peg; William B Hall, Seattle; Lt. Cdr. D. H. Tye, West j lUomen J f-raijer Jlolei Arriva (i Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 28, 1952 : -P. rSonals V, V,. RECIPES tomorrow Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Weatherill, RETAIL PRICE WAR (Continued from page 2) -1 ..chrlst 0ur Hope" will be the W. i. Deans, R. N. Capstick, W. Jack Clee Is sailing tonight on ! fitting theme tomorrow after- Watts, 8. H. Wescott, W. Woo, the Prince George for a trip to 1 noon when women of Prince George Ashbrook, D. W. Mills, mm, k., ., ' - , I - 1 -i V ! l .,:. . I. ' I "V -,- V- , . ; o I "1 I I , " i i . f ' V ' 1 M V Sl,"w ' ' J .' Vancouver. i Rupert gather at tho interdc-:R. E. Cormier, O. T. Bradley, J. "f' J. Smith, P. A. Sunderland, H.i nominational World Day of competitor across the street Is doing. Then there arc the fat trade-in allowances paid by some dealers. And the dealers who later give the customer back the old range or refrigerator he traded Mr. and Mrs. J J. Jud"e are Praver in the Full Onxnrl Tahpr A. Brodie, J. A. Falconer, C. P. JS. rrllMH Dun fee and V.'. S. Hewson, Vancouver; G. Channing, S. S. Clinic To Open Soon Irnt;il Service to SUrl in April P-TA Interested In Fine Arts Prince Rupert's first preventative dental clinic Is scheduled to begin operating In April, according to a report made by .1. 8. Wilson to the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Parcnt-Tcacher Council. The clinic will start by taring lor the twth of Harper and G. A. Beare, Edmon- I ton; L. E. Moir. North Vancou ver; A. M. Moigan and J. R. sailing tonight on the Prince . naele. George for a two week trip to) Mrs. W. J. L. Dunn will lead Vancouver. ( y,e service and the speaker will Mrs' E" A Wright" Dr. 3. D. Galbraith,' supcrin- j tendent of Miller Bay Hospital. I Mrs- r- E- Anfleld will be ac-left today's plane for a trip conipanist for the hymns and a to the Queen Charlotte Islands sol bV Ml3' George Oystryk. on official business. He was ac- ! Representatives of various city compunu d by his young son. churches will participle in Bentham, West Vancouver; Mr. In. In many cities discount houses do a thriving business In nationally-advertised refrigerators, rugs, toasters and television sets at substantial reductions from manufacturers' list prices. A top merchandising executive of one of New York's blpgest do- ym " m I ,inii,i mf J and Mrs. J. H. Bennett end fam- ily, city; K. McKenzle, Winnl- r prayers. Mrs. James N. Forman is sail 5R veemtti confirms thnt uraae one uod prc-srhool chil- j partment stores ing tonight on the Priace George arrn- " unofficial competitive price-cut-! ,', a Hip (o Vancouver, accom NATIVE LOYALTY NORTH BATTLEFORD, Sask. The B. C. Parent-Teacher Fed- j ting is in full swing, particularly panyint, net i. j'her, Mrs. George eration has requested that all city P-TA's survey the situation here to see how art, culture and the fine arts can be fostered In this area, in compliance with the recent findings of the Ma3- in the Herald Square area where j .-J(ili, who lU4 oeen tit guest I (CP) "As long as the sun shines Macy's and Oimbcls slugged it here sine Christinas. 'and the rivers flow the Crees out laat summer. But the New ' will be loyal to our new Queen," York merchandising moguls ! Sergeant L. A. N. Potterton, was tne pieage 0f chief Swim-remcmbeiing what happened in "'' provided the program at mcr agj heaj chlof of the the summer would prefer to ' regular weekly luncheon of Battle Rlver Crce Indians, fol-avoid another open war, he says, j tne Prince. Rupert Rotary Club i0Wing the accession of Queen Featured in New York's "un-'1" an interesting showing of EiiZabcth II. of ficial" price war at present arc new moving pictures featuring, . : . MONTREAL Fob. 28;h Many a bride ha woa her man durinj5Npap year. Ami no doubt thi year will be no pxoeption. but the nurert w;iy to kcip your man, Irap year or any year, is to rook and Like jptciilly for him. Ai you tn'jw any yoms or not m young bridr ran ni;.ke her rrpuiation "as a "cook extraordinire" if site lakfs dchcious enkep for hfr hulmnd. Surh r;ik'is as are made with SWANS IX) WN CAKE FTXJUIl. You want them 2 cans water (using soup as measure i and reduce folP 'ln' a-ier or mar- can sey Commission on Arts and amount of Ac'cent to '2 teaspoon. ! gccnces I Or u.vj a Douuion cuicr ui.-soiveu hi 5 cup) water1 an reduce amount of morto-soduin: iluta-male to 'j teaspoon. mono-sodium small electrical appliances, long- , scene m me ontraa vauey. playing phonograph records, 1 President Fred Scadden was in sewing machines, oosmetics, Ule chalr and th- was a i drugs and books. ' attendance of members with a to bo dc Urate and as drlkmtisly moK and tender lid a huxhand'a favourite cakrs tjltould be. Well, there's no trouble at all in plrasing the Rood man whrn you have iwan-f Down Citke Vlour Swan- Down a 'imperially millrti for better cakrx. It in sifted and resided until 27 titnrs as fine ad ordinary flour. Treat the man and the family in your lite to & tswan-i Down cake ... soon. CYCLING SAFETY Because many young city cyclists have no reflectors at the rear of their bicycles and," because there Is known to be In existence a tape-like reflect- for BABY'S TUMMY UPSETS lew guesis. Items like refrigerators and' Ilrret How To Happy Trmvrllingt Whether you are taking an off season vacation or venturing far from home for any other reason, your money will travel in real safety if you earrv it in the form of Tret lie r Chaurn. The HANK OF MoNTKFAL can wimdy you wih r to taslc iv;,tersliin: :i s- (liinipiinss niii a:ine; add 10 Pinnies 1:iUv UiuwiH'd. . )il . Minuter . soniii'.'-. Add r&to.nn 12 m ii-a. -ICS. cf.'iens-'fl botill- nslfpri in " " up uijr miuuu lino uidiiub uuu Girt'i Own Tib-Swt, impl litll Ultlt. Us4 for ovrr M Tsn to quirkly hrlp r. Iivc minor digi'iie up-va, eomtipatios nil Icethinc trouble!. Ouickly Btveeten tour tomach. No "lpy uff no oullinr fft. representative was PARMESAN III ISK DIMPI.INGS 1 cup biscuit mix '.i cup grated cheese ' milk j cup Combine biscuit mix and cheese; add milk; mix with a foik. Form into tiny bads, Vi-I'icli in diameter. Drop into boiling soup; e ver; steam 12 minutes. overnight. 'ducting forest rangers' examina Trav Hers Vh(:f)Utn that run be rayly cashed at bunks pnyw line and at many hot eh and stored. And make appropriate inquiries with a view to obtaining some of this material. The B. C. Parent-Teacher Federation wrote the council re- they're neeiaily de.iawd ho a to be no K'HmI lo mLT anyone else . . . only you can use thrmf 1J of M mm r BS 'A fc 'J ravdlers Chi awn rome in convenient amounts of 7 ""lff ai Get a paekal todar at your dniiriat, 10. tions, arrived on the Prince George yesterdiiy from Victoria and proceeded by last evening's train to Terrace. Three candidates were examined here Quiz Answers S10. $20, i'0 and $100 . . . and you can buy them for Jl.6 a tnlline rliartte at Your neighbourhood branch of ANSWERS: 5. Viscount Monck 'My liank'I Ew bofore you park your bags call on tlie B of M and put your money into Travellers Cheques . . . for a truly Bon Voyage!' .1 to ; questing that a report be sent jvi'l be only foi niembern and ' outlining Its activities for the their wives or guests. ; past year. The required report A "great deal of enthusiasm was will be sent, members decided, shown by more than 50 members , featuring the opening of the who attended the meeting. i dental clinic, the visit of Mrs. it Last! Here's A avion shirt he'll U Won't Take A Second Longer , 3. One doctor to each 977 peo-! pie. 1. A species of grouse native ! STILL ACTIVE to Canada's Arctic. 4. Taxes in- j LETHBRIDGE. Alta. (CP) Dr. be proud to creasea oy m per cent. t. in , Peter M. CamDbell. dean of Duracleaning to cook twice us much "Cream of AVhiat." as you tixi. a My oSd f or breakfast. Know whv I'd like vou ' 1851. 1 southern Alberta physicians, cel- Tlv. St. Patrick's Day dance tvans, president of the Fed- ite r, pljns tor a Au-il 1 nf its and final r lso was discussed it re com-! wear . . . the new B V 1) N Y 1. O S SHIRT! It made o( nylon tricot ... somclhinicijrand new in cliirtin? matrrial. it's at ( Material supplied by the edi- , ebrated his 80th birthday this tors of Quick Canadian Facts, ; month. He said he plans to con-the handbook of facts about tinue his practice, at-which he ti do that? He-en u s e Frifid ' mended b y i Canada'si leading fur eration, and several recent moves to promote safety. PT Council members unanimously decided to make a' donation to the Civic Centre for many services rendered. tanaua.? ... hns heen nrtivp for ftfl vpars jAA Cream of Wheat" n m p an.-, arranged Members wore asked to attend , i he "Meet the Ml sus Night" on Friday. Approval was given to pur- a new Union Jack for the j niture and dept. stores. s;u'v in its First Av.'iiue iv by n 'h Btne. Re-hlv mrcllng .iic said the ' i:s il.e event, President R. G. Moore was in the chair. Legion building. A nominating co.mniltce was ' chot. n and general elec' lons will Complete insurance coverage by Lloyd's of London. pooti at lunch! Ju.I ct half of what you cook in the morning aside to cool and fry it for lunch like this . I . Cut cooked, cold, firm "Cream of Wheat" into 12-inch slices. If desired, dip "into beaten eg. Place 2 tablespoons salad oil in a pic-heated frying pan or grdJ!e ani f-w until a gr.ion brown on both sides. Serve ait onoe with maple or corn syrup. M-mmra! Can't get en ouch of that cut in-smooth "CREAM OK HEAT' KnodufiH. So good and so good for you I tractive and eomforttttilr in !! km'U of wenthnr. Ami lh fnd collar anl ruffo of thtse BVD pliirt never wilt they slay good-looking for the life of the vhirt tciihitui i'lminit. In fact, you never in n this ejiy-to-cHrc-fr shirt . . . l-mndring i n Vre'r-! You'll cave tl prirc of the shirt in laundry bills alone! Whnl'n more, a HVD Nylon Tricot Shirt will outwear n ordinal v shii several tiim-s over. At $12 05 tho new UV1) Nylon Tricot Shirt blue, tan. grey or white a ''bargain" he " can't afford to miss! take place next mouin. News was received from Secre ...... tl . K!l..t.,,l nr,. In I7.irt ) ers Amy vanaermu f ,. sa.wfc t couvei. who stated lie would . Compare, E.u. B.ft : A .4.r V v$ whist. Friday.' return soon. Vice-President Alex i Carpeiings, Twists, was in the rhair. Leap Year 1 51c Orientals and to serving Do You Think it's Hard to feed ;ft Fi.'.hennen's ftSiersbip met- man mirine There's ISo Trirfc' truly tempi inn 1 Allien mc a 1 1 WJ Card Pari if hijoijabfc a 2. 195'!. Le- fine Upholstery (52c i Lent? Then here's a menu thai' Ui' tO win h i f hh provnU Creain o f Mushroom iSiup Piping Hot Hi'Huit. . . . 8 i m p 1 truike eure yon hive a good u 1- p I v of h V N K I S T (Wr.ll'U KM A 1, Is M () S ! f rms.- Drup ltr work Buuran- iiuty Salon. Twelve tables of cribU::c. ; whist and bridge wet enjoyed j last nlnht ut a card .party by j the Women's Auxiliary of the ! ! 'rlt-.v4p:-?T M. Canadian Lesion. 1 , lit . ' 1 1 v v .,;' mm l '. -' . i.S' St I f JC. Sf f , : N vv'-'-v t i I " a ' I A,1 '"if " 1 . yo .. V few 'ft -.'. ' ft U .! r nc , ' k i da .' ' r M , ... , K s v .' ' r f t11 v A " .1 it . i h 1 1 I - il" a . i 1 : i f -4 r . f- I la H i : .t H ' X v i t ' 'ti . - - 1 -' St" '"i , r i : i . f..; y f T , ; t v fi. . i ' - V' !,.!?.". 1 51c ) !v U) pA jour aw.iy A , k Muicli 3 lo THE STORK 1 52c I u( Loral 1427 I'rize-winners were: rribbpge. v . t i'l Mrs. A. Norton and O. K. Olscn; f - f whist. Mrs. A. J. Croxtord and f , , , ; Mrs. W. Whiffin: brid?c,Mrs. A. I f j 4 ( Cuvzon and Miss Martin. . af afcniA Vejp'tfdde S:d:td :mI delicious K.r.WT DIXiNKH. Ves. "Kraft Dinner" is a rc;il "lic-manV dth. In every parkiee of "Kraft Dinner'' is a Fpecial. fast -cooking macaroni that rotik- to fluffy liulii-nf in only 7 minuto.. And, in tlie same package -hedd:tr chef, alreaily grafed, to sprinkle in lor rich rhoesc flavour. What's more, thi. nutritious dili costs less than . tc a iHM Vim; and there are servings for four in every package. Ono of the handiest main-course dilns I know . . . 'Kiiifi Dinner", is off the shrlf info- the pot onto the table. . - ' v.'.''-"" V'l t" .'CM- T;tm;,v, UtU Sunki."C Imion juice LiiimH out (he il.nour of (i-li nnd m:tke. it no much more delicious. Try thiii task-lomptinjs fi-h di.-h jtuc evening soon . . . Jellied &nlmcm. To 2 cups of canned salmon arid the Juice of 1 Sunkist lemon. 12 tsp. salt, dash of red pe.ioer. 1 or 2 sliced, hard-cooked eggs and 13 cup green peas. Mi:; lightly. Soak 1 tbsp. gelatin in 14 cup cold water and dissolve in 1 V4 cups hot , water. Fold into salmon mix-lure. Chill in lari;c or small moufdsi nd serve on lettuce. Serve 6. Atom an invilntmn frnm Amv , may now be safely cleaned and revived with consideration for their life and textures Duracleaning restores resilience to wool fibivs Pile uninaU and rises Colors revive ' . Fuini.-hings are Dura-e'eaned In your home No inconvenience In having them gone Also mothproofed, if desired Phone Green 328 A World-wide Service Da J. Duracleaners 1233 Water St. Prinee Rupert, B.C. DAVE JONES f Carriers' Unit A. F. Robert- Delicious refreshment were served. Mrs. C. Graham, Mrs. S. Down-inir. Mrs. William Rothwell Land Mrs. R. 8. Scherk comprised the committee in charge. 53'Ji or mcm-Mtei Irani Fisher- Kings Plate 0 aScagramSfW Surc Vanili rlnlt. ('imipiirc III I t' ItoNNr.T Marnsriup with Nprcml at any ; priit Like tli- imlisl N'pw orkor, ! viiu'll l"vr ItossKTS frmtli, iivitet llnviirl liicli iwtrftmii! Itral , piMiiioiin ! III ! K lkM.r is t'n.vla' ! (iim- iiimlilv iiII-m-K'-IhIiIi- inriDinne. ! I so tin y. lt'.l' in pnikitiif, on vrp laliles, i a ilrlirinis jpnuil. I'.uy . Iti.t'K ItoNNt-.i mill ci't "nil tlirre" : 1 lavnr! Nutrition! l-rainniii-c-rl Hi.i k Udnnki Mnritunite is puld in two tX'ii n'lr croituiuv pni'k- ! 8ie enliif l T, stiiI al in tl'" famous tLUw y. la. bag for fant, i cviy color ' r-u i uWot Vnrd' of nil mv fnvourite recipes are the excitimr di-het I cm , whip up in a jiffy with HUNZ'CONJ)KNSKI SOU'S. Thow are I he uprt made by soup xpcciuhfs eo no wonder I hey i niri'tiUR ot , lrkl Fildi.y. I - Pin. at the : JMI IlK'lulX'I'S of uvinl to at- : Walte.- LtniKwlll, pioneer pit.mber ol Prince Rupert, who .eft for the Old Country a few months aso. Is reported, to be nUyiiiK the rhant,j and rest. Health had been far from good .cr a considerable time. He is ISP iy the United This odverjisement is not published or displayed by h liauor Control Beard or bv h Givrnment of British Columbia. lied Workers'1 "tio things lor your meat loaves, pics and rareuna. Try this: CREAMED DRIED BEEF, MUSHROOMS AND NOODLES 4 on. dried beef, shredded 2 tablespoons butter or mild flavoured dripping 2 tablespoons flour 1 10-oz. can Heina Condensed Chicken Noodle Soup, undiluted 1 10-oz, can Heinz Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup, undiluted 1 cup milk iDOci nr in hospital In London. Toast triangles Saute beef in butter. Sprinkle flour over beef. Brown well. Add Chicken Noodle Soup and Mushroom Soup and heat thoroughly. Add niiik and mix well. Serve hot over toast triangles or hot biscuits. Seives 6-8, Specials Fri."Sat. Cuestn For Dinner ... but a bad Ten-Thirty and the house is swept MEN'S ana whist le -clean. Now you're ready for a chat with Mary over a good flip of eofTee. Well, I d like io sugiioM. I NSTANT CHASE A backache has you "t ied in knot'-? Cheer p Vou'H feel 1 i k e a new woman and he a tcimtji rful hostess after you've rubbcU tlie ache awav with fast-act ins ItKX- APERY SPECIAL FIRST QUALITY 51 Guaqe 15 seams, all new shades. SHIRTS 15 Patterns 48" Wide Value up to 3.25 yard Original 1.95 quality vi designs, mostlv trooical paltcrns. 1.39 Now Pair nj 'Jed numbers Roughtex fabric Good quality plaid doeskin. Well tailored ... Assorted plaids. Sizes 1.98 LADIES' fiAXHOUN COFFEE. Takes ju.H , rccmids to make (no longer ilrm boiliiig the water!) . . . and it's delicious. That's because it's made by the folks who ''know their coffee" ... it's the onhj instant coffee backed by over S5 years of coffee experience. The flavour's there and the real ooffen lift. After a cheet mg cup of Instant Cha.c & .Sanborn, you'll feci like a new woman. Another thing you'll like about this good instant "coffee . . . it's economical. There's no waste. And it's as ca-y to make U n cups as one. 3.95 CAV Ut;iuiiie Itenuue). Ben-Gy chases away "Peter I'ain" in a!-raui't no time. Iiw sooth inn warmth tii ves u eleume n lief from back-arhe ami muscular pum rheumatism mid neuralgia ;md the pain of clicst and head colds. That's bci-Hus.) il contains lip to 2'j times more of those two famous pain-relieving agents methyl salicylate and menthol than 5 other widely offered nib-in.-'. Contains skin-soothing lanolin, too. Hetter keep Hen-Gay handy just Tr: a tube! S.M.L. Special Grey Worsted Slacks Sizes 12 to'18 ,'pn Marquisette Panels m 1 Ivory Shode 40" x 81" Plain Grev Worsted, good quality, self-belt cuffs, zipper fast- with deep hem top and bottom. 1 our Huir Hmnds DESERVE The Iteti Of Cure. So wlim they feci dry 1 oc 8.95 ening. Special m m MEWS UNDERWEAR Odd lines. All sizes up to 44 Medium, light and heavy weight. W!. 2.95, 3.95, 4.49 Men's Heavy All Wool Work Sox Extro Cood Value 2 pair for 1.00 Hlter using (IcirrgonU uhit lur your i-hiitrt, but. not for vour haii'l!) . . . jut trr;it thrm In soothing, finooihtnjt Jl'ilUIKNS l.tH'tON. Vou s-c, brcaw.-e ilriRrns la lt(iuifi, it- iui klv (mpplifs I BoftrninfC moittuir that lry, thirsty skin ncnj. l''innkl", I don't know what I'd do without it! 1 kci-p n bottle of Jprprna handy in loth kitchen and luithroein and u.c it alter evory wut(;ry t-lioi'e. Then, at day's tnil -niv hands look as if they'd never done a "lirk'' of itoch i.oj Chenille Spreads j rst Quality Boby Chenille !e Wfh coloured motif and solid colors. DRESS TAFFETA Extra Heavy Quality . work! I know you 11 like Jcrgens Lotion. A.k iur it just lot-, 37o, 65c and $t.lo. Hare Von Ever Motived howViinjrs yon Ic.Trnrd at school uddeuly romc limk to you? Mtii-g saitl Iwt wii.-lilna altrny d t0 i6 95 52" wide; 8 shades and White. Mauve, Pink, Blue, Maize, Turquoise, Black Nile. 11.95 had a yellow tinge nnd then she n-m -inlM led her chemistry tenrher teliina her that seven colours roinliine to make white, und one of them is I. hie. That's whv there's no true white without blue. So of course, the an.-wer lo the problem of yellow-lookinx washinx is Blur. Just swi-li it in tlie tin il rinsing and presto! your shorts, shirts. Inble limns will fairly sparkle. What's more. Itltie is l-hrl to fine fabrics won't harm them in the least 1 Costs just' a ! Girls' Kilts r'i Wool ' I & A -.1 SEE EDUCATION WEEK DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW MARCH 1st to 7th and Pod OK Special, Yard . WABASSO PRINTED POPLIN Fast Colours New Designs Value reaular 95c. 7Qc Special, Yord , m . 7r 'Pi, -- ini piearea wirn pin Qfch tartan only. Sizes 7, 8, 1 0, 1 2 years. lew cents a month, too! Yea, for the whitest wash,, it's RliCklTT'S Bhtt. 2.98 trrfli fr detail of the F l smrm to read this column ne.Tf Aciiinf new $5,000. tonfeat. i J