f iiiiic KukCi 1 Luili He... auturuuy, June ID, i:)i4 OPTOMETRisl Elks Pitch Two Hitter But Lose to Moose 7-6- .1(13 Th! . Spokes Respond To Reprieve With Fifth Win V f' Green 9( M THIS DUKE TO PRESENT MEDALS TO CANADIANS AT BISLEY LONDON Q The Duke of Edinburgh Is to visit Bisley July 9 to present a cup for Intor-servioe rifle-shooting competition, it was announced today. The annual Commonwealth shoot opens at Bisley next montliB. The duke will also present medals to a team of eight Canadian cadets, scheduled to compete the day of the duke's visit against a team of English schoolboys. The duke previously visited Bisley in 1948. Despite two-hit pitching and Moose moved three up after m.1nri.1il..- f.ur-i'im ntllv in Willard Anderson Morwa third CORNER the sixth, the Elks' team of thesaoker scored in the third and Prince Rupert unofficial Pony j again in the fifth along with The orphaned Spokane Indl-league were edged last night at team mate Jim Arsenault. ans, assured of at least another Roosevelt Park by the Moose j In the sixth. Elks used three I week in the Western Interna-cntrv in a game that was won hits, singles by Lambie. DonUional League, responded Friday : ate DICK WICKS night with a furious home run! barrage that gave them their. filth .straight win. imd finished at the same time. Murray and Charlie Linristrom Tied 6-6 going into the hot- j to bring in four runs. Moose torn of the seventh. Moose got aided the Elks cause with one the game when Elks' second ; error, two passed balls and a baseman Frank Warner scooped wild pitch. Calgary's Stampertels del s were the j earriei irried the In-! victims, 21-t. SENIOR up Dick Hurys ground ban anu After fad e, m and The surge has riians to within five games of then pulled team mate Phil j seeing sev?n of tnem get on basf,. BASEBALL Thorn off first sack with the Bury bore aown ana strurk outj the lirst place Vancouver Cupi-1 potential putout throw. The mis-j thp- nin(n antJ tentn t0 encl the ' lanos, who split a twin bill with' cue allowed Bury a life and Jim; E,ks S(.orin(, in lne sixtn inning.1 Victoria. The Caps dropped lli.'j Ai.-enault. who had walked, stole : Top hitter for Moose was Billy 1 opener 10-5, and then came back second and third, to come in. , Watmough who batted otic for ' to shade Tyees 8-6 in the night-Elks starter Eddie Eyford, who . one whatmough was also the j cap. was replaced by Fred Gulbran- j nlllekiest batsman, getting hit; In other games, runner-u;) ROOSEVELT PARK Where When Who . . SUNDAY, JUNE 20 1:30 p.m. ESQUIRESvs COMMERCIAL HOTEL ) sen in tne bottom or me mm.by a pit(.ned b:U1 and bt,Ulg Yakima, 4''2 games off the pace, nosed out Trl-City. 3-2, ami unci anowea omv one me, ai- : . ... . j.frr Wenatchee, in fourth only six 1 games out, disposed of Salem (!-3. Lewiston at Edmonton was rained out. ' thrown out twice at home plate. Big bat lor Elks was swung by John Lambie who garnered two for four. Similar averages ere chalked up by Charlie I.ind-strom and Eyford, both of whom batted one for two. iluiUHh fuur walks he i.-sued in the fifth were responsible for two j runs. i Reliefer Gulbranson also only 'allowed one hit although he was 1 responsible for two runs. Including the climber. Moose's Buffv wont all the The league agreed Friday to 1 operate the Spokane club for an- I other week at the request of j The. game was the first time wav, allowing six runs on eight i me rony icagueis nave iukcii io hits and striking out 14 bat-rs the field in their new "11111- Mayor Arthur Mceh.'.ii, leader 01 the" "Have Spokar.e Indians. Inc.'' Mcehnn told WIL proxy Hubert B. Abel more time was needed hy the fan organivation to raise the nearly $40,000 still lacking In the drive to assure operation of the team in the race of the along tho wav. Eyford whined lonm. 1 ne occasion was scivu-. ; six and Gulbranson two. ! uled to nee an "official" opening j ! Moose took the lead in the first of the league, but lack of m on a hit ty Per llalverson and' crowd caused postponement of j three errors by the Elks. Elks tied the ceremonies. ; 1 , i : m z I the game in the second on j Umpiring duties were handled singles by Gulbranson. John by Mike Montesano behind the i Lambie and Eyford as well as1 plate, Bill Lambie at first and four bobbles by Moose fielders. ' Ross Clayton at third. Remember when llerlxvt, Sutcliffe and Percy Holmes set a record of 5a" runs I h.r a fiist-wicket partnership in Haddix Grabs Third Shutout To Rack Up Ninth Straight E11e.l1.sh first-cla.ss cricket Vl . a " ...t " ' . Servic. evfh,,, .il years ago today at Leyton. The II U' ni"0, .,tP'V- V. "OwlboardMotoo",! great stand by the opening pair enabled Yorkshire to declare 1 with with one wicket down, beat- By BEN PHI.EGAK Associated Press Sports Writer 1 Corky Valentine, another rookie,' outduelled Curt Simmons las Cincinnati shaded Philadel- ir.3 E-v-ex by an innings and 313; If some of the major league's runs. ,.h. phia 2-1. Wally Post collected best pitchers turned up with a1 ing backs today they have a good excuse. Weils Sealed Up GOSKORD, England (CP) Cen four ruts and drove in both runs for the Redlegs. Joy in Flatbush came from i II 1 v- n. . 1 t I x '1 Lanoda I They're busy taRing bows for turies-old public wells in this Friri swriTv niaht-c , when in Do" Newcombe's first complete I lnla;u,u uu"l Suffolk 7, ,, ' ervyr ?w tn game since May 7. The big right- and 24 other villages n.rk iho two sealed for , 'w it" ahst To i hander turned back Chicago 6-3 "ow are being up, t MivMitte , thpco h e urnc: s at 1 fAt one v., ,..!.. .,,1, w,ir ,.,iih as as the me Dodgers jjuugcrs How wrong ran a guy get? Our prediction thut Itmky Mart'iamt would retain his world championship by a knockout in the ninth round was way off but there is .some small consolation that we were not alone in our embarassment.- There must be upwards of 100 sportswriters throughout the continent trying t: think up reasons why Ezzard Charles not only wasn't knocked out but went the entire 15-round distance to put up one of the most gallant ring stands in modern boxing history. This poses the question, is the vaunted punch of "The Rock" all that it has been cracked up to be? Certainly the "hot-und-culd." "undependable" Charles, as some writers called him. is made of sterner stuff than was originally thought. He was able to absorb more punishment than most humans can endure and still managed to dance up and down and hr;r.v his arms around Rocky at the end of 45 minutes of fighting. No we don't think Marciano's punch is any the less fearsome. He hasn't the punch Louis had. or even that of Maxie B.ier. who killed a man. Fighting the way he does, with all his: heart and oul. never stopping, and missing a fifth of the punches he starts, he just ran out of steam. As predicted. Chalks out boxed Kooky in the early rounds. We thought he was eoing down in the sixth. Then again, we figured we'd called it right in the ninth. But Ezzard. having weathered ine fresh furv of Rooky's strength, proved in the later rounds that his "absjibtion-of-punishnient saturation point" was rover quite reached. Consequently, much to everyone's amazement, including. I imagine. Marciano's, he was still on his feet Et the ( nd of the fight. It was truly a wonderful bouM to professional heavyweight boxing. Here were two men, about whom there has never been a breath of scandal, very little if any pre-fighting boasting by either man, and with no real or "dreamed-up" hatred for each other. They just went in there and gave every owe of stiength and courage in search of a common goal. In doing so they piovided the maximum in light entertainment to untold millions, in Yankee Stadium, to radio listeners and TV viewers. Whether there were as many blows thrown as were described by radio commentator Don Duinpliie, remains to be seen whm th? fight film ai rives in town. We recall vividly rofcr-eeing a fight in Trail once that was being broadcast by (J AT. It was beiween a Trail lad and a welterweight from Spokane, Wash. The fight which had been pretty exciting at first had siowed down as tho two lighters circled each other and action was at a minimum. But behind me. mike in hand, was a radio announced throwing punches out over the air, that only existed in hi.i own imagination. - It's to be hoped that Thursday nifht's fight wasn't given the same treatment. One thing that resulted was an increase in the respect the two men have for each other. Rocky says the fight was even tougher than the 13-rounder he had with Jersey Joe Walcott. Charles makes no bones about it and is already clamoring for another crack at his former title. They both should he healed up by the time Septemtfer rolls around and it should be interesting to see what the sports writers have to say on that one. It'll take us until September to. think up which way we're goin to call it. Strangest mail we've received since we've been in Htipert arrived today. It was addressed to us, personally and was from and we quote "the world famous Texas Cow Girls Bask el ha II Team." The letter accompanying the glowing press notices goes on to say that the Texas Cow Girls ounduct a training camp every year for "talented young ladies" who wish to try out for this team that has beaten high school, college and univi r.ity all-star teams. "We try to pick the best available talent on the North Americ.Mi continent." the letter asserts. Not only that but thiy "take pride in presenting a good evening's entertainment." 'Basketball-wise of course.) The Texas gals last season played 152 games and won 117 of them over male opponents. They've played in places as largi' as Madison Square Gardens and have helped raise funds for the March of Dimes, Red Cross and for such groups as the I.iuns, Kiuunis and veterans' organizations. "If there are any young ladies in your community that wish to try out for this world famous team, they may do -so by contacting "Iiempsey's Texas Cow Girls Basketball Team, Training tamp, Mismark, North Dakota, Post Office Box 13')5." The letter adds that "it is an opportunity for a young lady who likes the game and who has ability to make a good living, travel and see the world and play a game she llke.s." So there you are gals. If any of the Kainbirds, Doms or Krcsty's take up this offer BE Sl'KE, to, let us know. 1 " :,'-',' However. In a .serious vein, the Cow Girls are presently making up their 170-odd game schedule for the 1S54-55 season and' want to know "if there are any sponsors in your community and we would appreciate it if you would advise tnem that we i the Cow Girls) are available for bookings at this time." Okay, basketball commission. What say you line up a Cow Girls versus Manson's series to start off next season? Super Valu Take 24-11 Win Off Runner-up North Stars chipped the i.q.-. Giants' league lead to a single i" anmo Mnu'i'fimhp Ktnir If nut ! glory. At the Polo Grounds it was i eiehl' a Jn the last six inninps. ( Haddix of the St. Louis Harvey , GU Hodj,cs homered twice In the American League Cleve- hander snapped the New York, Giants' six-game winning streak,""" - shutout s'd .hlcaKO -6. Philadelphia with his third straight . - edged Detroit 2- and Washing-; ' . , 'ton outlasted L .llimore 7-5 in In winning his ninth consecu- , J3 ilmings tivp pa me U.tdciix ran his string: of scoreless innings to 32, lonr - - est in the majors this season, h : , : also increased his top-ranking!' j strikeout total by 7 to 86 and his I i overall record to 11-3. Nobody j ! el-'e has won as many as 10. Stan Musial hit his 22nd home run, tops in both leagues. ; At Forb-'s i'iold Vern Law. one of the National League's brightest rookies, allowed. Milwaukee ' only three singles and won the 'game 2-1 for Pittsburgh with a bases-loaded single in tho last ; of the ninth. CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 131 i - jWjKwiumtwiiMii nii V THATS what it would takc-a "fertilizer ' from Vancouver to Seattle, special", stretchtns V f-nUlSVf tV)pT . to hold this year's production of Cominco. A Elephant Brand Fertilizers -700,000 tons-. V ?N W a far cry from the inmal production of ,000 SV It shows how Cominco just over ao years ago. I W expanded and is st.ll expands to keep I both its with the growinR demand.from V ' , Caaadian and United States markets. Amwimiium Pl.oJ.dt Anonium Snhu, " . ltrdprills (ammonium nitrate). GAMES TONIGHT In Little League, Sea Kings meet North Stars at Algoma park at 7 p.m. Ir. district Miccer, t'ort Edward will meet ''ieneral Motors at Kms :t Park at :45 p.m. Popular Steamer. Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Fast Passenger and Freight Sailings from Prince Rupert (All times Daylight Saving) To Vanrouver Friday and ' Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Kilimat Friday 8:00 p.m. To himaiiii Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Slewart, Alice Arm Saturday 0:00 a.m. To Masset and North Quern Charlottes Thursday 6:00 a.m.; June 3, 17 July" 1 lu South Queen Charlottes June 10, 24, July 8 Passenger Reservations Comfort and Service For reservations write o! City or rx pot Office icnll Prince Rupert, B C. Freight Bookings plate. Best average for the night will go to Super Valu pitcher Jack Martin who scored three runs on three hits for three effi-cial at bats. Gene Maskulak and Ken Cameron .shared top spot on the LES SMITH - Prince Rupert Agent 509 3rd Ave. Phone SG8 & 5(i9 serving B.C. since 1889 By BOB MOKltIS North Stars went down under; a 24-11 deieat at the hands of Super Value la -it night at Al-j noma Park in a scheduled Litt;?: League game. Murray Wells. North Star .starter gave up the first 14 Super Valu runs en five hits, and an error while giving out eisht base-, on balls. Ray Oakey who took over in the seccid inning, with the baE'-s loadel and none away, was tapped for nine hits and he handed out four walk.s to let in North Star score sheet each ! bringing in three runs. Ma.skula'i j hitting twice in five chance:;, j Cameron one in ijr. j The game which ;as starte J during a threatening weather j situation was played in spite ol i heavy drizzle during the first another nine tuns Hoy Helland ! innings, ended in sunshine and moves the idle Sea Kings into came in, in the fourth inning first place. North Stars . P W L Pci. ... 3 2 1 .07 i 5 3 2 .000 ; .... 6 3 3 .500 1 .... 2 0 2 .000 ; mm with two away and three on bases, finished the game with four more hits, two walks and one more run. Wells struck out two men, Oakey one, and H v-land four. Jack Martin who pitched the first four innings for Super Valu allowed six hits, gave out three walks and struck out two batters for the five North Star runs. Don Love relieving at the bottom cf Little Lp.ifrue schedule for remainder of first half: June 19 -Sea Kings vs North Stars. June 21 North stum vs Kinsmen. June 22 Sea KIiirs vs Snpi'r Valu. June 23 Kinsmen vs Super Valu June 24 Kinsmen vs fieti KIoks. June 25 Sea Kings vs North Stars. June 20 Super Valu vs Kinsmen At niid-Miirch there were &riD.-900 applications for work on file with the federal government's employment offices, lfll.fKK) more than a year previously. SEE IT AT GORDON and ANDERSON Phone 46 the fifth gave five hits, two walks, struck out two, and saw-three errors committed to score six mote lun.s. Biggest hitter for Super Valu was first baseman Billy Main who scored four run.s on four hits for five official trips to the tui rnueni idaTFO MINING AND SMELTIt.o COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED