j . J -a I f Prince Rupert Daily Newt Monday, October 5, 1353 Russia, United States Approaching Atomic And Diplomatic Stalemate $81,000 England-Austri Air Race Starts Thursday LONDON JNIJON (Reutersl All along: Force. mm?- i relations, however uneasy. ; negotiations concerning tirr- By JOHN M. HIGHTOWIR 4"". . . I the 12,270-mile air route from The CCtlltF. t t, . Britain to New Zealand teams of I speed and i, I At the same time, foreign pol- many now ana win no so ior WASHINGTON (API Some i(.y experts believe a situation many months to come. top American policy linkers be- approaching a diplomatic stale- The essence of the atomic IH ve the United States and mate, perhaps Influenced by the balance is simple. With its re- HmsU are approaching an shifting military power balance ported mastery of a hydrogen atomic stalemate. j DUt mole ijkely by other factors, explosion and its established Some think this may tend to Is already at hand. ! atomic progress, Russia is close stabilize relationships of the i State department officials to the point of achieving a kind technicians now are preparing 'sections. the groundwork for the world's! Th tnii,Mt , greatest flying event, the Lon- up of a Vick('iS 6 don-Christehurrh air race atart-.entered hv u,., ,Wl tng this Thursday. j Airway,; a Ci There has been nothing eom-'tered by the ftivTi parable to it since llie Meltjourne line KLM and u centenary air race in 1934, which HastiiiK.s unrt..r u1P : was won by a British Comet. The New Zealand Air " llnn I'mnnl I linn fb II.-1 t-i - . bll powers and so contribute to I generally believe the Russians i of balance with the U fa. development of more-peaceful are actively avoiding any real Mos estimates are that thi v ...... ... n 0ny , i fWlSlMI ., U.S. retains a .sizeable margin in the number of bombs stockpiled. But the destructive power of the big bombs is so great that equality of numbers is not the key to their effect on military strategy. The key is the i ii.jto linn s iimn miiuennau, in ' VI' Kers Visi VOUIlt, Alberta Oil Production Quota Reduced by Board , LnglHiid. to Melbourne In Aus- I The ! race uoreanimi-.. tralia In 70 hours, 54 minutes. I Hie ftojul Aero nk l r-mni pianes wm siari i nuis- Canterbury Inlini T jday in the ?29.000 ($31,200! rare. Race Council in iT in tne present contest, there with the ri i are live bOO-nule-an-hour British Bi lti. h n lili.l.l'V r.f I FFDKRXL, Ontario provincial and municipal leaders gather to open the $5,300,000 Fanshnw dam. near London, Out., a co-operative project i l conservation of resources and flood control that may spread across the country. Premier Li.slic Frw t cut-s the ribbon on the roadway over the dam on the Thames river. Lei "t to right: Lon Ion's Mayor Allan Rush: Mr. Frost Dr. J. Cameron Wilson, chairman of the upper Tham zs valley authority, and Federal Works Minister Winters. ' Canberra twin jet bombers. I TnfimmH.iu... ' (CP)-Allowable dccrea.sc number required lo ao a acvas- CALGARY oil The reason for the production in Alberta during Oc- production, the board said, is tating amount of damage, tober has been cut by another that the Interprovincial Pipe The U.S. has had the power 11.905 barrels daily by the petrol- Line Co. experienced difficulty to work atomic destruction on cum and natural gas conserva- in late September in tying-ln' the Soviet Union for several lion board. I four new loops of the 16-inch years. It has been a source of The new allowable of 209.449 Jine between Regina and Gretna, concern to Allied countries, Imrrels daily replaces the oris- Man. I where many non-Communist Three are entered by the Royal hours a enmppUte Air Force and two Australian, lo averar a o( is built by the Royal Australian Air an hour, liiriuilins jji Letterbox llinl 221 3j4 announced bv the, Because of this demy, the pi.; 3-! critics of the U.S., as well as iiHiu cdinrr mm rc. auu ., ,,,, . ,.,i t rB e. i i the me Reds wos memse themselves, exploited down 64.822 barrels a day from."'" - - thg noUon tnat a jumpy Am- .eeive and transport approxim-j September's allowable erica might plunge the world YACHT Charier Service Rrasunahlr Rjtn w III M ING PAUTIts Season ojien for lm. Oa; ' Beat. Ouuks Cera. l or arrantcmenU ttlrplw (irrfn r.l 1.. np-! rifirt Ur,.nT,. tVia Con. Ball Game Highlighted Convention Trip ait-iy ui.r u. into atomic war, striking before tember allowable that had uppn been . Noted for its deep clear waters, to the terminus at ' consigned neinaeer Helnrieer lake iaKe covers covers 1 i.ioo 7fiS square snuare ., ,.H,. Such ta k now become essen- miles on the Manitoba-Saskat IN APPRECIATION The Editor, The Dauy News: I wish to convey my apprecia- oupri iut , iiui uiii.it . -p. i duction had been carried forward tially meaningless because, as into October and in order to President ' Eisenhower recently ehewan boundary. were aKo compelled to defend of members who in those stormy Vincent St. John In a trumped-: days stood by their guns like up charge ol murder in Colorado. ! soldiers in battle, I will mention St John was also acquitted, so a few. though most of them now was Steve Adams, in a mystery enjoy that oreamiess sleep that case of murder that none could "sound and fury cannot disturb avoid any further production said, tne oniy ining worse man war would tion to President John Clark and NIGHT and DAY SEKVKl cutbacks, the board rescinded winning an atomic its original allowable. be losing it. the executive officers of the understand. Jack Siinpkins had and awaits us all. They are: Ed. Refrigerators Mine, m auu oi., on h,s b the sule g w D. Haywood, Chats. internauona! union m maKing ; - . T . J . , . . V. n V. .. Q. . , pv f, , . .-, time wnK .,,,. .1 1 ..( I ; Mnvpr I i . fi - r ... . Dallihnnji Tnu W t r" it possible for me to attend the i simpkins wM 8 member of win. Ernest Mills, Jack Slmpklns. BLACKWOOD on St. Louis convention on Septem Call a STAI Phone 112 CAD STAND Corner 5th Street and 3rd Avnw ber 14, 1953. Not only was I honored but the citizens of Prince Rupert appeared to . rejoice in the executive board up to the chas. Mahoncy, J. C. Lowuey, time of the 1907 convention In Vincent St. John. Andy Shilling. Denver. Simpklns was a Bunker Bill Davidson, Jas. Baker, P. C. Hill bull pen victim of 1898. i Rawltngs. Fred Hazelwood, Ru-While I cannot recall all names pert Bulmcr. Frank Little. Al- .ft Ryan- p. j. Duffey, Dave Slick Coats. Governor Waite of Colorado. Frank Phillips. Chris Foley, the high honor conferred on me, j including our local press, as can ! be noted in its news item on my '; leaving for St. Louis. Though the article overstated i my record a little in crediting me as one of the founders of the ; ' Western Federation of Miners in j Dy EASLEY BLACKWOOD 6,500 Attend Church Jubilee Celebrations Mondoy to Wedntii liiddinjr (lives Dale Clue to His Lcud ILF'ikKllltl V. E. Woodside. P. R. McDonald, Fred Malcolm, Geo. Hethcrlng-, ton and Sam Emery. I Last but not least the grandest ; of all. F.ugene V. Debs, who described the early labor organizer . in the following manner: , he drew no salary, heard no ap-nliinui Kiio nn fimtttirht; never You couldn't say the bidding of today's hand Butte, Montana, in 1893, tne mum. -mam old ii. .4. t.. l. ,.e ; ,...,.;.,11,, reuiiuuou a ji.t jon iro oortey" 1IUNT7, IIAli with TI1K UOWKIiY m. In ts uuu, ijul liiuiu vi on iuu iiiucii vi it ffctiai i wnen j joined Rossland Mi ners i By F.KOS PASITTI ( niimllaii PlisK StufT Writer Union in 1808. From that year with an alert defender like Mr. Dale listening m .... .j...,i '.K.,t ,, : up to arjoui in i ucvumju h Kiem, . wonderful what clues It s you , . ,. Kv,..if iv, VANCOUVER (CP) British Col- ' ,,,. ln nrh., anri now uccti oi illy viiiiy: uii iaiiaii "NO HOLDS BARK can get from the bidding quencc. Mr. Dale got on here W.F.M. and Mine t Mill expan- umDia s biggest noman catnonc fjls an un,ioWn grave. The .sion and, without regret, thasc , celebration, the silver Jubilee of 1nh'or movement Is his monu- .ut..w nn..ulnrl v. ; ... n ..!) n.,i ""- cluieu mill m yu.i ui- .,, ,h . v, mi.nihi.Khln Arrhhkhnn William M. Duke Shows at ment. Although his name is not nf a hnnelfss-lnnkinc situation . .. ... - Last Complftt Sim .vT Si nine -T stood the acid test ol enaurance. and me goioen juonee oi van- lnwrirM,d on i. his Soul Is in it. ' H'it.Vi a urnrp We were besieged by every de- :c"uv"'f ?:a,Sth'Xr and with It marches on forever. South dealer Both sides vulnerable Ni.rlli (Mrs. Krtii) S A 8 H- 8 5 D A 10 9 8 C 41 J 6 4 ! t.-t (Mr. Imlr) (Mr. Ahrl) 8 K Q 5 4 a S J 9 7 6 8 H A 7 H 6 4 2 I 7 6 4 3 D 2 The king of spades looks like RCA Model DB Deluxe FEATl'RES -Ar Across the top freezer -fc Buttcr-Kccpcr 3-Door Shelves k 8.7 cubic feet Ir 44-Pound Freezer Capacity. For Only $349-00 the "normal" ouenine. But there tective agency oprating at the . ... a .... 'xo 'niJ. . The Rreatct forward Btrldoi I MMcAPifo Hi MmsM-nm mum Cifiin famih.'spuvoisw are two thines aeainst it. First. 1 time, not as detectors ol crime lano Stadium. Mr. Dale knew his opponents to but as instigators. The fact was abolishing of rare di.sorlmlnation. Commemoratin? the church's ' be sound bidders. They had established in the Moyer. Hay-' .on""" "V .t" a ctass-con.sclous move that will checked on aces and they know wood and Pettibone trials 'te"r1"".' . dividend-payer wherever there was one ace outstanding Boise. Idaho, in 1907. It cost the by o c dence Uced- C 7 2 Western Federation of Miners -",lc uu.ms mc uui Juu.it.c u. The . . 1 w f r 4 x.. hi .... ,1 Tu g . r. 'T , " - " ; v..--- 3 -1 4w iit.. . 1, .4 ' ' i" '3: . -V . m$? 3- rr v!' 4 C i .. . ri ; .-Hi f ; .- '- el - .-1 v. ". . : X: i i 1 1, K A. ... .4 v highlight during my four I mm WAINII 1101 C 8 5 3 South (.Mr. llttfiiplull ) S 10 11 K J 10 9 3 DK Q J 6 C A K 10 Archbishop Duke and the cathe-the to over one million dollars save tUgintanes and lay mem- three Wc lives of those men. Was it likely that they also had u second round spade loser? Mr. Dale thought not. days in St. Louis was the ball game between Brooklyn Dodgers .. .1 at t ..! rn.l.1.. T h ... d $35 Down $13 fer Month MM On the bidding it appeared to j Tir.ii.nrl tVt..(M n'n.Lr. f.v n.itirt.. HU Ol. LAUlft UHl UlllUl.r wnn '.'vsnsn McRAE BROS. LTD. East Pai8 Pass Pass Nortlt 2 D 4 H 5 H 'Hie bidding: South West 1 H Pass 4 D Piiks 4 NT Pus 6 H All pass "The Store that Service Built" Phone 6 or 36 Ambassador Badly Beaten In Seoul . recitation tne of Mr. and Mrs. Law-ary the family of the ros- 6ues.1 of Alabama. It the rence was for the intention of family : .jiidarity. ,irst Dl'! 'aBue game witnessed ; The raiiv. ending a series of ln y life- i week-long celebrations, was pre- A" in " thp convention was i anemorable one to me to wit-I sided over by James Cardinal' McOuigan of Toronto, assisted by Jriess a ' Job started sixty years some 30 Canadian and American R still In process of develop-i blshoos . i ,-ment to relation .to changed him that Mr. Champion had at j least nine cards in the red suits. He thought it very probable that the other four cards were di- i vided 3-1 rather than 2-2 and : that the singleton would be a spade. j The second thing against the : .-pade opening was the fact that . Ila la latr fM.IlMH m. SEOUL (AP South Korea's1 Now that there was another lead which Earlier Farlier in in the the dnv day. a a iubilee Jubilee economic economic rondltlons. runamoim. oneared tn have much better ambassador to the United States, miLSc of thankselvlnar was suna the old burly piston machine. Wallace's Sale WHITE GOODS - 1 msjMr TOTEl TODAY ond TUESDAY One Complete Showing Only Kat h Eveninn at 7:30 p.m. prospects the lead of a dia- Dr- You cbiln Yan- lM,ay ron" by Archbishop Duke in the newly i weighing up to 500 pounds, is mond firmed reports that he was badly const.(;rated cathedral . The con-1 replaced wllh machines one- Mrs. Keen had bid diamonds : Deatcn Sunday by "two UN sol- .MCratjoni climax of the cathed-; third the weight, and drills more Mr. Champion had Jump-raised dlcrs wlfn Br,llsn a-eents." ; ralj) jubUee, was performed by than five feet to one of the old diamonds. Mr. Dale himself had Thc South Korean government the archbishop Saturday morn-; burlv of 60 years ago. four cards ln the suit. How earlier had aenicu officially that tng In a long service mat king the 1 Little wonder the workers de-many could Mr Abel have' tn,; ambassador was beaten. cathedral' rededicatlon to oOd. ; mand a much higher standard Surely not over one and maybe' Dr. Yang said he was attacked Following the sermon, benedic- of living than was possible the none at all and Injured by, "two UN soldiers tin was celebrated at mlnl- vear the Western Federation of With the'ace of hearts in his who wanted money from me." ature altar by Archbishop Duke. Miners was born. 1893. known as A tmim P:y" lm STARTING WEDNESDAY hand, Mr. Dale knew he ln " o-neuieuon, tne cm.s.v """"" cpuld He lost four front teeth in the used the hour and In conclusion I wish tr, thank rchbtehop c regain the lead before his part- beating and his right eye was with brief ad- Harver Murphy regional direr. -minute rally a ner's trumps could be extracted badly bruUed. He was knocked : Sale Nov On : dress, in which he asked the con- tor. John Clark. , international unconscious "for quite a while." assuming, of course, that Mr preaation to rpmpmher t.h raiixp nresiHent and members of the Abel . had as many as two He was robbed of his Wrist p.. fUn! ln nriiipatlrin u lian nrov. evBriitivA huarrl ft Hip Hiinnr trumps. watch and some American dol- So his opening lead was a lars. He was walking down a diamond. Mr. Champion won : Seoul street after dark when at- ing the rosarv. '. conferred on me: and that an- In the evening, a public re- other 60-vear Fpan be added to ception. was held at Hotel Van- Mine Mill International ln Its Ammo 1 t Vi .nAr rvf A Vi a a r H c-t i rr rr 1 a r.r VinKi n I f ft Inkni with thc Jack and led a low tacked. heart. Mr. Dale went right in ' He made no official complaint bishop OEORGE B CASEY with the ace and fired a second anti sai(i hp wanted tn "keen : . IT'S TIME . . . TO INSTAL STORM WINDOWS The fall rains are here and winter is not far behind. Call us today to instal storm windows in YOUR house. diamond which Mr. Abel ruffed quirt about it." for thc setting trick. i He was scheduled to leave for On a space opening, Mr. Tokyo today to participate in the Champion would have time to Korean -Japan conference. He knock out the ace of hearts plans to stay in Tokyo about a : while Mr. AM had a diamond week and then fly back to Wash-.n his hand. ington. TYI'FS OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO OKDI.R S.M.l. GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. 215 First Avenue West Phone 909 WEEK-END DEATHS STOCKHOLM Prince Oscar the Saskatchewan division of the! Bernadottc. 93. uncle of King Canadian Weekly Newspapers ! Oustaf Adolf VI of Sweden. ' Association. j i f - - - - CORK, Ireland Sir Arnold 1 NEW GLASGOW, N.S. Bennie Bax, 69, master of the Queen's A- raser, 78, former editor of music. i'i'he Eastern Chronicle which ceased publishing last week. TORONTO Luther F. Wln-chell, 61, president and general manager of Hinde and Dauche Paper Company of Canada. - iBBmr mmiM i ;J( CHARLES M . I Adsr fc) COBURN uus c f 0 T v Children 25c Z- ' " OTTAW A Charles J. Mitchell, 78, veteran newspaperman and former telegraph editor of the Charlottetown Patriot. WOLSELEY, Sask. Walter MONTREAL Leopold Houle, Ashfield, 57, editor of the Gren- 70. former president of the Royal First comes Quality BUCHANAN'S,. SCOTCH VHISICY t?fie Scent ii in tfit Blcndltiy fell Sun and former president of i Society of Canada. LADIES' PLAY SHOES $1.95 $2-95 $4?5 BOYS' BROWN OXFORDS I. ' $3.95 - MEN'S Brown and Black Oxfords $6-95 FASHION FOOTWFAR Itw innnlnl...... - rGV..! iPii'i fcolcli whUkr Dl.tlll.fi w fo laM kina Wo VI Wr Jamas ftudianaa 4 Ca. ltd LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING .' . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agent Allied Van Line Ltd. Phone 60 or 88 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. TOistille J, Blended end Bottled Scotland CONTENTS 26H OUNCES . This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor ' Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ' 1 'J -v. i ''...'tv'ri '