PROVINCIAL I LJDRARY PROVINCIAL LI33ART, lid 163 VICTORIA, B. C. ORROW'S IDES October 6, 1953 Htartlard Timet . Dai., 0.15 19 0 feet i i:!:i!7 19 9 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOelivary ' 1B:43 0:21 4 5 8 8 feet- feet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 232 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., M 1NDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1953 PHICE FIVE CENTS Phone till hifv I Csiowsds on in nlHI o o o "5? n nnmia uu U UUUSgJU.U.lL - xm-jy it'll i ri.mi ru.h. sTlr. "t ill : - Yanks Association Seeks 1,000 New Members This afternoon and tonight is "M" day for the Civic Centre Association as the more than 100 determined canvassers hit the Prince Rupert beachhead in search of 1,000 new members to launch "Civic I'd Centre Week." Height Always Helps il!S OK SThPI.ADDKKS forms a fringe near tlie crowd of spectators stands in Munich. where thousands gathered to see tho traditional October- festival parade. Some of waited hours on the ladders, bracing themselves In a variety of positions. 1 1 October 5 to October 12 wai declared "Civic Centre Week" by Mayor Harold Whalen at la it week's city council meeting. The main contingent of canvassers from practically every organization in Prince Rupert will descend upon the city at 7 p.m. when residents are asked to turn on their porch lights In welcome, to show their willing ness to support the association which offers so much to the city's entertainment and culture. The Civic Centre staff and the members of the Civic Centre Association have been busy all Some of the new season' programs already are under way at; the Centre. Eileen Cross of the University of British Columbia Extension Department today started her classes In sewing and home rejuvenation. Registration for the classes has been heavy, with the evening sewing classes filled to capacity, 25 members, and only one or two openings for the evening home rejuvenation sessions. There are still some, openings in the afternoon classes. Roller skating, another popular feature of the Centre's winter program, is already under way. The Saturday afternoon open skate sessions have been mizers of Newly-Formed Union Series ; Martin Clouts Winning Run By The Canadian Press NEW YORK. New York Yankees won their unprecedented fifth straight world series today by scoring a run in the last of the ninth inning that gave them a 4-3 victory over Brooklyn Dodgerg in the sixth game. , Billy Martin dnwe in the winning run with a single with one out after Dodgers had tie the score In the top of the ninth on Carl Furlllo's two-run home run. Hank Bauer walked to open the Yankee ninth. Yogi Befra filed deep to right field and Mickey Mantle beat out an Infield hit, moving Bauer to second. Then came Martin, who had Fishermen to Break From UFAWU I effoit u;is inftrfr I rliiitiL'erl I Lk iihiiip after the j UFAWU had come to him to put rnoon at a public I Kerond World war. pressure on him or influence him l lie Canadian Lcgum i men. Chapman said,4 in any way. day, handing out last-minute instructions to 14 team cap. lo assure Icx al fsh-1 were but a few of the Commun-i It would be a fine thing, he well attended, with Freddy Cal- vM-kers allied to the :,s who held key positions in the i said, if there were two organlza- i '. '. - talns each of whom has beertideroni as master of ceremonies given a section of the city to and Bruce Forward handllna cover with his team members. skate rentals. The moonlight skate also has proved popular. iiy dial i h'-y would UFAWU. j tlons in the field when bargalu- i .-.elves If they tossed j David MiPhee rose to Ml the ! lug time came. The bosses would I'mted K if.lii'ritif n's - jjhit.f ;cm speakers that during be laughing .- What was needed Wmkets Union and tho seven years he had been In was a united union, he stated, new Pacific Fisher- j the UFAWU, neither Rlgby norl Tom Parkin, northern organ!-iefl Trades Union. j Hay Gantlner (secretary of the j Hr 0f the UFAWU, suld that persons, heard John shore workers' local of the under the 1CA act the UFAWU Major part of the campaign will be completed tonight, with canvassers attempting to visit every home in their areas, but ACTRESS WANDA HENDRIX, heretofore known for her "sweet" roles in movies, says she'll come out of her "emotional shell" and go In for parts that will emphasize her figure. Wanda Is well equipped for a change, as anyone can plainly see. 34 Escape iew (pauizer for the the campaign will continue fori the rest of the week; for callbacks, ' if necessary. r that, the UFAWU ! was still recognized as the bar-J r alnlng agent for fishermen, The certification of the UFAWU as I bargaining ageut had not been I challenged and that the npera- iiinliilenee of Imth and oei;iM)r,s shire 1 Kidnapping Case Enters Bus Fire In Manitoba Memberships cost $12 for a family, no matter how large; $8 for husband and wife. $5 for a pn by the Trades and i tied tlm wirld series record for Navy Plane Crash Kills Two Officers I tors at still recognlrtiig and will rotor mis earner in the, game single adult, $3 tor a youth v.f- nf J'jtMif;i J.i J laiinji winch It whs f.d itself of it.: com- He cracked a single straight 2nd Week Without Uuc (aged 13 to 19), and $2 for a Junior, under 13. continue to recognize the union os' long a SI per rent of the fishermen were signed by the WINNIPEG- (CF Thirty-four passengers escaped uninjured prehip. J I is arcnmnanled by ! Among organizations taking KANSAS CITY (APJ The napping case entered Its second Dart In the drive are the Rotarv I Saturday when a Greyhound week with the possibility that through the middle of the diamond and Bauer raced home. The vast crowd of 62,370 virtually conceded the game to the Yankees much earlier, but the Dodgers, despite their total lack Club, Gyro Club, Junior Cham- Lines bus, en route from Wln- the Federal Bureau of Investigation may step in officially. wealthy parents of six-year-old Bobby Greenlease still clijfig today to the hope that he,' would be returned safely as the ktd- nipeg to Regina, was destroyed ber' of Commerce, Women of r organiser for the , .iiternatlonal Union, i Chapman, " former ' he Uuat.hia.-ikl local the Moose, Business and Pro KENORA, Out. Stalked bylW,Ul' . ...,,, . , He challenged Jackson s fig- ,1 ii u,.w ' r 7 m , ',:,'d i ? "h had urea on the Quathltakl meetings, I'l V he r, nent 2 I which Jackson claimed had seen est ass? rSeSif y here Sunday Just H.ort.ot wm-:. j, pleting an eineregency .iandlng. . .. h( rewnrkers g focal. . told tUe by fire on No. 1 Highway, three miles west of Oak Lake. Man., ; A day of silence by the family Wis -broken b,y Paul Greenlease, about 35 miles west of Brandon. Iff Hie mfrtiiiR tliui Fire broke out .In the engine of success In six preyiuswoTld 1 series, refused to .'bow put. ' :.Wtth one out In, , the ; ninth, Diike Snider coaxed . Allle ;Rey- nolds for a walk. FurtUoran the; count to three and two and then1 'A Ilfl I .it) wir t itTVC"iK rr ii.n 4.tA. (am. i ra mrttn ,v-. ... ------ iwu ill ' mitt ji.yv; ' iv .p'.'f y 8IU the iirepn lieht ! ...." . .ii - Ii i.-j.i.i ImeerKift that the Prlnep Rupert nal and sup-. "' "ITZl "l . Xi wi I local of the UFAWU had 'always I an 'adopted son.. : Asked if the .family had any reason to think .little Bobby wouldn't come back j safe, Greenlease replied: ' Oh, no. We don't think that, i Mother would never think that." ' But he gave np reason for the while , the . -bus was In motion. Passengers reported the blaze to driver J. D. Cole of Winnipeg, but he was unable to control the flames with hand Are ex? tlngulshers. Voters List To Close i October 31 blasted one Into right field I I. I'FATU and that If rEml,led 1 , , . ,, to safely f"i frmii from the the ," run on most, democratic I mod erono haH rmth) WBS stands. ; , j shoved down our throat Reynolds settled down 'imme- I fessional Women's Club; Branch 27 of the Canadian Legion and the tegion Women's Auxiliary, Sons of Norway,-; Elks- -Lodge, Job's t Daughters, King Edward Parent-Teacher Association, Ira- perial Order Daughters of the Empire, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber of Commerce, and the Chinese Association. Some others are expected to Join th drive tonight. The canvassers will meet after the drive at the Civic Centre Membership last year totalled 2,500 and It is hoped to Increass that number by at least 1,000 The fire, spiead by a 30-mlle- dlately he struck out Billy Cox, en-hour wind, engulfed the ve and Carl Ersktne, setting an all- flfer from o1Ban..ed ;-"" InM : n minor injinles. never have R iart another union. I DH,I Hre ln vHf: Utut: Se(:oniinunlsl.-rldriledleol"Se oblfi of allflix a"d ill "got the northern ToronU., and PO. George Wraith fm BC fKhemien of the Shearwater naval base bt Ray Gardiner asserted that the Rupert local had handled It own problems before it had support from Vancouver and It would Llcenceholders and mhn nich in vnt In t.hp time series strikeout record of I hope, Insisting that if the family has had any contact with the kidnappers, "I don't know anything about It." hicle. Company officials said the bus was a total loss. 62. Reynolds, who took over from j fortncomlng December civic i continue to do so without help A spokesman said passengers young """" "J I election have until 5 p.m., Octo- were never endangered by the uw eiisui, .....ii., sii. uvibfl, 31 t0 reglster. Tne voters' seventh world series vie- for his m wll, c,ose a(. that tlme tory Only Red Ruffing of the Housei,o!ders are entitled to fire, believed started by a hot bearing In the transmission. "We'll just have to be patient," Under the Lindbergh kidnapping law, the FBI mey step in on the seventh day of a case on i the rank and file Halifax, fad never been given : The survivors were Identified tarts and figures.. : ns I'O. Adolph Chranows and PO. f ' 1 1 r opportmilly." he John White, both of Dartmouth. want anyone i N.K.. and lS. Oarfleld O'Connor I'lon't your I) a r b a I nliig i of New Westminster, B.C. Is your problem In Another vehicle was brought Yanxees ever, won as many. be registered on payment of $2 from outside. After several expressions on the subject of being able to think and vote as one liked Chapman told the meeting that is was fine until a political Influence began to act tc' the detriment of a union. Jovee said the Communists in The Yankees posted a three- tonight. on or before October 31. Those from Brandon to complete the run l'i hours late. the assumption the victim has rnn lead in the first two UinlnKS ! the housenolders wh0 were on WA., l.kaA Ao-nBiB n etnti, Una ' The shell of the burned but touay -anu aareu rue uuugna with their vaunted power to do and your respon ws towed to Winnipeg early today. ranythlng about It; Brop klyn chip uirni banii at-iiBa a oi-aic unt.. Asked If the family contemplated the FBI entering the case, Greenlease said he didn't know and he didn't think any member of the family knew. The FBI has been silent about Waitresses To Discuss Liquor Bill VANCOUVER CP) A delega voters' list last year must pay $2 for the current year to be entitled to vote this year. Llcenceholders who have previously registered and who have paid a trade licence fee for the current vear do not need to re Canada having failed every time at the polls attacked through Youth to- Die For Slaying ds reiuefi. Cluipinnn fi'' publication "West-P- and Industry" ab-'isslers nn nresent. trade unionism McPhee said that unless an effort was made towards a unit ped away ror one run in ine sixth before the big ninth inning In adciltion to his game-winning single, Martin doubled in the fifth Inning. His 12-hlt total was a record for a six-game series and tied the record for any best-of-seven series. tion of Vancouver waitresses CALGARY Seven teen- vear-old Robert R. Yokety Sat- Hie UFAWU exeeu-Rteveus, serretary-pP eandidal.e and ed union It would result in a will meet with Attorney-Qen- "50-50 split with the Dosses Canadian delegation laughing down the middle eral Robert Bonner Wednesday seeking the right to serve liquor register. New licence holders ' Its plans. Police have malntain-should register at the City Hall ! ed a hands-oft policy at the re-between 9 a m. and 5 p.m. Mem- quest of the family. Jays through Fridays. The 71-year-old father, Rob- AU registrants must be Brit-1 ert C. Greenlease, and his busl-lsh subjects, 21 years of age and j ness associates have worked In the case of householders they ! quietly from within the big red- WEATHER North coast region A gale warning cancelled. Variable cloudiness today and Tuesday. Extensive banks of fog and low cloud over the water, locally drifting over the shoreline. Not much change in temperature. Winds southeast 15, occasionally Increasing to southeas 25, northern and western sections. Low tonight and high Tuesday f'ter Yugoslavia be- Mrs. Ann Mlnaard, LPP candi i tirday night was sentenced to be hanged, convicted of the knlfe-I slaying of another youth who was I his rival for the affections of a I teen-age girl. I A siv-tnan iurv brought in a in B.C. restaurants licensed under the new liquor bill now Brooklyn.. 000 001 0023 B 3 satellite, was riee-Tlln; Alec Gordon, fit. also an I,PP can- New York 210 000 0014 13 0 before the legislature. Ersklne, MUiken (5) Labine (7 There Is nothing In the apt brick home in an effort to ne researcher William and Campanella; Ford, Reynolds "'final at the time P"" VPr,lu'1 ".T. a 1D' ? gotlate Bobby's release saying that women waltreteee cannot serve liquor and , beer (8) and Berra. Bobby was abducted Monday must have lived in Prince Rupert continuously since January 1, 1953. For the added convenience of new registrants the city clerk's pt Party of Canada and wine along with meals and at Port Hardy, 10 and 60; Sand- from a private Catholic school date In the recent federal election, and member of the UFAWU shoreworkers local, told Jackson and Joyce that the unions that had been ousted by the TLC were stronger than ever. What was wanted, she said, was a good trade union for the fishermen. Two unions would be detrimental to the fishing industry. Aid. narrow Gomel! challenged the speakers to she' what benefits would be gained from the formation of a new union or at by woman who posed as an the delegation will ask for pe j spit and Prince Rupert, 45 and 9 ftor Finds tyz nours, anu mi. uoviv . Boyd McDrlde sentenced Yokety to hung Jan. 12 for the murder of Brian finell, also 17, last May 12. Yokel'.', small and pale, receiv- Three Children Die in Fire office wll! be open all day Saturday. October 31, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. rd the sentence In a resigned Posed , Ordered fl'Upcft,,!- J 1, Hel. Mvitlg wllnleliovfn aunt. cmc miormauon on ine point, ts. Recruiting For Canadian Army Hit Hard by Lack of Incentive manner, showing no emotion. The courtroom was crowded .ABBOTSFORD. B.C. (CP) Three children died early today 15-Year-Old Girl Abducted with teen-age friends of the least outline what was planned 5S said 'he wTdTi lh?hM on the outskirts of "i the campaign alld more hvffienlf Abbotsford, the meeting as It hadn t produc Now they youths, whose pursuit of the same girl led to tragedy. Several teen-age girls sobbed loudly when tho sentence was passed and OTTAWA (CP) Recruiting au-i their men: 'Oet In. 'lishnientc ed a solution. thorlties are faced with a hard tell them: 'Stay out.' " They said the fighting in Ko- ,M.m i ,ointainin. t.h 45 miles east of Vancouver. The children, two sons and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Macdonald, were asphyxiated. I'ik. when he went I Third Avenue cafe Jackson said that an executive would be named a In all organ there was an audible gasp rea has not had popular support jb'-r-n Riven a 48-hour I through the group In Wisconsin CRANDON, Wis. (AP) A two-state hunt was on today for an ex-convlct and a 15-year-old girl he abducted from In front of her home here Saturday. Canadian A'r m y ' s traditional high quality In today's cold-war Dead are: Karen, eight years old; Patrick, six and Gordon, environment. f''n up and make r""d handling tech-J'lose up, he found P'prlelor had nntid. als. What we are getting Is the type of man who has not been able to find a better niche in . civilian life." . - A spokesman said; however, that a new "entrance examination" now is being tried which may eventually replace all existing tests for recuits. There would be one such examination for officers and one tor other ranks. Education now is compulsory In the Canadian Army. Officer have expressed belief this will three. , Their 15-year-old sister es. caned by Jumping from a sec. In Canada. Before Korea the strength of the Canadian Army was about 25,000 men. Now it has doubled and the army Is still growing., Referring to the lack of incentive for enlistment, one officer said: , "We are not getting at tie ? and the premises izations, and the PFATU planned to have business agenta for glll-netters. seiners, and shoreworkers. A tentative constitution would be drawn up and voted upon by the membership. Dues would remain the same- during the transfer and he advocated that balloting be supervised by disinterested parties. The meeting closed with those present asked to sign application forms for membership in the 11 said that unless Four of them agreed In an Interview that recruiting standards have been lowered "slightly" since hostilities began In Korea, to meet the army's existing commitments. . They said: "The need for men has gone up, but the Incentive has not. Police said Betty Bailey had been forced into an auto and spirited away by a man they identified as James Sheltoh40. Shelton, who has served a term In state prison for car theft and recently completed a jail sen owner makes recom- CPR Tracks Blasted Again CASTLEGAR, B.C. SF Sons of Freedom . terrorism In B.C.'s southern Interior mounted Saturday with the blasting of a section of railroad track near here, the second rail dynamiting In as many days. university students, or the ond-storey window. She, suffered a fractured arm. Mr. Macdonald escaped from a downstairs room. Mrs. Macdonald was away from home on a week-end visit. Firemen said the fire started from .an overheated kitchen stove. - or any new "kewise. the cafe closed. bright young men who are go ing out to the oilfields to make tence here for drunken driving, -i-.iurants and cafes Remember the time when girl help Improve the calibre of the army, allowing more tn He to positions of responsibility. i their pile, or real estate saics- roomed at the house of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Bailey Pacific Fishermen's and Allied Trade Union. until November 1 suggested changes. f rlends and wives used to tell men, or highly paid profession 0 o A . ffliilli)ir iiiwe