Prince Ruoert Doily Nfews Thursday, June 18, 1953 2) 41 Readers Have Difficulty iV'omen of Moose Hold n rlvinn Cartoon Contest to inq 9. i Annual Installation Professor of chemistry at the Embassy Napkins loiicni cLeave cation Leaving tomorrow on their annual vacation are Mr. and Mrs. Thorlief Fossen, accompanied by their two children, Shirley and Ivor. They are driving to Saskatchewan to meet Mr. Fossen's sister who has Just arrived from Oslo. Charlene Ballinger. Other winners were Mrs. H. F. Glas-sey, Robert H. Knutson, Mrs. J. Mitcholuk and Miss M. Furunes. Jr. regent. Kit Holder; chaplain, Kay Grimble; Argus, Hilda Tat-Wsall; gentinal, Marjorle McKay; guide, Pat Higffins; asst. th some 80 member and guests assembled at the ,e Temple, the Women of Moose last night held their ual installation of officers Initiated six new members. for lovely tabic University of B.C., Dr. H. M. Daggett, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Daggett, is returning to Vancouver tonight -on the Prince "Rupert to carry on his research work during the summer guide, Francis Schaeffer: Dlan- ist, Sophie Carr. I After the metting, entertainment was supplied ov ihe men ,e Impressive proceeaings DEATH CLAIMS MRS. MACFIE Mrs.' Helen Macfie, 66, of 241 Ninth Avenue East, died' here Norton Youngs discovered that readers disagreed with the Judges In the cartoon contest he has been running in the Dally News. The idea was to place the cartoons in orderof preference to agree as closely as possible with the Judges'. ' Out of 10 cartoons, winner Donna Douglas had only two In the same order. Five others had only one in the preferred position, so winner of the second prize was drawn by lot at the Dally News office. Lucky person was Mrs. David Hewer. Another winner drawn by lot to fill the last position was . carried oui wun pageantry precision, all members tak-irt being dressed In white. Skilled Laborer settings ... Made from three thick' nesses of soft Cellulose . . . . they drape and fold like fine linen. CALGARY (CP) Adalbert Kem-eness, 41-year-old Immigrant Lwly elected officers are: Jr. Luate regent, Dorothy De r" . t d n i . sr. regent, caiii duiiu, of the Moose Drama and Arts Society, who performed a humorous skit dramatizing the old favorite song "Clementine." A superb Buffet supper wan served by the ladles to the enjoyment of all. The evening was completed by an Informal dance In the lodge room. OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, ftone Building Phone Blue 5'J3 Tuesday after 25 years' residence In the city. A widow, she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Fred Peagan of the city, and a son, Lt. JohVi Macfie, with the Navy In who holds degrees In law and; political science from several! European universities, now Is a, handyman here. In the after- noon he works In a newspaper j mailing department, and at night he Is a cleaner In a hotel.1 listrict News For quick results try a Daily News Classified - - , , - --- TERRACE unique amid In J A A tl-A Terrace bearded labelled ke any lc uos" wearing tags if . 4i, 9- :,o Hop." .ciphered the tags are meant , reminder and Invicatlon to hobo hop, first public frolic i.sored by the recently-or- jfd Jaycees. The hop will place tomorrow at tne Civic rfops'l rrrirnf Yi meet . . j U 1 1 h A I f 1 X K 1 ) YOUR FRIENDS SSSH' fyyLM AT THE MARKET US" V SPECIALs"gOOd""tiLl" WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th )ZZ?-.?-'l It mi A . i re. e Terrace Agricultural As-tion is sponsoring a roller In the Civic Centre to be ied shortly. otty Robertson will give Iri diums ana sKaung win oe three nights a week, with rate nights for students, beers and adults. oik sods pCT; ug bread he Best Farm Display" was .'deled section to the fall fair he recent meeting of Agri- iral Association. And the on with the best farm dis- will take the prize of $100 handise offered this year Cook's Jewellers. her additions are: A Junior )c WJZ giant . 65e , (Yif CAKTON n) I j loaf 1 I (J I -vl . " ! 1 ' CiiX y I j I LlfcBY'S SPAGHETTI O QQc I TIGER OLIVE OIL ' $1.45 fl" ES ' , r '11 7 ion A miscellaneous section, house produce. More grains grasses. Crysanthemuin large Dahlias to the flower., n suuar fudge to the candy iun. FRANCOIS LAKE rading vehicles In Edmon- Fred Oardner arrived here -,.ns uenu,e .,u..a, . TlA rmr7 Si CI OJ U f f 'U I II . II I- 5 I 111 i.AlJtULJlf - lirds the end of the week NABOB TEA OAn RHUMBA COFFEE U1 C M Kn. 7r 4V, UJUiUi - ing a panel car. Lbr. ov- . ib BSf NABOB DELUXE TEA BAGS $120 PURE EXTRACTS 21.C I pit .. .. J.,v Nabob 2-oz. Bottle mM- SVV 1 : ; XmmhmW&zj r Hendricks and his small e Pam have taken up retire for the summer at "Sum-s Rest." They are expecting -to from their home town 'tie shortly. he trout have been biting Mrs. Mef Matchett caught n In an hour and a half. LEMON CHEESE OAo I Nabob, Jar " " l?,utc.h. '15c QW I aw u a -a r b i n ii .ii - JVC i All Flavors Pint NABOB PUNCH, CARROTS Imported ' .". - - 2 Punches 23C reaaers Football. Friday, 7 YO. vs. Motors. Best by For Goes Twice as For p.m., (lt) BUNCH BEETS Fresh Tops 2 bunches RADISH Crisp - . 2 bunches Evervone Is invited to a RICKETT'S BLUE ... pkt. 10c 25c 15c 13c 27c 27c GREEN ONIONS -. 2 ly-dance, St.. Peter's Parish I. Seal Cove. 9:30 p.m. June 19. Admission 50 cent.. (142) Applications for the Trades bunches ... Eoch KLEENEX 2 pkts. 39c CANTALOUPES Good Size - - - HONEY BALLS 1 ...... ; .. ... .. ' Each CREAMETTES 2 pkts. 25c M.D. TISSUE the bes! . . . . . 15c Whipping cream QQc VKJ H-Pint Carton -. INSECT BOMBS $1.05 " ' Large ODEX HEALTH SOAP O i , SPECIAL OFFER ' 1 for J- V CUT GREEN BEANS 1fiC M-v Columbia, Tin I Labor Council Bursary will received by the Secretary, ! t 159. or at the Booth School j tire up to June 24. Please te trade or prdfeRslon inter- j 'ed in. X14D ! SIMONIZ NON-SCUFF WAX "Jc GRAPEFRUIT Size 100's 2 ?or 17C Grapefruit Goes on Sale Saturday iq Prize To BABY'S OWN SOAP 2 bars 27C Mnnioea Woman - - j Ciihsfc"" 'innirs in the Fourth Blue Bon- Mnrttarlne ''Happy Holiday FLOUR HAS ADVANCED SHARPLY You'll still find it ot the old low price ot SUPER-VALU. nntMt which ended June 6th n "rp announcrd today with thr SHOE POLISH DOG FOOD "i prize of 500 cash wing rardiHi to Mr. A. P. O'Leynlck. Hrlmndal Ave.. Wlnnlpen, Pork & Beans Man Other prizes and winners In Uptons Soup p IClc ' imirtn or nine weemy con-are: IIihiihi f'h to Mr. Ha Moielon. Camp Hagshama. !v Lake. Perth. Ont.: .vi.(Mi roc NUGGET Tin PC SUR-GAIN Tin otlkmoertj IOMJ PRISES No. 1 HAMBURGER - Lb. 39( ' . l Mrs Margaret Baiter. 0 Brimfull 15-oz. tin "rnwanis Btreet. Haiuax. no; swthprii Mertrlr '!porlniaii" ''wlahle RuiHim to Mrs. Marv rley. Corunna. Ont.. Mrs. P. fnton. UK r,wkI Avon Crescent, Toronto la. Ont.. Mrs N. Webb. "'4th Ave. New Westminster. BC . Mrs. 8. Loughery. 123 8prlng 55c NABOB, Pure 4-lb Tin PLUM JAM ''t. Amherst, N.8.. Lola m. "n. 92 St. Patrick Street. Saint 'hn. NB.; M.llrlne '('omef 'rnwrki to Mr. Harold Broom-'W. Box 303. Paris. Ont.. Mrs. p Roy. 237 Albert Btreet, Water- 00 Out, Mrs. Daisy Cotterell. 890 meens Ave.. London. Ont.. Mrs. E Beaudry. 324 Peter Street, Sud- Peek-Frean's Biscuits 20c iir PAT-A-CAKE i2-lb Pkt. ""7. ont.. Mrs. W. C. Thompson, w 130. Dunnvllle, Ont.. Mrs. R. J- Derk. R R. a. Sardls. B.C.. Mrs ucien Ohenard, Tangent, Alta Mr- A J. Beaudrv. 11021 9fl SOMETHING NEW SIMONIZ BODY -GUARD OQc v v WAX FOR CARS Tin Just wipe on let dry and wipe off it's that easy Look for the EGGS in the SUPER-VALU cartons YELLOW SUGAR 2-lb carton 23c S1"et. Edmonton, Alta., Mrs. Nel- Thomas. Picture Butte. Alta. auy Tomllnson, Btanley. N.B.; ""'iw Cash to Mrs. Jean Pegler, l3'5 Francois Road. Windsor. Ont No. 1 PORK RIBLETS Lb. 25c No. 1 CELLO FRANKS Lb. 4)C No. 1 HOCKLESS PICNICS r whule Lb. 55C PREMIUM GRADE SIDE BACON End Cuts 69C Centre Cuts. ; 7C SIRLOIN STEAKS Lb. g3C T-BONE STEAKS Lb. g5c PORTERHOUSE STEAKS Lb. g5C ROUND STEAK Boneless Lb. 79( ROUND STEAK ROASTS Lb. 79C wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmim All SlTPER-V ALU high grade beef is trimmed waste free Mr" Alms Mallloux. 1103 Lillian street, Windsor. Ont., Mrs. Wlnl HMBHHMHBBBlHIHial FLUFFO 27c ' MM MM I PLUMS -o. 2 -25c red Prewer. 6720 Joyce Road Vancouver. B.C., Mrs. Ruth Petti Ww, 1620 Ave. "O" North, Bask "n. Sank . Charlotte AUBleton, 'W Roble Street, Hallfak. N.8. All wiw winners have been notined. PLENTY OF TIME TO ENTER 'Imllar valuable will con "line to be awarded every week "nil July nth In Blue Bonnet ! 10.000 Contest. To enter Is easy BRAN FLAKES te why you like Blue Bonnet -47c ""''nrine best In 25 words or less. MIRACLE WHIP 19c Pints A 57 POST'S, Giont, 14-oz. J"ia tn your entry with 2 end-ps (each with Qood Housekeep-lnl! Seal) from Blue Bonnet Mar Pkt. wine packaues to Blue Bonne Sl". PO Bi, 0m Toronto. Oil' ENTIRELY BY THE THREE SHEARDOWN BROTHERS rlo. Enclose your own name and SUPER-VALU PRINCE RUPERT'S OWN SUPER-MARKET OWNED AND OPERATED -""ess and that ol your grocer 99 lor Blue Bonnet Margarln- entering today. BBW4