' - 1.4 Prince' Rupert Daily NeWs OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MucLerx, As I See It () V-'V Friday, October 2, 1053 BOWLERS Sunday, Oct. 4,( at thf IWwIin! ft. Persons iShinu may leave their the bowling klleyt An Independent (jatly newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Associatlnn Published toy The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. J, f MA GO It, President H. O. PERRY. Vice-President Even if the marketing of the current year's wheat crop should prove to be a slow and even in many respects an un- . .,.-...... .-..-...rut inn I.hP fed- 'ill iTv-; , cne lart?e grower received a cheque for St'20,0(M) In payment for 600.000 bushels. He Immediately took his pen, wrote a companion cheque for $25.000 and mailed the two enemies to the finance minister in settlement of his income tax account. ! sautum lui y uHtm.". ' V i eral government uut-Mi i, mi" . SubsorlpUon Rates: hy carrier Par week, 25c: per month. $l 00: per year, 10 00. gjni. Isv mall Per month. 75c: per year. 1.800 Authorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department. Ottawa. too loud a chorus or comprint from western growers. Such an attitude seums at first sight to involve un optimism lor which no warrant cun IT' f 'te- bo found in the highly vocal i record which the wheat bloc his A. A. A. Tiie Automobile Aaiociatiou lAAAi offer a(lflllt. tH'iH'fits to niotori.',t:i. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER Local Ateol riilL 1JSZKV - established for itself in these t ' parts In the past. Hitherto unj 4 Un,L' thhigs have ceased to (to altoKther to the liking of the - pr.ilrte fanner, the .federal hu- Uwi'ities have heard about it .i:-4 1 with a speed comparable to ' t ,.,.u,iiu.H llulil IIII1L' mid with luJ , Sinclair Salmon I)ea THE Honorable Jimmy Sinclair will surely have the eyes of all B.C. upon him as he tries for the big salmon deal with Britain. Much of the prosperity of B.C. rests on salmon. Right now the .salmon markets are clogged. In addition to a magnificent 1953 catch there is a huge carry-over from r IbJi season. II this Prince Rupert Reolty Co. iij Third Avenue Kami gentleness of impact. ! ALTHOl'GH SOME ESKIMOS are adopting the customs of the rlw prospwt of the western-1 white man, even to taking job:; on the "outside," life for most of : t.r)i being patient In the stormy the' 8,600 Eskimos in the Northwest Territories and Quebec is j marketing period which may lie Here Is an aging aliead Is, therefore, one of Par- essenuully what Is was for their ancestors. , surplus could be sold, or swap- i Eskimo couple at home in their canvas tent. Although Adamee -. . , -jj ... ,f right! B0, is blind, he hears the souna oi ine om kuuiik uummhk seal oil under the kettle his wife has boiling. They live at Uike Harbour, Eastern Arctic. Treat Cold Season With Care I j: THEIR own indelicate way, gusty winds and I : livering temperatures hint that winter is soon with us. In addition to certain discomforts caused h.C jlie cooling climate, the changing season brings increased dangers to life and limb. '.According to the All Canada Insurance Federation, the highest number of fires and accidents occur in the fall and winter months, causing hundreds of deaths and injuries. ;:; The Federation, which represents over 200 fiVe, automobile and casualty insurance companies, mskes the following suggestions for home safety: i See that there are no piles of leaves and rubbish behind shrubbery, near house, or ..! in eaves. Guard against flying sparks when r burning leaves and rubbish. - 2) Have electric wiring and equipment . : ;;; checked by experts. :. 3) Chimneys and flues should be cleaned at least once a year. Haxe experts check all '-' heating equipment. 1) Store inflammable liquids in swell' marked safety cans. . . . ,. . . , ,-v 5) Use metal containers for disposal of ashes from furnaces. uamuin luu iiiui . i w lopmeuU. It clearly suggesU Ian enplanallou. And this l;i the story the government gets: j Hie reastu many of the we.it-! erners aren't going to be too conc.f ined about cashing in this year's crop Is becau.n' they al- ready have provided for this j ear's Income with last year's wheat! ! Jt seems that out on the i prairies the wlieul growers are ped in one bulk deal, the whole business picture in B.C. would clear. But much more than the welfare of B.C. depends on Mr. Sinclair's visit to London. This week in Ottawa statesmen from Ireland and Australia both served notice on Canada that their countries would be forced to cut down their buying from Iron Indian Regimental Mascot May Be Brought to Canada BELLEVILLE. Out. it A nine- Chief was a victim of eircum us unless we increased our buy- foot iron Indian, .regimental stances, but only recently did the )l0 mure reconciled to paying the Hastings anil regiment get news of ju.st where income tuxes than ure any WATER ing from them. Last week, in mascot of Montreal, our prime minister j prince Edward Regiment during the mascot was buried. j other of their fellow-cltleii i gave the sharpest warning that t,ne eariy purt of Uie Second Si;t. Eddy King, the only man I But last year the heivy tmle.i any country has given to the world War, may be exhumed now living of the four-man de-j0j wlt-at which it had been lin- United States in recent years. ; fr0m a battlefield grave and re- tail that burled Utile Chief, is possible to market in the f jll It was: , turned to Canada as a war mem- to go to Fiance to point out the , ,,f i93 provided them with tells tlic trutli about wliislj exact burial spot, j i,i(e v.o.n. must ouy irum i"-- oriai. IJ .1 4 Ihu m, . . 'Little Chief . The sapa of the mascot began slightly more than , a normal annual income In the early moiAlis of the year. Conse wui wo, ' vnr . cAtciit niufc. me i ne siatuc ui f U.S A. sells to the world, or else i was buried near the seawall at in 1039 when the regiment was quently, when the 1952 crop was mere is iisk oi uuuwiri wui m ki'Pkl. amia me crasn ui minim rciuuiirii iui nn i.v ...... bombs In June, I'J40, after the in I'li ton was stationed next door harvested, many growers simply depression regiment was sent to France for to a canning factory, on top oi , d, a Vered it to the elevator for short-lived stay beiore the , which was tne inni-iooi ""' utorage. not for sale, ineir in THE Sinclair mission Is an experiment in what you nii'sht call streamlined barter. Indian, an advertising gimmick. tentlon was to hold it until af Germans took over the country. Put Seagram' "83" to the wter m. Water, Jlain or sparkling, reveals a whiiky'i true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagrams "83" ((nmailian. IVhitfuj Seagrams wSurt The last night before embark- j lfr janUarv 1. sa that 1U pio- ation, regimental practical jokers j 0,.etiH wouldn t urive them into scaled the wall, brought the , npa .-confiscatory lax brackets. .-tatue down and set it up in front That w.at has moved to News of the fall of France brought orders to return at one, destroying all equipment. Little Parliament Meets With 12 Vacancies ol the sergeant';: mess, in n ma,-k,.t at a good pace In the blanket and holding a glass of fjl.st na of the present year ) Canada says to Britain: j We will buy from you a good-I ly quantity of tinplatc, diesel engines, fish nets and so forth, j With the dollars you earn from this sale, you will buy B.C. 1 salmon. j There is nothing new about t the idea. As a matter "of fact, milk. The balance of it almost cer- TtKt'N ON STRENGTH jtainly will be cleaned up befon ii! Christmas. And that will sat Thi odvertimnt it not published or dijploye(tbyiil the western grower with ,,k '1 on the nosslble exception of the Control Board or by the Government ot Sfiti W K-te. Battle .. Axe, . but me luc name iiait.c , r - . . . In Upper House Bv KEN KKI.I.Y j .....h tn inn, r-hir ...... j it is based on the oldest and most solid of all trade piinci-I pies. Before the dawn of the i modern age ships Were loaded .small small uiJfiai-uia ujjriutuia w.u wiw .,i un the the same same happy happy financl financial r ' , n,nTe,. him aboard port- 6) When storing summer clothes, remove matches from pockets. 7) Spark arresters for chimneys are advisable if roofs are shingled. . 8) War trophies and firearms are dangerous. Make sure there is no danger of explosions ; or accidents. 0) Never leave garden tools and children's toys lying about grounds. , ' Without trying to overdo, this list of reminders, we have a few thoughts of our own to throw in. Coarse salt on steps and slopes which thaw (hiring the day and freeze at night is a useful piTcaution. So is the installation of boot scrapers to remove snow from feet before reaching smooth tiled or linoleumed porches and verandahs. ; Another precaution that pays off is fro keep careful eye on "quick" drying of clothes near ;)hy stove or heater. Finally, it might save young lives if children sleighriding on roads are warned of the lack of control that drivers frequently experience on, hills in winter. ! tion as the big producers. But the troop train and aboard ship. Ctinadlan Press stun Writer , it Isn't the small operators who OTTAWA Parliament assem- ! In Aldershot. the mascot was cause the government trouble uiei-at any time- Jt's tne biy; ond bleu this fall with 12 vacancies taken on manoeuvres. In t.h Rpnnte nrnhfthlv a recind "There wasn't ft uniW In j up with the products of their Sown countries. They sailed 1 across the oceans to faraway ! lands. They traded their i goes for what the foreigners had j to offer, and brought back the lniiueniiai growers. Any idea that farmers -wheat farmers, at any rate don't pay income taxes to amount to anv considerable sum is strictly a legend created by city slickers. ' A couple of years after World number for the first session iof , Allied Expeditionary Force that a new Parliament. - flldn't at xom time attempt to5 The 12 empty seats in the 102- .'steal Little Chief," said Sgt.-seat upper chamber are largely In jMaj. Angus Duffy. Several suc-eastem ''ed but 100-man re.scue raids provinces. Quebec has, four, New Brunswick three, On-; always recaptured him. a i r !..; t rftl-tmt mt.-tt ofttli (hPiii ii j foreign products to sell in th'ir jown homelands. V j,!) - How much .11 1 War II, when the Wheat Board ish Columbia and Manitoba one i France. At the outskirts of Brest. , each i as the German dive-bombers ".,-. Prior to the Aug. 10 federal j screamed down. 8gt.-MaJ. Duffy 71hd1pay"ler"t '"h8; deliveries during the war vear, years. election, a record 23 vacancies ! ordered the mascot buried. existed in the Senate. However, ggt. King and three other men Prime Minister St. Laurent ap- ! shrouded Little Chief in army pointed 11 new senators In Mayjound sheets and dug a grave and June to give the Liberals 82 , six feet deep in a grove of .'.yea-seats against the eight held by ! more tres. The position was faaue for Joila Scripture But in recent times trade has become clogged because money and the intricacies of exchange have been allowed to bottleneck the very purpose money was designed to serve. Nations fell into the fundamental error of acting as if they were selling their goods for money forgetting that money Is in itself of no value unless it can if feet actual exchanje of goods or .services. THE Sinclair experiment recog-ni'es that Canada has the surpluses, and that Canada can only sell these surpluses if, in effect, she swaps them for the goods, services or properties which the buyers have for sale. ; It Is the first direct demon- "Thou crownest tbe year with thy goodness." Psalm 65:11. pin-pointed on a map which was later lost. SAFE RELIABLE SERVICE P.oinpt and Coiirlenu Phone 5 3 7 TAXI Ken Nesbitt - Ronnie Tul b - . " '. -, . v it; ,,' .. g - - ; .,( : ' ... . . - '4, - '.5 V'"'-'- :,' it " Progressive Conservatives. ANCIENT OATH , Before the new appointees may take their seats, they will be chief actors in an ancient ceremony of parliamentary government. They will swear allegiance to the Queen at a full session of REFLECTS and REMINISCES ! CScay 8TART OF SEARCH i Two years ago officers of the I regiment began a search for uny-lone knowing the burial spot. I Sjt. King said he knew, the spot. He expects to fly overseas I j will you Keep J j of your first II $100,000? the Senate. This ceremony, based on prac-.iioniy 1 I""'"- 1'11'" "'r' " .Stanley Burke of the Sun staff, square in front of passing telephoned at random 24 persons people, sidewalks and all. i in New JCork city, inquiring if i j4 't , 1 lino in the British House Of tflUf ami llt'lJJ ruit', liiiu iiun;. sstratlon sot;, what ...L'have bf h lords', differs from usage in the ... ...i t' ...i.. i'00. v ,u anvuiie Knew r locaiioiv 01 -vr.,tt - t, r.ii othAfl. r.o . . i '"l"'ul i auvocacing u uui uoiunui over pnn1nwillvh(i'i t, ... .... , n m H new S tn I??" he-d. ..i? 19M meX take The 0 , The SATURDAY MONDAY Ti r e lad but the sir.hT i?l"Vy 8" i .Wn 0"" "l .P'"a.'n privacy of the office of the clerk then convinced me of the ab- knowledge. Some thought this ol the Commons. ' L. C. Moyer, clerk of the Senate and clerk of the Parliament 1 surdity of scarcities of food in Beria is still supposed to be in I Britain whi:..- there were even province was in South America. SPECIALS ; hiding. As for Hitler, we are then vast surpluses of foods lnj when 8enate and Commons' hold inni.u nt uirrtiu.ni ' 1101 preparea xo aeciare ouirignt ronnta one of their rare joint sessions, J'here Is not enough praise of that he is not dead. What if they what'stood between the Brit-ticenlrlclty, says Dr. Sidney were both to suddenly show up? 1 isn people who wanted and Mii.ltli presiueni of the Uniyer-j j needed our foods such as glty of Toronto. "Every day," he It's beginning to look as if in mon appies Deef and wheat, laments, "we are adjured to pur- j the past hundred years man has was ' a shortage of Canadian tie the same goals, admire the ' invented new ways of doing al- : dullars There was only one way uine people, enjoy the same ; most everything, except going to ! for the British to get those reads the oath for the new senators to repeat after him. They swear "that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II." The Commons' oath is similar. Before they take the oath the you'll likely earn it r not. gusuuirs, eui u.e same uuu.es me uoBs. , dollars, and that was for Can- .luring your working J" So the big qurrtion U lIwmii.hofll'iill,'i"U!"' ..1.... v.u retire? and think the same thoughts new Senators must satisfy the Speaker and the Senate that they ada to buy more of what the are eligible for membership. 'I ney There Is such a thing as sub-tjierging the individual in the tide of conventional mediocrity. Tan the good doctor have an ttea? .. Iworfl British had to sell. Sinclair is attempting on a modest scale what Canada could and should do on a titanic scale. It is exactly what Roosevelt and BOYS' BOMBER JACKETS, Fur collars, quilted lining. $ (J ( speciu 0'" BOYS' PANTS Worsteds and all-wool tweeds. f n QfiJ SPECIAL :. Ltl lo Q'ga BOYS' SWEATERS ond T-SHIRTS Good quality pullovers. $-4 Qfij $ft fj Now to BOYS' WINDBREAKERS All wool, heavy weight. $0 'JJJ $A Now to Tt BOYS' LACED RUBBER BOOTS Less than cost. 9 00 Now, pair -- MEN'S RUBBER COATS Suitable for semi-dress and work. $Q ijf" Double back. KPEt'lAI '. tU There are only 18 morning newspapers left In Canada. The Citizen, in Ottawa is the last to swerve towards the afternoon field. The reason why? Nobody seems to really know. Nevertheless, the drift in that direction has been going on for years. make a declaration under oatn in Mr. Moyer's office that they own property valued at $4,000 or more unencumbered by debts. The Speaker reads to the Senate the letters patent, granted by the governor-general, naming the appointees senators for life. ) Mackenzie King did in the Hyde You one it lo yoiirwlf to tnke J Itank a regular anmiinl fr' Jy from now 1 the fortune voii Hill $f T I OR GEORGE? ( (tlawa hints George Drew, raris agreement, wnicn enabled this country to pay her full share of the war without one cent of handout-help from Table mountain ' overlooking A poet has been inquiring, if people do not feel like atoms when they contemplate the stars. But who on earth has any idea of what an atom feels like? Uncle Sam, of the kind which comprised the whole basis of .eader of the Conservatives, may he ottered a seat in the Senate. Unlikely, unless there Is some guarantee of acceptance, well in dvance. The Senate has been (ailed Canada's most luxurious elub. But that's only one name. Cape Town, so called because of the other allies' economies. jts flat top, rLses 3,540 leet. "MYBANH ,J, "I'i ESDI FISHERMEN'S Mock battle on the North Atlantic engages the ships of three nations, supported by a thousand aircraft, and extends from Iceland to Morocco. It's not war. yet there's that inevitable "but." h Bicycle riding is becoming more general. Accident cases appear i lack increase. And isn't it rand when, In dismounting, you Jiiow your bike to drop right ALL-WOOL PANTS il 60c SALE 60c on RECORDS All sizes. $ 8-75 Now Bank or Moiy;- MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS Black and brown. All sizes. Lots POSTPONEMENT 78 RPM 78 RPM of wear. Oood fit. $ 5-50 1-iince Rupi it Branch: T, SPECIAL, pair ROBERT CO' Stewart Blanch: WEIXINO"" WILUAM Terrace Branch: POPULAR STOCK LARGE SELECTION RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC LOOK FOR THE NAME The monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce scheduled for Monday, October 5th, has been postponed until Monday, October 19th on account of Civic Centre membership drive being held on October 6th and Monday, October 12th being Thanksgiving Day holiday. PHILIP M. RAY, Secretary. Phone 641 313 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert Daily Between the Royal and Belmont Hotels For quick result try o