Board of Works Employee Loaned Jo Parks Board For Supervisory Job i r f I .:t'iJ m: I 'Amu! view, construction of handrail city to undertake repairs of the in Service Psrk and repair of , tr-tems was not approved, tctem poles in city parks. ! The board of works said it con- Commissioners were advlwd by the city board of works committee that their request for live sidered the parks board with a t0 per cent greater budget this year than last "will find some wav" to make the repairs. A motion by Commissioner TSf.ii Efc-y to purchase a power lawn mower in order to keep down the grass in parks "which Youths Ask Court Trial In Theft Case is growing like hay was difeat- j Z ed. Commissioner Charlie Bal-' : pkS aeno voted against the motion . k . f v I i- s I'M ' - - - v 1 : - M I1' " - " ' y"' V. S , ,., -r J W-f - r - Jlui. ' - ' " " '.'!r ! Parks -board cornmi-isioners , last night considered themselves : fortunate in seurin? the ser-i vices of a city board of works employee as parks working foreman and . supervisor for the summer months. John Briglio was appointed tn the position at a monthly salary of $320 an da work project wa-outlined by the commissioners When his parks work is com-! pleted. Mr Bristlio will return t ) the- board of works. Priority was placed on ciear-; in McCIymoiit Park of stump.-, remaining after last summer's - brushing job on the banks of Hays Creek. A bulldc7er will b ' used to push the stumps together, then the pile will !, ; burned. The area is to be sow:i j ' in lawn. , Other work placed on th priority list included repairs t the Roosevelt Park ftrand.staiu!, clearing of underbrush at West- A -rtXTZ.. should wa:t ur.til next year, then ; Checking aerial photographs and traa,i,rnnt ttiZZ blKL'A to learn of Mexican experts explores the vihich present funds would not rountry. SUnding in background n (rforget II Htnot, Z H who aeU as technical adviser. He w tent i u . 1 allow. I Ac thorn u iira rvlv OiraA - Fiuul nrl Avrii-iilliip Or ,n,,.,i. . m ,L .. . ' 1r .... . inn- ... ..-...., , ln t mtea , including;oners present anotner meeting. Commissioner Hob Armstrong was aiisent. oi I i ? mM k-w lot TERRACE Tvo 18-year-old youths in police court yesterday t ho.,e to faee a preliminary hear-l! i; :n w ith the $4 000 Cook's Jewellery store roboery lu re May 23. One of the youths was arrest-frl in Prince Rupert with part of the loot found on his person. I'vCMH said the other was arrest-. J. in Terrace and a cache of ji-wf Uery located by police here.. The pir appeared before Magistrate Will KobiiiAtm and a pre-, heal iug ordered after :icrusetl chose to stand trial. I The hearing will Uike place in a ftw days. ! Included in the loot recovered i by the KCMP and identified by t he owner. George Cook of Prince Itupert. were 40 watches, 89 rings Remember When t "iU-t riKni '. In.,, 4t t., t, ii!tt m ram'-u.,,i;,i ... i h ail ittf Lii - j. a .j.-w A t your iuru v ij.-, -r .nrn v !.itly. lie , t YANKEE MANAGER CASEY STENGEL looks a b:t puzzied trying to tell the Charnofsky twins apart. The problem will be still tougher for Yar. kee Stadium fans if Stan icentrei and Hal right - ever appear in the Bon-.bers' lineup. Playir.g shortstop and second base, respectively, the brother? are slated for the Yankee farm club in Bmghampton, N Y. IP Internntional Polo Cup honors between the United States and Britain went to the United State;: team 14 years ago today, when they won their second straight in the best-of-three series by nine goals to four. The winning team consisted of Michael Philips, Thomas Hitchcock Yanks Extend Win Streak To 13 Games I NEW YORK (CP New York J Yankees extended their winning I streak to 13 games in the American League and Milwauk -e Braves clung to th'ir one-game lead in the National League CYO, General Motors Play to 2-2 Tie In Hard Fought League Football Game iarce '"i iuxe 'i&hle Top"' Haiit? nu ;, . a lur- renter srpa for ibow-ruotn a.-j Top iturnws wuh the ban iy kti i-m !--- At Lmt9 m'irn fci nce has eat n me th "I'jui'if-m o( liie "'fiiow Val,"! N'.Hi's.j f-rovei liiut true wKiu-ne i maiie m o! a ,: tvwn rokiui ol tiie raailMjw anti ti bi'ifl u-.:-me, white tuna to tiiiigy yi!ow, Uiiiu.fv it.H mnk4 t loitii if;tn. ht tr n a w.v-i frta.iwni!' run t mak '1 -m r-ii y t.i'e. 1;.. the jw-ial pfojM-r'v of Hiii4- That' m-v w.i-;., m cl tint ii-x Ttfio wuh Ithie 10 t t. tin iLjt bin ray anil r-?ure jjatkl-ne i k:ni to th tint ftbrir-. It ort't i;t-rn t Bii da nuantity of cigarette licht- Jr., S B. Iglrhart and W. V, C. ers and cnix. Guest. ft Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. June 11, 1953 stumbled and put his damaged : ': knee out of action and while lyine on the ground was beaten i Wednesday. The Yankees scored sewn In a hard-fou?ht game last , nijjiit in the North Star Football i competition CYO and General Motor.- battled to a 2-2 tie. ! CYO attacked at the start and then the Motors took over and Mills beat Martin Nuvten to put the motormen a goal up. From a corner kick Mohan eoualized the score from close in. CYO went a goal up hen John it n.! ri-t a ft w Tunnies a uiun'ti lu ti-c. by Phillips. L-.(. J.yif I, Hti ( runs in the sixth inning to w UD I I I tm!v li!" wi for tlie whifpt wh, IT, ,CTf v. Detroit 11-4. The second half found both teams pressing. Sunberg turned fte Cant So Sign Yamr Ihtm Won,' to I: T ! ri.oa,h m x u v LltlU, hot tnr too! in a fine shot to tie the score, i ' Motors had a great chance to go ' ; ahead when awarded a penalty, ' but Tait drove the ball just over ; the bar. i I Crosby, who took over In goal j -cnrM A Hi: AT' following a period of pressure ; Wilson, who was subbing in goal, TED BAILEY NEW ISLAND SHEET SHOOTING CHAMPION riri-:ikfnt. the M-mmm-y-tm; T t-i ' i- . r. ICTORIA O Ted Bailey, formerly of Victoria but now of ' '" , Anl "Cp'Stii of W!f-;it w r-Kl for imliv. It contain iron I'or rood r-l ij'ixni no-1 r.dfiutn finti j-iio-rlioni iif .iiu J fi u nt in ili'-e ei-m- ni-t. 'CrfMin of Wheat" u qi'-k mi-l ea-v lo prr-pare, Ctk to rw-ri--t niofi-lmr" in jnt fivp nnii:M Ha! Sid Gordon drove in three : tuns with a home run in the eighth inning for Milwaukee's f-5 decision over New Yoik Giants. ResulU: American New Y'ork 11. Detroit 4; Ph.'.a-delphU 2. Chicago 1; Washington 1, Cleveland 2. National Milwaukee 6. New Y'ork : Chicago 1-5. Philadelphia 9-8; Cincinnati 3, Brooklyn 13; St. Louis 5. Pittsburgh 1. Western International Tri-City 8-5.' Edmonton 7-8; Salem 11, Calgary 12; Vancouver 3, Spokane 2; Lewiston 10. Victoria 4; Wenntchee 4. Yakima 2. a', Island, is the 1952 skeet shooting champion of 1 for the Motors, cleared a fine drive by Mohan. Eckert's centre was cleared with difficulty and ! later his shot was splendidly f blocked by M Nuyten. Both teams fought hard to the end j but neither was abl-j to score j again. i : I v - gie yoi Itl1 kill r- H . tiiv i s ! . tjta ti. ni i n" . !t4f tim or ti ftr r'; Ur' ii- Van x-uv-rr Island. The well-known clay pidgeon marksman adaed new mark ol supremacy to his record in the annual tournament at the Victoria Gun Club. Hi blasted &0 of the 100 birds in the tournament's featured event. from yonnif-t to o!-S--t a "Cream nf W'i-ei!' hrrni.fs-t tv flrtv. Imk for ihe i-idfcijri wj'h tie famdiftr tridfjiiflrk ''Crcarn of t'!'rn(" snd tha mt!lnr rlicf Ivi'h tmH'-mnrks of Cfnin of When (CmiilT), I.M. llri'l Rcf. Cn.iii:.n iin. t'-S. Put. Off a li . rt go..! fc Silversmith was referee. Teams: CYO: M. Nuyten; Carolei. Mye; Letourneau. Rutton. Romane; Verhaar, Phillips, H. Nuyten, Mohan, C. Nuyten. Genera' Motors: John Wilson; Crosbv. Eby Robinson: Fonmes, Sundberg. Lien; Pat Wilson, Bishop, Tait. Mills, Eckert. 1 ' You Can Wilt Cath Priori I p To e F- :,n i y.,:t- achc r-tm i: -i .. MS n Ih Pacific Coast Hollywood 5. San Francisco 0; Portland 2-0, Seattle 0-2: Oakland 0. Los Angeles 4: San Diego 3, Sacramento 1. j First Annual Sports Day Big Success at Burns Lake 1 CHATTER Martin Nuyten 1 K.-T ll.JI nt-ivv . k-:i- '. mill '"'I of lii': l"nM on 1 ' wile, im f.S tr.riH ir i ''iif "J " 1 .. O.I !.. ihl. H'l' f'1-'' fw ff-n h ' Iif .i'-l I' -; ,m lull-. iiiIWI'T MVI'.iiUii.M; o Ilium Bonnet Sn. P.O. Hax Ji. 1"i iIjh All-r.n in Oiix ! n the h'iiiu''t iu'li.uv vim vc BURNS LAKE. The first annual field day of the Burns Lake elementary school was held at the school grounds on June 5. Calling a full quota of school children, many parents and guardians, and spectators from ; "laed his first game in months turrounding schools took a keen : and kept a fine goal. Carolei and interest in the sports which Mye defended strongly. Rutton were capably handled by the j played an all-out game at centre-school teachers. ; half. Letourneau was fast and Co n petition was on the . Romane fought hard. Verhaar house ba.'.;s," the Red House. . dangerous but the forwards the White Hoi-s? and the Blue got few chances. Phillips wastes House. . u-w balls. For winmrs in all cents, first Motors were unucky In goal, received thrt? nointv - John WiLson, who tried his first ll't A Lorelr Bur for A Virnir K, imrrv! x wnti'lrrnil n;.-nir lunh far two or tf'tl in n .1 How nlMnt wmie ili-iiilni rei , . . !ri tli'f-H il li-niu OMl.ii-e "-rillit ii'1-" H"! 1: tl. ni.isonnie 111. IN M t Vi IN N AI-I.. "lOw" ll t ;-!. . aro the id Ihl HUM ? pn.ihli'tH . . . l-'vf-r trii-l Hi'iiiz r7 !;' or ilir frrtimp! imi llcm Siin-iwii h (:ul .' B "f he year when there was : two point-;; third, one pohu, ... . . , n other goalie available, found1 nth winners of awards t school i hi rinmo. im t n v, : ,-nii in-iiw Tin rt'jt piinii-iliiiii to t.'ikf ai'inff nil yv't pi m-iiinmi ! inl i lie ilmiz fur iii .il'i', o DIGEST MAY FLY PHASES mi lur lu; !'-v P aiii. ltii'. So i.'ikp niy tip rrnrnilii r Hi- The kitrhrm U ?a Plr To SpenJ JW llaMart. S- ' . . .ln r.n I ' Tl-I I I Jl J sure wnv Z. i M1E.Z1 till 1'miiifc , I...I. . .1.,,,-n 1,. O 111 "II- rests by age group, with one I and this cost the side a goal, boy and one girl of each grouo. ; Crosby took over and was equal Winners in the six-vear group 1 " """'nini? Eby and Robinson were: Robert Andersen and Eva tackled hard and skilfully, Sund-Sheiler. i h"re Rnf' Bishop who changed In the seven to eight years: ' Places were both good. Furunes Larry Henry and Susan Gerow. was clever. Eckert was the best Nc hilt WlTtTO in tin- 0011:111 with sen. WATEf A YEAR CM APE I with KilRHFTT S white satin r,IH I ra rrnv RIIRNFTT1 london dry r,fJ ! -"v-- . . . unil in-t li-ti-n lu iln-l l- .VI v.w il" n.l.t in ll.f ttr:il ol tlir l-i choice, fish-fooo when oiloosep ay Die ininfiion on th l" ,1' '' one mmutf to whip P a-'lirinn' 1M.I.-H.WK willi Irni-li'" Itt-iw ' :". POH-y, CUPOgHTS CC IN P1SIN& In the ninu to 10 erouo: Bolibv : iirwara. All tnea nara. lc7 f 1 " ! h . TYiOrt urora wirl a r t nuarfrrkinn .v . .... - . .- . . .....u .lil Bft:liiP tf H' ix- Jrr rt' and mi".-Heb Godtisfw eame Strong kicking lit in: VJUUU U x- r -"i i This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor j tiOXTS FEEP tlVIWIi HOU OR A i 111 Si and Sharie Hawse. ! tackling, some hard and fair and KW CAYS Ot-ILy. , COoVfil liv ft sjiri liil prui'f1" l!mt jui'-i rvi mt" i MiH fnrtiut. You'll love U fluonr nn.l crciniv-lin petal. i uuile mill 'r.-n.iijvTrV rlwirt ih.ii Kome not so flr ' I I Total s-'.-orea were 64 to the . Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, THE SoBCACIMCj NYMPH'S SKIN SPLITS j White, House, 51 to the Blue i House and 36 to the Red House, j The award to the White House ! was a large inscribed map for i annual competition. Sometimes there was clever footwork and lots of good heading. Rutton, Bishop, Sundberg all excelled in this play. It was Bishop's first league game of the season for the Motors. He was a stand-out. The field day was self-sup-l orting. Neat stalls . had hot-dogs, ice cream and soft drinks. They were wdl patronized and surplus funds will be used to establish a fund for the permanent school account. POVN THE BACK AND THE DUN f'L.y QUICKLY STPU6&LES OUT (3). If ITS WINGS UNFOLD jl i AND IT FLIES AWAY vi ,NT0 wc"x"s' V TO REST A FEW HOUPS. HEPE, IT SHEDS AGAIN BECOMING AN ADULT SPINNER. AT TWILIGHT, SPINNER CHOOSES MATE AND BOTH PETUPN OOIN- . ED IN FLIGHT OVEP THE WATER. THEN THE FEMALE (S) SCATTEP.S EGGS ON THE CURRfcNTS BEFORE BOTH FALL AS SPENT-WIN&S. gN (A ACCORDINGLY r- USE CORRECT iji:rte IMITATION TO To introduce you to crisp, maliy-rwh Pti Uran Flukes! lou'll relish every imHiiWu U these FRESHHR. BICCil R llakcs. IM)1 H S-TiKlay buy the sptcial package of Ps l lakcs at the repukir price. Insule are coumms worth 10f each on )fc PofS Sugar Crisp, Instant Maxwe I U W Friday evening's game brings together the Battery and the General Motors. In their last game these two played to a draw. Swans Down Cake Mixes. i""'.,' "- I "w I 1 J V I A V 1 fee. v Offer is. good only while supply ol "" ' Bran l lakcs packages lastsl SUIT PHASE. THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN GRAN FLAKES Z ( IUUII in II ii 111 in tk tk iiiiiui IIHltTl Scampers OFFER SAVINGS 0 . v During hot summer dayj, give your feet a "cool vacation" with a pair of Sisman Scampers ! Comfortable durable attractive perfect for sportswear. We have Sisman Scampers in a variety of popular This is the warranty you get I on our used cars ensuring ' you of the fullest satisfaction styles moderately priced Y Cat""'" J . :n t for all the family. See them today! : JW Coffee Sv when you buy. l!).r3 Dodge 2-ilor, Special VKil f ord Custom Sedan, very good condition. 1050 Fordor Sedan, 2-tone. . 1950 Meteor Sedan 2-tone, Products of General Food FAMILY SHOE STORE BOB PARKER LTD. Jl P.O. Box 638 LIMITED Phone 357 "The Home of Friendly Service" Look for tho Special Post's Bran Flakes Package at your Grocer Ji ' - X