fl'l Icpcri . 'ally Mr:, Mon.ii v'. ortoi-t-r i ti!3' Ottawa Rough Riders 1 J.z . . " X Trounce Tiger Ca Saskatchewan Mauls Edmonton rz .. .. Eskimo . v v Notes .. yW-,t ."! , ...... .lri -.. 3 K...I . . Canada's leagues are straightening out to i fi'1UnB "Part In his fl where fans fro--.i of c"i"an football 'iur imoo ifU.il . hHtllnnt , - . .a. i' j Uir Jiuuil, a Montreal to Edmonton mav look nl!lant sfven-year career with ; for tight down-to-the-wire fin-ian Francisco Bears, spnrkl"rl I By BEN OLAN . NEW YORK (API Johnny ' Mie has reiterated his decision to retire after the world serie.-i. "Ouess I've played my last gamt in Khbels Field," he said Sunday, "and I hope there'll be only cue more in Yankee Stadium." until Dnw,,- ond half. " All fntif . tlrn tnnii-ht rl' nur Points Eskimos hjvo w if' record ot c,8!irJ fd by Bnmbr,, r' atehewnn v, ,, ' R-iry iih f0lir Hamilton h:r.'t f4 Into tturhi,,. ishes before the November Grey , " a "'B cause. Couch Frank Cup hysteria sets in. Leading ' r''chork of tn5 Roughrlders, ! clubs In three groups took week- j wno ll?d Eskimos to the 1952 end beatings. 0rey CuP flnal and failed to "Hamilton 1 rpach an "RrfPrnent fur In the Big Four, m. I Tiger-Cats went to Ottawa . nelPpd his new club snip Eski-I holding a two-point margin at i mos wln skpin t ''Kht games. '3 t tne top oi the standings and Aioeri loxsea a B2-yurd touch-kft with a stinging 31-6 defeat rio'n pass and later, on a fake ( Billy I.oes, who whipped the ..Yankees Saturday, was stoDpei -for speeding while driving to the ball park before Sunuavc fcttnie. "I'm Billy Loes of the iiodKer.s." he told the police of-ilcer fKik, buddy." rame the iharp reply, "I'm a Yankee fan here's your ticket." and a leadership tip with the nana-oir, tucked the ball out of sight behind his lfs llnci "llfitlpoprt" nt-nilvtrl U . ..i V im me nnnrt P'niy u; raoif, A T' Early arrivals Sunday were viT.i'.JW?Uii..-'ui,.a8flJ tiu iui a u yara lournso.! run. His performance was close to the brilliance shown by Bombers' India Jack Jacobs who passed for two touchdowns, kicked well and had his backs running at top form. DOBHS FORCED Ol'T Pitched thr. : two to rr.d g.-"-one to Gone ' erts while u,tf ; fell on a T!!t.('. the end -cm jh Interccpti'd j Hft" and tared over lr- wondering whether Chuck Dres- I sen came up with a sleeper I when liny saw a bi? pitcn-r ! firing "bullets" to the Brook I hitlers. It turned out to be Don 1 Newcombe, who had a 9-3 rec-ord this year with the Fort Sam ! Houston army team. He won't j be able to pitch for the Dodgers ' until 1954, however. I Meyer. Second 'row. left to right, are: John Griffin, Billy Cox. Cnrl Furillo, Jackie Robinson, Ben Wade, John Podres, Billy Loes, Dick Williams, Duke Snider, Pee Wee Reese and Harold iDocl Wendler; back row, left to right, are: Don Thompson, Bobby Morgan, Bill Antonello. Wayne Belardl, Rube Walker, Gil Hodges. Erv Palica, Jim Hughes, Bob Mllllken, Joe Black and Preacher Roe, NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS, the Brooklyn Dodgers, faced 'a do-or-die situation today as they went into the sixth game of the 1953 World Series one game down to the World Champion New York Yankees Here is the Dodger family portrait. In front is bat boy Charles DIGiovanna. First row, left to right are: road secretary Lee Scott, George Shuba, Clem Labine, Carl Erskine. Cookie Lavagetto, Billy Herman, manager Charlie Dressen, Jack Pitler, Junior Gilliam, Roy Campanella and Russ i .tou'jh Riders. That leTt the ! clubs two points in front of the idle Toronto nrguiiauiM uiid : Montreal Alouettes. In the Wrstrrn Conference, I the league -loading Edmonton Eskimos went to Reglna and lost 19-13 to Saskatchewan Rough-: riders after a 19-0 first-quarter j mauling. At Winnipeg, the sec-'. ond-place Blue Bombers gained ; ground with u 24-17 victory over the bottom-place Calgary Stam- peders. BALMY BEACH WINS j And to complete the picture, j Kitchen-Waterloo Dutch men. surprise pacemakers in the On- taVlo Rugby Football Union, had ; their five-straight victory j march halted at home by To-I ronto Balmy Beach who made i a third-quarter two-touchdown Fllchfrk got Into the game at ; Reglna when Glenn Dobbs. hl For nr; .. r Happiest guy in the Yankee Bring Us Your Old. dressing room after the game was Allie Reynolds. "I didn Yanks Take Series Lead With 11-7 Win I Bronks Capture TIRES figure I was going in. but it sure turned out all right," he As Champs, Dodgers Turn in Sloppy Game Junior Grid Tilt ., r-.v.c . . . ... . J CALOARY (CP) - Cal for said. "That was a low fast ball I threw Robinson to get him to hit into the game-ending double r!uy." J 1 4 ... , n ... . . iourtn. Duke snider, left-handed , That brought Casey . Stengel Bronks blanked Calgnry Mus-! p inumprt. before 3.000 fans t Tne Intercolle giate Union hit NEW YORK (APi It's almost Jewe1, wa& down in the bow-legging it out from the tangs 23-0 i mn ihw ik... j u. .... sixm slot, Below Gil - Hodges, bench, and waving toward the K.miinv in the Aihorta .inni,v : its stride with University of two world series" teams will Dlav.C.hf'e was conficlen that his ! Yankee; bullpen. In came Allie Football League's sudden-death ' Western Ontario Mustangs roll- Steve Kraly. young Yanke lefty who hasn't seen any action in the series, has more to worry ihcmiu., rignt-nana array would knock Reynolds to Ditch to Robinson, ..mi.finni nnb. m,ui nit ud a 40-13 count, river Me. WINTERCLEiS 2-IN-l TREAD See Us Now . . . WE WILL ALSO BALANCE YOli! WHEELS WHILE YOU WAIT, about than the Dodgers. A fire . along the way. the shortage of I? ? ana .two mor- Yank pitchers the defending champion Ed-in his home in Whiting, Ind., i really good pitchers being what' 61x home runs 'ere nit ln all . promptly began warming up. No- monton WildcaU in a best-of-S:ittirelay night destroyed the ; it is. The Yankees and Dockers -vesterday the early ones pretty body knew whether Allie s back, lhree final opening next Sun-kitchen and back porch. ! urned theirs in Sunday. I excltln8 bu there Is some badly bent in the first game, had day in the Alberta capital. J ! ! rinilhf thflt OrtV fino t t-Uant raeounrJ cuff iiantl 1, 4 ... n Master Marauders at Hamilton, and University of Toronto Blues opened the season at home with a 16-7 victory over Quebec's Golden Oaels. Great personal satisfaction was gained by two players In farfnatheC0Yeanre ' "t-'h 1 -uH havV ben . hnV run Tin 7 " meansthaththe CrTan Zf- '"S" tJankee SfadiUm' ! Turned out it had. The Chief FaVOriteS Will ' uers went into today's sixth and rand-slammer ; came in with one that Robby J... L . . ln th tn h possibly final game leadin- by Mev,th"u '""'" Pfobab'y cashed vicloeisly toward Martin HltS BoOKieS VW CJ ihr ,fii,.i fl . u. y: wuld have been a triple over i at second Billv imt riDht. rinwn ALL WORK GUARANi: Billy Martin is the leadins hitter in the series with a .526 batting average with 10 hits in 19 limes at bat. Gil Hodges paces the Brooks with a .444 mark on eight hits in 18 trips. Two Yankees, coach Frank ,nual baseball circus. Robinson's head at the stadium. on the ground to take it, tossed SYDNEY, Australia IAP chamnion t. , . . ... .. iu "tto oivpyj tuiiuc&i. tacn to Phil Rlzzuto tn start a rinnh e uauutu, nusuauas nip luur-iimp srra irnt wni- ri ! , earneu runs, i ne piay, and the was rhamnion. cnampions wpnt went back wT t to their hi,. . game over, . " , , ., " Yankees iniiMrcs scored sraicu five live times umes in in the tne ! Crosetti v.iuM-111 and anu outfielder ouuieiaer Bill Hill Henna, celebrated birthdays i i l"Park in th5. Bl'.?nx- fuli . .f; third inning after they should a. f m a ilf.na ultri tha .iu-. tiiAfm-H I Jcail" aim Itn ineir crack CraCK ; havP have Wn been nnt out tinrl and Johnny .Tnhn D. Pod- 1 n ii.ii V.111U O lV,l,UtJf MIXED BOWLERS All Bowlers Interested in Wednesday Night . Mixed Bowling please attend MEETING At the BOWLING ALLEYS Wednesday, Oct. 7-8 p.m. Ver'teZor,i-- the juvenile who started Dill tZIMCkl DEALER FOR THE GENERAL TIE! "Tires Are Not a Sidrline with I s - IVr Sp--: VULCANIZING... RETREADING WE FIX FLATS KNUTSON'S TIRE SALES&SK 811 Froser Street race horse, won the 6,000 Metropolitan Handicap at Rand-wick ' race course today, forcing a heavy payoff by bookmakers who handled Sydney's spring racing double. Many beuors had coupled Carioca with Silver Phantom, long-shnt winner of Saturday's Kr-nna. 27. ",,e m?Und- The .Pd8ers pitching for the Dodgers, should Ends Well Down rii Se"es nave been out of trouble. npiiriinrn strikeout t king, Carl Erskine. R!cBiWeHEN i Considering his brHliant ex-' ERR0R COSTlY bs The Canadian ens , piolt of only tnrep days agQ i With the Yanks away, Podres Aurel Joliat, the "Mighty , when he fanned 14 Yankees anel Bot J Collins to slap a ball OSTERVIU . Mass. (f Hock- Epsom Handicap, for a payoff cj piuyrr rmi .uik'ki, wno went ' 01 clof 10 ouu.uuu "win muiuicui uaiiauiens "rui Liieni a-6 on nov uamnan- """''j uuwu tne riKne. line, u into mvu the hic ciumiiu closing rounds ruunus oi of mi the ior 10 years, ended his Drotes- ena eua s s eiahth-innintr eignth-inning homer homer, Er-, Fr. Hoages nouges mulled munea It. it, lettin letting a a run run wane v;ape cod coa Indian inuian Summer summer ni pro 1 sional career 15 years ago today skine seemed a a good gooa bet Dei to to knot Knot across. -too. The mt uuuscr Dodger pitcher pacner then men . amateur ""' golf tournament ln contract itract the me playorf niavoif .i at 3-3 and send it proceeded to hit the next batter three-way tie ior ihe lead, faded ana signea a one-vear . J . . ,. anH Ihan mnll, I In Ihu .1,..,.!, A . . .1 .. ,,n .. II to coach Verdun Manle Leafs Into its isventh nnrt Wfh.JtnpetiqrOifsefs e&ce it British Cbfa Qeciuing , iiicu noijv mc uases lull. ; "i n,rT ancan unu cuucu up wen rhnrlip rhnriit.; That broueht out Dressen u-hn 1 clown In the list as the tourna- in the Quebec Leaeue. Joliat : game - Tuesday But ..." .... " y-- .; ..." "''V : ' ... , 41 2 'V; "... I: J., ...JJ . .- ' ill '. ' V ' . Vet, .... ;j , ... ,i . ' - ... ' 4., t, nd his fireat linemate Hnwin Dressen. the Brooklvn maiMr turned the ball over tn tpmrm. ! rhent closed Sundav Morenz each scored 270 goals in i 'a-s ready to shoot the works mental kuss Meyer. The bases : rroiesMonai Charley Shappard were loaded. There stood Mever i and his amateur partner Ken their NHL careers. I "If he's needed. SPORTSMAN'S j will be ready to relieve," he said laht night. "I would like to save him to start the seventh game, but I won't be saving anybody H'hPIl fllOEQ nomac n . 1 : 'nd there stood Mantle, the : Corcoran carded a best ball of latter not having been able to 67 in tlle fillaI round to win the hit a baseball with a bass fiddle tournament, in his most recent attempts. I Ezinicki, iormerly of Winnipeg . Meyer came in overhand with nd now pro at the Lyniifieltl, his first pitch. Mantle, who had Mass.. Colonial Country Club, been hit on this, throwing hand ' teamed with amateur Mel De-nd sirelv hurt ln ore-game bat- marais of Portsmouth, N.H. "ot games oic piuyillg U'P i nilt thp WDtf thuii T ; .. t.ivj t I I1UYV. X ' I worked him with nnlv ihm rfn,. STRIP-CASTING TIP t iing practice. Knocked It far and away into the upper deck in left In June, 1908, Imperial Oil opened Canada's first service Maiion in Vancouver ... a one-room building wiih a pump made from hoi-water lank which fed gasoline to wailing tars from a length of garden hose, f rom tins small beginning Imperial Oil has kepi pace wiih B.C.'s industrial progress and now brings to the coast B.C.'s first catalytic cracker ... the most modern relinery in ill Canada. New llsso and Esso Tiara products of loco's "selective i racking" will give surging power . . . flashing Ield. That made the ncnw 5.1 ...... w...,, . i . . uuja rest not long ago, thinking about this, and thf PreacH looked all right." YANKS WORRIED There was much opinion that the Yanks had more to worry TO FIRST- LINE GUIDE and whatever hapnened after that was pretty much lost ln the fhuffle. , Ru tho anA rf ... il. i.. r.Dout than the ...mv today iuuj man iiic Lnj'.lgtri Dodgers s. ''v- ui uic cvriiiii ;u- Pnrrl Inclorl rr,t I....I . niniT thl Vanlie ii.c.a ln.:.. n n CXTRA LINE IS I ADDED I -w.v, .Muvi umjf uilC lllllillg i f "' " . 'i o ncic icauill lr-6, when he started for the fourth : nartlv 011 the strength of Rill I TO A PLY Martin's two-run homer in that game at Ebbets Field. The Dod- CAST BV RELEASING c deration . . . top mileage . . . finer overall petforni. COILS OP . LINE, i ! gers right-handed batters cllmb- ed aboard him for three runs. -I Dressen. hart his right-handed explosive i)ljTited8ga:in.lotJay. charjter. They were 10-2 by the time the Drjdgers finally laid into Jim McDonald for lour runs inJSbe last of the efcthth. inainly RHiy Cox's titree-ruii lln'e-d'rlve '- u. j . .1 r I. t L Jf HELD, Am with Jackie Robinson- hittlnir knee tlian you v ever had from m gasolines" ! " iOMin B.C.!, -DINING PLEASURE. in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS AS THE . CAST IS V third nnrt Pv c a i i -. homer just over thli" left bariiar. i -z I 1 I r - 4- t- Tr ,;:?-f There Ves drama In the -lust I SHOT FORWARD. YAW ; of the ninth. Junior Gilliam led It eff with anrither mmh SOMETIMES THESE COlLft tL J??.0? 10 "- e cast. I Commodore Cafe , the left ratling, leaving the Dod- gers only four runs in arrears I Pee Wee Reese flied out. but j Snider punched a single to right. Canadiens Trimmed 3-1 By All-Stars yirrz. n' Ly e first LOOP OVER LITTLE FINGER AND t 2KE EACH SUCCEEDING LOOP ..ON NEXT FINGERS V SHORTER RIHCH THUMB DOWN ON LAST J LOOP UNTIL RELEASE. PCnt rn-&ERS AT ROD guide IN CAST THIS . EXTENDS CAST .6-10 20 Jp.. BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL For Floors, Linoleum ond Woodwork Dries in 4 Hours MCTtAt 00KUT9 THOMPSON HARDWARE CATMOM V.WMrANT LIMITED MONTREAL (CP) The National Hockey League all-stars, capitalizing swiftly on manpower advantage in the first period, defeated Montreal Canadiens. Stanley Cup t-hampions, 3-1, Saturday night in the NHL's seventh annual all-star game. Little Wally Hergesheimer of New York Rangers fired two goals in the opening period, enough to win for the All-Stars who were out-shot 31-20 but were given magnificent support in the nets by the brilliant Terry Sawchuk of Detroit Red Wings. Maurice (Rocket) Richard scored for Canadiens in the last period, rapping in the rebound of a smoking shot by Jean Beli-veau, Canadiens' rookie sensation who signed his contract earlier in the day. WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP . . . COUNT3 COUNT ON US I Dibb Printing Co. rq nn ' k Sts? --7 rSry fry rr m ulj w IMPERIAL DEALER J - 'X, .. ...... . ..-.. ft.. .. r 1 CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and Mi Bride Street SUPERIOR AUTO "4 I nCEEinrin mm "SERVICE LTD. J MORE CANADIANS USE $S0AND $SO EXTRA THAN ANY 0THR