Pi nice Rupert Daily News Friday, February 26, 1954 SCREEN ir X Ltnmtff ..... '.. -"!, -t - i .,'- , . ,? .India Hit ! By Shortage I Of Doctors FLASHES Now 1103$ Now! rw mArt ti.fe BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. UP The Screen Writers Ouild Thursday night gave its laurel, achievement award, t-molematic of the biggest contribution through the years to his craft and guild, to ...- NEW DELHI (Reuters) Faced i by a shortage of 125,000 doctors ' and a shortage of medical aid jfor most of her 150,000,000 children, India is planning to I adopt its own version of a Rus-Isian system under which auxil 11 Wallace's Dept. Store Today and Saturday T j61 Evenings 7: - 9: p.m. I V FN Maliner Saturday.... t: p.m. FA.VIOIS PMYKRj if i Dollar days an. lure again at Wallace's. Value-packed specials every one a dollar stretcher. .y 4',; I V TODAY TO SATURDAY iary medical workers are trained to perform many medical services. The plan, prepared by the Indian health ministry, has been circulated to state governments and most of them are giving it their support. It is estimated that while the country needs 185,000 doctors, there are now only 60,000. At the present rate of training 2,600 doctors a year, it will take 37 A New Achimwnt ia Motioi Pktirt EnefoJ BARGAINS GALORE Throughout the Store WiUtDisnes A PFTFI1 MM VllKeTECHN,C0L0R If PRIME MINISTER St. Laurent shows keen interest In an RCAF Sabre Jet engine at Canada's No. 2 Fighter Wing base at Oros Tenquin, France. He talks to two mechanics, Cpl. Ted Rapley, (left i of Hamilton, Ont., and LAC. Edward Anderson, Weyuurn, Saskatchewan, during world tour. Dudley Nichols, wno nas wriueu such movies as "Prince Valiant." "The Big Sky," "The Bolls of St. Mary's," "For Whom the Bell Tolls." "Stagecoach" and "The Informer." The award was made at the guild's annual dinner and was the decision of its 21 board members. Producer Samuel- G o 1 d w y n made the principal address, urging revisions in the motion picture production code. The SWG award for the best-written United States comedy went to Ian McLeltan Hunter and John Dighton for their screen play, "Roman Holiday," produced at Paramount studio from a story by McLellan. The best-written U.S. drama, the guild decided, was "From Here to Eternity," a screen play hv Dnniel Taradash from James Jones" novel, and produced at Columbia. j The best-written U.S. musical award went to Helen Deutsch for her screen play "Llii" MOM from Paul Galileo's story. ' i The $1,000 Heritage Press award for the best-writ ten script of a movie adapted from a rec- I ognied classic was postponed until next year, when the prize will be $2,000. The judges held that no adaptation of a classic i this year attained the excellence of "Julius Caesar," and the Shakespeare movie carried no screenplay credit. TO THE MODERN MUSIC of JAKE'S RHYTHM KINGS Legion Auditorium - Friday, Feb. 26 Admission $1 .00 U.S. Officials Optimistic Over Middle East Alliance Vti-L rmt UH MMUM ALSO 'BEAR COUNTRY" .v.v. CAPITO snows AT 1:00 and 9:15 p.m. ' SATlliDAY 2 4:30 7:00 - 8:15 U ISv WAHRE.V ROGLKS Jr. WASHINGTON United j States officials today were reported more optimistic than in 1 some time over prospects for a Middle East defence alliance, despite political upheavals in Seal voiced sensitivity toward it. Nehru has campaigned long and hard against military aid for Pakistan or any other country of the region. He argues that this will upset the balance of peace. c Sure on A riliiMW. I'him jiJ ijour w a Syria and Egypt. liut U.S. officials are under- years to reach the target. India also needs 740,000 nurses: today there are only 12,000. Towards a need for 92,500 mid-wives, the present figure is 12.000. Onder the new system a large number of young men and women who have graduated from high school and have reached the age of 18 will be re- cruited to "strengthen and ex- pand the existing health organi-j zation" in rural village The ; recruits will be trained for two years in medical science and j employed as "auxliary medical j workers." I The system is not intended to ! make the "auxiliary medical 1 worker" a substitute for a doctor ; but to make him an "auxiliary" i to the doctor so that doctors may be felieved of certain tasks. I The "auxiliaries" will be employed only in rural areas. They , will be taught to treat minor and j simple ailments, j India has a child population of more than 150,000.000, the vast majority of whom belong to the ; poorer classes. Medical aid is i available only to a small frac- j tion of these. India has an Infant mortality 1 rate of 123 per 1,000. The average expectation of life is only ; 26 years, compared with 42 in Japan, 62 in Britain and 68 in I the United States. While these countries are not!s(ood t0 ,eei that Nehru, having envisioned as part of a defence had his say, may 'ease his criti STREETCAR cisms now that they have failed to block Pakistan arms aid. (Mi Tiny Cancer Victim Dies Reid Claims 'Misconceptions' Of His Speech VICTORIA C J. Allan Reid PORTLAND A five-year- chain to ring Russia's southern border, their affairs naturally influence the actions of their neighbors. The council of 1 1 young army officers who rule Egypt made a point; Thursday of announcing that there would be no change in Egypt's friendly attitude toward the West. This backed up a Washington state department estimate that the ouster, of Mohammed Nagulb, as president-premier was an "internal affair" only. There was no ready interpretation here of fast-breaking developments in Syria. A military coup there Thursday forced the resignation of Adib Shlshekly, who has survived 26 assassination attempts wlfile ruling with ok! cancer victim for whom family friends trucked In snow named ! DESIRE" S BY THE PRINCE RUPERT LITTLE THEATRE ASSN. f ,' . Scheduled Departure Time 8:30 p.m. Monday, March 1 - Tuesday, March 2 ? at the Civic Centre Auditorium LEGION AUDITORIUM Music by Rocky Mountain Boys Dancing 9-12 p.m. Admission 7S; Everybody Welcome (SC-Salmon Arm says there were "misconceptions" over remarks on education he made last spring. At the legislative session last spring the member rocked the province with charges of Com-tmunism in the teachers' federation and sex text-books being used In schools. j He said in the throne speech debate Thursday there were i many "misconceptions" on what ' he said on education. He did not expand except to Girls Recaptured After Jail Break 5 Return Fare $1 .00 an iron hand for three years. 1 The big news, from the stand- I point of the proposed Middle ' East Alliance, was President Eisenhower's announcement on Thursday of United States military aid' for Pakistan. jfr'FJIKU NOTIFIED I Eisenhower was careful to - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT say that he could see there was a change in the thinking of members of the legislature, particularly opposition leader Arnold Webster. HOPE, B.C. (P Gale Western, 18, and Patricia Johnson, 21, who escaped while serving narcotics sentences In Prince George, B.C., were recaptured here Thursday ' night by RCMP. Still at large is Dolores Reynolds. 13. The three vanished after kicking out a heavy screen in a workshop window at the provincial jail for women, then climbing a fencei , . 1 5 1 i f ry Daily Neyvi Clasfifieo' notify India's prime minister Nehru of the move in a letter obviously intended to avoid any further ruffling of Nehrifs oft- to make a snowman last i i Christmas died at his home i i here Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Collins said their son, Keith, bedridden . the last six weeks, went to I sleep and "just didn't wake , up." His incurable illness was i discovered last July. When the father, a driver-snlesman for a freight truck line, mentioned at work before i Christmas that Keith wanted ; a snowman, volunteers brought i a refrigerated truckload of snow down from Mount Hood. ; ';hi Collins vard was covered with three feet of snow and ! his father made the snowman ! while the sick boy watched j happily from the front room I window. I Name Suggested i For B.C. Lake VICTORIA tP-It was suggested Thursday the lake behind i Kenncy dam at the Aluminum Company of Canada development in northern British Colum-i bia be named "Knewstubb lake." ! The suggestion came from j Hugh McManus, assistant regis-! trar of the Association of Pro- fesslonal Engineers of B.C., at-' tending the natural resources conference here, i He said his idea- was backed by FLY... ConorJa Packers presents with TORONTO SYMPHONY . ORCHIITR A POP". ELD. US kit limes concert v!X Reduced pricn j g " .' now in effect en I sizes 4 and 5, PQYAlQTY I OH I D fj 0 P 8 1 US Agent Testifies In Drug Case VANCOUVER O A United States treasury agent, who starred in an undercover masquerade, stepped Into the witness box here Thursday in a trial which opened three years late. Henry L. Giordano told the court how George and John Mallock schemed to take over the illicit drug distribution for Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane, Wash., and Portland, Ore. The Mallock brothers jumped a total of $40,000 bail hi re in February, 151. while awaiting trial on narcotics charges. George, the elder, was captured recently in New York City. John is still at large. Both were high on the RCMP list of most-wanted men. George Mallock is charged with conspiracy to sell narcotics, possession of narcotics and giving away narcotics. Conviction on any one could bring him a seven-year prison term. i s. v. - ,1! 1 i ' IT , ., . ' L. r. 1 i Jr YOU'LL APPRECIATE 1 THESE 1917 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan .... $975 l!).")0 Plymouth 4-Door Scdun. All new tires .... $1450 l'J4!l Pord Tudor. Very good shape $ 95 LARGE SELECTION OF OLDER CARS TO PICK FROM SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE VIINNESI PROGRAMME tonight CFPR -7:30 the council of hU association. F. W. Knewstubb died in 1927. He was a professional engineer for 20 years and as chief hydraulic engineer for the water rights branch he investigated the water resources of the to KETCHIKAN with connections to SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE ond all ALASKA Phone 266 Office Opp. Post Office ? - ; ,i ADVERTISING IN THE OAXLY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS i.i vJ i.iV LJ ANNIVERSARY SALE GENIAL IMH TOK ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) Dr. J. I. O'Connoll of Curling was pre- .scnted with a purse of more than i $500 on rctireemnt after 20year.s' service In which he made many ' trips bytipen dory or motorboat. The genial physician was des- cribed as a real "country tor." Smart to buy . . . and Own! 2-pce BED CHESTERFIELD SUITES Choice of Tapestry or Wool Frieze FROM THIRD FINGER LEFT HAND 2-pce. Wool Frieze CHESTERFIELD SUITES Choice of Rose or Green. 2-pce. Nylon CHESTERFIELD SUITES With Foam Rubber Cushions. Choice of beige, green, $OQQ.50 red, grey 4luv 189-50 SALE PRICE ' STARRING . MELVYN DOUGLAS with ARLENE FRANCIS ONE WHOLE HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTED BY . . . . - FORD of CANADA (2)10 PM. - FROM RADIO CFPR - 1240 BIG PROFITS on JOKES, TRICKS and MAGIC can be made by aggressive retail store. Write for free catalogue to Canada's largest distributors. Royal Specialty Sales 118 Queen Street East Toronto OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Made to order in Cover of your choice ot REDUCED PRICES All Furniture is Manufactured on the premises of - PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED 330 Second Avenue West Phone Blue 818 BOB PARKER LIMITED Deal" "The Home of Friendly Service" Your Locol FORD-MONARCH