WINCH LACES (Continued from Page 1) Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, May 28, 1952. and, although he did not urge that voters "plump," he made no mention of the party to whom the CCF wish the people to cast their second or third choice votes under the prefer ' ' . , I ,,,, , A l". : T.. PLANNING A HOLIDAY? Membership in AAA offers mony odvantages Low Cost and helpful services, including towing charges, etc. See P. H. LINZEY Representatives for Prince Rnoert offices ovrr Rroadwav Cafe ' r! : 7 r - - r tt Underwater Television " (V?r Interests 12 Nations ential system which conies into effect for the first time in B.C. for this election. FIRST CHOICE, CCF Z1 sked bv a member of the audience of more than 300 the party's view on second choice, Mr. Winch said, "t hat's your bu'iine.'a:, but vole Number 1 for the CCF." "It doesn't make any difference to the CCF what your second choice is. That's why we have made no policy on the matter." Prior to Mr. Winch's address, leorge Hills. CCF candidate for pltal inquiry board," said Mr. Winch, who wa"s a member of the board, "even though the report showed how administration costs could be cut by $1,000,000 and the number employed to administer the service could be reduced from the present 643 to 223." "If you put hospital insurance on a voluntary basis you'll wreck it. You'll have to pay more than you are today. "No private insurance company can give you what you arc Setting today for less than $100 ir $150 a year., "If, as the Social Credit and Conservatives say, private companies are going to compete i t h the government, that means your rates will go up." The CCP policy on insurance would be to abolish co-insur-ince and exempt low-income ?roups. The party also, if elected, would "give car accident in they pressed for the construction. Average cost of the homes will be $10,750, said Mr. Hills, while the same home costs only $7500 to build in Vancouver or Jaw. "Even allowing $1000 for muskeg and rock, that still leaves $2000 to be accounted for," said the speaker, adding that rents, "which will average from $60 to $35," are also out of fine. NO NATIONAL ANTHEM At the conclusion of his address Mr. Winch called for questions from the audience and 'fter a lively 15 minute session he thanked the audience for their attentiveness and the Tieeting broke up. As the crowds streamed out the door one man said, "How about singing O Canada?" Mr. Winch said, "Okay, I'll sing it with you," and an elderly man near the platform headed for the stage to play the piano, but the crowd continued to disoerse, and it was not sung. In the lobby of the'Civic Centre, several citizens remarked about the failure to close .the meeting with O Canada, one man saying: "We always close our meetings in Prince Rupert by singing the National A LIST OF THE VERY BEST Prince Rupert, and Frank Howard, the party's standardbearer in Skeena riding, spoke briefly: GEORGE IIIIXS Mr. Hills criticized the housing project now under way in Prince liunert and said the city council, of which he is a member, and Chamber of Commerce should not be too proud of boasting about their efforts to get the houses even though surance at cost by setting up a government operated system to Eive you much more protection for much less than you pay now." Stressing that the government should receive more revenue from the natural resources. Mr. ir 11937 11941 11949 11949 11951 Winch said "we believe the peo-, pie have the right to be true partners in government and we i Last year the British succeeded in finding their sunken sulimarire Affray by television in the English Channel. Since then two of their radio and marine salvage manufacturers have got together and produced underwater tele- vision that looka like opening up new fields in marine research and salvage. Foreign countries are also interested, and pictured above are eleven navnl attache from Argentine. Brazil, Chile. Denmark. Holland. Italv. Norway, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and Venezuelaplus British oftirials watching an underwater camera being lowered into a tent tank. Left: What they saw on the television screen a close-up of diver at work. 0.0 not agree to a $51,000,000 1 profit by Consolidated Mining; V.. W ! S V v Roddy soys, "You'll sing all ' ' "till S III ' through '52 if you buy an & Smelting Company while they ' pay only $1,400,000 in taxes." ' Superior Auto Service Limited Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 ' ' 1.. ELECTRIC RANGE" SOCIAL CREDIT " i Referring to the Social Credit party, he said: "First of all, B.C. ' was worried about hoof and mouth disease, and now it's .So-1 cial Credit. j "And I'm sure we don't want! them or any kind of party th'tt; brings in a printed program at.1 a democratic meeting and tells you you must approve it without discussing it. "That's how the Social Credit Dartv nlatform w:is sot. nn In ' ting Isles Accident-Free Safety Week For Cellulose ce Circle 1 rAs tic Region ! Columbia r'elhilo;;c Company , at Port Kdwnrd was one of sevpn 'l.true DC, firms which emerged i without a single compensable accident during a recent safety week heUI by primary branches I in the forest Industry. The contest was between the ! primary mills of the pulp and "' paper Industry, which employs .500. Other mills included in the accident-free week were: Alaska Pine and Cclluloco Ltd., Port Alice and Woodfibre; Mac-Millan and B'.oedel. Nanaimo and Port Alberni; Powell River Co., Powell River; Pacific Mills Ltd., Ocean fall.; Howe Sound Pulp Co. Ltd., Port Mellon, and the Westminster Paper Company at New Westminster. The Canadian Pulp and Paper Association ( western branchi said that due to the continued efforts and co-operation of employees and management the accident frequency of tho industry during the past five years has been reduced 80 percent. During the same period, the accident severity rate has also been reduced 84 percent, the association said in a prepared statement. If you must sell t adv. nisi it NfcvVS OLARKtFtfc:.' convention at New Westminster." Mr. Winch said the CCF believes in the people being full partners in the running of the government. "The Liberals, Conservatives and Social Creditors stand for a system of competition, the ior a transitional period tn p system of co-operation." Mr. Winch asked electors to vote for the CCF on June 12 UV ' 'lliten (:l:irul .af' ii'1' l-iliimls which y tlicir iiricln hunrl- iIhm.ssiihIk f years aco v luivp hrrti ii Klcr fljsrr-bv Cii'iinla'.s (Iclrncn rc-lynTl's Art'tir fA'Ctlon. inpiiiK in sIk.)o with fur-.urlarcs '!io islands drift ne aniiiiH the top o( the :n a j.-uiM'd (irrlc. Thi-y r.nrp than five years to 'e Hie nirlp. ' u.-i's can ho .siiiftinR DC pa! In? n't think they havr. any aiicc oiv r than for basic if rf'an h " said Sfidn.- Il'i Mich a drliiilit in rook with an ele-trii! Just altoul r ii nt itJW'If. All you do is fMt llicrlork and pre a button ... the Beaufort Sva above Alaska, Krsult Ix-tter OMiking, more nutritious foot! . . , and lots more leisure for yourself. An electric range (jives cren heat, exactly right and ail of it koiiik into the food, not escaping into the kitchen, Economical .in fuel and food ' value. You can set t and forget it . . . and dinner is ready on the dot. Start . now to get greater , plraHiire from cooking . . .and give greater pleasure with what vou cook. Drop in nnn to look over the latest device for eay C4okiitg. ' : TCnth Oiccnaway, the Scaojanvs C roil' ii Royal 5cag,ram'$ V.O. Seagram's "83" Seagrams Kind's Plate Seagrams Special Old near WranRei Island and the most noithwe.'.terly promontory of Russia and back toward the north pole. Then It circled again ; to its present position. Sqdn.-Ldr. Oreenaway said Tl Is 17 miles long and 13 miles wide. He doubted whether it was more than about 40 feet thick, j Canadian fliers and scientists have fou'.id feven smaller ice Island.- simi ar to the three TV in wateis among the Canadian Arctic isl, nils. In 1950 an Ice- i break. t hcaiutiK no; in between ! Ellesinere Island and Axel Heib- i erp Island bounced Into an is- ; land which proved too .-olid for I the vessel. Bare of all venetation. -polar bears mam over them in search oi :va!s and in their wake follow i the Arctic foxes. . ! Whom the islands belong to j hasn't been b oaehed , ! if can ii board's tup xprrt. One I.- a t-a-.tMinu-y Uiiit. -d wOTillli.- ha .-. acii th y ai c rasy to pick ai tin- ai1 Ih cause of im-'ppici mi their surfaces, Hat ("imc'li and sm"Hh iobiKi plane; on In wi-i-' s;:a Mm v there is deep il hnr: p :n 'dies over niuch siaials f Tl. T:; a :id T:i they arc APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL AGENT (Section 67 1 Take notice that FRANK CALDER, CCF. Candidate in the Atlin Electoral District, is actinq cv Irs own agent. frXnktal'der, Candidate. 1 '' i i . i -1' . i If . v 3r" 'I r . 1 1 ,i .. id, ' ' ( if - I 14 . "i tUninl the cmhrarinir iie- This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or hy ine Government of British Columbia.' (f pack lee ;,hd are ta ii;ivr b oke'n away vai.ii.hni (;!aciers which d dnwn the tirsolale n-;r-'Jtsc .of I' lesmci c Island N in rn 3) ' - - . f:' i . 1!'1V t:i was slKhted liy RCAK-llKAK, fliuht over ,""-t islands of Canada's wliiH'la:;.( by Kqdn.-lAll. Km euro ot 'VI was i:i tic .summer of l!)au AK crew flylni; near the Tl as picked up by "fin 1 ! Ifi by a USAF air- '"'y fi'i'ln -I.dr. Oreena-over Ti ., low aii,it1(p. -man niL mwani some 10 mHes l'" Hay mi n,e northern f K'lo- 'I'itp I ;l:i nil. In the 111.!; yews ; incf II u:im f-in up ti hucl travelled s,l,,'i 412 nautical nvlcs 'iins westward across chcious w Fisii MIDI WITH MUSTARD y a 'NA fISH SALAD iZ'.m" mint") ' PP.r h,bLiUn'.:n' Piecei, I 'lishtl, T "R"dicnt and iiySc.uein,i-,,ulcup up 1 ErUhooklct. write to P.Sia,.. ;.' ",an -nsda Montreal. r 3E V'.. '"-V ,f 'i rip.- .fn-t''