee Saturday 2 p.m. . Com FAMOl.'S H.AYKK!, tST, the International wuuuwuircis of America. The report, issued over the signature of Percy Gomeiy. board chairman, with whom J. C. Munro, employeers' representative concurred. It was released to Union executives Wednesday. Executives of the IWA expressed dissatisfaction with the leport. HUMRT i. TATES pip Prague radio have announced a sweeping reorganization of Czechoslovakia's Communist: government. The emphasis seemed to be on streamlining and central izing operations rather than on purging tiis- ( graced officials. Premier Vilem Siroky remain- ; ed head of the government un-1 der President Antonin Zapot-: ocky, but the ' Soviet-style" I praesidium of premier and nu-' merous vice-premiers set up lat , February to .control the govern- ' ment apparently was replaced by a thiee-man committee. This new "high command." Pragio radio said, is composed of Siroky and iwo former praesidium members, the state plan- ; ning chief, Jaromir Dolansky, ' and Defence Minister Alexei Cepieka, who beeome the new cabinet's only vice-premiers. Other praesidium members, All the beauty of simplicity derived from line, all the lasting wear from top quality woolens, here in your casual coat of many seasons to come. MacMUHRAY FAIR VJIIll "As far as the report is con-f(.inpd the' chairman concerned himself more with an unfou diatribe against the union than a consideration TO JAVA TRUCOL0R CONJOIIDA1I1) IIK COI I.D II.WE BEEN the master criminal of all time. Or, he couid have been the international spy king. But, Instead Harry Houdini became one of the fabulous entertainment celebrities of world hiftory, thrilling millions with his death-defying stunts and escapes from seemingly thipossible places and situations. Now Houdini's amazing real-life story is going to reach millions more through the medium of Paramount's Technicolor motion picture ' Houdini," which, starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh', begins tonight at the Totem Theatre. facts," commented G. H. Mitchell, secretary treasurer of the IWA B.C. District Council. , fair-' mi A REPUBLIC NCTUK n A minority report, nas oein ALiJ IIFItlUM; H' AT however, were given new posts of ministerial importance. submitted by William uiey, u.i- i FLYING Tl'KTLE CAPITO i Along with Siroky and his j Ion represeniative on the ooara. ; Thlirs and Frl 7 and 9:24 p m Besides recommending the wage , SAT. 2:00-4:25- 6:60-9:10 p.m. boost the majority report said j BLACKWOOD on Choose in part: "Our Impression must be that this union, as the result of lt3 disapproved acts last year, h.t.4 lost prestige, not only In the eyes of general public and the employers, but, indeed, a number of union members generally and even some lumber workers." BvuL a By EASLEY BLACKWOOD two deputy premiers. Commu-nist party boss Antonin Novotny continued a major figure in the Czech set-up. Though he lost his deputy premiership, he remained first secretary of the party's central committee and j thus retained control of the powerful party organization. The reorganization was the first major shake-up in the Czech government since Zapot-ocky stepped up from the premiership on the death of President Klement Gottwald last March and Sirocky moved into the premiership. The praesidiu.a has been set up only last February. The shake-up follows months of widespread unrest in mmm mm Voieanoiogist Believed Dead Miss Urash Knlists Aid of Opponents j Many players holding Mr. Meek's hand in today's j FOR DEPENDABLE deal Wfinld h-Avo rlonVilcrl thp one nn tnimn ovei-c:ill. : ANCHORAGE. Alaska . iAP) r , i if At tt i c -i u,Ja knapsack, an empty light- ; Lul, running true to form, Mr. Meek was afraid he : meter ase and fotprint8 found ; might not be able to beat it, so he took the conserva-jby searchers Monday led to the ! ,. . ,. ' . , . . ! belief that Dr. Werner Juhk tive course and gave his partner a single raise m ;missmg young voieanoiogist. drowned In an icy Alaska moun- I Egypt Denies Fate mi Reports hearts. j Miss Brash ran true to form, 1 too. Fur her, the sun is always i shining. The single raise was all jlie needed. On her near mini-' n.um holding, she juiriped alii the way to game. j Fa - ' ' J 1 f I A i I f I i I i i f i i Mil tain stream. Reports received here from the search party said Juhle's equipment was located at the edge of the stream near Mt. Katmai, In the Valley of 10,000 Smokes at the base of the Alaska Peninsula. The search for hlin began CAIRO i API A spokesman for Egypt's governing revolu- ; , tionary counc il today denied re- ports that Hussein Fatemi, right-I ' hand man of Iran's ousted i premier. Mohammed Mossadegh, I Before we get our necks out, criticizing her bidding, I'd bct- it tell you she made it. You Can Better Your Bowling Sout,h dealer Neither side vulnerable Niirtli (Mr. Mtfk) S 7 6 H--8 7 8 2 D A Jilt C K 7 rsl tn-t (Mm. Ki-rn) Mr. Alirl) S A 4 8 3 810 8 5 2 H K J J H 10 D K y 6 D 10 8 4 2 O 4 0 3 C 10 6 5 4 Miiutll (Mis. Brush) - K J 4 H A 9 8 4 3 D 3 C A J 2 Tlic bidding: South Wost North 1 H 1 NT 2 H 4 H Dbl. All pass Sept. 8, and by last week-end had grown to 39 men In the ground parties and 10 military planes, Including helicopters. WALLACE'S (1. is in Egypt or is expected hern, i An intormrd scurce said her" Monday that Iran s former foreign minister, a fugitive from an Iraninn police dragnet since Gen. Fazolluh Zahedi overthrew the Mossadegh regime nearly a j month ago. either h;id arrived or would arrive shortly in the j 'igyptiur capital. .A DEPARTMENT STORE mm b b . . .i . a . a :H . w ' F.H! t BOWLING SHOES Ladies' Itcd, Illue and I'.lack $.95 ond $5.75 Men's Black $4.95 ond $5.95 Smr- The king of hearts was opened and she won with the ace .nd led her singleton diamond. I Mrs. Keen put up the queen and dummy's are took the trick. A small diamond was returned ind ruffed. Now dummy was entered with the king of clubs and another diamond lt'd and ruffed. Here Airs. Keen's king dropped and .;. seemed that she was down to uiunps and black cards. Miss Brash then led a trump and Mrs. Keen was in with the jack. She cashed her queen of hearts. She then decided that Jie situation was grave as far as the defence was concerned. POSTM tISflAV OOKUT CATMOO StUKNlM BOWLING BAGS SPECIAL ON Sieel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank' $ 55.00 275 Gal. Tank S 75.00 375 Gal. Tank $ 00.00 550 Gal. Tank S110.00 3 Prov. Tax Extra All tanks made of, l'J-gaiige steel Industrial Welding Green 225 First Avenue CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 t'HATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBrlde Street As you see, she was quite right. On a club return, Miss Brash would win tricks with both the jack and ace. She would trump her last club, then discard two spades on dummy's two good diamonds, giving up just one spade trick at the end. Mrs. Keen's actual return was the ace of spades, followed by the trey of spades. When Mr. Abel failed to show up with tlw kine of the suit, It was all over. Attractive plastic In varied colors zipper closing $2" SF.K THKM AT WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNT3 . . . COUNT ON US Dibb Printing Co. r UNICEF Passes Aid Programs FASHION FOOTWFAR COMPANY UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. (AP) j Miss Brash's bidding may be -The executive board of the ioose but she brings home many JN International Children s , ni her oDtimistic contracts, by -.mergency Fund (UNICEF) ap proved new aid programs total I r l I i XjOrn, jf!rry,-, rfKfr f-' following the commendable practice of enlisting the help of her opponents whenever possible. She doesn't try to do everything herself, like playing the The Lnxut y whisky VUrS U A T TO YYturtwi"" y ing $9.'Ja.onO Wednesday. I nllnca tions included $603,000 I n emergency funds for South j Korea and $151,000 for Japanese j ..tod victims. I I For action try Classifieds spade and club suits in today's i SEPTEMBER 212223 hand. She let Mrs. Keen ao imu for her. PRINCE RUPERT'S FIRST BIGCiRCUS at a popular BUY FROM YOUR INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES Preserve B.C. Fruits O A REAL LIVl ELEPHANT TRAINED ANIMALS CLOWNS, ere PLUS ., O A larrrc MIDWAY with oil the popw1' " c Ran y CIRCUS PEACHES HALES ELBERTAS TICKETS NOW ON SALE From All Rotarians OR Norton Young's (Office "V-, PEARS FLEMISH BEAUTY BARTLETTS I BOmriSOND -NOTE- ITALIAN PRUNE PLUMS CRAB APPLES H"L0P ... .-I . .14 By purchasing your tickets in advance you are assured good seating and are helping furnish a new Children's Ward in our hospital. BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW! MEUOWED IN WOOD 1 5 I ITILLEBI UNCI lt;i SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 SPONSORED BY MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 LYONS FINE FOODS Phones 250 Red 465 The Prince Rupert Rotary Club All Proceeds FOR A NEW CHILDREN'S WARD AT THE HOSPITAL This space courtesy of Geo. Hill & Sons Lt'd. p1 DISTILLERS OF THE FAMOUS "BxitUlcUcifl tt&m WHISKY RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 WILLIAMS GROCERY Phone 656 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia,