f o Rupert Women Shown Latest Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, October 2, 1SI53 ! 1 . TT Chlorinated Water Irks Socreds' Mrs. Arsens '"Wilt. Ainter Fashions at Legion Show f " " 'AAnrlium' Medium' Skirt CL:.i. I .1 0-. m Lenaths Stol V By J. K. NESBITT VICTORIA. Social Credit's Mrs. Arsens, pert in a new hair-do on her golden brown tresses and a corsage of sweet peas tp light up the pink of her cheeks, made the most provocative speech of the session. You either agreed with Mrs. Arsens or thought her plum nuts. Here, we thought chlorination f A plug for eating-out. She said; "I am not recommending wine, If big, raw-boned, barrell-Jawed Liberal Gordon Gibson of Liilooet ever gets defeated and wants a Job, he'd make a good barker on a sightseeing bus. He gave maps of Liilooet riding to every MLA. Then proceeded to tell them of the scenic beauties from Horseshoe Bay to Liilooet, while at the same time making a strong plea for a road. Ancient Rome built a road system stretching from n-rtherii Scotland to the Euphrates river in Asia Minor. Mink Tails, New Style Features By SHIRLEY YULE A "happy medium" in skirt lengths and a wide diversity of styles designed to flatter and please every woman highlighted last night's Fall Fashion Show presented by the Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion. The Legion auditorium was' ntal tucks from throat to hem-crowded with more than 250 llne- women who O-ed and ah-ed at Another smart little dress was the many new and exciting styles black wool Jersey, very simply in clothes ranging from practical styled with peg-top sheath skirt, rainwear, especially suited to ftlld dressed up with a grey and f-'l - , ' w i ACTi 6 1 ft i i a . Y- 11 1 Prince Rurwrt wRther,to lovely black fringed reversible stole I cocktail gowns. I Frock coats, Important in the ; Perhaps outstanding In the ' fashion field this year, also were Refrigerators v. " .shown. One was of silver grejr with black velvet accents at throat and wrist and dropped shoulderline. A glamorous cocktail dress of i rainwear line was a prettily-feminine but highly-practical reversible coat, soft grey outside and guv red and grey checks Inside, with the check repeated on the wide turn-back cuffs and on a tiny off-the-face-matchlnir A XS brown French crepe was another standout In the sonhisl.lrat.prl '1KMI KS ol Nnr-i who won Hip titlP. Teen Queen," is i (if her awards- r the Klbow Beach Bermuda. hat. It was a Jaunty little coat: line. It featured the new sleeves In the full swinging fashion so I cut deep, nearly to the waist and populur this year. a big perky bow of- raln'bow- In the sportswear field, there limed shot taffeta at the neck- i I s I Know how the diction- 1 i 1 I J I I iry deft ies were suits, smart skirt and jack- lllle of water had been accepted by the people. Yet Mrs. Arsens poked and prodded at that old sore until we're all liable to oe fighting among ourselves again about chlorinated water. Why. Mr. Speaker, said Mrs. Arsens, heaving with indignation, to chlorinate water in our beautiful city of Victoria is a sin. it's against the principles of democracy, Mr. 8peaker! If we are to believe Mrs. Arsens, chlorinated water Is sending people to hospitals and insane asylums and, if water is fluoridated, we're all liable to end up In bed, or as raving lunatics behind bars. Mrs. Arsens didn't say whether chlorination and fluoridation create Jailbirds. GARBAGE IDEA And we heard about garbage from Mrs: Arsens. Everybody, said Mrs. Arsens, should be compelled to wrap their garbage into separate bundles tin cans, which you'll be forced to flatten, papers, and waste foods. The waste foods, she said, should be taken to the parks and dug in as fertilizer. Now. this is a fine idea, waste food being an excellent fertilizer. But the spectacle of thousands, the law whipping them on, trudging to the parks and digging in their garbage to make the grass and the flowers bloom is too stupendous to grasp. Mrs. Arsens didn't say what we'll be forced to do with the flattened tin cans, and the old ; r et combinations and pretty wool ! "Harmony"? j "agreeable i effect". That Metallic thread and rhineston- Legion euctly exactly what what If II you'll you'll find find in in 1 f dresses, all casual but lovely. One outstanding ensemble comprised a scarlet blazer, cut on straight, trim lines and practical for wear with any skirt or slacks. It. was worn with a pretty all-round pleated skirt in the Mc- $ Revise Fltrvey-Woods. 2 -piece under- ' ear ... or in any of the V many Harvey- es were used generously for trim on dresses, hats and veils In the entire afternoon, cocktail and evening dress line. Coats Bright, Full Bright colors and full, sweeping lines featured the showing of coats. There wasn't a fitted coat in the show. Reds, browns and greys were the dominant colors land Act i ,,l lRae tartan, with scarlet French Woods styles They're well made of the ' linest materials to give you wonderful fit, FIVE NKW ITEMS OF CLOTHING, in addition to improvements in materials and minor tailoring modifications to four others', have been authorized for nursing sisters of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. Above, looking smart and trim in three patterns of dress, are nursing sisters of the Kingston Military Hospital. Left to right, Lt. (NSl O. Y. Hannas, of Star, Alta., in the modified winter service suit; Lt. (NSi M. M. Hunter, of Ninette, Man., in the modified mess dress; and Lt (NSt A. E. Parker, of Plaster Rock, N.B., in the new summer service suit of khaki wool rayon. ? beret' another popular , fashion tnd Art a, to fit r t the ho I nole tni(t ycar (rians in areas such 1 .Bltcit, was approved j Pleated Skirt iibcrshlp of Prince Another hltrhnnl.. ua. a ri.i One flf thf vmnrtnvt I smart ap; pear- 11 , coats was a dashijig model in Id M nee. and long oi son grey jersey with a cl ng- cnarcoal and oxford grey featur- rr. "Tl re"S-i " ""-round pleated skirt, ! Ing full sleeves, full oack stand- comfortable wear. RCA Model DB Deluxe ' ' FEATURES . -jfcr Across the top freezer jc Butter-Keeper" it 3-Door Shelves 8.7 cubic feet it 44-Pound Freezer Capacity. For Only $349 00 ,,ks ui uit ei.i.ioii .smartly set shoulders and at-' up collar and sweeping cuffs but AutiiiK that the vet tractive bodice Interest In the really setting the pace in the clever design, worn with pretty! coat field was a beauty in red paddy green accessories. j mohair, a full swinging coat Alcn (aaf nmH In lk - ' I.............. i i ... ttle on two acres of v receiving financial i revised, cutting the PERSONALS - I " nt uic cunum irauui ing tm-aciieu scan iippea dress line Were tu:n llMItt nam.iulth nrnHo cri .V.I..I, ;i.. ip-age allowed Mrs. C. M. A. Capstlck, 1040 last nluht aboard the Prince .?;,thJ n,V !f th! of knltted dress. one a two-5 popular trim on everything this 1 other parts of the plecf number In the beautiful .season, ft impossible to find romantic new nmrlhv.t .h.H. I 01 1 . Hays Cove Avenue, a resident of George for Vancouver where her;Paucrs- And, being a restaurant op- Prlllfo TJunort fn- man,, von r. I daughter, MtS. Ralph (Bcttyl arable land in one r ,." 1 " w " "-I--" 3 J '.mihorf nr.,., .i TT. son, ! erator, Mrs. Arsens put in a i vi.v 1 b hut 1 uoiura. iiri UNDERWEAR Wails & Nickerson MEN'S WEAR Ibe n -h r;" ,.P.a ,y' n. lne e I" has left to make her home In Edward, is remaining in Prince j il! be sent to theior tea-party. The other knitted : .irtD. . ..,.. ....m... " i ! Vancouver- he came " with Rupert. $35 Down $18 Per Month MtRAE BROS. LTD. "The Store that Service Built" Phone 6 or 36 ti.ment. with copies: suit, with gently flared skirt and blue. " j the late Mr. Capstlck from Nova , . . . Doug Hogarth na Mr t. 1. rtDDie- s crit v b oused ton was In tor. uvu""' ' " "" Mr. A. E. McMillan cenera m. James Sinclair, ! tan green. oriaai forty mcmurr ui oi. 1 manager 01 cassiar Packers, left corge 1 Leaves City For action try Classif ieds rel" s cnurc11' sne wa l0 non. M,,.-.h..r . .,, manV last night aboard the A variety of smart fall suits. 6 hews and MP for f.o. and to the Pro- uu v., wv-.ior Vancouver, wncre ne to eharmina hHrt. i . . with lovely fur neckpieces and iuuid of the Cana Jackets also were shown. Thh,. fT t; . " : men s oiganizauons. one leu .spend the winter months re- For Vancouver turning here next spring. suits were all slim nf lino hcan. edged with seed pearls and net 1 Jhe lull and winter j tifully fitted, and in basic colors. yoke, and full skirt of lace, its i scalloped edges opening down ! yn, mciuaing curl- One was of smart navy blue serge. ers ' 1 wuvoa n. nugarLii, uopuiiii ... , , ,. Two officials of the Canadian ytm Prmce Ru t barter. Chemical and Cellulose Company. hM old hlg pracUce here anQ I' night and open ' another of softly tailored grey j the front over an under-panel of- p . ouiunea Dy WOOl PlC n Die. both tODS 111 1 mvnrnir,n-nlnQtuH wln Aim JSivlu.rnnt jiiilp 7R mm rrr. wmuea, ye.sieraay wouna up 1( tor Vancouver. He sailed for f'.vdm Alexander. fashion this Season and everv I h.indpan fit riuir tu vnitA fl.,,a ! nrrli Ponnhir Kt.urlf T?m-ii t. uu-lllf.-ss VI Ml. IlCItr III me VW-lth. cnnth locf nbht .hnH tho si iw uuservance season. Wltn one suit a three- ! trimmort tho .ti.iiot ear, whi,h 1 Rirlin Ar. Klwt ric (231 , umbia Cellulose Company plant. prince George. : nni toft- si 11 thn fianriro 'Miov Cathedral Rummage Sale. ! were M. W. Mac.Ceilzie of Mon- JJJl e,Prilf5 'Ml r'. novemoer , sKin cnoKer or natural canacimn : held her finger-tip lengtl. veil of I discussed and a Fisher was worn, with another, ! silk-embroidered net Z ? 1 ? St0, M1tei ?ZPJeCe f ,0Ur i Miss Pat Mitchell was 3ne at- Oct. Tntom rJiff. Rhfin (230i ! J. MacKenzle. director and sclen- ZZ, t , V V i tifin nrlvisnr Tho lattpr U thp . "" '"""-"I tendant, wearing a pretty frock ' of b.ue net leaiuring bands of j Badminton Players Kid tomorrow night I c . . r- ,JI RaJ to rm,the Say former president . of Atomic iinal plans for thC irre"7 Fraser and Hogarth law firm Season Sunday. (2311 Ever-smart black-and pretty , - .-..v,!.,.. u, MffilLcDIEIIEIRS here. Mr. Fraser left a year ago; Energy of Canaiia i-.mited. Tlicy arrived in Prince Rupert Tuesday. , , . T llK,t 18 luntw 1 ftoles featured the grctup of nf- r nlnk. w" ipf . , , . , : to become executive assistant to '. Fisheries Minister James Sin lion would assist in iternttM and cocktail dresses I , .. t... t - AJ . muu whi;;t ennrelled . this! m r. .lfii.! iiiniii .wiik iif Kiriiiiii ill.- 1 ---- . - -. - clair, and Mr. Hogarth has now rTre membership hown, There : were dresses of :. d nt , - 'k r. - th f k Saturday night, Oct. 3. Tourni ft Monday nipht. A black oot-,;; blncK French ' , silk kn; iiriBnrnsR ,.ment Martlng-CKa. :ip.r ;v3 I ,,.;V,"fDir I year old . . 5 yean old . t. "4 yioH'eld -;V 3 year old i , KTC Aristocrat ... Anniversary Melchert Special Rserv GIN London Club London Dry i Borrt In Saskatoon, the 2- .. MDwrpc. . leia. in the stianless stvln .with . .... ... a a th PRC! Kn left last, ni.-ht P. hi was given: In fact black and ' . ' ' u everything, , . 8tol. Snp . ! .hnart thn Oromn. anPr a two-' year-old lawyer is a graduate of "ano.er Jack W U- I stoles with dresses both bare- 'rhM, ,, ,,,,,,.,.. """8' "'u "'u'1"'"' ;;r(i.,.,7..i:i ... Dn the University of Saskatchewan back and cover-uo style. 1. .u ... Donald St. and Seventh Ave. ... "T. "knd"t'ha UnWersitv of British I is Initiated at last In this J Tuesday, Uct. b, at .ju. i.j-i Outstanding group was .,.ij k h, roH Columola. He was articled in! U Were Carl Sum IwHintir.inw .imnla liltlo riroci . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . i von.. . 1 jn, t ... ....K. v... nvlri McMillan l.ntir A At llin f'n-m H:ikiTV Ii'vlrl.iv c :i f Wprlnpsiiav n t'hl, nr. Cllin1 laiimuTci iu uic iiiiu vi uouhii, '"d. Ron Morrison (of black French crepe with a low I Dcwnes, Ladner and Gregory, melchers ' sane "Because" while the bridal ! and Saturday Ruyal Macaroon 27. v l'"nn. icut neckline and strikine horl I befor: coming to Prince Rupert. party was on stage, and Mrs. 'Cake, 45c. Something nt'W Banana Cream Pie. (230 ! Hi served with the Canadian THIS WEEK iArmy during the Second World Meeting of Jub's Daughters irVar. -Joanne Clec, soprano, sang dur-! Ing a brief intermission, j Accompanying the two vocal-j Ists, and .providing background niu&k, throughout the show was Moose social Friday. Oct. 2. 8:30 p.m. Showing of films and refreshments. Members and I mi ii; lit 8 sharp. Bring jour .1 Prmce Kupcri, Mr., Hogarth fiends to the Banquet Hall at W8i associated with the Skecna (Hi 'Mrs. J. S. Black of the Legion ' Mends, 10 fur the movie pictures taken if (lie recent trip to Calgary. Refreshments. Liberal association, a member of the Prince Rupert Club, and was one of the sponsors of the Air 9 Meeting of Job's Da lighters. !W.A.' The charming commcnta-! tor, dressed In another "model' Friday, Oct. 2. 8 p.m. slurp. vvruins ui oi n:u mi vei -,.,,, m-lnt. vimr friends ; Cadet Corps. ' .,. ....,.,. ..,.. I He plans a holiday in the 0uth' aftcr whlCh he may praC-STOCKHOLM TnrKtint v ifPi (CP) -The Thp Sed-4;1 S eed- ' ,a Vancouver. bh Pcnteco-tal Movement has ; . . This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. taffeta with velvet and floral I j j,.,,, .)t. 10 for CalRavy acrpii s was Mrs. J. F. Dcnnliin. Hlld refreshments. 25c. I Models huiucli-d. besides the, (230i ; bridal party. Murinl Oagnon. ! ! May Wolslcnholms, Mary Bal- j a bii.s et Norway whist and .purchased the steamship Aeolus; o be fitted with a powerful radio ; i linger, Lois Good, Jean Oordon, ; dunce. Friday. Oct. 2. Whist 8 transmitter to make . religious OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10. Stone Building . Phone Blue 593 crv'n J : .V ir.veiyn Aiituia, feari onus. Kuiiy !p.,., dunce 10 to 2. Everybody I broadcasts -to all European conn-. ;Merri.son, Bertha Boulton, Ionn , welcome to the opening night of tries from a point outside Swed-.Cnmpngnolo. Gernldinc Holbrook j the season. Arcordian and gul- I territorial waters. Wave and Merle Stcgavijr. , ! tar music, okl-tlmc and mod- lengths now are heln; discussed' Mrs. J. Stromdahl and Mrs. 11. (.in (230) with international authorities. Berg directed the nf fair, dressing i j I the models, and were presented j Notice A .special general r i"""1" j with sprays of roses by the Le- i meeting of the Deep Sea Fish- : r. gion W.A. Mrs. Donning also rrnuns union win oe uciu m i received a gift from Mrs. Strom- the Union Ha!l on Friday, Oct dahl. I J. at 7:30 p.m. Important busi- I The door prize went to Mrs. j ness. Members arc mguntly re- .W. A. Beketov. Icmested to attend. (Hi ALL-WOOL TARTAN KILTS end ALL-ROUND PLEATS HAND-PLEATED Sizes 12 -18. Rcgulor $17.98 SALE PRICE $5 00 SUPS BLOUSES Broken line. Cotton, Silk,. Broken ilne. Cottons, Nylons Nylon, etc. and Silks.' Sizes 32-10 " S-i OQ Sizes 12-18. $- QQ TO CLEAii XeOO SPKCIAL AeOO PANTIES HOSE Reqular 3 59c r pr. plain Paek- Rpgu,ar 09 Pr- Week-end Special 2 pmh'1-00 2 pm.1.89 SWEET 16 LIMITED 530 Third Avenue West Prince Rupert Kr J ' Der v'-,,u' shows her new daughter. Diane, ',, J"0" sne Judy i is. The infant doesn't seem to 'm 1 d Plllm fd' Jutly hatt the baby at Oood Samaritan Bc.h, Fla. LADIES' PLAY SHOES $1.95 $2-95 $.95 BOYS' BROWN OXFORDS i $3.95 MEN'S Brown arid Black Oxfords $6 95 FASHION FOOTWFAR Via ELLIS km LIMES UNDSAY'5 jTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. ft.... 'stabllshprt mm ippis,, PACKING . . . CRATING L. . '' . . FOKWARIIIVn kt.iu inir -""b uicui, wauun-wirte ana Office Opposite Post Office Phone 266 .null- VIA LINIIhAV'S" Ah "'s- lhed van I. itttH Ltd Cnr. 3nd stud Park Av. j