. Prince Rupert Dailv News Friday, October 2, 1953 Terror Reigns After Texas Wane Bros j 1 TODAY ond SATURDAY Unfomilior Sports Rabbit Seasoning Evrnlius 7:00 - ;0S Saturday Matinees 2:00 t:25 British Trade Union to Keep Affiliation With Labor Party 1 irTh X. Sex Murder riAi.t.AS (API Public clamor R Master jKV TCCHi"COKn' eration in Britain. Delegates attending the La CAPITOL FAMOUS PLAYMLH THEATRB ERROLFLYNN i for an end to this Texas city's j reign of sex terror rose today ; as gun sales boomed and talk j of vigilante action Increased. ) A Negro rapist who Wednes- ; day night killed a pretty dlme-stnre clerk. Mrs. H. V. Parker, bor party conference here cheered wildly when Deakin strode to t,he rostrum and shouted: "My colleague (O'Brien) has been ud to something appropri GREGORY PECK ate to. the. variety stage. He is MARGATE, Eng. (API Trade iinlon leader Arthur Deakin today killed a .sugjestion that Pritain's organized workers divorce themscjves frorrf the machinery of te Labor party. Deakin, h(d of thri massive Transport aift General; Workers I'tifoh. lmpld that th suggest' lion- was iijSpircd "by .the Conservatives, t ; ? He attached Tom . O'Brien, 'a fellow. tratje union leader, for sending ut "this mischievous" trial balloon. -and promised an Invest ieatior by. ' the General Council of tho " Trade Union Congress, the giant union fed- AUDREY HEPBURN fir you Um htppiMt ftlin tiro vr 211 remained at large. Police reported no progress In efforts to nab a nude prowler whose bedroom raids left Dallas women terrified. Police reported a flurry of minor sex crimes. Three women and four children rexirted sex (fuiders. had accosted, them Police blamed the flurry on emotional cxci'wienl over the Parker slaying Wednesday, Gun stores, locksmiths, dog talking out ol turn. 'No trade union affiliated with the party would for one moment consider divorcement from this party. "We shall take suitable notice of this and bring it before the TUC General Council . . ." Deakin is the dominant figure WILLIAM WYLER 2 rmjoociw" J EDDIE ALBERT ni mt rM t wiuim vim . f . K . . W. 1.,1. "1. i . 5 IAN IfeltUAN mnm mi JOHN DltSNTW MOT MJ M . PMUKHW Today and Saturday r T E ii liveniiiRs 7: - :10 I U I M pounds and kennels were doing a landslide business. Two Matinee Salurday . P-m- , A l amuus Pay, Thnti TROPHY' rRESKN'TATION for B C. winner of Dominion Drama Festival is made to R. O. "Dick" Massey i right i, past president of UBC Players C ub Alumni, by Brian Hopkins, representative of Calvert Distillers Limited, donors of the distinctive carved trophy. "Meditation." Sharing presentation honors is Mrs. Jessie Richardson of Vancouver, well known throughout the province as B.C. regional chairman of Dominion Drama Festival. Winning play was "Valpone." neighborhood vigilante p.'l-nis" were organized. j.in the British trades union ! movement. He has wielded his ! great power at the conference to keep the Labor party from committing itself to leftist pro-J posals for more nationalisation of British Industry. I The United States constitution ! consists of seven original articles ' and 22 amendments or additions LAUNDRY SERVICE Blurts Ironed PRKSS-WHILE-YOIT-W.I1T Pickup and Delivery Island Cleaning and Pressing Black B27 741 2nd West i Next to Liquor Store I BLACKWOOD on Alcoholics' Home Set up In Vancouver It looks liKe open w.irfue for sure," a gun dealer said I irimly. ' j p,fore she died, Mrs. Parker! was able to gasp out to police .hat a 'Negro man pulled me under the bridge and stabbed me." The deed cllumxed on 18-upnth-long series of reports cf i nude prowler who appeared in the dead of night in women's bedrooms, who fought oil vengeful husbands and often raped women after telling them he knew their husbands were not at home. I Meanwhile, the harried Dalltis r (Aft oum Wallace's Sale WHITE GOODS V . By FASLCY BLACKWOOD VANCOUVLR (CP) First ,linine for alcoholics to be set iip by the Salvation Army In Can ula was opened here on' Thursday by Commissioner W.t ' K. D.il.iell of Toronto. f 3hizv Pushes Luck and Goes Down Two DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING m surrounding: WUHtli CKAr IKMAN81III' COUNTS . ... COUNT ON UH notice department told angry The home, to be known ss, icltUcns to ..lpl tne pollcc han. 1.. lnninl nil1 .1 r die the situation." When you are in a fine contract and get a favorable opening lead, surely that's all the good luck you could ask for on one hand. narijir Ltiii, in iuuniii Skid 'Road near Vancouver's " ; waterfront. Dibb Printing Co. An editorial on the front page of the Dallas Morning News called for calm in What It term- Commodore i You should now now forget forget an : Sale Now On : dangerous situution. ed .- it about making an extra trici end take every possible precaution to make, your contract. This advice is so simple and logical, it,may seem unnecessary to mention it. Yet the kind of play Mr. Muzzy was guilty of in today's deal is not unknown to most of you. Mr. Dale gave much thought to his opening lead and finally "We did not choose Vancouver first because wc thought it. h;id the biggest alcoholic pinlilem in Canada," said Commissioner Dalziell. "But I he problem here is a big one. few people know much about the sordid side of life In our big cities." m- said the home, which will sleep about 20 men, had been renovated and decor:t.ed Hliuost exclusively by reformed habitual drunkards. South dealer Both sides vulnerable Ni.rl Ii lr. Kwu) ft A K Q J B 4 II -10 0 5 2 C H 6 I n-t " (Mr. liBiiipl"" (lr. Hulf) S- 10 9 8 5 3 B a II -A Q ft 7 S II - K Jll I)- None O T 1 C - 10 4 3 C--K J 9 5 2 uutU (Mr. Mii.l 3 7 II- 4 D- -A K J 10 8 5 3 C A 7 The btdtilliM: uo expect CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and Mcllride Street . decided on his lone spade. Mr. Muzzy crowed with delight as he won with dummy's ace. "You could have got one trick." he said, referring of course to the heart. He now set out to win all the Britain Denies Peiping Charge i - , '.ji . fl, . ,. Smith West North FilI 1 D Pass 1 S Pass 3D Pass 4 S Pima G li All puss him o o 0 j ' LONDON lAPi Britain has, I denied Red Chinese charges . I that British bombers and a mo- ' tricks for down two. tricks. His plan was to lead to his ace of diamonds, then return a diamond to dummy's queen. That would undoubtedly 'pick up all the trumps and the spade suit would then give him 'ail the discards he heeded. "Such luck." complained M.-.Mor launcn auacnea a rnpnm Muzzy. "All the trumps in one ! gunboat near Hong Kong 21 hand " I days ago. The Chinese charges "Your partner Is the only un- j -f forth but help him to get the mosf . But on the first diamond lead Mr. Champion showed out, dis-cardint; the nine of hearts. in In this this deal, deal," re re- i Z" " , """ , ' .. lucky one jf TTivicCentre School o Dancing I marked Mr. Champion. "She j had to sit there and watch you I Frowning, Mr. Muizy led a dia was the victim of a "wanton" attack. Seven "Britons were killed when Communists pounded ( i fliond to the queen and played i louse up a laydown slain." I out of his rouh "How could I make it with j Keveral rounds ol heavy -shells i the king of spades, discarding l his four of hearts. Mr. Dale ' ; ' 111 mJJL '"' - accp; 11 I uuie naving a singleton spane: at tne iaulu.h Mr. Muzzy asked. I ruffed and returned a heart. Mr. . Muzzy trumped this and ran his diamonds. But at the end he had to lo.ie two more : i'T'Qr a little Insurance policy ' ., ,. . ' costing ix tnere 20 points, you ; For action-' try Classifieds Thii '.S hu first venture the public. Whtnyoup1 .Wrf nav h.m. he fotrmof9 could have guaranteed thej - thing Mr. Champion ; whole replied. KU ' M nd gets ideas. Everythim Deaths Yesterday "At trick two just lead nn- ..ll,AH V.1..U r.t I 1 j u.. leaves in teei ni .ion on the chancier '.-'. 1 Mr Advanced Adults 1 i" J'iY 11 Trl 8-9 p.m. II young Canadian eiti 'former i and pitch your heart. rirk E. Crowley, 89. pre- sident. of the New York Central : 11 rtH ru,ffrd yu cn" win Railroul isny return and now, unless it.; ADDISON, Me.-J..hn Martin, ! a ,fauRy dock- tllprp wolllf1 b!' 81 notj-d watarcnlor artist, called ! ml,y tw0 trumps out against SPECIAL ON Sleel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank $ 55.00 275 Gal. Tank S 1.VM 375 Gal. Tank 0.W 550 Gal. Tank $110.00 3 I'ruv. Twc Extra All tanks marie of 12-gauire steel Industrial Welding lUndlinganewrro.' . .. . : hv some rrit.ics "America's No. 1 i wu - " i, , I 11 , 8-9 p m. -III II ;. Adult Beginners , 'You could take two rounds of j, master!'' daily lesson m in salesmanship. Vmi diamonds ending with dummy's i .i st : i lj i TUXEDO PARK. N.Y. Mrs i Price Collier. 93. last survivor of j fl"06" and discard your two los- . understand why yo"' the Delano family and aunt of "8 cllll)s on quetn and jack Green 881 225 first Avenue and be " ! ih lata Prouii-lont RtinKPVolt. ''' SpadeS. , - - - - - ; I 1 i ,i".-,, '4 ' eiKouiase him . 1.1- trvlCC W V 111 II" ' WINNIPEG Joseph A. White- ; head, assistant general manager . V?' , - I of the Brandon Sun. A good tr" .,n ei a b'l' t-W NYLON SPECIALS 3 Wonderful Buy?! TORONTO Hugh Hornby. Langton. former registrar and j librarian at the University of j Toronto. I NEW YORK Leslie L. For-grave, 71, cartoonist and creator of the comic strip "Big Sister." i NEW YORK Frank Munn, 57. all: FIRST QUALITY FULL FASHIONED You can't help but love our full-fashioned Nylons! They're fashion-fit for the season's finery .... former National Broadcasting Company singer known as "the golden voice of radio." BEVERLEY HILLS, Calif.' William Jacobs, 66, producer of 39 films, including "April Showers" and "Lullaby of Broadway." .finished with the slender dark seams that make a pretty leg prettier, longer, slimmer. In attractive shades of . Taupe and Beige. Sizes 8'2 to 11. 1 5 Denier 60 Gauge 1 ' -M -.Mi rA I-- 1 : t ' t LA I "DiwAmSMaAL V"3' rWA ' ' CONTfWtS '.' '', OipJ DIs-D 3 3-50 WORLD PEACE, Chop Suey House 9011 Third Ave. West flume Red 878 SPECIALIZING PAIRS CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily Regularly sold under the manufacturer's name at $1.75 a pair. Now offered at less than $1.17 in lots of 3 pairs. 51 Gauge 15 Denier 3 PAIRS 309 1.09 pair 45 Gauge 30 Denier & ! J PAIRS . 1.09 pair a CHOP SUEY... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. i Daily except Tuesday) Hollywood Cafe r 9utiett, $ieerl and 8ctjeJ in ZfccfaJ STOCK CARRIED IN ALL ORDER OFFICES SIMPSONS-SEARS LIMITED 312 Third Ave. W. Phon 460 Prince Rupert, B.C, GG for Outside Orders Phone 133 This advertisement n ko published by tfc liquor Control Boord or by Governnmt of Britih Columbia . I. ,-- ( . .-ji-. ' f . . I MB