The Pfii",ce.Kupcii; uq-;,. Fritiiiv ' Saskatchewan Wins Schoolboy Curling Title For Fifth Time in Six Years The Scrapbook (Past nnd present in the Sports World Just Arrived! By JACK CLUET-JESSOME 9-7 going into the 10th end. Saskatchewan this year. The Secord put a stone deep into the west's only other winners were hnuu ,n hiU finni throw and I Humboldt, Sask., in 1949 and Walker needed only to knock the I Regina in 1950 The only eastern was won by Old-timers, many of whom : the third wa.s a Canadian In-lrom Prince Rupert, still re-' dian. member the good old teams and i Alvan ' Babe" Hunt hid fought Saskatoon stone out for the cnampionsnip Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute in Saskatoon last 4; game and the championship. Walker missed his shot, took out one of his own stones and left Saskatoon with one point HAMILTON CP1 A missed rock by Manitoba on the last shot of the game In the all-western final ' nuisday night gave Saskatchewan, its fifth Canadian schoolboy championship in six years. Saskatoon Technical Collegiate if Saskatoon, who defeated Gordon Bell High School from Winnipeg 10-7 to take the Silton Trophy Thursday night, have been the champions for three of those five years. This year's winning rink, skip year. B.C. won four games and lost Folding Sandwich Cols With sirins-filled mattress, 2'ti" Folding Sandwich Cots With sprini!-filled mattress and liirrh folding bed ends. 2'(i" It was the 104th game for five in the tourney fames of years Rone by; younger fellows of today like to hear of hockey pf long ago. Back in the season of 1915-16 saw greai competition for hockey supremacy with the Montreal Canadiens out on top to capture the Stanley Cup and the championship of the National Hockey League Association. It will be remembered there were no Vezina, Lady Byng. Hart or Calder trophies awarded at that time. . - I his opponents by punching hard and fast behind his 195 pounr's. Like many other fine performers, Hunt was credited with a good many fights, some of them very successful; had gained several knockouts. On Aug. 11.1930 Hunt met and won over James J. Braddock, Boston, in 10 rounds. Knocked out such boxers as Sandy Moir. Jack League, Knute Hansen, Paul Penetelo. In 1944 Rudolph T. Lorraine, who was then 19 years old and a Dartmouth freshman .athlete, 3 ped by Bayne Secord, 18, won the championship when Gene Walk- j ,r. 13-year-old Manitoba skip.! missed the final shot of the game. The Walker rink, on the sb-"-' i s h o t b d y jf , ....Vj ,Jfl , end of the score throughout the , . ... ... . .. had joined the US. Army. He inaue up oi a sonu anu ru",i$cu , , . ., had starred in three sports at Folding Steel Cots With roll-un felt mutirrss. J'6" Sisal Carpet !)' x I J. Imported from Holland Coco Door Mais .... piigregation of players and were handled in a capable manner j by Leo Damluiand u nianatici . , Under his wing were Ocorges game, shortened Secord 's lead to Last Night's Fights ; By The Associated Press -hthiittnu ii, IM. Jacques Rover, ; l.VJi.,. F'runce, stopped Tony Anthony. 157. New York. 8. e-t : Itil lleiieh. Hil. Bolihy FHiott. lf0. Louisville. Ky , outpointed Emerson Butcher, Hi'. Rnl: HALF OI I AMI - - - YKAIt - Ravage Shoes are Sanitized . . . Laboratory Tested and approved for longer, hcalt Iiicr wear. Boys' and Girls' Dress and Play Oxfords . ... I so Patent Leather Straps and Saddle Oxfords "BE SURE WITH SAVAGE" Kennett High then had won his spurs with the Big Green freshman eleven in 1934. Rudolph is a full-blooded Mohawk Indian. Tom Longboat wa.s considered a world champion and had once competed in the Olympics in England as a long distance runner. Won many races in this side of the world and was very popular. The writer had the pleasure of witnessing some of his running feats in Nova Scotia many years ago in annual May 24th road racing features. Tom passed away at his homo outside of Toronto several years ago. POLICE STI I'I'EO IN It, is considered the judges' decisions is final in a boxing event; but it was not so in the case of the Ryan-Smith battle Gene Raymond Conley gets an eary start in the direction of baseball as his daddy, giant Gene Conley, tutors the lad in the art of pitching. Conley, promising rookie hurler with Milwaukee, is in Bradenton, Fla., for spring training Canada Gets Open Date in World A. MacKEMZlE FURK1TURE IshinU, III.. 10 Nrwnrk. X.J.-Harold Curler. 1H7 I.intlen. N J . outxihiietl Joe;l-s:iy. 1HH. llrooklyn. 8. K:ill ICIver. Mas. Orlando 7,m Itletn. I'M. Cllb.. outpolntetl Al Iu-urle. 1DH. New Ik-tllord. Mass.. 10 fhilalelilila Ktlctie (ilosa. 14'i 1'hltaflelphla. nutixinted Jim C'hiou-piM-iie. JS0. I'iilludelphia. 8. Saginaw. Mli ll. --- Ken Hanuin r I'm. Detroit. out;ointcil Ht,v,:inl Tute. 211. Canton. O.. 8. For Over a Qii;:i,r.r ( "A OiHxl Place to Huy 30H Third Aveniie j FASHION FOOTWEAR j Hockey Series STOCKHOLM (CP) A sched NHL LEADERS Ily The Canadian Press Standout: Detroit, won 34, lost Vessina. Bert Corbeau, Billy Cou-tu, Reg Noble, Newsy I.alonde. Jack Laviolette, Louis Berlin quette and Don Smith. It will be recalled that the Geprges Vezina was a star goalie lor the Canadiens and in hi memory a trophy known as the "Vezina Trophy", to be awarded each year to th? NHL goali.' with the least goals scored j.gainst him during the season, came into being in 1927-28 and the first winner was George Hainsworth, who became a member of the Canadiens later. Hainsworth won the trophy three seasons in a row. At time of wriiing this column Harry Lumley, Maple Leafs and Terry Sawchuk, Red Wings were neck-and-neck towards the Vezina trophy and the $1000 th it giX'S with it. AMONG TIIK KKCORIIS Back in the good old days of 1930, the da,te Feb. 15. a championship basketball contest with 10 overtime periods was played between Wenona and Toluea, 111. Score at 4th quarter, 15-15; first overtime, 15-15; second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and .seventh. 17-17; eight, 19-19; ninth, 21-21; in the tenth Wenona tallied seven points against wo points to win. Total, 28-23. Adding a short note to bas ule promising little difficulty for fought a iii) . ton-rated teams opens tlv in 1896. Tommy Ryan tied 11-7!) prtnt.s. Points: Howe. Detroit. (18. Coals: Itietiartl. Montreal. H:V Assists:, Howe. Detroit. 41. Shutmiis. Hiiwelitik, lHroit. 12 Penalties: rtuhiUd, Montreal. ! BLONDIE A De Looks Model By CH A ?-t'S I TELL K'S ) J. SwSS Th 'J 1 SHE'S V-C'-'refPUL V STCP (i E5-. JtZ?T vn ( a TrRK.c woee Aeour J Fx eesr Tvwsr, on the pwcne-h 6tal-in9,1 ( sues Y ' Ci.553, v VVOOKER-J HER fr "-L-V WTHE ANO HAS A -1U I3wOCD" f VEV 'V . ,. ' Tr.-J- K-S WHAT IS. TAkSS --:'l CfCS-J WASVELOUSX' . P--C TsH STrY ) V' crrNrfsrAPHEi? J Aneowcecs ; Aj, X-A expert - wvK-vi, Sa. ' epr' i Wl MJ - fit- ktfb i-Jt Xtf4h " ?Z'n -vM W t H minutes. world hockey championships today. Canada had an open date in the right-team round-robin series. Czechoslovakia, the pre-tour-namcnt favorite, was drawn against Switzerland, once a power in European hockey but not seeded in the top four this year. Sweden, the defending cham no-declsion contest with Mysterious Billy Smith in 1894 and the pair met again on May 27. 1896, at Coney Island, N Y. The light was stopped by the police wlien the men had battled 18 rounds. The referee called the battle an even contest, but the sports writers decided Ryan hid won and with it came recognition as the titleholder. 1)11) YOl! KNOW THAT Gene Tunney, besides being the world's heavyweight boxing O 27 33 2'J 15 2b 13 15 Howe. Detroit . . . Richard. Montreal . Lindsay, Detroit . . . Kelly. Detroit Geoftrion. Montreal Konty. New York . . Keibel. Detroit . .. Only a Pipe Drcom TRADE-INS ACCEPTED CCMTyc'J T COJLD M r-.( C.? ilbso tvs i ,. t-ie pions, were scheduled to fatr" lightly-regarded Noway in today's second game. The Swedes, who faced no North American ; epposition last year, are given an outside chance for top honors. The third game on today's schedule nits Russia ngainr.t Finland. Observers saw it as a 'workout for Moscow Dynamos, ,v,ho are heavily backed in their ' country's first try at intei na-i tionsl hoeltcy honors. 1 Toronto Lyndhur.sts, joined by v'.'T-aj-rnr? A T.-.PAcrs- C.J'LL PASS THE VAOKTET CN S EXACTl.V TS CTJ.-" The VVAV--SO OU CAM PC ) ASP I HAVEN'T M UP A FElV THlNiSS 1 NEED" A T03ACCC TrIS ' t'i Vl ' V V THE A PUT-UP r-i l -' ' -j -' 3 ( LIST J JCB ! J?.J, - . Jct x -s- .r&vv I'LL B?EAK 'J B'f r XOl-ESTO A I''"''? SOMETHING? Tlc 3:LL IN j the champion, was also Ughthcavy- j weight titlist. American Expcdi- i tionary Forces, 1919; ' American j light heavyweight chumpion.j 1922; Lieutenant, U.S. Marine! Corps, R.C., 1926; Major, Gov-! I ernor's Staff. State of Connecli-' 1 cut,' 1931. IS POI'lLAIt GAME Badminton is a game with a : history and the date of its ori .v' i Me co - . 6TCRE ''r . rJAV BAV .' -t1 j; :f) T. EATON ketball: Dr. Naismith's first bas- : ketball cages were the tall, cone hape peach baskets, in general j 'merchandising use in that era ; , thus the name of the game the original ball was a soccer foolbail. . FAMED INDIAN ATHLETES Hunt, Lorraine and Longboat were names pretty popular in sports some years back, the first two were American Indians and Company Limited v Get many on th sidelines, spent the day integrating four 'newcomers who joined the team Wednesday. The Canadians arc scheduled for their first action Saturday against Switzerland. gin is not available; however, it is a game named after the scat of the Duke of Beaufort in Gloucestershire, England. LI'L ABNER NEW LOCATION 328-W-3rd Maple Leafs, Canadiens Battle to Scoreless Tie BUT, Ht J I KONEi '- WAS S BO-V- ' ! F.EMEMBER WHEN ! Tiger Flowers of Atlanta became the first Negro winner of the world's middleweight boxing title when he beat champion Harry Greb in a 12-rounci-cr at New York 28 years ago tonight. Flowers lost the crown to Mickey Walker and died shortly afterwards. DA ID. WMURBW UC-r-S VO P.EELIZH I I DOES AH REELIZE WHAR'S ) A COUPLE 0-Sc.?-J HCtJFST APE WA5. T?-OH-fpB.r.'-HH TH' V FRIENDS O' Hlf ' P. A - s WIF A y JE5T SHOT TH'f CORPSE? DRUG IT AWA-V.'.' j- LOADED .5.r.' ) MYSTERY MAN V rTv , J c-T THROUGH TH' , .iZxY ? J-W! the league race, made Thursday night when By The Canadian Press place in The hockey game in which 1 it n0. 3 MIGHTY A VO IN'.' r The EATON Guarantee "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded." dai p.. f r a f T e i HAIO WIF IT.'.''r. ' . ' ' v- V-TW I the L:'afs and Montreal Canadiens battled to a scoreless tie at Montreal. . The game gave Harry his 11th shutout of the season and moved him ahead of Terry Stw-chuk of Detroit Red WinRs for goaltcnding honors. Jacques Plante, Canadiens' .'.lib goalie, scored his second shutout inth;' nobody scores lsrr't a novelty in the big time this year. There , have been four 0-0 scores in the National Hockey League .so far this year. Chubby-faced Harry Lumley, making a strong bid lor his first Vezina trophy and goalkeeper's award, has three of them. Lumley, a key man in Toronto ! . second I six games he has played substi- run for Maple Leafs' 'Si ' ' i OOPBASVV L J 'v-vES.'-'-IT WEREl heTpa" BUT, HE'S TWSWEETt5f ALLTH MORE REASON AM GC'. .VURDERED ) f horpible.'.'-so.le'5 murderer li'l murderer this A turn him w.7-h I A mam's . w i, n t i i v " -r ' -. jmm r . -J-lfk 5I AF OPE TH POLICE I I -NOT ME," f Irl YOUR 50N.r,r- J f I I &UI 1A Bt nuisu.'. - jprs ! WJ DOMINION ; TEN '.Jutipg .for the -injured Gerry' :4lcNeil. ;'; i- ' ' In the night's only t.tlnr i game, league-leadinu: uctruit i Ri'd Wings rdg"d last-place Chi-i cago Black Hawks 3-2 at Oin:t-j ha. Neb. At Montreal, a crowd of 14.512 ' had little to get excited about ' as the teams checked closely Blue Bombers Exempted From Taxes WINNIPKG (CP) The treasury department of Manitoba will pay the federal government and seldom opened up. The tie left Leafs and Canadiens deadlocked in second place with C8 points. That is 11 points off the Red Wing pace. i .""'a J ,- 10 J I r w x ... .,... f i r- n, -r- THE HEART OF JULIET JONES Bvbiw I - " ' i 1 " I I l ..... -UltC I WKEN YOU VE SOT A -J I IN- ' C4Mfc TO WCKK ei-X '1 1 1 niei - V" 11 $3,000 more a year because of j the increase in postal rates, j provincial treasurer Ron D. Turner, told members of the legislature. Winnipeg Blue Bombers were '. exempted from amusement tax on football games because their J organization and promoters did ' not profit from the enterprise, ; Mr. Turner told members, in answer to a query by M. A. Gray (CCF-Winnipeg North). ' Mr. Turner said all amateur j athletic organizations were ex- f cmpted, a.s were the professional clubs, providing they do not profit by their endeavors. l''T-"Fk t riM T dU KUIW TUU .1 ILMM I Wll M HCJU T 1 AIM h IsIJkC 119 1 I WUKn wn v"-. , v . i 60WETHiNS7 V.-7TivA 11 Ubaov to show vou about NOW. A SPILLEP SW6-S0ESS lie . S4l ikw nptimf M W-rViul I 1 --- V 1 r-' uirT--; ' . .,' H Kk .1 .1.' .1 mi ' .J 1 lid.T rr- , J - -o1 iiVr-.---."- if ', I :ir 1 1 fell T 'f5?Jr TH ENAMEL WILL SiV ANP STICK NOTICE HOW IT LAVS ON EVEN A HEY IT'S PSV AS A X I ' , " If TO ANV SURFACE, M. MOOSE. ANP SMOOTH - &O AHEAP J 80NE JONES, MAVBE r vi. BESiPES, IT PKiES IMMEDIATELY. W TOUCH IT.' , YOU'VE (SOT SOMET-'iNS 1 f r1 V -am uacu it ulei i ) ct p wosv ri a n epii BiAuFPe' WE MOVE WITH CARE ANYWHERE You can entrust your finest furniture pieces to us with confidence in their safc-and-sound delivery. PACKiWG CRATING SHIPPING LOCAL OK LONG DISTANCl MOVING LINDSAY'S Elks Blank Kelowna 3-0 j Every man played as If the league championship was at stake as Kamloops Elks roared up out of the cellar Thursday night to blank Kelowna Parkers 3-0 and snap the orchard city win streak at nine games. The Okanagan Senior Hockey League game was the only interior action slated Thursday night. The victory gave Kamloops netminder Hal Gordon his sec LTD. MONTMORENCY DISTILLERY tawpr P. Q. liv rife.' 7 , il V'l L'U'J Lii I Vi'-i-i.-fl M'im Lvs' J i .i RvCv. .. Cartage and Storage Limited iir tx": . Phone 60 "Leave It to Lindsay's" ond shutout since joining the This advertisement n oot published or displayed by tin liquor Control Board 01 py th G&vrnmtnl cl Brilish Cglu.r.Lii 4 ..' ..Mil I M.Vufl ''J. I MIX. T ' iM I I V Elks last season.