l-'.K.lt. ."il)i(ki '..'lllli; J VI in J 1.1 v baturaay, Juin.- i, iat iay Reflects and Remi nisces The thing that most suprlses who wants to hue a bundle of , Is never anp' - ..It' 7 U 7,V i to 11I1III1;UI1L uHiu iuiiiimr u uuiirn.- but ilrhlui,, ' n lnrtppTident dully npv.'.spapcr (ipvrsifcl tn the upbiitldlnt; of Prltic Rnpr and Nottherii hud (.Viitml British ('olunibia. Member iH Cnntidian Pr-r.s Audit Burenu of CtlTlllftMons Cuuaulnn Dtiiiy NwspaiH.r Association. Published by Tlie Priinv Hiiwri Dully Npws Llmltfd. J. P. MAOOH. Presiiknt H n PEHRV, Vli--PrPSldPnt 'Hilbwi Ipt ion KHtt-s: ijvsesv y mrrler-fr wood, as.-; per mot, in, i ih; per year, tlOOQ. jgST&Ji V maii Pw (ujoiitu. 7!'; m- vi-ar. tttoti ijTaS' jlrkjiii'Wj tus aT4iil clH.si nuul by tli' Ptl OrTirp Dppnrtmenl. Ottawa ' Canada Is to look upon a tree j and find .no money growing on Happiness, says u banker t. comes from Iiviiik within uur nl,n., . 11 means. It works pretty well on ! enemy . , obim "I reduclnK also. h n.. Whut Who was It said: RouKf.-lip- on doltiK is Remember Dad "'llring the ( I stick and makeup will make a ! woman look much youiiK'r but 1 you can't fool a fllRht of stairs. ' " "Oil, out nf nj the Summerslde IF K.I.) Joiirnul und out of ti. ...: . you are sure to see smmeonp .. rtriu. I other .K wnrrU . h,. ...... U I 'W Troubles resemble babies they Ing a car so earefully you know ! rll'ly terrified that for a eertainty that car is enlire-1 knw no limit and y : irow much bigger when nursed. ,ih i lw - on l him would r,i ... ., ly paid for. TIIK PKICK OK I'OHK There nothing annoys a ti t.i.r PnHu Vudi'I A.ri llniu Whoever heard or th, D!,. nd ' exc.iten.ent or Wl doors? !,n't lt tht.rem wither, .spiders. SIlak;h( red mils, catemlll.. a. . .. . . , . true Siuit-snran more man the in- on Monday we noticed t'nt nork j was selling up to 22 cents a eor'wt P"nunciation of the pound. Today Its only 92. (St. ' ievm ''"an. We manure to Thomas. Ont.. Thnr.s-Jurnal.,8,1,,U wlln fair ""Y. but let Wlday ; 18. 1951. 11 xr "'"c.,U)(1 here, once and legs, mosquito., ; for all Uiat the word ("Scotch") from? u': Hon in smd to prefer women a bit on the fleshy sldp. After all LETTERBOX' SPILSBURYandTINDAli Now Present the HOi n ON TO YOI'R HATS, r tr - fiy Charles A. Cirassick In Toronto TelPrain , i oard All Ab THH tluutre, radio or TV doesn't have an "I Ile-mf mlic)' I'ajia." Instead we find a rather un-ilatteriiitr pattern which includes such diverse characters as George P.le.Manus .Ji.ujf's and Clarence Day's Father . . . chaiaclci's v. ho, for all their outward dilierence are dominated by their womenfolk, whether the weapon of domination is eaolery or a rolline; pin. Tliis is the poitiait thai lathers have feiven us of fathers. And we think that the modesty which is behind the portrait has l.eeii carried to a distorted extmne. Day after day the male parent is presented as a dupe, dope, hlusierine; martinent or functional hill payer . . . sometimes champ but always chump. That may be well and Rood for DM days of the year. lint now in honor of the occasion which is to be celebrated tomorrow we propose to cast blushing reluctance aside. Mother's Day is different. A brave stand in favor of motherhood has lon 'been an annual refuse for editorial w riters. Due fathers are a different tribe who seldom come in for small praise or attention. We attribute this to a personal epidemic of modesty, an unsuspected virtue which afflicts, not only journalists but also novelists playwrights, poets, composers and comic strip artists. Since these last activities, as well as the writing of editorials, are largely the province of the male, practically nobody gets sentimental over the old man . . . in song or story. There is no Father Machree or any facsimile thereof. As I See It pi LIFT WHFRE NI'FDKI) The Edi'or, The Dally New.s: We would like to express our appreciation to the people of l'rince Rupert for givintt a lift where it is needed. For more than 70 years the Mission Board of the Seventh-Day Adventi:ii.s hn, put forth an Increasing and ever expanding effort In meeting humanlly's needs. Co-operating in this humanl larian work are thousands of friends who have generously contributed their own money, 6-12-32 Volt MRT-15D 15 Watt Phone $359.oo BY Itv G. r . .rtOKTIMOKE j L i A Chinese scientist in New On leans !s:. prrsuaded a Cut and a rat to dine together. Dr. Loh Seng Tsal put a cut and a rat in a divided cage. After 700 trials, the cat and the rat co-oporaled by simultane- After Geneva touching two buttons to nabling us tj carry on reitef THE defeat of the long-wobbly government of France'!, Sma'l Compact Ruqged Dependo! t YOUR AGENT IN PRINCE RUPERT AND DISTRICT use a partition and give j ft,01.k al ,K)me bus,,s alK, , n,jry could be the final death blow to the futile Geneva them access to a dish of food. conference. The question now is: j th-n they shared the food. .,. . v, ,n . . ' News of this armistice be- mission lands far beyond t:ie possibilities of our own budget. We wish you could foilow tiat gift and see the good lt accomplishes and the blessings It 644 - Rupert Radio & Electric niir, unify , Wliakr . . . . . - it. 1 k. n(,.,l brings to those in need of spirit-1 nor trade with Ked China." !'""" ! But if It was not politically t by a clamor of miaows and possible for a Republican gov-1 .-qucaks Irom the respective ernment in the U.S.A. to face the camps, especially from the rats. 10M facts nf life in Asiu it. w:i.s ' As for me. I am going to move I The main effect, and perhaps the most dangerous effect, wiil he to convince western statesmen and western people generally of the futility of th? con- I lerence method. Without attempting to fix the relative ual physical and material need. Deductions for administrative well within the realm of nos-; cautiously, and reserve Judg- expenses are nil. since projects .ihiiiiu iho ih. ,hoin nrit;h i m,.nt whatever nttitiirlo mv supported by Ingathering friends die uomliii.sterefl by existing Cumnionwealth should do .so. In i cat may take, I am not sure that amount of blame for the failure i church organizations, with In of the Berlin conference last met, had me wnole unt isn mm- i Uni willing to accept all rats ns , come derived elsewhere. It takes $'0.59 to support th1 year and t:..' Geneva conference monwcalth been able to recog- friends Immediately. I'm con this year, the facts speak for nize the real government 01 1 servative about ther- inings. i uplift p.-ogram for one minute. I l..mf. .t. 1 1I1U aft iX ItL-nUiL Ul d. UL'IirTJ mi - v..v i . . ... i Fieri' s nil siiei'ii'.s 11 I' I hi ii:r , . . . ... .. ..,.... settlement, the whole world ten-I . ,i "1 l-'J a loiai 01 3.jui,iii h sion would have been relaxed. ! "bout me mind Some c of mv.waa ,ontrlbuted from the wo,M TUE DIG iv.wers are not yet m-si. lru-iiua an- mu. out i l:eid. besides the more than $in.-won't have the cat bringing Just 000,000 given by Adventists in any old rat home to dinner. I'll regular tithes and ollerin.s. The hive to net to know th rat first, j work Is belt!!?- carried i.n in 1'j7 willing to accept what must be ' As things have turned out, the foundation of any world this has been impossible. The! settlement that is, that both Communist .''pearhc-ads in Asia i the Communists and non-Corn- have shown every determinancy and satisfy myself that h tor1 countries where a total of 721 j languages are used. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED ANNOUNCES the appointment of WHALEN'S CARTAGE Ul as distributors for Imperial ESSO Stove Oi! in Prince Rupert EFFECTIVE JULY 1 B.C.'s Finest Heating Oils '.- Phone WHALEN'S CARTAGE LTD to push aheaj in Indo-Chlnu. There Is not the slightest indw ration from any Communist tmi.a t)i-it unvhnrlv in unv j munist parts of the world have I the right to go their own way, ; in peace. ; So long as the new Communist rmm,ini onvw.nn.,lt. re(iiu world determined to powers are wanU an aereed wU,P,nwlt. So she) is a proper eommnion. I don't menn . to ridicule 1h" peace which appears to have been signed between these two sre.it families of beasts. It is 'i f tin achievement. I only hope that it will endure. Now, perhaps, the way Is open for a United Sneeie? organization, in which the Hon and the nush the margins of their power ;We gratefully weep', yoar ; contributions and pledge ourselves to use the funds received in carrying out the great ha-niani larian principles of Cliriv.-ianity. We hereby wLsh to xpresi our p oiound appreciation to ad contributors who have donated so libernlly to this charitable lon; as th ComtminLst.s lire having continuing success in shooting it out. they nray be luiwilliiv renllv tn talk it out in a wav by supporting armed rebellion In neighboring countries, it is certain that the rest of the world will be compelled to take col- ,,;,, .,,,, h,.. ,....,,, ,i. ' -. , .... "irj , i . t - V. i 4" , . r.. . A' , j -1 " . - , J f v-vi"t...' , v . . .I-,,:' t , . ; ... '' ' ' V ..1 . ! - I-1 -.r .' ' ' ' V '-j' l' ... : , . lective measures to resist such success ul Geneva. a new und more subtle form of imoeiial exnanslon. l;nnb will both be nit others of , work t-h- s nritv council. j Perhaps Dr. Loh Si ng Tsal j ' can be Induced to apuly his: ... t Power For Others NOT many weeks from now a switch will be thrown and power in a quick surge will flow over the cable from Kemano to Kitimat. . That will be the culminating moment of one of man't most imaginative and large scale hydro projects anywhere in the world the successful terminal point' of an engineering effort. ic I'ut in a very real way it will be the' starting-point for a large section of North Central British Columbia. Alcan's history is almost as much that of a power company as an aluminum company. It lifts a record of having sought out markets for electric energy so that the product can steadily be sold for highest value uses. For that reason it will be natural for Alcan to look north and west for opportunities to sell power. It will be within relatively easy transmission line distance of the Hkeena lliver Valley and l'rince Rupert. With an abundance of electric energy something it does not have today l'rince Rupert could look forward to a larger industrial future. These things will not happen over night. Rut they will inevitably come. Kitimat will not keep .its abun!)ijt:p;er .t(jel,l)iit,'fi!l ty'he powerhouse for a very large but as yet lightly develojwd . section of British Columbia. Kitimat Northern Sentinel. THERE is no use blinking the Also, so long as the United fact that the failure of the States is unwilling to accept Geneva conference ushers in a peacemaking talents to the ser- mid mu('h mor trUi,cay Period even vice of humanity. I can see it! fact or the century-thnt , J ti.tii' tTrvyln Uncle Sam C,. m and u,l i the li T?itL.llt. Russian than !,., ..m we have Yt..m i.n. known ...... in ., ili,...,, these now: 316 China has had a revolution, and as a result of that revolution has .nee again emerged as a mighty world power there is no real hi pe of a live-and-lel live settlement. last ai:.inal years Salmon Catch Confiscated A. W. BAUER, Home Missionary Secreta", D C. Conference of S U A, RONALD HE1MCI1E, Pastor, Terrace and Prince Rupert. PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS ANC ENGINEERS Iron and Uiuss Costlnpit ( Electric and . Acetylene , -' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " Welding bear sitting down peacefully together to make a meal of the rest of the world. I can h"ur them offering one another second helpings of Tuikey and Baked Alaska. 1 call sec labor and management rubbing elbow:; ul the din-n.'r table, each looking innocent as they try to hog the gravy. I hive only one fear about IT ALWAYS seemed to me that VANCOUVER ft) Some 2.1)00 if the Geneva conference was pounds of blueback salmon were : a .success, the recognition of confiscated by the Federal De-I Chin i, by Canada and kindred partment of Fisheries Thursday count l ies, wuuld llow. uuto- from the Western Fisheries Co. ! imitlcaJIv-'-r ,'-'-4!!- of Vancouver. Department offi- Judged Canada's Finest" Beer i these matters and it is the iuniie fehr tlut I enleitaiu about ciuls said a substantial vromr- V.i,'i....'tlon of the fi.sli were Biuler the'hc .t-xpeiilnents in New Ore li ans There may come a day full and complete recognition ln."al minimum weight, tht? present year. Whether we : SPECIALISTS OK 8AWM1I.L and MININO ViCHINEHY I wlw n the scientist forgets to ! ladle out a gen- rou:, enough I helping. And then the cat wiil cat his little partner for dessert..' like II or not, Senator McCarthy represents a powerful force- in Danger To Livestock American thinking. fe may be; KKGINA CP) Rlres.sing the a vulgar and crude expression importance of controlling roof that force. But the force is dents, particularly rats, provin-there, nevertheless. It Is a mix-; cial veterinarian Dr. T. V. John-ed up and confused force. But slon says they serve a.s "reser-its main article of faith could , volrs of infection" for livestock, be summed up, in somewhat but many producers fail to refog-.sloganizfd form, as "No truck nie this sufficiently. lor the last fur years the jury of international brewing experts at ll.c International cnmrH't't'ns f"r Canadian Brewers liave awarded Lucky . Lar tlie Star of Kxa-lU""- FREE-HEARING CLINIC Kind Hearts and Coronets FILM GLUB 9:00 p.m. Sunday June 20 PRINCE RUPERT TO syiniK" " Prize for Canadian Beers to be held or Prince Rupert Hotel Prince Rupert, B.C. B SPECIALS MONDAY and WEDNESDAY June 21 ond 23, 1954 from a.m. to 8 p.m. MR. E. J. FLECK on 10 KETCHIKAN $15-00 BRUSSELS 1950 W'RANtiEI.I, $27-00 UUXEMBOUf 1951 m Come in and see the sensational new BH.TONE TRANSISTOR HEARING AID. Eliminates costly "B" batteries and reduces operating costs by 80. Mr. E. J. Fleck, hearing aid authority will demonstrate the latest In hearing aids. He has helped hundreds to hear again, even the most difficult cases, NO BUTTON NEED SHOW AT THE EAR! Don't Miss This Opportunity To Hove Your Hearing Tested . NO COST! NO OBLIGATION! PETERSBl'Kt; $2970 SUMMER SHOES Ladies Styles $.95 : $J.95 Men's Styles $.95 Fashion Footwear JUNEAU $41-40 WHEN YOU FLY ANTWERP 1952 (VHITEHORSE BELT0NE Trade-in allowances given Term ean be armnged FREE HOME Df"VERY $56.oo CI i I C AIR brewing;; LLLIJ LUCKY LAGER LINES SEATTLE $6500 Monopac One Unit Hearing Aid If Unable To Call Phone Hotel For Home Demonstration Al sn BREWERS OF Phone 266 (Office opposite Post Office) Third Aye. Thi dvfrtiscment is not publia 01 , (j(jllih ( Bojrd or hy the Government