Jill Explorer's AhhiYeriory TROMSO .Norway CP Tt.e' Wednesday. Julv 15. BLACKWOOD on 25th anniversary of the death of ni I C I k I C C C A.J Roald Amundsen, famed Nor- DUO I IN CO J ntlQ wegian exporer of the Arctic and; Antarctic, was observed here.1 HD CCC SlljlI A I ' Amundsen and his crew perished rNVrLJJlWMnU on an aerial mercy "fa'"1 , t1 9e searching for the Italian explorer Umbeito Nobile east of ! Spltzbergen. KEITH H. TUCKER By EASLEY BLACKWOOD 0 OPTOMETRIST i I Strong Slam Implications Phone m 527 3rd Ave. Queen Charlotte Airlines DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Seen In Jump Takeout Bid As used today, the jump takeout )f partner's opening bid is not only forcing to game. It also has strong slam implications. My observations indicate that, after an opening bid and a jump takeout by partner, a slam is reached more than half of the Schedule trips to: PHONE 383 messenger' PICK-UP AND DELIVERY. II HELP WANTED MALE 40 HOMES FOR SALE Kitimat and Kemano Tuesdays and Saturdays Classified Rates e time 4:30 p m. day previous Mibllcatlon. WANTED immediately Two Today's Stocks salesmen. Must have car. Sell- $2,000 ftANDLES purchase of well-constructed seven - room family home. Close to town, playground, parks and new schools. Phone Blue 319. (Itt5i time. ';;; mimmnm' char. i nu. I !" .f!en.v!. SflPf ul but net iCnuttrxf . D. Jotimum ( Mil.) S cents; Curd of i -i.-w-iium. ".:ni cunimix- NotlcM, Hions nepiy 10 box iZH. uauy Stewart and Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays It wai not clear to Mr. Muzzy where today'i hand would be played until he heard Mr. South dealer Neither side vulnerable Nurth (Mr. Kren) News. 168pi SEVEN-RfJOM house. 514 7th VANCOUVER American Standard .... '.18y2 Bralorne $90 IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE. WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS MAN for evening work looking I Ave. W. Full basement. Price Keen s third biu tiiul ia. lier B A K 1117 Ketchikan iikH, Death Notices, runeral k-i'h. Marriage and KliRUKement .mi.-wmelits. !x .1 Display double price. No Refunds wtll not accept responsibility .i-sHllled ads Inserted lnrorrectly (ttr wrong clusHinrutlon unless ntlun of such errors Is rewlvel! i 24 hours ut first Insertion. $4,750 $2,500 down, balance as rent. Box 723, Dally News. (1631 after slock, etc., in grocery store. Apply Skeena Grocery. (1641 lour diamond bid. On the first round, Mrs. Keen Jumped to two spades to make sure the bidding would not be B R X 022 Cariboo Quartz 100 Congress '.05'2 Cronin Babine i .10y2 Olant Mascot ., ; -'.45 Indian Mines .... K"2 Pend Oreille 4 50 Pioneer 1-ftO FOUR rooms and bath, two good oil stoves, some furniture $3,500.00. 426 8th Ave. East. i (166p) 19 Help Wtd Male Female YOUNO people from 12 to 17 years to enjov 10 days at Lak-else. There's diving, swlmmlna, dropped under game. On the second round, there was still no hurry about showing her fine diamond support. She showed Tuesdays, Thursdays and , Fridays. if Charier Service if Contract Flying Agents: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES . Phones 476 and t;6 John f- L Hughes. D.C CHIROPRACTOR . i Hrs. 10:30-12:30 ; 2:005:00 2l - 2'i Besner Block Phone Blue 442 42 WANTED TO RENT yVANT AD H A J 8 3 . 1 D K J a a C Mt Ran (Mr. rial?) (Mr. Champion) 8 Q S 3 2 S J 9 5 4 H B 6 4 H Q 10 6 3 D 8 D h 4 CQ II M 810 a Smith . (Mr. Mnzzy) ' 86 H-K 7 ' D 4 10 S 1 6 C A K J 6 3 South Went North East It) Puhb a 8 Patis 3 C Pass 3 II Pa NT Pawi 4 D PaaR 4 NT Paa . 6 H Pass 6 D All pass her heart strength instead. hoating, and sports to Inhlifht your camping experiences. The camp Is provided, the leaders FURNISHED sulU? or house for married coupie. Phone Red At this point the hand was a are ready. The rout is only $12.50 2122, mornings. (187p) misfit as far as Mr. Muzzy knew. But when Mrs. Keen bid r including transportation. Phone Rev. Thorpe at Blue 323. (1641 FURNISHED suite or house for young couple, no children REPLIES ? are holding replies the following New5 boxes: " Phone 40. (165p) ZO HELP WANTED FPMAI.E four diamonds on the next round, the situation cleared up. Mr. Muzzy properly bid four no trump, Intending to pass if his partner bid five diamonds, H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE U INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 898 FOUR- or five-room house. Box 730. Dally News. U68p) 45 PROPERTY FOR SALE Premier Border ..... '.06i2 Privateer . 03 "2 Reeves MacDonald .'. 195 Sheep Creek 60 Silbak Premier .12 Vananda , .02V2 Spud Valley ..; 04 Silver Standard 95 Western Uranium 2.10. Sil-Van 47 Dorreen 22 Estella ' .53. Oils - - Anglo Canadian 5.85 A P Consolidated 27 Calmont : MB Central Leduc 3.05 Home OH t............. 8.05 Mercury .15 Okalta ; ..- -2.50 ;?o- 73, EXPERIENCED stenographer for local construction office Rome bookkeeping required. Plwme 563 during daytime for appointment. (166c TYPIST- STENOGRAPHER required for office. Phone 93 for Interview. (1631 653, 681, 711, 667, 705, 714, 639, 674, 710, TWO Industrial lots, 48 and 49. Block 17. Section 1. Next tn Imperial Machine Works. Apply Standard Machine Shop. Utc) ?07, F22. showing Just, one ace. When Mrs. Keen showed two aces, he went on to slam. Mr. Muzzy bid surprisingly well. But as usual, he fell down In' the play. . The deuce of spades was opened and won with dummy's ace. A small diamond was led. Mr. Champion ducked and the seven in the SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.O. Phone 347 P.O. Box 37 sequence ot plays, there would still be a trump in dummy to ruff another club loser. If -Mr. Champion elected not to over-ruff dummy on the third lead of clubs, Mr. Muzzy could have aiscarded a club on the king of spades entered his hand with the king of hearts 46 BIGNESS OPPORTUNITIES WOMAN for part-time work in grocery store. Apply Skeena Replies must be oiled for in person. (1641 j Grocery. i i i rrsi i I OFFICE clerk wanted, married woman preferred. Apply Northland Dairy. 164 1 and ruffed his last losing club i on the board. Either way, 12 , HI i closed hand won. Another diamond lead to dummy's king was won by Mr. Champion with the ace. Of course, Mr. Champion made the tricks were available. PRECISION SAW FILING ':y All Types of Sows" ; .:.!. Sharpened ' 215 1st Ave. W. rhone 98 ; ITNIKAL NOTICES ilAfHAN In Vancouver. Thursday, July 9. 1953, :cs. ae 50 years. Beloved of Mr. and Mrs. Charles linn. 426 llth Ave. East. ' Rupert. BC. Rrc. Dr. E. Royal Canadian ' ".13 Y2 TORONTO Athona H Aumaque ' ' .14'2 Bevcourt -32Vi Buffalo Canadian .18 Consolidated Smelters.. 26 50 Conwest 440 IXinalda - .72 right return, another diamond, ' and now Mr. Muzzy was unable : STANLEY'S Machine Shop, fully equipped, also seven-room house This is a good opportunity for machinist and welder. Said property is situated nn 20 ft. waterfront lot with 100 ft. boat float. For particulars write Stanley Mowlins;, Masset. B C. 163) COFFEE shoo, Roin concern, tunction of Rod Rose Mine Road and Hlphwav 16. Fully equipped, living quarters. Write or see Mrs. Lcs Powell, Skeena Crossing, BC. 106c) TAXI business, one car. For full particulars cull In person. Black fc White Taxi. (1631 15 SITUATIONS WTD. Female TWO ladles willing to do odd Jobs, tvpino'. etc., in their own home. Box 726. (165p) YOUNO women desires housework or work in hotel. Box 727, Dally Mews. (164p li'lit will conduct services renvllle Court Chanel nt p m. Thursday, July 16. Interment to follow in a incie Eldona 25 654 I icw Cemetery. B C. Under- VI FUEL ln charge of to ruff more than one of his ; losing clubs. He placed another club oa dummy's king of spades j but still had to surrender a club ; to Mr. Dale. After winning trick two with the seven of diamonds, Mr. Muzzy should have abandoned trumps. His better play was to cash the ace and king of clubs and ruff a third round o clubs on the board. If Mr. Champion cver-ruffed, it would take his ace to do It and the best he could do after that was to lead his last diamond. But on this (sootlMS) p. oa 1. I'hllp;t., Evttt & (cl FOOTHIU-S Phone 851. Co. Ltd. ' CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Daily except Sunday) . . PERSONAL AUTOMOBILES 47 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT. ORDERS Phone 200 ICE, Friday. Julv 17, legion 4 !" ClbH. 28 FURNITURE FOR SALE ciuimim. music Dy inr RE-CHROME bumpers. . . grills. Mountain Boys. Admls- East Sullivan 5.00 Giant Yellowknife 9.00 God's Lake 90 Harricana . .IB Hsva Gold - .06'i Duvex - .32 " Joliet Quebec ....-... ' ,2B Little Long Lac ..... .54 Lynx - ' ' .M Madsen Red Lake 2.05 McKenzie Red Lake 34 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.94 Moneta 44 Negus - 18 Noranda 63.00 Louvicourt 15 Pickle Crow 1.25 I etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu ! Not a paint or polish! Just like Hollywood Cafe 1.00. (163c) DININO room Ruite $50, chesterfield suit $40. Phone Red 784. 109 llth St. il63mgl EFFECTIVE AT ONCE Bottle beer deliveries will close at 12 noon. Any orders received later delivered next day. Broadway Cafe chrome! Lasts years! Send $1 98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, I For Outside Orders Phoe 133 I FACT Alcoholics Anonyms. Box 1511. Prince Rupert, ' ' JMMHaBMHMHHHHK hone Blue Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (174) 959. 1189c) CHESTERFIELD suite and tri-liKht. 520 7th Ave. West upstairs. (164p) .ISINFSS PERSONALS - BLONDIE - Moybe It't Just As Well! ' By CHIC YOUNG (WWiiF : " (AK-THlS IS GOING J , f UbUSF-RlSE-SuPPEP'S ALL )l I C OlO vou fOffiET THIS IS" ; - ' ' JO BE EXTRAf Pr WEAOV FO US TO SIT fl NIGHT WERE INVITED I I .LlTTZV - I WCIAL SllPFR-5! I ..nOvW 'AND 'EAr i T OUT TO EAT AT THE rf , !!IA SEWING MACHINES ) 'fJCAPINQ AMD ClARDEN- 1946 CHEV sedan Radio, heater, pood tires, body in good shape. Engine new in 1951. Complete overhaul recently. This is a BUY. Green 660 after 6 p.m. (164pi SAIJ;S Repairs Rentals. Pinirer Sewing Centre. Phone B04 4 174' New Senator ..... Sherritt Gordon Steep Rock i Rock walls. Mockeries, flower boxes, ltrttrw and garden keeping. Free id's, phone Red 808. l 175p) F. your classified ad in this i I.ECTR1CAL $0 Silver Miller 86 waitinC slS v - . i W , s Kvm . rJfcZ " ) ' 'i-TON Dodge pickup with aluminum back, 2 mounted snares. 2 bunks and mattresses. i)"-r lit the econnmlenl nix Sweet Grass Golden Manltou . I.nndovec Oils 1 Ry Athabasca ' Nesbltt Lablne TI'K ELECTRICIAN D. Cluvatt House wlrlnc and electrical repairs. 141) 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 165. (13 WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. tf All In excellent, condition. $1000 cash. Phone Blue 734. (165) 1952 FOUR-DOOR Chev station wagon, low mileage. Can be seen at Hll Fraser St. (164c) rale. 15 words fur 3 con-'ve dnvs cost $135; 15 f"r six consecutive days $1 HO. And remember, you nhono your ads just rail niily News. (tf-nr CFPR Green tl67l 1!)3R FORD Fordor. Phone 154. 1DNAI, Machinery Co. Llm-i32 FOR SALE MISC. TAXIS and 'I RANSFEHS 4K ! Distributors for Mining,!- ill, lumping and Contrac- Guri'ERAL Electric wasrwr. pood Equipment. Inquiries In- ! rond!kn. Call at 744 6th Ave. (Inmvllle Island, Vaneou-; West, or phone Black 984. (165) . , n ' - - t .Suhlect to ChaAfa) WKDWESDAY 8:00 Music Prom ttoe Films " KING OF THE POYAL MOUNTED By ZANE GREY n ,fcjii 4 gtnuTn CAe?jfii!iii im.fl ycuvrjuir ljADiooaiA.'TMi?fitBfeHAj M7ICAi, tOOKATXY 7Z7T22& ' ' M DefOffOTD '' 1 TPHASTt' ,' ' wfrA I V,,tii 1 JE V MAKM&tveej : v 'V : ' m.ou.uMA'ffti - id7" SWT" 3v. . a HAPfiVfs Zl " ' i II WANTF.O MISCELLANEOl'S 5:25 Int. Comty. ,'TS for r'.ir.nrfiTV. t ln,,l,l I I Co. Ltd.. for oxygen, aerty, WANTED - TOP MARK RT B;SO UN Today f- t ' ' 8:46 C.'HC Nf-ws, Weather, Rf port s-Aft-Hnn ymt Heard?- audi nil welding supplies, rnivr-j rntu un '.: ' UmtM"tiitotlfSVt(imtVpiiYf 'hone 60 f CITY TRANSFER Lont) Distance CBATINO and PACKINO ' Furniture Movers ;v VUHH I.TVlE.,fiTtJUACB. vrK, .' itou.'u.-ht.lil! tifct ilvvcd U'oTfnunaiy' j JTnt -fiv B.C. Phone 950 First Ave. and McBr'.ue (c) .;((lM-WfcrillWtStSji4 I.AOB Prince " Ituperl' to'a.td., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, i thcrs via Capllng's Truck I B.C. Phone PAcI fir 6357. (H) Too CUC News f' 7:15 CBO NfWS RountKIp f 7 :30 Portrait of Canada 8:30 Bonanm 8 45 "The Devil and Daniel Web CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 8:10 6th Ave. West. (c) ster" 10:CO CBC News 10:10 CBC News every Tuesday and Friday, tact Whalen's Cartage. " 310. , (188p) XK Press "Oestetner" 'Heating, circular letters, iilv bulletins, business Phone 383. 733 2nd Ave (178) I 10:15 Pluno Heeltal: IJojd Powell bed SINOLE 5!4. reasonable. Black i - I VoFrent : ,JV I 36 ROOMS IviniNO, automatic oil heat- furnished ' . V: .. l man only. , A C?: partly working ' fhnet metal work. Phono ''all 830 6th West. ONE-ROOM c:ibln , for Apply after St. 6 p.m. 740 I'.TVR FINKRT CLEANFR WANTED A man and wife to rent my two rooms. No children. Apply 1063 Uth Ave. Ea.st. (1681 (TROI.UX. Pl.one Blue or Parts Sales Service. (c) LI'L ABNER . A Fleeqle Scorned By AL CAPr r'vOU'lA.MEVKR MAKE IT TO Si I 1 WAS ONCZASTXANGEX OV -HE At Vft MADE IT. A StMlES Of '-AS THEY TOOXHrM A WY. HE , H TTRlxrKSTRANGER"- V noOGLE STUtET. MtS GETAWAY JfiHOIVMG MISHAPS SPEffLED J TOINED, AND RENDERED THE jt THti rs rCbbai-i rrRKcrr ceiswAiTWFOKHiH,ATTm his plans- ' fcu.lovm fatauwoidsj-J 7s ' l,su2 VffiHT JfvSr? HI rtTirl fiXn on rxcgle street.' ; iVCl 'f U5) (Ifl P KsjRk. V Ml; NO STRANGER NEVER PASS v V Jtt THE HEART OF LlET BV STAN DRAKE; w f " AH BUT VOU I V-f ANOkTO egO'S IT. 1 f 10 YOU NOPE..JU&T COUPLE I ?JVV1.S I PE LUi ' ! v i COu'lEN'T S Ht ASKSF E TO INVITS M0U6SH. 4 OP PKiENPS'LL K THERE P1 CATEe?S? TH'S .);; 5 "'l CASTLl PAN- OESS MOTHE , I MBS. WE?SE?T USCN. ' . tt.v.-k WB mrmt, UCXS CN&, NOU CV TO OU OH, -I wAv'i tb Vice r? ban I..) . jjl...sue. wacmwmift'',., I xoo'RB wants to SST to X plains rather a lask-e v?. uj-we Zs wns acts opp who ooesn-t uKf whcm?A poolins.' vmt u ette?.') pugrx thnext .my. i o i r , , C.'r-X ENCUS PC SOW , U-?-, p 4 4wl 'V k?: I V, toot... But she r-' i 7 lT7fH " -JV 'A I VTtI i 10::iO The World anl the West il :IH--Weather Report 1 1 iYi - r'lsh Arrlvnld 11 o; Miwlc Till Midnight U.-00 tiiRn-oir THURSDAY AM -7-00 BC Fishermen- Brnclclt 7:15-MiirIcb1 Clock 7- 30 CMC Newa: Weather Report 7:X5-Mulra! Clcx-fc 8:00 t:HO News 3 10 Here's Hill Clond 8:15- Morning Bong M:.'IO ktnriiln IVTOtlont . , 8- 45 Little Concert iMi 11BO News Commentwy 9 IS Musical Varieties 59 lime Bignai , 10:00 Morning Visit 10:1 5 Election Bulletin- Hatreds 10 :20- Riders of the" Purpl Sag 10:35 Musical Program 1 10 45 Invitation to Hie Waltj 1 1 00 A Man and His Music 1 1 :30 Weather Report 11:81 Message Period 11:33 Klsh Arrivals IC ACCOUNTANT. Income '- specialist. 8. O. Furk, ' Muildlns. Red 583. (20inl f j i i ROOM, sharing single beds. close in, nun-drinkers. 124 Hth Ave. E. 10Sp ONE-ROOM eabin. Apply 740 Pulton St. or phone Blue R49. (1651 KRIGFRATOn Rirwurri,' 4'inmerclul and Domestic. , Black '1132 (180) Saztnrs, novelties. Kddle7 w.i Stand. (c) SLEEPINO room, close in. Blue 433. 1141 Beach Place. (167cl ONE housekeeping front room. Raw for rent. 838 Fraser I PhoneHed 816. (167p) a'LY everybody uses 99. 600 8th Ave. W. (16ripi ROOM for rent. 836 Fraser St. (166c) t LOST I . . -I rooms for 1 E " . y-o-i-jsaa i.iM mini 1 1 :36 Req, Int. 1 1 :45 ticandlnuvlan Mtlodlsi P.M. 12 :00 Mid-Day MelodlU 1J:15 CBO News 12:25 Program Reaum 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadoint 12:55 Recorded Interlude " 1 00 Alternoon Concart 1 :45 Today's OueBt 2:30 Trans-Camida Mating 3:15 Records for You 3 :45 Hit Parade Saturdav. erev lpnther HOUSEKEEPING rent. Red 768. (166c) aidbag between Savoy Hotel I'lh Ave. E. Please leave at f Nl"ws. (164p) 37 ROOMS AND BOARD h:i.p WANTED MALE YOUNG railway man desires room and board. Abstainer. Box 729, Daily News. (164p) 3 HOMESFOR RENT M WEARING STREET SHOES instead of spikes, George Dins-dale of Brandon, Man., heaves the discus to a midget record of 141 feet, one Inch, at the Canadian Junior track and field championships ot Winnipeg. Dinsdale said he "onild not be bothered changing his shoes " BOYS! Iln vnn mini In GK.ORGK DAWKS AUCTIONEER pi extra pocket money cur-fimmer holidays? If you do, 5all and leave your name ?IE DAILY NEWS OFFICE .Simmer paper ionics. ,tfnc) FIVE-ROOM furnished duplex,-central. Phone after 6 p.m. Red 258. - (163c) Phone Black 848 and Red 131 1 . . . 1 i I p "Summer Hot? Summer Not so Hot. Be Sure of Hot Results Use Want Ads!" o