Prince Ruper i' UGily inc!j biuarv 27, 152 Bin IIP JuiloriiHj for Ladies qnd Gentlemen LING the tailor (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publicalf an) Classified Advertising is payable Ai advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. Ernst ANNOUNCEMENTS United Church Leap Year tea, February 28, Rod and Gun Club banquet.! February 28. 6:30 p.m., Canadian Lesion. , Individual display of ,She!l-j craft and Nature's Treasures I February 29, Civic Centre. Free admission. . ip j Catholic card party, March 6. The Business and Professional Women's Club's first annual card party, Friday. March 7, Civic Centre. Refreshments and prizes. King Edward P-TA tea, home cooking. White Elephant sale. March 20. St. Patrick's Tea and Hon,e-cooking Sale, Catholic Hall, March 20. Card party and drawing of raffle 8 p.m. ' -f I-- n f . 1 Conrad Street School P-TAKOR SALE Fur coal. length PRECISION SAW PILING 134S riOGOTT TLACE . Box 1011 Station B Agent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders John F. L. Hughes, D C CHIROPRACTOR Mrs : 10:3f)-12:M, 2:00-5:00 Eves : by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Plir.he Biue 42 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Biock 606 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 447 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE&CO. ACCOUNTAN TS ft AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 WE KENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUAUTif REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774, Becond Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PKOMFT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STt'DIO 21ft4th Street Box 645 Phone Oreen 3B8 . Prince Rupert Train Schedule For the East-Dally except Sunday 8 p m From (he Fast Dully exec pt Monday :r:05 p.m. card party Conrad School, March 21. Royal Purple tea and sale or hdmccooking. Elk's Home, March 27. ' Pre-Easter parade, Civic Centre, March 27. Church Sprint Sale, April 3. Rotary Rummage and Auction Sale, April 5. . Conrad Street Si school Par- ent-Teaclier White Elephant Sale, Conrad School, April 5. Le&ion Auxiliary Soring Sale, April 9. Job's Daughters E&ster tea, April 10. ' Women of the Moose Sprin; Bazaar and Tea, Api,il 17. Cathedral Soring R.zaar, Anril 17. Girl Guide tea and sale, Anglican Cathedral Hall, Saturday. April 26. United Church W. A. Spring Bazaar May 1. , L.OB. A. Spring sale, home-cooking, etc.. May 3. St. Peter's Spring bazaar, May 8. Sonja's Tea. May 10. PERSONAL MRS. MURIEL GAGNON, proprietor of Beauty Lane Salon, is taking ever the business of Wednesday, Fei V3 V I S.v T ; IK ; 1 : C.R.U. PRESIDENT A U. Cliiuman. Wmnineir hnitivess man, was elected president of the Canadian Rugby Union at its annual meeting in Toronto. : A former president of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers football club and of the Western Intvr-provincial Football Union. Mr. Chipman succeeds Myers Insky of Montreal. I CP PHOTO i HELP WANTED MALE BOY WANTED As carrier on Eleventh Avenue paper route. Daily News. itf-nc WANTED A resident collector-salesman for Prince Rupert city and area, age 30-45. must have selling experience and some knowledge of collections, but not essential. Must be ambitious, energetic, and interested in building a future for himself. This is a genuine proposition in a new territory. This Company is one of the largest in Canada operating stores and branches from coast to coast. No investment i necessary, all stock supplied, i Lines carried are household1 essentials. In replying, please-state experience, age, marital status, and if owner of car to Box 313, Daily News. i52c) WANTED Reliable man as Rawleigh Dealer. A fine op-ppr: unity to step into a good: Raw leigh Business where the Products have been sold for almost 40 years. Experience not . necessary. Write Rawleigh '3 Dept. WG-B-166-163, Winnipeg. HF.I.P WANTED, MALI:- LM Al.E WANTED Reliable babv sitter, vicinity Overlook. Box 312, Daily News. t52pi YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN 'niri vm Itnam that o,,,,,.,, young men and women from farms, towns and cities across1 Canada are now taking com-; plete trade training in the Royal Canadian Air Force while receiving equivalent to! $160 00 per month? YOU CAN DO THIS! MEN can train as Radio Technicians, Electrical Technicians, Metal Workers, Accountants, Ae.o Engine Technicians, Security Operatives and many others. WOMEN can train as Radio Operators, Teletype operators Photographers. Stenographers. Accountants, Medical Assist- j ants and many others. Men ! must be 17 to 39 years of age with Grade 8 education. I Women must be 18 to 29 vears 1 of age with Grade 10 education. You can make a career of the R C A F. or, if you de- ; cide to leave the Ait Force , after a brief period of serv- ice, you will be fully prepared to start at a tradesman's sal-! ary anywhere. THINK IT OVER! In these times you must have a trade or profession to demand high wages. NOTE: Young men 18 to 24 years of age with Junior Matriculation can train as Pilots. Navigators or Radio Officers while receiving over : $250 00 per month. Send the attached coupon to the R.C.A.F. Recruiting Unit,1 9921 101A Avenue. Edmonton NOW for full information. You are not obligated in any way. Name j Address I Age Education LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Certificate nf Title No. 2203-1 to Lots Nine mi and Ten (10), Block Twenty-elnht (2BI, Heo-tlon (D), City of Prince Rupert, Map 923. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Ions of the above Certificate of Title issued In the name ot William C. Bailey has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, : at the expiration of one month from the date of the .first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu. of said lost Certificate, i unless In the meantime valid objec- j tion be made to me In writing. DATED athe Land Registry Office. I Prince Rupert, BC, this 26th day of January, Jitaa. A.D. Anttrew Thompson. Deputy Registrar of Titles. I Slip I ColusiV Am.;: 1 in Ma-, my AND E: 210 4;h Si HAM HOME: general; Buiidbf is l R00R- 0!L! PS' P.O. &ii in Phone Km H. G H; m: RE.UE.rtA- Phone n fc Oil Hed LAWXR Blut Complete v. biirr,m Slows, fc Repair Ili.uae it work ol - RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycle! (Subject U Change) THVRSDAY PM 5 15 John Fisher 5 20 inU'niHiiomii Cointy. 5:30 Musical PntKfntn (i 00 Canada hi work 6 15 Kpii tinrrm 6:10 Musical Varieties 7:00 t'HC News 7:15 me News Roundup 7 SO Fvfiitifte 8:00 citizens' Forum 8 40 Citizens' Furt.m News 8 45 The Metre Header 9 00 CI1C Vancouver Concert Orciv a ::ic Winr.iprg Drama 10 oo CHC News 1(1 10 CHC News 10:15 Through the Lions Gate 10:S0 At lioiUntnn 11 00 Weather Kcport Jilut yit;ll-(iff TK1DAY A M 7:00 Musical Clock 8 00 CHC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning MonK 8 no Morning Devotions 8 45 Little Concert 9 00 1IHC News and Commentary 9 15 Music for Moderns D :io Sunrise .Serenade. 9 50 Dorothy uoukIhs Show 1. 55 Kecorcted Interlude 0.58 Time Signal 10 00 Morning Visit 10:15 Barry W.kkI Show 10 .10 This Week s Artist 10 45 Musical Kitchen 1 1 :00 Kiilrieri-ailen oi the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 1 1 .30 Weather Report I 1 31 Message Period I I :33 Reeor.led Interlude 11 .40 l&candmavian Mel.Mlies P M 12:00 M!1 -da v Melodies 12:15 CKC News 12 25 Program Hestune 12 30 B C. r ami Broadcast ' 1255 tcecortled Interlude 1 :00 Alternoon Concert 1 :45 Mr. Prime Minister: Comty, 2 00 Natioiuii KrhtKI 2 30 Records at Random 3:00 Tea Time With LLe Stars 3:1 ' Musical Prtntram 3 30 T.Kiay's Guet,t 3:45 Novel Time 4 00 Sunshine Society 4:30 Shepytlme St.,rytelle 4:45 Stock Quotations. Interlude 4 :55 CBC News 5:00 Raw hide New Governor Now in Office OTTAWA-Met by Prime Minister L. S. St. Laurent and other dignatories and greeted by a 21-gun salute, Hon. Vincent Massey arrived by special train today from his homt-at Port Hope and was sworn in as Governor-General of Canada by Chief Justice Thibaudeau Rinfret. The swearing in took nlace with due cere mony before 500 persons in the Senate chamber. Mr. Massey was accompanied by Prime Minister l,. t. bt. Laurent and Leader of the Senate, Wishart Robertson. Wearing the full regalia of office for the first time since Lord TweedMiiulr was here in 1937, Mr. Massey officiated at the opening of Parliament this afternoon, reading the Speech from the Throne Television, Radio, Wireless Operatinq Art Offer flix .Money. Trained men urgently needed. Get details no of day, night and home-study plans. ... No previous knowledge needed. Write stating agp, education, and whether married or single. Radio College of Canada, 88 Bathurst St., Toronto 2B. To Whom Ifr May Concern: As of February 25, owing to a change in partnership, no contract will be honored unleM signed by the undersigned. ' PAT STEELE, Manager. Seacoast Roofing and Insulation Co. Phone R 548 3tc GKORGK HAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red If you want to sei. it, advertise it.. News classified. BLONDIF r PMTMPrD Tup Mirur ( NOU PF.'OF'OCEO TO MPS X-T'T- von SAID vfill uiror I - btl lit DOWN T 220 Sixth St. Phone 849 WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES 'hone Green 136 Hox 17 PLUMBING end HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smilh&ElkinsLfd. P.O. Bo 274 PRUIT1KG O If you h a v e a printing problem we con solve it. We've a printing form to fill your every need, and to add more efficiency to your operations. Dibb Prlnfing Co. HJNESE DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 .m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phon 13S WELDING Government Certified Operators III Hisn Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Slacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 22filst E. Phone Green 8R1 JOHN H. BULGER Ojffnnicfrisf ! John Bulger Ltd., Third Avenue Me and My Big Mouth! ( VOU SAID YOU WEPt'" TIPFO OF DAT; AKO ( PEOPI.E AND PAPTIFS-- V , fLK HtAtEANDCOMFCWI ' X A ''A MA 'I. i r 'Hi v-j LOST AM) FOl'ND LOST 412-months-old brown and white Boston terrier. Feb-j ruary 21, vicinity of 4th and Kth West. Phone Kaien Co-op I 227 or call at 218 8th West. Reward. i50p) J LOST Black leather wallet containing identification, import- i ant papers and small amount i of cash, vicinity of Teng's Grocery, Seal Cove, and bus, or Bus Terminal and Macv's. : riiiutr pitasc pnuue 101. locii REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cash Wartime 4 in I good condition, Rupert East, i including new furniture. Prince Rupert Realty Co., over Broadway Cafe. itfi j FOR SALE Acreage, good buildings, school and store place. Ideal for poultry or fur farming. Price $2600. Inquire 549 9th West, (52pt j WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Alias Iron '& Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B. C. Phone PAcilic 6357. (tf) . .A. W ANTED VTIrri TO BUY D"v Four room hntiRP finnrl rlrtir'n riavrniinf balance monthly. Box 310 Daily News. (51p) CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop per, oaitr-iies and radiators. Phone 543. Call 023 6th Avenue West. City. (tf) . WANTED Two men boarders. Respectable home. Non-drinkers. Box 309, Daily News. (50p KIR RENT ROOM FOR RENT Young lady preferred. Red 879. (tf. FOR RENT Sleeping room. Red 8M)' ,i51pt RENT Four room" furnish! ,,d fIat Av.alabl(. Maron 3 Suitable for working couple. flppiy isox aim. Daily News. ( 50c i for RENT General Electric iloer p;ilishtis. $1 per clay. I hone Blue 992. Padfic Electric, (tf) HOARD 7oAPi7is7rAS7wrf AND ROOM for working r-' iiiuii. AJiny iv uuu. ILli:t ! WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5! room house or apartment by I German family, quiet and clean. Christian people. Green 1 81'-!. (52pii SAW FILING CIRCLE SAWS We are fully equipped to Kum-I Rrind and sharpen all types of Circle, Rip, Combination,' Cut-Off and Planer Saws. We , have the latest model grind- i im machine available and a I complete stock of aluminum ! oxide cool cutting wheels, also an automatic band saw machine, automatic hand saw machine, - and automatic re-toother. A trial will convince you. For your convenience you may leave your saws at Island City Builders or at the Bus Terminal. Precision Raw Filing 1345 Piggot Place (51c) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER Of THE ESTATE OF JOHN GRAHAM and IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by Older of His Honour Judge w. O. Fulton, made the cth day of February. A D. 1952, I was appointed Administrator o( the Estate or JOHN GRAHAM, deceased, late of Victory Cove, in the Province ol British Columbia. tin' it n v i u claims awainst the said Estate are hereby required to lurnlsh same proiwrly vcriiied to me on or before the iRth f,liv of February, AD. lf52. after wnicii tiai-e claims niea may oe paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. ALL PARTIES Indebted to the said Estate are hereby required W pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Ru pert, in the Province of British f-'olumbia, this Cth day of February, A.D. 19S2. O P. FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Fly his Solicitors. Ray, Fraser & Hottarth, Prince Rupert, B.C. (57c) IN RE ESTATE OF JOHN GEORGE SWAN. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appomti'd by the Court, of tile estate of John Oeortte Swan, who died at Prince Rupert. British Colum-I bin. on the lilth day of December. require all creditors and oth- . . - iiuniig i-iniiiifl me l.aiu estate to send the same to me, properly vcriiied. at the address mentioned below on or before the ISth day of pru. IBM. alter which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate tn those entitled by law. having regard LO sucn claims o.- winch i shall "" " ,lnve bl'pn notified. AND RTHKR TAKE NOTICE that n" I'""5""8 ""'"t''1 f estate are required to pay their Indebtedness m me forthwith. 'AT:D at Prnicc Rupert. B.C., tills 27th day of February. 1952 ' GORDON TRACER. rOTiBES, Olheiai Administrator. Prince Runert. R C (F28.MC.13.20cl FOFl SALE FOR SALE-Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned .up to noon of Wednesday. March 26th. 1952. for the purchase of the following described property belonning to the estate of William Hobill, deceased: Lot 19, Block 19, Subdivision District Lot 466. Pian iliil, Village of Stewart, together with Improvements situated thereon and contents. Terms Strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of William Hobill, Deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. 5 1 c FOR SALE Two revenue homes, 1 bath tub, new 60 gallon tank, oil burner restaurant stove, canopy and sinks, cement wash tubs, bassinet. Phone Green 959, afternoons. (57p) Canadian squirrel, dark brown excellent condit'on. Has been worn only 3 nicnths. $300 00 or best offer. Savoy Hotel. Room 19, phone 37. i50pi FOR SALE Immediate delivery "MARATHON" Planers. New and Used Machine Shop 1 Drill i .Pn.n Rhn .-...v. . . etc. and "COOLIDGE" Propellers.) Box 311, Daily News. (51pi! FURNITURE for Sale-Bedroom rugs, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co., Third Ave. itf) FOR SALE Rare book! Auto biography "Giraldus Cambren-sis," $5 00 post paid. Write Mrs. M. A. Williams,- South Hazelton, B.C. i5Upii FOR SALE White (name! En- terprise range with wick! rlZnnl anoh01'."'.'"-! Gieen 114, 409 4th West, Pie, j FOR SALE 1 oven and 2 oven! restaurant ranges. Prince Rupert Plumbing and Heating. 1 51c i I FOR SALE Gas washing ma-! chine, $100. Box 307, Daily News. i5!pi FOR SALE Wartime house j I kitchen stove, $20.00. 1337, I Overlook St. ' 50p i 1 FOR SALE Chrysler car en-1 gine, rebuilt and converted for marine use. also suitable for ) a light plant or a hoist. Price 8275.00. For further particulars phone Black 613. i52pi ; board, used approximately 200 hours. Apply 916 10th Ave. East after 6 p.m. ( 50p I FOR SALE Pair of Davidson laminated skis, steel edtres, safety harness; size 8 Narvic ( ski boots. $10 cash. Phone Red 510. (51c) FOR SALE Livintjroom, dininn room and kitchen fiirnishini!.s. Red 899. (49p CARS FOR SALE FRIZZELL'S MOTOR PRODUCTS USED CARS 1950 Oldsmobile 2 -door sedan Coupe. Heater. 20,000 miles $1995.00 1949 Vauxhall 6-cylinder sedan. only 450 miles $1050.00 I , . .. m.,. 1946 Chevrolet i l Club Coupe, radio 1 and heater $1095 1 j 1940 Chevrolet Sedan $500 00 ; j 1948 Chevrolet Sedan, radio and heater . $1495.00; We also have privately owned I cars and trucks at owners' prices for immediate sale. We finance private sales under our G M A C. Finance Plan. SEE OUR BUDGET PLAN FOR FINANCING., REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES TRADES and TERMS Phone 871. Ask Tor John Bennett tf i FOR SALE- 1937 Hudson Terra-! plane, floathouse with 80 ft. floating walk and wood float. Ideal set-up for fisherman.! Box 307, Daily News. (51p) ! FOR RALE 1946 Dodge panel, I goon condition, 1952 licence ! good rubber recent coniDlete ! verha. Price,) f,,f , 2 J . rU r,Ui-, faie. I none M4 or Blue 4n4 , evenings. (tf) i.VT";r.T I FOR SALE 1940 Pontine. COnch. Phone Bine 105. t:4pi I t ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. O. Furk, Etone Buildini;, Red 593. '(20m) For the MEAL that REFT lvh,er?aBvUty Sh0' n FOR SALE-5 tube Road Pal car YU Ca" ES" I "-adio. $30.00. 309 2nd Ave., 1st smed si ori of of the same courteous; , lst fl()or treatment and personal atten- !. JZ room - . Pl thp p:l'st' 1511,1 FOR SALE-5 H.P. Johnson out -"""i1!.'11 EEST OF FOOD FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS PIMM BROADWAY CA Roofing-Renovating r i rOUnaatlOnS Est imates gM GREER & BR1DDEN 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 VELMA MARION, no word from i you since suitcases sent to Dawson. Please contact me I Maria Wootton, urcenl. Post : . Office Box 972, Victoria, B.C. 1 49c I PRINCE RUFERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION I Membtrship Meeting Sunday. March 2, 1952 Legion Hall at, 2 p.m. . . 52c BUSINESS girls' perms appointments to suit latest styles at Jerry's Beauty Salon under new management across from Super-Value. Phone 855. i51o NOTICE Due to Rod and Gun Club's dinner Thursday, Elks' meeting postponed to Friday, February 29th. (51c; PHONE 18 your Northland Dairy, for daily delivery except Sunday. By looking after your milk your milk will look after you. Keep it cool. All milk Kuaranteed. .tf) RICHARD SEPHTON7" "District Affent of the Mutual Life of Canada, is in the city on a periodical visit. Phone Savoy Hotel, 37. t55c) WE PAY cash for burnt out motors, any s.ze or make. Wil-ford Electrical Works. Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf) KINDERGARTEN will open at Conrad United Hall March 3. For registration phone Red 958. (an,., FOK SALE FOR SALE-30 HP. 3 cylinder Easthope marine engine in pood condition, 3 vears old Price $750 cash. Can be seen at McLean's Shipyard, Seal Cove. (52pi FOR SALE The best German camera, new. Model 1952, for s.ientillc and amateur nho-tosraphy, 1 sec. to 11250 sec. It ns 15 with accessories Green 812. (52p) FOR SALE 5 H P. Horm f chain - .saw in excellent shaoe. complete with 48" bar and 3" bar, one 48" chain and two 30" chains. Must sell this week. $195 00. Phone Blue 992 or may he seen at Pacific Electric. (52c) ' 2: ; wiift1 DINING electric; PLEASURE SSSi-i IN SPARKLING NEW '" SURROUNDINGS Cf Commodore Cafe bvCHM ' von itii D n-.AT JJ'I 1 1 m ; "Tlil ( l? vou HAI7 A HOME ) B:it : -T" 1 A (VOUO NCVtB LEAVE IT L TaD Jq) t i IN RE THE "MECHANICS' LIEN ACT" TAKE NOTICE that Edward Rell of 383 Taxi Company, Prince Rupert, B.C., having owed Albert Goodwin Bartletl. carrying on business at Prince Rupert. B C , under the name of Buperior Radio Sales- & Service, the sum of 4205 for a period of over three months for labour and materials bestowed on one PYE PTC MS A Serial 247. Mobile Radiophone, the said Albert Goodwin Bartlett will offer the said radiophone for sale at. his premises at 204 4th street, Prlnca Rupert. BC, on Wednesday. March 20th. 19M. at in o'clock a m unless the wild Edward R-ll shall sooner pay to the said Albert (loodwin Hajtlett the mH sum of M2ii OS and the casts of advertising this notice HATED at Prince Rupert. DC, this 10th day of February, 1052 "A. O. H:.'rtlett" (52c) If you want to sell it, advertise it, News classified. .ScGrAv'.J I ''5 vwarnryw'r.,f-r.