1 provincial! i library 1 PROVINCIAL LI27.A3T, 113 163 .1 . , . o MORROW'S f TIDES . i,:,day. July 16. 1903 tiflc Gtar.dard Time! 4:17 17.9 feet 16:55 " 18.3 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER - VJ Delivery t V1 h-1.! 10:33 51 feet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" y 23:08 7.2 feet Phone fil VOL. XLII, No. 163 FRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS i1 M am mi' Wailed lew. -tl v 'V-1 ' Cliapostoe IFreoi allus Rockie A S " v rential Rains sh Out Tracks h-.f The CuimdlKii Press U'.AUY. ,;AUY. Sex Strangler i Admitted Murders By The Associated Press LONDON. John Reginald Malliday Christie, the Notting Hill sex strangler who confessed he killed seven women but might have murdered more, was hanged today in Pentonville prison. Even 9 he died, a controversy ; Torrcn- jf;' ' , "i (c-.. ns and heavy thaw I' ' . . rjyN.jsCjj . Mountain.? t Kocky f --VL y derailed a ('ana- J t-' a J - TV il'aeific Uailway Jias- ; it iit L - is: h A f - k0l ! Hiring the trial a psychiatrist i testified Christie went berserk raped ovpr whether the milrl-appearin? transport worker and war-time auxiliary policeman This is the Army i- train, washed out , and bridges and led ")0 bus passen-iii the road between til's Banff and Jas-lountain resorts. was guilty of a baby's murder ' -t i -,ltm, !:: ? ' . --. ' L i ' &' ' ! ,.--r becau.se he was "fascinated by dead bodies." A country-wide hunt was lnunched for Christie in mid-March, after discovery of the for which another man was hanged thre years ago. England's hangman. Albert MKMIUHS OP TIIK ALUONQt'lN REGIMENT m lllary band get in some off-beat licks at Camp Niagara where the regiment Is training. Band man L. V. Poloear (extreme left) threatens to drown Hand.sman Al Proulx the hard way, while Cpl. Carl Reinholt (with trumpet! and Cpl. John Mc!!!.m are bewitched and bewildered All are from Kirkland Lake, Ont. near-nude decomposing bodies TPIerrepont, placed the noose of three women walled up in an alcove in his abandoned apartment. d a mile east of i, B.C., were 10 cars of tboimd Mountaineer. season special between vtr and Chicago. Only reported hurt was a who suffered a minor At his trial he testified he Jobs Daughters Return Home From Appearance at Stampede with Its attached black hood over Christie's head Just before the seheduled hour, 9 am. 1 am PDTi. Then the trap was sprung with a crash' that echoed throughout the grim prison. A crowd of some 200 persons, including many schoolchildren, were gathered outside the prison strangled his wife with a stocking to put her out of her agony during a convulsion. He claimed he kept the body under the parlor floor because he couldn't bear-, to be separated from her. njury. case of sockeye. salmon on be derailment occurred af-main-line roadbed had half of the City of Prince Ru-nert. The case - of salmon had hpakened by a flood of gate. A trurkload of police v;iiited near the gate and the police been given to the drill team by racing down from the Frank Howard mis after a neai wave. Harry Robins, manager of Nel-vi n Brothers Cannery, Port Tuesday, the team put on dr'll display on the stage at tht stampede grounds before some 42.non persons. The next day. Just prior to the famous chuck wagon race, the girls drilled oe-tore a crowd of 80,000 On Wednesday, drill captain Margaret Giske presented Mayor Don McKay of Calgary with a Prince RiiK rt's pnodwlll emissaries to the Calgary Stampede. Bethel No. 3 Job's Daughter drill team, returned to the city last night after a thrill-packed week. . The 33-ghi Cl I ill team took patt In the eight-mlle-long parade to the Stampede grounds July 6 and the following day. patrol In nearby Caledonian Road had been Increased, but b it Is the highest on the ine, near the Great Dl- Tigf-i n iijiwiiiw mil "liinrT wn ir ulliiliTrriiiinir-ti ir mwu I "1 there was ho disturbance. jst west of the Alberta, - Also on behalf of the City of irrier. Prince Rupert, drill team man At the posting of the execution notice on the gate, the crowd surged forward, many i n d e d passengers were ager Alec Mltcneii presenien Retains Seat In Skeena A Judicial recount, requested l-rred to two coaches Viavor McKay with a letter or laughing " nervously and making rnodwlll to the citizens of Cal- . . A NEW YORK BATHER looks at the most-lntiicate clock in the world, the Guinness Crazy Clock, which stands 2S feet high and has just been returned from the Festival of Britain. The unusual timepiece stages a theatrical performance every 15 minutes through an Intricate system of balls and chains and plates and gears and other folderol. The clock i on public exhibition and shortly will begin a nation-wide tour of the U.S. for the Hemophillia Society. had remained on the iid were taken to field. there they were mov-bus to Lake Louise and ary from Mayor Harold Wha-iJ I Tta eontlnwd controve iy len of Prince Rupert. Mayor Mc- hinges on Christie s confession Kav presented Mr. Mitchell with Nine-Day Search For Girl Ends With Finding of Body bv defeated Liberal canaiaaw Lionel Houle of Terrace failed to nhanee the result of the June 9 lief train despatched from i white Stetson hat. At the con- -elusion of the ceremonies the ' nelehbor s iwife three years ago. Thi T Imothy Kvana. neighbor. H1I team went to Calgary city f klllmg both. .m hall - and signed the . visitors') "f" h k wife and baby daughter but was ' . .nnirori onri hanperi onlv for to Banff was expected h here some time today. M1NAK.I .Body of five-yrars .spot nearby where Geraldlno I Mavne. siipfrlntenrtenl old Oeraldlne Hucaan Was found lluggan, daughter of Mr. and CPR's Alberta division, re Tuesday night to su- Last Thursday a conttngent ; lhp ,nf t, df,af h christie s af 6 Prince Rupert citizens, in- , ormlKPri Kn-iilatlon by searchers slmrtly before noon Mrs. Jarf'1 Huggan of Winnipeg, today, fell on her face while traversing The searchers had covered a rwampy area near the shore miles of territory here since the of Look ljjkc.,, t repair o)eratlon8 on the hiding the drill team, went on rhHti- aisn killed the lamaged track. There chartered bus tour to Banff. election in Skeena riding, which saw Frank Howard, 28-year-old CCF standard-bearer elected. The count, started at Smlthers yesterday before Judge W. O. Fulton of the County Court of Prince Rupert.' was completed shortly before noon today. Final figures are: Howard 2,110; Houle 2,097. - ;,V, , . Until the recount, Mr. .Howard led Houle by seven votes. Houle was represented by A. Clear footprints were found i immediate indication cnikt beanie lost on July 9 and baby, though he denied this, i Queen's Counsel John Scott tjxnrlnmt afllirlill R(Ti. tJClV They spent the day there sightseeing, swimming and riding. he work would De com- On July 10 the guardian announced -on prnmpT-t ,nqiliry 50 stranded tourists on 'rumen nnn narenus.oi me vai-i ,v.i- unA lianff-Jasper road were ' i iue.soav i.nafr iini.'ir nnu v. Tary Pelhel . of Job , , 3 , Daughters ' eon fesslnti ntd :thst ihe NORTHWEST GETS CONTRACT' FOR TELEPHONE BUILDING City Council has accepted the tender of Northwest Construction Company for alterations to the old liquor store on Third Avenue to convert it into the Prince Rupert Telephone Company building. The firm's bid of $7,647 was one of four received. Other bidders were Eby and Sons, Mitchell and Currie, and Greer and : Brldden. '; 'f ' " ' Contract for rewiring the same budding was awarded to Grant and Newton, who tendered a bid of $598. Tenders for changes to the building's plumbing system will be called again. Russia Asked to Four-Power : Foreign Ministers Meeting ing in five buses when entertatned Mh -girls' at --St. ! did not .kill Mrs. Evans. udges were washed outi Bruce Brown, solicitor, and Lib- Evari3 . mother., and two- sis- near the rpot and hand print and the mark of a tiny face showed where the child fell. At Kenora, the Ontario provincial police jsid this footprints were measurable knd titled 'the size of the shoes worn by the child when she wandered away from her parenU' summer cottage neur Wade. 10 days ago. The section between the lakes was not searched, before the tew remained unconvinced and jeral MLA-eieot for Prince 'Ru- Saskatoon -Crossing a ommunlty lust south of lumhlH Icefield. Genrge's Island, Later the group went swimming at Bowness. One of the highlights of the trip occurred Saturday morning when the team drilled at a wrote the Queen Tuesday night, , pert. Frank Howard is organizer for asking a public, investigation nwlille. a sudden flood Seventeen Laborite members nut 3IWI feet of track at the International Woodworkers of America in Skeena. He is of Parliament, also presented an kwaet. B.C.. farther west beautiful park ore St. George's 'sland pnd movies were taken by Frank Graham of Hollywood. Is understood the films will Police called for volunteers Rockies, aXUr a day-long officials here reiHnled Abound passenuer trains tailed In the Rockies but llth-hour motion demanding married and has one boy. that Christie's execution be Ertucated in Vancouver schools, stayed so he could testify at ne flrst red as a miner and sueh an investigation. ! then turned to logging, where hf Christie was sentenced June ; becarne BCt,Te in the IWA, work-75 after a fiva-day trial in Old I (n njs way up as trust,ee, then i Tueritlav nleht s an Army unit 'r 'A ' y If. M 4 i; ! rr 'r f, )' i i tv if I ' f ,o. Ah ' . 'i , ' .. . 1 si f f !'i B-':' X:''.-: ::.v v' in", ' 1 . i I. . . I 1 1 : I 1V I,,!' If I1 . " 0 Y I " n'. i' 1 rM t" " I . 4, v i 1 ), 'I 4 V, 1 . y ; lt,-: : ' i l . y i t I: r i t i iled that the flood dsm-uld be cleared up today. president of his local union. he user! on United States tele--Hon In about three months' time and later in newsreels or film shorts. Saturday evening the girls attended a ' banquet at which they presented Margaret Glpke. who Is leaving the team to take im nursing, with a special pin The presentation was nwde bv I'stbound passenger was from Winnipeg had already abandoned the search and returned to t he city heore the discovery was made. An RCAF helicopter brought news of the find to Kenora, refueled and bu,zcd back over the area.. OPP officials said the tracks were accompanied by a trace of cloth from the child's clothing. )i In Calgary. Baney court,. The 55-year-old man was tried only for the murder of his wife, Ethel. 54. whose decaying body was found beneath the parlor floor in their dingy Notting Hill tenement apartment. Notes from all three western governments were prepared for ' dispatch to Moscow within 21 hours. The proposal on German; , represents initiative by the wes' to put squarely up to the Kremlin In the face of Its interna Beria purge and in the light o: anti-Communist unrest in Eas' Germany a challenge to dc something definite about one o'. today it was still raln-ry heavily" In Banff and w River was ninning the By JOHN M. HIGHTOWFR WASHINGTON (AP) Britain, France and the United States posed an immediate challenge to Russia today to Join in a four-power foreign ministers' meeting aimed at reuniting East and West Germany. The call for a session next autumn on Germany, and on completing an Austrian Inde fci- In many years. The Mnrgit Mae Arthur. Honored CH Jackson, Druggist Here Dies Suddenly Charles Henry Jackson. 46, tour coincided with n par They said the new clues were i twen nf ,hP Rethel. Miss Glske ly heavy thaw of snow In irkles. WEATHER Synopsis 1 genuine bu .the footprints and j prrspntrt olive Mitchell, the J nnother trace of cloth reported i r,ppr w)ln accompanied tlie i Monday were a false lead. i tpam u,s drills, with a com- i Tliere is no indication whether i nnrt ridge of high pressure pendence treaty, was agreed unon bv the British, U.S. and dniErGist for many years In Prince Rupert, died suddenly yesterday the worst, sources of tension State' Secretary John, Fostei Dullts of the U.S. the Brltist acting foreign secretary, thi Marquess of Salisbury, ant French Foreign Minister George? 1 the chit tils alive or dead buti Satur0By wa8 Biso the eve of 1 pollre are certain she Is some- 1 (r Mitchell's birthday and he "ria ' thwart iBtaeu the south coast ! place today a along 1 where on a narrow track of land rP,rlved a birthday cake and a I French foreign ministers in a five-day conference which ended with Issuance of a communique Tuesday night. at Prince Rupert oenerai nos-pital. Born in Sweden, Mr. Jackson ne Frightens Id to Death ANGELES (API A sob-oung mother told sheriff's cs today that a low-flying so terrified her two-year- between Long Lake and Cataa-! Masonlc f,R from the drill anln"V!".B. 1,1 will "'";. Cloudiness persist GERALIHNE IHIGGAN . . . dead trnphe Lake, about two miles eam in appreciation of all the moved to Canada in 1910, com southwest of Wade. work he has done for the gins. throughout the day over the north coast although there will be some periods of sunshine. HMCS Huron Miss Giske made the presenta ing almost directly to Prince Rupert with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson. tion. m that he ran screaming rr and collapsed at her On the way to Calgary prior their efforts were spurred earlier Geraldlne's disappearance set this morning when the first off a dramatic, Intensive search, definite ' trace of the girl was Police, Indians, campers, railway found. men. dogs, helicopters and sol-Two Kenora men, Harry Hawes rilers scoured the mosqulto-in-and Joe Bynskl, discovered a tested bush. He was engaged . in fishing Forecast North coast region Cloudy to the Stampede, the girls put Runs Aground business for a time, and later entered the drug business. In on a drill display at Jasper She took him to an ency hospital where he renounced dead. and cool. Intermittent rain or drizzle Thursday morning, becoming continuous rain Thurs Bidault also called for restoration of "true liberty" to tht Soviet satellite peoples of Eastern Europe and announced tha If those countries achieve freedom the door to unity with th" community now being created in Western Europe is open to them. On Far Eastern problems, the three ministers announced that economic embargoes against Communist China would be continued indefinitely after an armistice and that the policy of barring Red China from the United Nations would continue where the Ladies of the Eastern Star took them on sightseeing trips around Jasper. Off Korea 1941 he married Margaret Mary Sievert of this city. He was employed at Deeth's Pharmacy at the time of his death. OTTAWA m The Canadian eeting of Truce Negotiators bday to 'Make or Break Talks' day afternoon. Winds light, Increasing Thursday morning to southeast 25. Low tonight and high Thursday at Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 53 and 62. destroyer Huron, reported Monday as having been damaged in Civil Servants Get 5-Day Week a grounding off the uommunisi Korean northeast coast, is head He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Charles Jackson of Victoria; two brothers. Oke' and Fric, and one sister, Margaret, all of Prince Rupert. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. , By SAM SI MMEKLIN ing for a Japanese port under assure the signing of an armistice If the Communists are sincere in their desire for peace." pending further consultation. NMUNJOM (API An auth- VICTORl'A ) Introduction of her own steam, navy neaoquari-ers said Tuesday. the five-day week for some 10,000 llve source said today's Meanwhile, the greatest offen ed the United Nations Command negotiators "walked out" of the last truce meeting. But Peiping radio made it clear there would be another meeting at the customary hour of 11 a.m. on Thursday (7 p.m. Another Service In Daily News ; British Columbia civil servants session of truce negotla- sive in more than two years of Jiere will "make or break Korean fighting stalled at least iius." will be started early In August. Premier W. A. C. Bennett, mak-tnc the announcement Tuesday Airport Survey Slated for Digby temporarily todry In the 'pes of source said the meetiim PDT Wednesday!. drenching rain, stubborn South Korean resistance and blistering f" brine a "showdown" nn said the five-day week for the government employees would be Aliped artillery fire frets for a quick armistice. e meeting will make or Instructions have been Issued to carry out an immediate investigation of a site- for an Gen. Maxwell Taylor, UK. 1th army commander, visited the the talks," he said. re were Rtrnntr inrlienHxnn airport on Digby Island, Trans east -central front for thf- second port Minister Lionel Chtvrier "There is a very distinct possibility of another breakdown In the talks," the source said. The Peiping radio said: "The other side unilaterally declared a recess and walked out of the meetings." A UN Command spoilsman said only. "No comment. We never comment on Communist Reports reaching here said the Huron is, proceeding at five knots and is expected to reach port July 18. There were no details except that the Huron ran aground in fog. A spokesman said there are no plans for replacing the destroyerone of three Canadian destroyers serving In the theatre until the extent of damage Is determined and It is known how long it will take to put the ship back in service. A Tokyo dispatch said the ship's hull below the water line was crushed and large segments were twisted out of the forward section. Tnere were no casualties. Sinclair Here July 25 James Sinclair, federal minister of fisheries, will address a Liberal meeting here in support of Ted Applewhaite on July 25. Mr. Sinclair is due in the city on July 24 and will travel that same day for a meeting in Terrace, returning at night He will speak at Port Edward on the morning of the 25th and in the Civic Centre at night. While In the city, Mr. Sinclair will visit fishing plants and canneries. '; iwwdown would cdme over straight day and announced that 1 i?. tin. Jtr the line had been "stabilised. advised Ted Applewhaite, Liberal candidate seeking re-elec Helps Advertisers Another service to Dally News readers and Classified page advertisers has been established. Each day there will be published In. the upper left hand corner of the Classified Page a notice .of replies to Classified Advertisements employing Daily News' box numbers. Remember your box number . . . Consult the Classified Pane every day But an uneasy lull hung over tion, in a Ulegiam today from flemands for the recapture "i-Communlst Korean pris-I freed last month and iron-juarantees from the United jus that South Korea would Introduced progressively. It would be brought In without any reduction In total hours worked or Increase in departmental costs, the premier said. "Commencing the first of August, most governmental offices in Victoria, Vancouver and certain interior points will go on a five-day week," he said. In most cases the proposed change will be effected by adding half an hour to the office, bonis fioui MoiuIhy to Filday. thp 20-mile front where more thnn 80,000 Reds rolled uo solid Ottawa. The federal government a rjroDauanda broadcasts." gains in a big-scale two-day on sla ught. few months ago allocated $50, President Eisenhower's special 000 for engineering and survey Weary RoK troops bolstered I a truce. I source, who could not be Hied, gave his estimate of truce envoy said as he landed work on the project to deter mine if it is possible to erect a their defences hnd waited for darkness, aim powillile new a- S'lllllS. ' in the U.S. Tuesday that the agreement he reached with President SyngniKii Rhee "should landing strip oh the island. iuce situation after the jsi- Communist radio claim