Hay , Reflects and ReminisJ f K Prince Rupert Daily News As S See It ' . -.rw riiiinumd fields became his. Of Wednesday, July 15, 1953 each saloon and prtr, the finish if ujU. to those who helped expnnd the Britl;.h Empire few in history have gone further. Australians belore lang will bt cheering the Quon's good will hand waves. And then Her Majesty wiH be receiving tlie Australian heat waves. lute Mr. R. C. Edwarit. AJ Independent tally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert u4 Northern and Central British Columbia. Member ol Canadtaa Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Kewspaper Association. Publish toy The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. J. P. alAOOR. President H. G. PERRY. Vice-President SLiriHi,.,,, have had Willi It. An etliim-tte expert Rays It Is quite proper to blow your nose at the dinner table. Blowing i J'1 1 ! -1 ! - ( Subscription Rates: By carrier Per woek, 25c; per month. H 00; per year, (10 00. 8y mall Per month. 75c; per year, 8 00. It seems Premier St. Laurent Is reported to have stated he will not flit the Y vacancies In the Senate before the next election. He will leave that to the next prime minister. We're not Ottawa r " '"" l " s I - V I Authorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department, your soup, however, lemulie, strictly taboo. Middle Ape That time of life wlu'n the averupe man Is golni; to start saving next mouth. suggesting he might be capable- The City Absolved knowing something about . i .tii ;t v ,i of this, but he has given a few hints over campaign broadcasts. 'l 'tl 1 M-1 55 roitn l-TTd IMekup 1 $2050 Everybody has to love some- Calc.ary was a small town when Its most famous race was staged. It had to be. There were about a dozen contenders, with that many bars scattered alon;; the course which w:is neur Eighth Avenue. It was up to i body. Tragedy is that so mnny ff""'"' ' II CTsSSWjMeMaL .. f i 1 Deonie moose memseives. r.o. Mi:Ti:oit sedun. Monopoly Is like a baby a f.--.--- man Is opposed to It on general IWA Pattern Sound THE IWA is the strongest union in B.C. It welfare affects everybody. Its policies set the pace for all B.C. It 1; therefore a matter of the higlvst p;bl'e importance that the IWA has jn,Jt tfoltnwiteiv adopted what its internatliMnkl secretary Carl Winn calls "a urong pattern of co-operation." "Both the IWA and the operators have been Irresponsible in the past in meeting some of the problems of this industry and in trving to solve them realistically. "Employers have been relurt-ant to join forces for the common good, and so has the union '50 I'ltH K T Sedan '47 IOKI) Sedan, HpeelHl '.'.0 MONARCH principles until he has one of iiio own. JOHN !!. BULGER Women are like elephant I like to took at m but I'd hate to own on. Will Rogers. i.kuRr.i.S-r:MILE LArALME, Quebec Liberal leader, flashes the smile of victory at lmrty headquarters after winning a seat in the Quebec legislature. He won a by-election In Montreal-Outreniont. Mr. Lapalme was chosen party leader in 1950 and was defeated In Jus first bid for a seat in the general election last year. Victoria Report Ori.i hisl rtmic Convertible t. 'SI PLYMOUTH 2-lor j. Bob Parker I 81 RVH :r. STATU! "The Home of Frie Service" M( llltllll at SI COM) I It' highly remarkable that billions of people hye survived many summers although they manager to slumber in wn-aircondltioned rooms. THE horrors of corruption, skullduggery and other forms of malpractice pictured by some in the administration of our civic affairs have dissolved into such a mild anti-climax it is like : reading a story that starts as a mystery thriller -iiiid enda as Little Red Riding Hood. Having examined the city record, municipal "inspector B. C. Bracewell' has concluded with well- controlled patience there is nothing seriously wrong liere that a more congenial atmosphere in the council chamber will not cure. It is significant that early in his report he mentions his efforts to stress the folly of bickering, and it is obvious that he feels this is where the Tmain trouble lies. His advice must not be ignored. "JT.or a long time it has been apparent to even the .'luost disinterested that a state of belligerency if-ts in the city council which goes far beyond the type of open discussion that serves the best interests cf the taxpayers. No doubt some of the quarrels are caused by an honest conflict of views, injudiciously expressed. Others appear to be created with an eye to their publicity value. An- aggressive Third Avenue John Bulger Ltd. Annie went to church today for Premier Bennett says there'll ; A" eentury ago this month up to this time. N.;w we are tak f MlV.tB atlfl VrV . r. I , l be two by-elections to seat Kin- the na tl, inifiatiuo in this Hirp.-- i ur lY" ""-, ; . - UCII rfOHH niUHies wa.1 IXiril 111 Hertfordshire, England, lie enjoyed neitlier long life or good health, although wealth in the , , . , anee Minister Ounderson and good. We sat on the rocks Ml wlu' were defeateU.ln the June tf . very much. .strengthening the economy of A. A. A. nuun. ir.-. HUIK o can lOO! uacK iu I this ereat industrv' I The Premier doesn't say how Nocember ot 18ft, wnen slrf was CARL WINM puts his flncer he'll go about thus if, again, as ix, and bridesmaid at the wed-rlijht on the core when he last year, he'll ask two Social ding of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. says: . jCrediters to resign their seats. Fooley, the parents of Harry The Automobile Association AAAi offers attrarti benefits li motorists. . CO?!E IN AND TALK IT OVFR local Agent fllll. I.INIY Prince Rupert Realty Co. 345 Third Avenue ' Phniu -Wp cut ii-iin fnrees nn such 11 seems liKeiy, ai mis moiliem, rooiey, yL, ui cvuiiuun. I was to be the matter as full emnlr.vment ' that Mr. Bennett Will have the, "I thought when I learned I stenrtv Inn.-imx f,w mir nimif ' Legislature add two or three bride. CNR Official Completes Check R. H. Robertson of Vancouver, General Superintendent of the CNR, arrived in Prince Rupert yesterday after completing an , inspection trip from Red Pass I Junction, eastern terminal of , this division, to the city. He was' accompanied by J. Conrad, CNR district engineer and T. A. Main-' and a rea.son.ible return to the i "lore seats at the autumn sis- wasn't, I cried my eyes out," Mrs. employer on his financial in-jsion. Then he can have his by-jBullen recalls, vestment." elections, without asking anyone ; After many years In Europe, to res'l?n- Al,t! MLA's-elect hate studying music and languages, Surely that is a far cry from the time when no leader of anv resigning, even for the good of Rose Bushby came back to Vlc- the cause torn. The Bullen-Hushby wl- union could ever afford to say a of Ihe good word for the bosses, the) Ana now, wun ine Bennett, aing creaiea mucn inieiesi i:prlBe superintendent "bloated capitalists." It is so be- government back In -power, we Victoria, the Colonist, In April i,r!nce Rupert division. cause u is no longer as much as "'ay nu n away iroin pontics oi ioo. repwrcins. your life is worth to try to go but only for a few weeks, because , bells at the Reformed Episcopal j into a logging camp, sawmill, or the ses.icn will start about Sept. Church, by the Rt. F.ev. Bishop! pulp and paper plant to 'try to 15. , Cridge, Mr. William Fltzherbrt j organize a union. , Bullen was married to Miss Hose i Thanks to the Labor rights' Walking along the waterfront : BiL-.hby ... j legislation passed bv the Liberal! ne,e ,,,e rtl'pr daV I SI)1'(' al "Tlu chur'h Wis well filled Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOlt VANCOUVER ind Intermediate fori Each Thursday at 11:15 p m. For KETCHIKAN both federally and in B.C., every weather-beaten vessel tied up at itl) frieiuls who were eaer to yS. rSS. Designed with a w : j.J-" 'PrH I" "'hid . . . Enrw jf" . . f " 3 yoilr child's first ' ss. 4 worker In B.C. can freely join the"116 of tn1 dorks. She was the , catch a glimpse of the fair bride, lowing and realization of this seems to have aggravated situations in the city council which could have been settled without the furious theatrics. - It is not to be forgotten, of course, that Mr. Bracewell has pointed to incorrect methods in the conduct of some procedures. - He noticed that accounts have been paid without prior authorization of council and that committees have, incurred expenditures beyond the statutory limit of $50 without authority. While he detected no deliberate intent or ulterior motive, it is important that his recommendations for their correction be made effective. Failure to do this may cause a predicament which no amount of innocence can excuse. Although it is regrettable that bitterness and suspicion in Prince Rupert reached a point where Mr. Bracewell's inquiry was considered necessary, his visit has served at least temporarily to restore the city to its rightful place in public opinion. The WFDNXSDAY Midnight Comfort and Service For reservations write o lrl-.li union or. his choice. ; iwaiten, ami so i ruouer-necKea, , W10 Wus dressed in a heavy wnue when a tall young fellow invited j -ak, richly trimmed with Span- PEACE IN KOREA and a gen-'ue aix)ulcl- He was Michaei Eitz-i j.sn iUce, and caught here and eral relaxation of the farma.ijames of Vancouver tall, blonde, there with orange blossoms; and ment, drive made necessary b' hlue-eyed, and shining white ; tt,c same flowers ronfln-'d the the Cold War, will mean that; teeth the perfect Viking-type. Wng tulle veil, new markets will have to beia" adventurer who can't stay; -The couple were followed by found for B.C. forest products i lonK . lr me place," thouph he I the hearty good Wishes of tlielr For years back I have been f tnaJ- "ow he2& he think to0rt of friends as they pa.ssed trying to tell all who would read,ne " setll, down anrt get n"ll'rJf(t- .ut of the church Into the pro i or listen that it Ls in the interest) Fitzjames sailed the Maken pitious sunshine, and :;ped on of everybody in B.C. Labor jfroni Norway in 180 days. If had "their way to Saanlcu, where the management and general public a ( rew ,,f two across the Allan- . l.on.-ymoon will Ije pesse (." alike to put our heads together tic an Englishman, who ime; , Mr. Mullen .owned B.C. Marine to nail clown the British Com-, through to Victoria, and a Nor- Ways in Ki.quimalt, and built a monwealth market for wood wegian. The Norwegian MS the r umber of B C.'s early-clay ships. rtly or l.fi'ot (iitin Prct Rupert, B C. With JUMPING JACKS you can lie sure that a clniii foot needs 'are completely attuiided to,'. FASHION.FOOTWEAi dd0 f od44XX 4dd dKa d 4f products, salmon, etc. 'vessel tit Panama, and Fitzlm?i , He died here In 1921. same outside newspapers that carried reports of . . . enjoy the Hours you SAVfl alleged dirty work up here can now .change then-stories to read that our affairs are managed reasonably well and that the charges are unfounded. This is the type of publicity we want and must continue to justify. With every other city in the province looking for new business- and new citizens, it is no time for Prince Rupert to be hunting witches instead. " . - If we don't grab and hold and the Englishman sailed her those markets make no mistake to San Francisco, where , two r8 Russia will be right in there Americans joined the crew.' to prab them, on a barter basis.! Maken Is 41 years old, 45' ff et This is no time or place to go long. "She's lousy with dry rot, into technicalities about those; ,ut the planki.,K s good," says markeis. Hut it is the time and Fitzjames cheerfully, place to remind everybody that; t fr,joyed my visit to Maken, the Averatre Joe, who works for1 and decider? once more that I any woodworking plant along : C0U( neVer be happv llvlne away the Fraser River has a grealeri for iong f,om tlie salt sea waters, personal stake In the solution of ; Lehide which I was born. this problem than has say even! H R. MacMillan himself. Anotl,er pleasant visit I had I'or II.R rr.uld get along very , rpf.ent wwkg was t0 Mrs. W. OTTAWA DIARY n .eiv lor uie lesi oi nis nie n h it7i,P1bert Bullen. who will, be r.ll of BC; markeis lost- were PO M July July ,9- R1)p.s a remarkable old latly, this oldest living grand-. ( hiki of Sir James Douglas., the By Norman M. MafcLeoo V uuu me Averu"e joe coma not. Nor could Averape Joe's wife .and children. 3o far. s texcilement. in this headed s.ss nfitlie lamer -oi nriusrr, l ouimwa jiiie i e Mtnls- urreiit 'a fine old, 4lon-ot "ifitthcy TW. JT'J ,hv.'. VHS at '.Oakdewe. X'LJtim,r J p ( . H ewers eisetion cftHiWIS'lftT In .home on the Esquimau Road, whlch ran through Liberal ranks Is concerned, the public has had it. Some sections of the nation 3n where she went as a bride In what every IWA man wants and has a risht to want: following the Drew manifesto, Mr. St. Laurent refused resol may still come In for handshakes from the party leaders as )ia?,4. j Mrs. Bullen's parents were Agnes, one of the five daughters of Full employemnt and fair pay in times of peace, not just in utely to be panicked. In this they pass that way, and several .'attitude he had the solid back- times of war! If Labor and -mf Douglas, ' and Arthur T. Bushby, Management:,.. early-day residents .,,lol,t. of , New West Manllihing hut... youn with dlu, low cl 3 h p- (Ho Compiler ovlfcoartf malar. High quality ptifarmaoca, kah) tiM, aaiy to la'), "T oeful, troubl ra and aiy on btidutl. 111 tlto Camptlvr today t Own IVS3 ! tllo for ai !!' at. ...... nutiareas oi thr.r babies of ! Ins of key Cablneteers Howe, Ab-suitabie ages, of course atill bott, and Gardiner. The Liberal will get kissed. But there'll be oreanizatlon figures that so for-ii0 big or dramatic surprises. mldable a combination of politl-In brief .the cards on which cal brains couldn't be wrong, with a woeem minster, where Mrs. Bullen was born July 19, 1803. She was christened Annie Amelia but her family soon called her Rose. Mrs. Bullen Well remembers her Grandpapa Douglas. She $166.00 tne rival political parties intend I and the crisis of Liberal morale to rely for victory now are all was short-lived. But remnants of uneasiness ever the lavish na RANGE ELECTRIC stand shoulder to shoulder to expand our markets at home-arid above all an all-out, sound house building program right across Canada we need have no fear of truce in Korea or peace In the world. Vessels Collide Off Sable Island HALIFAX (CP-Marine Radio describes him as ''sweet and on the table for the voters' inspection. The party leaders have no aces left up their sleeves or otherwise concealed for a surprise play between now and vot- ture of the Drew bid still continue to haunt the Liberal candidates In their darker moments The modern automatic electric ranee cuts the ties that bind I gentle and kind with children, but not the frolicksome type." She recalls a time Douglas m u"y- But the Liberal organization took her on a picnic to Booke: RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 "We were a plate short, and mat. manes it jus. about tne:asawhole has no lingering JUil'f?. Pal?.n V?e Long! doubts as to the soundness of Grandpapa made me a plate of maple leaves. Mrs. Bullen's Aunt Marth, In woman to the kitchen because it saves hours of the time and efflrt that go into cooking with old-fashioned stoves. You'll find so many ways to enjoy those precious hours of freedom from your kitchen that are made possible by a new automi electric range. ENJOY "ABSENTEE COOKING" Clockwork controls will cook your meal automatically whi! J go on a pleasant outing. ENJOY THE SPEED OF ELECTRIC COOKING in.-ii.ui y oi vanauian ponucs. uer. i iieie reporieu tne jiauun sieam- talnly veteran Ottawa observers jtn n PM , 6"ategy. The Drewship Carla Maria O. collided can remember no past contest! economy promises are claimed j early today with the freighter which has been so barren of high !n government circles to i Robertson I, UO miles- southwest May of 1868, wrote In her diary A fine day; my little niece crama, so colorless in its per-1 nave wucnea oil a fear re-action 1 of Sable lsl.nn! mrougnout ttw civil service, the a report received at the sta- sonalitles, or so devoid of tension and suspense. armea forces, and Industry and;tion here said the Italian ship labor fearful of wholesale can nad taken all the Robertson's crew aboard and was towing the damaged ship to Halifax. No casualties were reported. Just push a button, set a dial and the quick heat starts I me! For the candidates concerned especially the government standard-bearers the campaign has manifested most of the trying features of a war of nerves. This has been due to the open cooking right away. . B cellation of government contracts. Some of the Liberals now regard the Drew tax-cut pledge as a political mistake comparable to the famous "five-cent speech" which helped the late W. L. M. King to lose the IMG election. You II also enjoy the economy, the clean-1 Prince Edward Island in 1734 fc''--c. l P tL DIRKt FIOM CHAKIOTTETOWN THI CRAOtl ing shot fired by the PC. Leader had a population of 572, with ffqlify fa fa mm fowl jvifk horn caved by i 332 cattle and 1J9 sheep. lirtvsi, and efficiency ot cooking e'eC' tneally; and take pride in the H Jooks and smart styling of your mod6" electric range.. with his 18-polnt platform. The acquiescence of the Liberal can "3 didates In the VM.'s strategy of refusing to compete with Drew cooking electrically I PROGRiSSIVE CONSERVATIVE IEADER PRESENTS THE ELS CTION ISSUES Re -Roof with DUROID Asphalt Shingles For Frea Estimate . . . See or Call Greer & Briddcn Ltd. promises has by no means dont justice to their nervousness over the possible effectiveness of those promises In gathering votes. Particularly have the Liberal gladiators been "jittery" over the P.C. Leader's specific pledge to slash taxation by a half-billion dollars. The fact that the campaign hasn't taken on at least some of the aspects of a political auction has ben du to the cool- CFPR--8ML 9:30 p.mj Published by The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada Phone 909 215 First Ave. W. p !