ThurWv. J in. , 'V!S With Conquest of Everest Now Over Explorers to Probe Depth of Ocean With the conquest of Kvcrc-'.i, i 'Ternilt me, madam," the gov-1 who has set u) a mountaincer-i.crvcntiuou.s man now titi-n. t rnnr said, "to congratulate vou lmt record bv belne the first . 1 i I from the roof of the world to : on Uie glorious achievement of I man to set foot on the summit the depths of the sea, iynur husband Tensing Norkay, of Everest." Thirty years of hilter failur-! ' " fort garry RfD LABEL COffg iMssefl before New Zealander Iv P. HillMry. 3-1. and the Kherpi (Miide, Tensing Norkay, 39, planted the flafcs of Urilain, 1 1 f United Nations and Nepal on Hie 29.00:! summit of Kvei- India to Honor Ncpalese Guide With UK Expedition est. NKW i AI'i India's; fast approaching, and to take explorers 1...vjti,.1,i ftaiendra Prasad will ' l-recautions on the descent. The Now seK iilists and uie discussing the ocean bed award a medal for ". xtrao.riin- j 'l7 'Wra do not know the cxan KM'ailoll or the climbers. "NEST HAND OF COFFEE YOU CAN BUY snd laying plans to probe thei.' svcpi ts so that no part of the Holie remains hidden in the shadows IM-Curo the light, of Suth century progress. FAMILY TKtOlTION CANHO, NS. CPl James E. Tate here carries on the blacksmith business which his family has liei-M ocrutiiig for almost ary eouiHge and heroism" to TensliiK lilmt ia, Nepalese mountain guide who was one of a j two-man team successful ill scaling Mount Kveiest.. 1 I lie award will lo- lii.uli- at a special ceremony ufter the Ilrit- i ish Kveresv e.edilion, led by m ' Fxplorers inu.t now turn llxir HtU'llUllll III tin- llllili.'.- covi-ri'd deplhs of the ocean." i Sir lniglas Mawson, famous 100 yearn. His grandfather! started tlH- smithy in 1H59 and i his father conducted it before i t in. John Hunt, makes its way For quick results try o Doily New$ CI, Ji'""'!i lM,k ov'r of the down the perilous slojies Australian Antarctic exploi-r, said in Adelaide, 'Australia. The lields of physical achievement are becoming fewer, m- said. Iut the ocean remains "a great nn- .0 b . J-i. .. . ..... Vr W. - k ! I MH. AM MUS. Ituss I.KM' OF BnMPT0X. OXT., won $140,000 in the Epsom Derby after Sir Oiirdon Rii lumiy piloted fnia U) victory in the 174th running of the F.neJUi elastic. Tliey are anion;; throe Ontario residents with Irish sweepstake:: tickets on the winner. i.nown sphere." Taking him at ids word is (he shaggy-mustached Helgl in scientist August I'iccard, 69, virtually the only man today constantly delving into the mysti r- ! ies of the sea. ! At the French naval base of, Toulon secret tests are being carried out with the 10-ton steel diving bell in which Picc.ird . plans to explore the ocean b d 2U,lKM-foot H-ak. Tensing hlso will 1 honored by his own Ncpalese government. The guide's companion on the ascent to the top of the world's highest mountain. Edmund Hillary of New Zealand, and Hunt have lieen awarded knighthoods by the Queen. Since Tensing is nut a Hrltlsh Mibject, study Is being made of how Britain can most suitably rerognivse his part in th achievement. The Indian government radio meanwhile warned the Hunt party that monsoon storms arei Algonquin Crew Offers Blood To Save Marine's Fiancee Inflere leos'isiimeii IB 1 1(1 SAN DIEGO. Calif. (API Canadian Navy men have offered their blood and it will be accepted tc help save the sweetheart of a U.S. Marine. leave the past month to obtaining blood for Miss Davidson, who has no family to turn to. Fellow marines here and in Hawaii have contributed. RUM h : Spokesmen for the crew of the! The Canadian crew read of Canadian destroyer Algonquin, Miss Davidson's plight In the ! . , , n, ' y San Diego Union and. after .w..ui.,, iw pi. .us woum oe getting permission from the Al- Ronquin's skipper. Cmdr. P. E. Russell, canvassed the crew. i."cii ivji ituiivy uaviuson, u. I The pretty fiancee of Sergeant Guy Warren of the Marine USED CARS I Nearly the whole crew volun- i 'Death Angels" air squadron W0 kit ?:''s1 tr- red. MAKES NABISCO SHREDDED VIIEl! ir.-,i based at Hawaii, needs a nint. of Sludebaker 4-ilMr $; :."0 t i 1 11.0 Sludehuker 4 -door - TODAY'S BEST CEREAL BUY! SI7MI fresh blood at least every two Tile lj!ood wiI1 be Riven at the days. San Diego community blood bank Her doctor said she was ill 'ay when the Algonquin re-with a severe anemia, threaten- tunix from a brief exercise nt ing her life. ; The offer came just as Warren j at a greater depth than ever 1 before. ! I'iccard plans to go down ! nearly 10,000 feet this summer off the Italian island of Poti'i, near Capri. This is nearly 7.0'iO feet more than the record set up by U.S. explorer Charles William Bee bo off the Galapagos Islands in 1934. Piccard will explore unknown plant and animal life with the help of powerful .searchlights attached to his new, Italian globular batysphere. In 1U48. he abandoned a projected 13.200-foot descent off Cane Verde Islands because his bathysphere was damaged In a trial dive. Now Piccard says that at the end of the Ponza expedition, he may make a ballo m ascent to 100 000 feet to find out whether life exists on Mars. Hut the world has not forRot-fi n the achievement of the nu n still on the icy walls of Everest. Mrs. Tensing Norkay and tier tw children had a caller at their humble home at Dai j-- hpg, west Henrral, a special messenger from Dr. H . C. Mookerji, governor of the state. i 101!) Sludebaker 4 -door $1 12.", Tf. t was starting back to Hawaii at! the end of an emergency leave. ' "That's wonderful," he deelar- : ed. "Those Canadians are all 1 iim advertisement is not published or displayed by 1 he Liquor Control Fund Short Of Finances of noaru or hy the Government Urmsh Columbia. right." Warren had devoted all of his I'tlf Studebaker 4-il.iur i(h overdrive Si ;$.-,( lir.l Interna llunal Pickup $l.r. 11.M Austin A 10 Sedan 125 Ifllf) Hudson Sedan $:.-,0 SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. CH1LLIWACK (CP) Attorney-Oeneral Runner told the provincial game convention here that the game conservation Hind will be operated when revenue is sufficient. Hi' said Game Department ex i I i ' ! e f All i Hi y ' " ' be ?uretogeb penditures last year totalled SfiS0.92l' against returns of SS78.874, and there was no money left to transfer to the lund. The fund was established at the reqo.-st of sportsmen who, in turn, agreed to raise hunting and fishing licence fees. C!ii f Imiloidst James. Hatter n ixirted on the "deplorable" state of moose range throughout the southern interior. "It's a question of long-term planning," he .said. "We can have more moose on the range now and none later or, prop- nn 0 ' eriy managed, we may livi I somewhat fewer moose for a healthy annual crap. ' FoiFATIIERS)AYJiine2F GIVE HIM MONTHS OF SHAVING PLEASURE! You'll make Dad happy with a gift of a Gillette Razor or a carton of Cilien Blue Blade. Gillette one-piece Raton change blade, in.tantly, clean inttanily and Hie best-looking ihavet ever. Gillette Blue Blades with the iharpetl edoei ever honed, will give him clean, refre,hing havet every lime. Why can we. keep the rric NAniSm SHREDDED WHEAl down ? Because it's the largoi-scllm wli lo w heat cereal . . . enjoyed 1U Gillette Deluxe Rocket Rator Set hy ' 54'K,372 Canadians! Tnmirrti Mother, compare xVAHISCO. SHREDDED WHEAT will, other cereals. Compare both nourishment and price. You'll find that no 01 her ready-to-eat cereal gives you more honest food value . . . because NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT is made from pure 100 -whole wheat. Even contains the bran and wheat' germ. Yet ounce for ounce, this gnuit Canadian cereal costs less than uuv serve xlelicious, wonomicalNABlS(.li 50 Gillette BLUE BLADES In Handy Dispensers Attractive Father's Y-k sil Ja lUo mm snrif nni n WHEAT. - al slar! saving real money on breakfast! Gnhl-plnted Rnekrt Kuior dn-fif nsrr St yrr ne travel ca opens at a touch. $1-59 Standard Rocket Set Nukel-plmrd fenzor- ill GiUrttv Blue Blndn in rliirner Styrene I" avel case. j Day carton contains five dispensers, each holding 10 Gillette Blue Blades. $2-50 Prefer a hot cereal? Ju pur boiliim water, ilmin off quickly & EeonomuM W otbur tyaJy-to-eat cereal - serve! So delicious, so easy! reoD ESSINTIALS NABISCO SHREOOtl CARBOHYDKATES-1' energy PROrEIN-tehelp"" A new convenience! A new economy! Tho 2-ll. Family l'ack contains the same delicious, smooth-spreading l'arkay Margarine you've lieen buying in the one-jMiund size liut the savings made possible in packaging are passed on to you. Whichever size you prefer, lie sure to look for the new blue package with the picture of a cake of ice in the corner. ul one) othrt,sM essential W FAT - balanced diet H-1.-$m IIII5)fB)ali5i HION-on essential iH .( k. bleed CAICIUMIPH05PHW PARKA. . for normol ta.rtl B Ok I A A ii . 1 1 r. 11 '. j it cent'"! V ' V.Y A w WHOLI ... . BSi VIImir to the meintena nermelopP"1" I At:sc GILLETTE CORONATION SET No. 66 Rhodium anil briulit nickel-plnted, one-niere razor and 10 Oillene Blue Blade, in dn.eni;r. Chrome trimmed travel case Im. simulated snake skin cover. Velvet and satin lining WtrnmeifT KRAFT'S delicious margarine that spreads smcolhly even when ice cc!dl X l. ,. I 1 I T i .'! 'T J v..?, GILLETTE CORONATION SET No. St New feat herwricht one-piece, bright nickel and aluminum-plated razor with ten-blade dispenser and chronic trimmed metal cane-red srain finish velvet and satin lining. $3.r K'- ir-1 k SHBEttllHEff 4J to""! r t-(f rf 44 $5-00 kit ' ' t him' THE CANADIAN SHRFDOffl I WHFAT fOMpAMY. LTD.