U iN.m.Miii.uu.LUj., . X.i.t..J.L....,w,.J.WJU,,tt.w.gw.iwCT, ....j.....". r, - . ,.:T- , - jiff" '"' "T' 7T'' --j7yOT-, f V. ;: Monday. October I. I9U , v . f?t " I J ' Chinese mJjishe, I STiiv T77yVVAJ!s ; -- n ----- (Tj7W&' ( - 1 CH0P5UEY... :; ai ) i;.. -' -Sir W !! ; .J.'. Hollywood Cafe I Sfeamer - Luxury ( Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday - at 11:15 pm. . t For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight I Comfort and Service For reservations write or res! cr.ll City or ret Office. Prince Rupert, n C. iLJ J r . i W ' ' vU il For Outside Orders Phone 131 V. ... .. v u, t, - ' - M C ; IaDLInE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING d p Jul niv ddfxiaiic l I ,. i. . i . r V t" ! rV ' T?r fM r "the daily news" , hh , .., j mmm ,. 4 .30 p m. aav previous ! HMHH I . , , ft J , J '"CJV) u-r word pprln- C RCULATION ! T-nd:r lui y ,b: v j- li : i A uiiulinuilt 1 1 hi linrxo SO 80 rent. tn. iny ra rraw nupcrv up i .f" i i m ' ' "Mf I I U 4, 7- I - .... r' ' lit . j f'K ly t' . ' el.. V i . -9. . '2 1 ' fc. I. ' ' , " , ' s. ' , . '.' Lj, :'',; :' ' r ' ' k l - .lis. .'- !. : ;' . .....1. MnttM BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL I, uurrluge bnd KnuaimMit ((.-.'infiits. $'J.0O. TArtiv incninnig trip any ni -.....r - - IVUAT 3491 !tor tin- (upplyinR ukI InnUUing o j ' ''it f771 ' fl I ACT VFAP J01 Z. 1 matoruU or pnwpr and HkM If V, i ! J 1 1 trvis OAlO Ice In the new Teleptioue ExcHmum ! , , I. I I . ' BullciliiK. Plans and )e;lllcatlon f "f9 I ,C U BI'StXESS PERSONALS j 37 ROOMh AXD BOARD gluSZtSTc f f ) ' P Bi jiiiv drrtioin prio. B No Hfundf III not ncorpt rponnlblllt imil ls Inserted Incorrectly I wrung ciabsineutiun mile t i, nl nucli erruri Is received LANDSCAPINO AND OARDKN-INO Rock walls, rorkerios. rook flower boxes, lawns and ROOM and board in private!" ' 1 ' t M I M v j home. Phone Red 140. 1 232 ) j w J ft 't V I Jl 39 HOMES FOR KENT T J 1 . ' C . " -I - i A . 1 V I i hours oi nrt uiaeruoa. KEITH H. TUCKER " OPTOMETRIST j fences. Garden keeping. Free VANCOUVER 7ia Waypoints 8UNDAY ES Camosun, 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS October 7 and 21 S3 Coquitlam, Miunlght FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISI ANDS SS Coquitlam, Midnight Sept. 30 and Oct. 14 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert, Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 loaays otocks j ,4 : . 235p GENT with nice apartment, de sires congenial young man to share same. Phone Green 726. (2321 527 3rd Ave. Phone 212 ANT AD 1 1 VANCOUVER American Standard .... .IO'j Bralorne 3.15 B R X .. 01 Cariboo Quartz 1.00 A HUGE HEAD, caricaturing Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, was carried during a mass anti-Adenauer demonstration held by the German Social Democratic party In Bremen during pre-election campaigning. Some 3,000 torchbearers and a crowd of about 7.00C participated in the West German' parade. ' ; - PHONE 458 MESSENGER BURNERS cleaned. Chimney building, repairs, cleaning. Painting. Ceilings, wall, windows washed. Blue 2145. (236p) WE NEED your old tires. For a liberal trade see KNUTSON'S TIRK SALEH St SERVICE, 811 Fraser St. Phone Red 548. THE ELECTRICIAN D7ouyatt House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9th Ave. West. Phtne Red 165. (241 REPLIES tire holding replies e following News joxes: I 781 799 803 FOUR-ROOM furnished suite, private entrance. Call Oreen 896 or 920 6th Ave. East. i237p FOUR-ROOM furnished suite, private entrance. Call Green 896, or 920 6th Ave. East (232) CENTRALLY lOTatedtwobed-room apartment. Immediate nmicy. Black 277. (233) ...... .06 46 04 Cronln Babine . Giant Mascot . Indian Mines ... ' PK K-ITP AND DELIVER Pioneer 1.50 . - GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER . Phone Black 846 and Red 1VI Three Groups Seek Further Premier Border ... Privateer Reeves McDonald Sheep Creek Sllbak Premier Taku River Vananda .04 .03 1.50a .50 .11 .06 .04 IttKfcE-ROOM suite, semi-furnished. Central. Phone Green 241 eves. (236) leplies must be Jled for in person WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ELECTROLUX. Phon Blue 970 for Parts 3ares Service. (c) IF YOU WANT A j CINDER' DRIVEWAY, ! ROCK OR CONCRETF WORK. Rent or Trucks ind Equipment Pn. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDER3 '. Vll.NCi KVKNTS 4 SUITES for rent. Red 984. (235) 40 HOMES FOR SALE Western Uranium 1.41 Buzaar, October 7 , r Jr. l . i PLUMBINO, automatic oil heating, sheet metal work. Phone $43. Call 630 6th West. Letour-neau. (c) S -Wie. , i- l" ;;' '-t ) ; ; I to-V : ,H:-t.t., - Z ' !-i "'v i ' Sil-Van , Dorreen Estella Oils A P Con .24 .08 30 28, IN SECTION Two Five-room house with basement garage, on two large iots. Modern kitchen. Phone Green 587. (234 1 LAUNDRY SERVICE Shirts Ironed PRESS-WHILE-YOU-WAIT Pickup and Delivery Island Cleaning and Pressing Black C27 744 2nd West (Next to Liquor Store) PUBLIC nCCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialLst. 8. O. Furk. Stone Building. Red 333. 20m H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCB Phone 86. Evenings Blact 839 Study of Act VICTORIA p Two delegations representing three organizations have asked for further study of the alternative balloting system before the government throws It out. Delegations from the Vancouver Board of Trade, which also represented the New Westminster Board of Trade, and the Victoria Chamber of Commerce both presented briefs supporting the alternative system. They said the system which TWO -BEDROOM house, oil heater. Available immediate- ilimlst Riimmag" Sale, I Next to Stork Shoppe. rjn Tea, October 10 Auxiliary card party, ! 14. Men's Tea, Civic Cen- .,!)er 15. kit Star Dance, October ' Iv. $4,000. Terms. Phone Blue VlAQAZINKb, uuvelUnt. Newi SUUid. c 710. (236) 16 LOST ilolBKEttU if LARGE family home or revenue house. 1141 Beach Place. (236) Calmont . 1.04 Central Leduc 1.70a Mercury in Okalta 1.50 Royal Canadian 08 '2 TORONTO Athona 09 Aumaque 12 Bevcourt 34 Buffalo Canadian 18 Con Smelters 22.50 Conwest 3.70 BELT of plaid reversible raincoat. Phone Blue 585. (232) i'i.v.-. 4 FOUR-ROOM furnished Phone Black 551. house. (235) scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Jamei Block 608 3rd Ave. W, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Fall Bazaar, October j tt FI RNITUKK HR SALE WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 WANTED TO RENT i HOIXY WOOD bed. complete. 4, ,1, U. .! 1 nnrt U..U. X).. ... .. .. r . so':6SM! tr j i."J . aiiu uriiin, ivuKt-l , UAKAUli Wlin llgnt ' . t. . jln- Card Party, Oct. 22. In s Co-ordinating Cotin iCivio Centre, Oct. 22. gives voters the first, second, third, ets., choice of candidates, was the mosi tiemocratic. The government has indicated it intends to amend the Elections Act to bring back the single choice ballot. cement Collins, I234p) Donalda vuunuir i.ium. riiuiie niut'K uoor Contact Mr (234pi I Savoy Hotel. .47 .25 Eldoni ;!8A SEWING MACHINES i ROOM and board for quiet gen- East Sullivan 4.50 Giant Yellowknife 8.00 PRECISION SAW FILING A'.l Types of Saws r ' TT7T. i tieinan. Apply Box u. Dally RepairsRentals. Singer i n,.ws i237oi SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to $ a.m. Daily JALES 864. Sewing Centre. Phone Sharpened ... 115 1st Ave. W. Phone Mt lWii linaaM li mi Uiika4 wl.U W i laM CeMtal twrf m W Cmwi : (c) Wild onion plants, a strong-1 scented herb, are found in the j Prairie provinces and Ontario. YOUNG couple desire five-room hou.se or suite," unfurnished. Phone Red 835. (237pl FOR SALE MISC. iKtiaiiai .85 .13 L .06 -.28 .25 .53 .10 . 1.65 i 1 35 .45 God's Lake Harrlcana Heva Gold Duvex Joliet Quebec Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake .. MacLeod Corkshutt Moneta . . HOUSE truiier, aluminum, fur- 46 BI SINESS OPPORTUNITIES BLONDIE Lost Motions By CHC YOUNG lil Auxiliary Halloween f 'n' Sun Legion Ladles' Aux- fall Bazaar, .Nov. 4. A. Fall Bazaar. Nov. 13. ifc Fall Bazaar, Thurs-fvi-nibcr 19, 1953. Kail Bazaar, Friday!" No- I Purple Full Bazaar, Elks . Knv. 21. -e- , . t 'vl Fall Baziar, Novem- nlslicd, liTsulated. At CP Dtck. Best offer. Box 806. News. Dallv ; (233) ARE you troubled with money problems? Become our representative full or part time. We need men and women to act as agents in your surroundings. Experience helpful but not nec- SMALL frig, good condition, $80. Cull between 8 and ft, eve-nines, Apt. 3. 646 Fulton St. '.v, 1 1 -! " t 1 . y i. y ' '. : r i 1 E fj i )( ?-i (233p) jessary. We will train you. Con sult us at once. FAMILEA, Dept. 12, 16U0 Delorimier, Montreal. (It) BENDIX washer; Holixilnt 9.5 cu. ft. refrigerator; chest of drawers. Red 820. (2341 Negus 11 Noranda 63.75 Louvicourt v... .11 "4 Pickle Crow 1.15 New Senator 13a Sherritt Gordon 4.20 Steep Rock 6.00 Silver Miller 72 Sweet Grass Oils 37-'2 Golden Manitou I.andover Oils 22 Aid Ba- 1FI CAN JUST GET FN ew-1 NOW IF I CAN I . I ff VTt - , . I ( UPSTAIRS WITHOUT (JUSTGETMV FKJAMAS ' II-'. gDf I WAKING BLONOc '5 ON AND GET IN BED ' . V i I nil S-i without waking , ; ; - MA'' I gl- m 0 KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED - ' ' Bv ZANE GREY " 1 i'v4ri'i . 1 i1"'- ,-..v r.. 4. . ...... p t if . ,, . J'i'i'lan Ladies' mmlx-r 20. AUTOMOBILES 47 burner coffee W.A. Chrlst- washing lm-table. 426 81 h 233 OIL pot j chine; ! East. Cliurch . bee 3. iial Fall Bazaar, Satur. I 1946 CHEVROLET sedan for sale. Fair condition. May be seen at Frizzell Motors. Please direct bids to Bodard Adjustment Bureau, Prince George, Box 2253. 1233) Mil) OK THANKS KITCHEN range, oil or wood. Good condition. Phone Blue 377. . 1234) . CIRCULATING heater, goodj condition. Ste. No. 2. Levin Apts. (234p RADIO HIAL 12411 Kltfwycles CFPR ' h to express our sln- 1949 FORD 5-passenger coupe in good condition, equipped with heater and defrosters. Good ruhler. Priced for quick sale. fK.s und appreciation to Py friends fur their (Suhieot to Cbftltf) 111 floral cifferlnm nn.l O.K. WASHING machine; Sun- (23.1i 699. inUnesses to us In the Ileum Mlxinuster. Phone Blue tfjwre am MONDAT i.VUI' i than "ii diUoo., radio air, conditioner, . Or Dr. J J A. Mucdonald naw40ixr8. rr of i Jr ..Ar0 .?.. f i'h.,n, Blue hi. , 360. -tiirt , iMSiii 233p) undercoating. undercoating. Mr. Stone, Blue 7 il9 CBO New Roundup 1 stall the Prince Ru- (2371 M. eves. pili-lal Hojinlt.nl . WANTED MISt'El.LANEOU, 31 )il and Norma dtp) f M RAL NOTICES CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY I 7 :S0 Puctnc Pianoforte i 8:00 Presenting ... . 8:16 Cauadian Music ; 8:00 Summer Fallow ' 9:30 Cafe Continental I 10:00 CBC News . ; 10:10 CBC News f j 10:15 Provincial Affnlrs: iocreds 10:30 Bob McMllllIn Show "' - Class. CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, bntterlis, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 8,h Ave. West. (e) USED pot burner for kitchen stove in pood condition. Box 808, Daily News. (233) TRUNK In good condition. Red 820. lit) No. Agencies Wanted , 23 Automobiles 47 Blcvcles. Motorcycles SI Births Boats and Engines Building Materials H8 wTOFERSON At Inver-punday, Sept. 27, 1953, prisi Christoferson, age t". of Dominion Bay. Is and. Rev. H. O. Olson B'luct services at Oren- "'rt Chapel at 2 p.m. . Oct. 6. Interment to ' Falrview Cemetery, dertakers in churge of fiu-nts. b(lu Business Locutions i 30 ROOMS FOR RENT 14 Business PersonalB ........ Business Opportunities Business Property TWO-ROOM apartment, also one room, furnished and L PKKMINAL TMWK.AAmooej7Sis''0s'r-xrpt 1 -&c I I i " rerrernyiAFi-'f, . , ' Ij -wW? H L ABNt-K Behind the Iron Curtain y Bv al Cak " v K LI'L ABMC.R'S FRIENDS RJM V. Jk I WMV DIOM'T WE THINK O' T1 I UNCLE IRONFVNTS-?LxA ' I I WHO EMER I !" , ' , EVEPMWHAR, IS SF.NPIN'iN ) t UNCLt IRONMNT8 BEFORE? J HOW DID VO' -jBt-J SAlp AH S ' s. -. . J IPEASON HOW TO GIT rrJl Mst STARTEP UFB. BEIN' T EVKHGiTOUTA IW "' W?r f Ut-tt THAR'" 1 ' ' ' fir ' - TK'BABVOUTATM' jT'. STOCK IN A DPSAIM PIPE. ) VORE J AMV GOOD IDEAS . " f ' DRAIN PIPF. BOT-?.'JU' TCO.'.'-j DRAINPIPE' r-'i I W THEM LETTER . ! , theIhea by st.cke; - si i.. - WITAlUTf,LAIY..X)U .lJTTS&R&Wl I WELL, MAKE UP X!u .2Ji ? t ''1 " K ' -S " .1 ' ' f fCTWrTHirWSCT f,r Jj? f V'tH VOU WANT IT, K 'f'fe:A Tif;) M , i I UX-ltOO ATTiNBAWT iOT AT LBAfiT Vv , 111 fM HERB AT iKSKT SMA8f W- JJ I (11 l(r& r HANPLiNS S RS9US A CC.B-NAT!OI NW 'V I , FOR vso?. WELL... J . 'SU,- tf& . t vflsTOM6NTON-ViTNCeOPJD. I Cl'ly' ANOTHER TWO 9UCKS M: l i IM 'i '? vVSfcl V want to o to work? .r-Jrf8 UaKihi, osawantap? A ' -- ";'" ,'" ' Cards of Thanks 1 1 :m Min-lc Till Midnight 1 2 :0O Sign-off TUESDAY A.M. 7:00 B. C Fishermen Broadcast. 7:1.1 Mimical Cluck 7 an oho New veatber Recc" 7:3.1 Mimical (lock 8:00 CBC News; Weather 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:1.1 Morning Devotions 8:3 Kecord Allium 8:00 BBC News and Commentary 8:1.1 Musical Malerplece 9:30 Morning Concert 10:00 Morning Visit l:l.1 Riders of (he Purple Sage I u :;! Ill 111; Crnsliy Kings 11:00 Your CJood Neighbor Kate Aliken 10:45 Invitation lu the Walt 11 :16 Kindergarten of the Air Imp ted. Call at 522 Fulton St., !Comlnl, Events Apt. 3. (234pl i cottages. Campsites . 46 . 44 . 8 . 1 . 38 . 6 . SO . 17 . 4 . ti 33i Deaths Alcoholics Anony-IPO. Box 343. Phone ? (234) NESS PERSONALS T TWO adjoining light housekeeping rooms for gentlemen to share. Green 908. (233p) .. IS NICE clean sleeping rooms, close in. 101 7th Ave. East.' Black 877 233) , . n .. 40 mr classified ad In "this l at the economical six f 15 words for 3 con-I days cost $1.35; 15 En . "nspcutlve days p. And remember, you P your ads-just call Klectrlcal Educational ........ Engagements Pur Sale Miscellaneous . . . . , For Rent Miscellaneous . . .". Found , Fuel Homes fir Sala Homes (or Kent Furniture for Sale Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Male, Female Rooms for Rent ........... lu Memorlain . . Information Wanted room and Phone Blue (237p) HOUSEKEEPING sleeping room. 62. . . 38 . . 18 .. 20 . . 19 . . SB .. ... II . . 43 ONE double, one single sleeping Sal FAL Mui.hlna... rt- , ... 1 room available, pnone Kea V84. (237p) Ltstlnnn Wanted .- ROOM for rent, board if desired. jIj0(l oUCBS 1 117 7th Ave. West. (235) Lodye Lodpe Funeral Funeral Notices ...... Funeral Notices Lost 1 1 !3 Mesnage Period Ree. Inf. Program Hesinne ll:4.W Nramtliiavlatt Melodies P.M. l'J:0il Born X Vears To Rmm 13:15 OHC News l:'!r Interlude - 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast I2:B5 Rec. Int. 1:00 Afternoon Concert 2:15 Today's Guest 2:80 Trans-Canada Matlnea 3:I.VKeci!rdH for Yati 3 :45 Yesterday's Favorites 4:15 The Barney Potts Show 4:30 Thunder In the Mountains 4 4S Bleepytlme Storyteller Van slock OjiiUullmin ' :18 iMalise 8:111 -Internationa! Commentary 5:20 CBC News; Weather Report 8:3ii Mimical Program 5 :4h CBC News: Weather Report 8 55 Hava Vou Heard: ONt housekeeping Ambrose Ave. room. 937 l232p) fWrlbutors for Mining, luhtf1 18 8ntl Contra?-Ir onlV . inquiries In. fanvuie n T.slandi vancou- Ufl to rVrT ,Cana1ian Liquid M a 1 welding supplies. G..tSItaM & etorag. feinrt.rlMa,Wori m- ,lght- 8""l.rewounaand V " room. Call at 337 (236) SLEEPINO 8th West. TWO-ROOM suite. Phone 492. (232) Marriages Music. Art and Dancing Musical Instruments personal Property for Sale . ; Rooms an4 Board Salesmen and Agents Situations Wanted Male . . Situations Wanted Female Swap Trade . . . . . Teachers : . . . . . Wanted to Rent LARGE housekeeping room. Call 801 Borden St. (237) jverybody use 99. ROOM to share. Red 471. (234) 0 You Read The Classified Ads Regularly Why Mot Use Them ? 3 4 j f j