k i i.o.ai, KO jii f. !"':: Ruueit Dully K c : Thursday, March 4. 1954 , AUCTIONEER K" 's. ' I'hnne Rlark lUK auf V-A l ' GA ! BUSINESS Anc PROFESSIONAL Mrs. Rowe DRESSMAKING 34 Third Avenue East, ever Rupert Battery Shop. Phone Blue 126. 'A DUNE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 7 ! I ll iMIMW HWW alTliM' TH I T 1 m I 1 1 I T - ' I I I,,,,. 1 1 M 1 EKAI.FD TENDERS addressed to the tinder.-i ued and endorsed TENDr'R FOR WHARF RFJPAIKtt. MABfcfclT (Ol.u,. HC". will be received In tne oil ice nt the rteeretarv. tinlll 3 (0 p.m. IK S T , WEDNESDAY, MAIiCH SI. 10f.4. Flans, form of contract and ftpecl-flcatrm can be luien and lorms of tender obtained at the olflee of the Chief P.ne.incrr. Department of Public Work, Ottawa, at the olfice of the Dl.ml.t Engineer. Hot Of.ice. litjtldin. New Westminster. B.C., und at tne post Oiliccs at Vancouver, Victoria, IVincc Hubert and Ma?.selt. B.C. Tenders will not be considered unless miide on or according to tlie.se prluU4l lorins- supplied by the Department und In accordance will) communis set forth men in. f.arh tender must be accompanied by u rertlllrd cheque on a charttr-ed bank in Canada. iKiyuble Ui the order of the Minister of Public ROOMS FOIt KENT 36 THE DAILY NEWS' ft-X , "CIRCULATION" 0P1 OMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 TODAY YEAR AGO 3528 3173 jsified Rites 4:80 pn P0'1' L M cnu. Card of Kl.il, Notice. Fun.) L,rii! ol nigenieut doable prt. tut Mpt rp"0.1bmtf lull Inwft1 Incorrectlf ,., eilot tun unlaw , of "ucu "rurl " r0", LAROE housekeeping room with kitchenette. 2104 Atlin Ave. i58 HOUSEKEEPING room, close in. 1141 Beuch Place or Blue 433. (551 SLEEPING room, breakfast if desired. Phone Blue 396. (65pi 37 ROOM AM) HOARD ROOM and board for working man in private Iiome. Phone Red 140. (571 ROOM and Board. 937 3rd West. Blue 507. (54pl i Works or Bearer Homl- a, prlflei In the form of tender, for 10 percent of (lie nintmnt ol the tender. personals 13 Hi I.O.ST c'" e..W" NOTK: tMiu ap)IU:alloli 1 to the) j undersi)Mied. the Department will j i supply hluc-prlnts and rfieclflratlon ! ol the v-'ork on delMit oi a Kiim ol CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr." Rupert for Smither Every Tuesday and Friday. For ,'onnectior.s Phone 632 MERI.E-ANN MEYERS, 17-year-old member of Winnipeg's Little Theatre group, posed as Hollywood starlet "Dawn Som-mers" and duped University of Saskatchewan students and facnlty. She was flown to Saskatoon to aid a blood drive and the hoax was not made public until she. returned to Winnipeg. Miss Meyers .brought back HUH Cap uf Studebaker yL.-ton truck. Kinder pIch.sc return to O. Rosin, HIGH 9th East. 155) 19 Help W Id Male female DANCE to the Strains of the Weslernnuires every Friday night at the Klk.s Hull. Admission $1.00.' Unescorted Indies admitted free before 11 p.m. Re of nn t hirf anari lh,i jdv'tiMmMC it not puMnhrd or dfUrff by ihf ttqwof CoMtol 6ord w by ike Gortunnl 1 Bt etlt Colimbt. p It ' (.::() on. in the lorm of a orthiedl lunik cli'doe payable to the onler t of the Minister ol I'uhlic WorM. 'Jne dept'-it will be r; leaserl on- the -re (nt'ad freshments. l!4) ,S MAN or woman for position of 14 BUSINESS PERSON Al 1 turn of the hluc-fru4ft' and eclfi t ci'tlon vifliiii a month frijoi' the ilw- 1 Secretary to P R. Chamber ofjrrr Commerce, and PR. Tourist!" Try Daily News Classified Sl'ITKS I OR RENT nceplion of tenders.' If not. r- .U. of 8. cngiueei-s' sweattr, a PLIES '.V 3-ROOM self-contained apart- t..rni ithiu that wfiou. the 1 Jt(.tll0sraDe ,nm the. medi(,K Hm-coii. Duties will also include Oiiatorship of local Muiteiim. . Ai)!v Box 487, City. (58 TIRES' Phone ' l"""' 'M1 uf unit iu-q ? : t V ------ W. mcnt. 533 8th Ave. Iiivthtin Byntllate of Canada A:. and Investors -Mniual of cuniwia LUi. -T- M. CHRISTIE ; Fh. 3J3 Third Avenue W.. ItftprpiiUativi for Prince Hiip-;r, Te-rrace und Kittrndt HOIltilfT Jj-OilTIElt. " J si'ttw. iliii Hum tuc UKUCUl-; Crcen 932. (50p : b-iir( t:irjf. - --i turai , representatives-, and a holding replies" m m i l' v'n:i I EMAi.i: l'PrO"(ment of Public Wia hfc, WrX. eln-.n 9-rnnm nnorlmcnl ' . parrot fron,. the law' students.'' Hollowing News. iltcl1 Result of hoax? Some 62 per ' Z r; nd fully furnished 1 i te h 1 1 ou,'v "' Fl,,rMir '."' ' APPLICATIONS AWru-ArinM will n be received housekeepiiiK i.jom. Phone Red , for tVLsition of Mai Clerk. An- " I - . cerit. of the students donated lily Personnel Supervisor, Col- j ! ite: c eniiieuie f rule . Mr-.-f -J, V 902, 905 ; at SUPER SERVICE as low as $17.50 also LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ON USED TIRES At the Corner of 2nd and 2nd where Service Is 2nd to none i ........ . . ,l,es must be uiouia eiiiuuse lo. i.tu. uji iLUMf UKiAMUi. auarimefu ior,io i.ot riilrieen in), Hlrxk Klen ,,.,,.,,, . "". I fumilv. near school. Phone! (it), village i tnn. Mit MARRIED womitn desires part- l53, , wheukas of Bl k 277 ' KUlsraeUiry pnmf tune work clei k-lypi.st. Preler- - - - I loss of the aljove ceriuicaie of Title ably morniiiKs. Blue 2137. 55) TWO-ROOM furnished. Privnte i isRued in the name of Minute Han-... '' TU ' Bath. Phone Red 9S4. (56li " hi been filed In tlus office. ih lit ,.,, II.IHNCi v.v- M ...i i I I.KIAI.S , . ! notice Is hereby given that I shall. rr YOU WANT A - CINDER E.KIVEWAV ROCK OR :OHCRETB WORK Rent of Tru'.k and Equipment Ph, Blue 93!). M. J. SAUNDERS lor in person DINING PLEASUPl iMIMi 1VINTS 3-ROOM apnrtmen' Prince Ru-1 "t the enpiiatmn or one niomti from nert PUimbinii. (54)ithp the first pnimeation CHOP-SUEY.. . . CMOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. week is MnrcriN7 j hereof. Issue a Provisional iVrtlll- loOlS will in 2-ROOM suite. 139 4lh East. I Title in lieu . i.f . said lost ,11 be oped .to , putjc ACCOUNTANT. Income afternoon ! Tax specialis'. s. O. Kink. each unless in tht. iiunlinie PIIII.POTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phone C51 or 652 j Inquire abiiil our budt(et plan for your home Improvement. No ciown payn.ent. $100 to t2,0tl0. 6 to 21 inont.lis to pay. 55i iSnl i Certilleilte. Stone Building. Red 593. t'i()m( MAGAZINES, novi.iL'..s. Eddie's News .Stand. h i HOMES FOR SALE 40 h KiriR Edward ' & Real Cove- . SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe SCOTT McLAkEN Cll; JiTERED ACCOUNTAWT James Block, B08 3rd A. V. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.3. Box 37 St valid objection be moiie V. -If tf . In writing. . ' f DATED at the Land Itcelslry Of-lice. Priliee Itupert; Il.', this- 24th day of fthruarv. I.rt4. All. . . , ANDREW .TOOMI'SON. Deputy Kiutrur'' ol Titim:" v'S . 7lcil 27 HIL A REAL INVESTMENT ; Situated close to McBride Street Hollywood Cafe Tor OuUiUe Orders hone 133 THREE-Strand pearl necklace : two four-room bungalows. Rev- between C'ile Centre and tin For Your Fuel Requirements: Dally News office. Reward Oil -"She)"' stove und Furnace, i l'mie $ 00 IH'r month. Both arej at H17 Pleaw plione 749 or ea Coal Fimthllls und-hrvan Mln.iln v,rv "oa shape, rnce oniy By CHICK YOUNG Itfnel Mrbrid St. BLONDIE B.'ind Bargain fias "Pacific" Propane , S4000, half cash. Exclusive list I II. POTT, KV l'IT Hi CO LTD. ,lnK' i, umrial ii Annuncia-rth II. r meeting will be held 4-i-h 12. in Klnn W- at B.WI p.m. Each t, iiresi'tu ,'in item con-gfi iratlon Wik, and lljthp a panfl tllscassloii - ipn the sulijeet: "How ii Ririxinsibllity for . ' ' r l'i.onc 6U or rj2 i ii. (i. J I (.itrorson I A(l. ' v'JT ViiThOUT JTHE LA.Bl.LS Vjrivl V". oAl vvni I VL UL-wr-ik, .i (55) THE ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9th Ave. West. Ph: Red 165. (62) : I SOMt SU'lr i - ; 1 - i and evsyfoooMv. . .. ar'ls, vje .( Ol'5'IHS EA-PCA'N Renl Estate and Insurance 216 6th St. Phone 96 or -f I GOrlMTHcf.S- siuim; :.i(Hii:s 23 "4. its": 1 !,l-IAT' IM 't r THEM the t ompieie limi HOUSEWIVES Address adver- SAi.ES Repairs, R.ntals. Singer' F. Wilson Black 197 evenings Sew,.,:; Centio. Phone 864. r - , BEDROOMS, $1150 DOWN iliurMl By: Uw Hpmc.i Using postcards. Must have the caiimuni.y,(ROod handwriting LIN DO 903, (57pi i J Spacious family home on the bus ind Laboiviiitid. the Watertown, Mass. 32 i lllt SALE MISC. flint" naa ii hi .sihim. i.,ntv livlnK-dinini; combination, bright HLUMBINO, auUimatie oil Iijl'. sheet metal work. Phone .rd Party, March 3 nbMmm :'.m 543. Call 630 6lh West. neau. el WALK .'. utimniae.e cabinet kitchen, i-ood sized room down, three roomy he-' rooms up. Early possession. Full j price $4200. Armstrong ' Aticncics Ltd. Phone 342 - eves.- Red 951 1 (511 vt V u-J rrii irn v -(WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER H.TcachliiR. Reach-'. ELECTROLUX. Phone Blue em, Lu Hi e r ft n 970 ' for Parts Sales tJervice. wiJh Comfort, and Ease in a oair of 4.- l"l "V - V. 1 1 . rrh 7-14. Rev. A. M. , 'el ! WARTIME four, full basement. By AL CAPP LI L ABNER ararose, Alta. Sun- j : - - - n. and 8 pm. Week ; pH I M N E Y and chesterfield p m. KvaiiKellstlc , eleanina. Odd jobs. Phone 1408 8lh Ave. East. (5jp) 40A Houses Wanted to Buy aiwins from 2.'.m. I Oreen 773. Mr. J. Kempsler. hntcd. (61) (70pi j i Norway MaMpicrade, i Raw Flllnrf All tvnes of saws. 215 I ;! .1, r '' I Precision Saw Fllintr. Mart-hj West. . - ( 65 1 ; '.iiinuut' Sale f;6lh St. . . 2 OR 3 BEDROOM house. Close to town. Apply 207 9th Ave.: East, l55P , 4 ! - WANTED TO KENT 4- or 5-bedroom house, unfurnished. Urecntty required. Phone Gteen 198. (53) UNFURNISHED 3-room apartment private bath, by April i i wu.tTiKU r. ecincai woi rs. ni"-! 4 -if and'niama en- 1 ors bought, sold, rewound imd DEBS The High Style with ' The Low Heel Popular Shades $10.95 Vogue "Shoes LIMITED 500 Third West Green 595 (ltc) repaire(. " ' ; FAMOUS DINKY TOYS always On display lit THE VARIETY, STORE. 53 1 i H- tlval Hrcrtlary, Fire 4 No entries accepted f ' r' , ii4L I'fVt Tea, Catholic Jrch 17. lurd I .T.A. I'esTaTld W1LFORD Electrical Works i ' dealer for Ekollte Sounders, j ( 62 i i 1. 336 9th West. Kuhl. (54pi " 43 I.!ST1NGS WANTED 7 LIST YOUR HOUSE WITH H. (I. Holgemm Ltd. "and prepare to move" . Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 eves. . -1 .A'V 1 5M MAGAZINES, Novelties. U nited Tea and Sale, Eddie's (cl News Stand. CARS? Bob Parker's of Course, i . .. . .: . ' 9 i" t ijbitilin, ;!CU H,ihot,I, iarrh 51.. AJtsrqoon 1'i.in Kprlnn Rale"AV- COM. nine-speed bicyeln with NEARLY everyboTv uses 91 W " ''! jtiiMi RADIO DIAL. I 1210 Kilocycles I accessories Oood condition. 1 vear old. $4000. Phone Green 471. (55pl GFPR i I'asliltm KIiijw. 8:00 ENOl lsil nrnm and sunshine .stroller Both In trnod condl- wiiadlatl Legloh. PARKER 51 PEN. Owner may have same by identilylni! uni paying for tills advertisement. , : Phone Blue 213. W i lion. Apply 1136 2nd Avenue lirpl'iHum,,.a(.f HuW April a. West, (III BLUE fiiiiilron Baby biiRKV. A 1- (Subject ' 'Jliaiifie) Tmi::ii)AY I'M li:ltll Klliler Serenatle OrllO Wayne and Shie.KT 7.00 CIIC News 7:l:i C:1K: News ltimndlip 7:M0 Kventidi? t H:(K1 Cltiens' Forum 8:4a Fanma Caslor !):( CBt; Valieouver (.:onei rt 5 'fa, Home of Mrs. i flood condition. Phone Black "n, Apiil 22 It HIXH WANTED MALE tIuinivi: ion ACCOUNTANT CLKKKS "t'iK Fashion Show. 2151. (531 ! 32. I (tit KENT MISC CABIN Furnished. $50 month. I 521 11th Ave. Apply 1158 Park I liters Raster Tea, ' I f-ANP V IO,OOa'.'T PONT BE4ILW.'.' HEPEHOWTHIiSHOvV IT --ANJ THE - I THE APPUAUSET------ " kHHEV AUNCE S REGISTERS VJ""" 7Q $A, ' 2 FSSt ' rOWTE4TANr& TELL I APPUAUDS TH ON THIS M I 0N8EABH8i.y 1 ttO OOOl SO ? 50.000 FOR THEA&ZVgEPVTh -M.SERV J oic H tfJrr ' Jr , ' ' J III MOST- -"-. TOUS ENTERTAINPR4.V 5TOKIfc CTORIPS- ... , I EWdCrV MOtT- mi-y METER- J 1 - rj:ivuuiiuy r ,Wway ENTERTAINING ) PiTinjlA WF. GET YOO THE HEART OF j U LI tT JONES ; : , X STAN BLAKE - KiK&f &$&?A (rjtoiu v-tA '-- : i Vi ( outtu )$ 1 (Zrvv!yn tiiS 'JV'VV. I V1! f ' eTVT- V0UV6 T6STBITBOJW.'USTeNrV '. 1l '- I V U.i rTi..J..'-I-'f ' fi-T H0WW IVS KEN IN THIS ACI:tT SINCE IN, 1 ARCHIE . By BOB MONTANA JmMm'J' "m WBPKl rtME PRINCIPAL KOJEX falTV VvWr Y'lHtY H fXSPyB flW " f4CTTY JUOT 'A APai I NtW Al-SO ML. HU J DID 1HEY ?AV OAID .NCTi ! THfcY WtKEI -M8S tyfT- SE3"r SHIRLOCk HOLIES ; 6y EDITH MEI5ER end FRANK GIACOIA iMm 9::t(i Winnipev, Drama 4 (58p) 10:00 CHO News Ave. alter 5 p.m. .'The Canadian Army lias many olieutnifs lor Vouiik men as Aceoun- 10:10 C11C News it. tant Clerks. The Army win train you i cijEAN furnished 2-room cabin 10:30 1 1 ail Nocturne Yteiilher Uepert Music Till IvjhltilKhl SiKll-off Fill DAY I"' the Moose SDrlmr1"1 hO.kkeejlnn. Bccountmy. cosiimv Ur)S n(n Ave Apply 801 Bor- of Mrs Fred Grim V(Vi '''"rn ,Jplni! You '":ir" den St A (58) !' Ave Wesl AnVll 1 1,1 kep records and Icducr.i lor sup-I . - ;flC(iiiie ' 1 r" pllea. You will he trained tu main-I 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS : ihi lain stoektaklnt; records and assist 111 stocktaking; procedures. WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES TAID for scrap Iron, I sU'el, brass, copper, lead, et. I Honest RraditiK, prompt pay There are also oM'inniis In the Armj fur eien to train as: oholies Anon Jx343. (551 ''''-Tnlflmri, A Klectricla.ntt. 81 low, AM. i 7:00 n.C. Flshermen j Brnallnis. :ri Insleal I dak 7:S0 BC Nhwh; Weather "i.'i'i Muslenl CliHk :li liMllhii; llevollimi 8:0(1 I'HC News; Wealller H:I0 Here's Hill (iml BM.I Hnakfusl Club 8:45 Laura Ltd. O IK) line News and Comty. 9:15 Aunt Lucy 0 :111 I nine (I h:il May 9:ftH Time tihotal 10:00 Mornlui; Visit 10:15 The Happy Clans 10:45 Musical Kitchen ment made. Alias iron & Metal Lid., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAcifie 6357: (Hi CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, palteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (ct A. spring Bazaar f3 th Se7n Star f urnle fiTtr - WHITE enamel wick burner kitchen range, with carburetor, $75 00. Phone Green 398. (57) 4) ttwllo Station Operators 4 'ivtenominiiniiiiilon Mirhmilea. 0 Surveyors. Q Durbir'n und Penllst's Assls- . tahlH. 0 Technical Assistants. Alt Army career offers Rood pay. pensions, excellent conditions ol servlcn, variety of work, travel, medical and dental care. M days holiday. To be ellidble for thin trades train-Inn, you must have Grade 10 education or equivalent, be 17 to 40 yearn of aire, and physically fit. For full Information write or visit the Army Recruiting Bta-tlon neivreat your home.-No. II Personnel llepnt, .401 Wet 3rd Avenue, Vancouver. B.C.. f.Mav k" BaMa'. 1 :00 Your (lood Neighbor Kindergarten of the Air .Message IVrlod Talk In Indian Snpl. Antlelil Sprin 52-'53 Sedan. Delivery or suburban. Must be able to finance. B Bazaar, Box 905 Daily News. (53p) H-15 1 1 ::i III-, P.M. 12:00 12 15 12.35 12 SO l'i:.V. I :OA -fCr'' way 27. 3. BOATS AND ENGINES Rcandiiiavian M(-lodles CHC News . Interlude 11C. Farm Broadcast Interlude Kieoriis for You Iteeoril Album National Krhixll Proadcast Telephone Kerry 2111 2:00 (HI 14 FT. Clinker built boat, copper fastened, with 10 hp. Johnson. Both new last spring, $650. Phone" Green 322 or see Imperial .Oil. (551 40-Ft. troller. Phone Green 2144. (56p) ST.-"! the CltvST 2:!J0 Trans-Cnnada Matinee 3:15 Brave Voyage nn.v;.ar.Dllra.. B;irrv,om0'?ths. beloved APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'cloek noon, March 18th. for the position of Municipal Assessor for the City of Prince Ru- ner). AnnlUnnlu nittcf Rtflt IIPC. ROOMS FOR RENT :l::m 2:45 4:15 4:30 5 oil 5:15 IllM'tlOIVIl B.C. Hequest Roundup Caujditin Curling Championship stories of the Ballet Mock ifuoiatlons m-aliM International Ceinly. two hrmspkeeninrr rooms. Fully ay MaC.Pl at 2:30 inuir. I No fj Patrvlew 1 marital status, drtails of prcv- 1 furnished. Phone uieen uu, lous experience and salary ex 711 7th West. (53 1 6 20 CBC News; Weather SaO Rawhide 5:55 Have You Heard TWO fumishud rooms. 1805 8th p rpfiuest. ""kern rs in fcnu charge of S . (ID pected. R. W. LONG, City Clerk.. (.55) Ave. E. alter 4 p.m. wj