Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 28, 1D52 ' " 1 Rupert Daily News ray... Reflects and Reminisces I ,,'yfitwRpapw devoted to tlic upbuilding of Prince 1 f jl NnhTfi and Central British Columbia. . "1"' imfi orcsa Audit Burrau of Circulation! As I See It n J fin J vi e liill l"7 ....nminn EiUtoi . 11. (t- PflKliy, Managing Director I . month ftt ftfl. tier vent. ..ii. r.ti. i'.r: cv. '... ..v. tier .-p j vpur year. '$8.00. ItMfKl ""Jliif"1 ' !' j. ii t,cr ni'imii, , i Federal Parliament opens to-' day. No general reduction of i taxation Is expected. Of course inot! Who wants to be bothered !' ,',,,1 ruiv Hltprnoon except Bunuiiy by NOTICE I w-f ,,it I v . -iif , . '';,! .-las mall by Post Of flee Department. Ottawa. Schools in 1952 i i with taxes when the first Canadian-born viceroy Is Installed? The latest In style can be observed. Overpowering uniforms are flaunted. Sonorous sounding statements are heard and what's It all for? ,.,. .i-? :iN MACLEAN'S Maga-i zine for March 1, Dr. eeds All Our Growth .. million of Dcoule are starvintr I William E. Hume charges ' ' tl',1" ul 5 educa- 1 that progressive CHEAP HOUSING Built amid the rubble left by departed armies are these new Korean homes, typical of hundreds going up In the war-ravaged country. The barjed-wire entanglement running past the houses gives evidence of a former defence line - ' 'CP from National Defence) J KOREA SURVEY .-.i1the verge 01 bw'v.B, ii i : a: Itinn l'a tnrninrr mir Viirrh Ry virtue of the authority vested in tnc by the .Minister of Public Works, pursuant lo Section 35 (1) ol the Highway Act, I hereby declare a gros load limit of 11 tons over Diana Creek Bridge, situate approximately It miles east of Prince Kupert on Highway 16, until further notice. Signed, 'l E. SMITH, Divisional Engineer, Department of Public Works, Prince Rupert, B.C. Ads of millions ot otner peopie are sLtin " 4 n thev need to nourish healthy bodies ; school graduates who are A stubborn old sport, this Jones Bill. It must be close to forty years that Canadian ships have been barred from doing business between the United States and Alaska. Again a bill is before Congress asking admission of Canadian shipping. Alaskans themselves would like to see It In effect. But the influence of Seattle is old and far reaching. ,,ls of millions of other, people want more and lacking in knowledge. He cites the obvious fact that a considerable percentage of Homes Provided Under United Nations Scheme PFHAia llMU J ",v- o " 1 i mm vf ipnnlo total almnt two ! high school graduates cannot , 'RnotLand t.hnt mnnv wnulH-hp on. Thev are ail in mis one worm, in ; entrants to Mconi university! oduce and exchange as much 0rZ; r 11(1:1 must r v ;iiU if our people permits if Canada is to i veteran Canadian educationist! Third Avenue Is not yet the Great White Way but general development is In that direc : oiames an mis on iacK oi oia- !.,,. ;i m.nmnf t a a free nation plajing its pai t in pi omot- fashloned drlll: Who ever learned anythlny I Editor's Note: Bill Boss. Canadian Press staff writer in Korea has completed a two-week survey of conditions among the civilian population during the Korean winter. This article is the third of a series based on interviews with United Nations, Korean Republic and civilian sources. I By BILL WioS CuniKliaii Press guilt Writer (,(l;Vcl-heinff. i. ......, tu. inf.. ,.t ,i,.; tion. Everj Improvement means more lights. Six months hence the Woolworth Block will brighten one's thoughts. The Wallace corner is about to become a without drill?" he asks. "Hockey I if learned by drill; a boy thinks nothing of practising skating and puck handling until he's good enough for the team. Sing- or she can do within the limits of health LIT cM.v-iiTi Tr,.,.o (rpir, f,,.-V. tu,-nfnmi1v blaze of ents and spacious o i v uf nuita v z!'- v m j windows. And j the neeos oi nuiuamiv, if . .vm.Lk K ti'ti!-! will ri'iir i Vtiir USED CARS FOR SALE 1917 Plymouth Sedan 19.-.0 Austin Sedan 1919 Chevrolet Sedan 1950 Studcbaker 5-passenger Coupe 1918 Ford Panel 'i-ton 1937 Lincoln Coupe 1911 Chevrolet Coupe 1940 Plymouth Sedan Z "Zut education' J duplex house : Thirteen hundred board feet of two- over The News entrance makes w ?'il,?.?lct?i'.on.lnJ5 v ,0,4 ,n:i V, reading world dispatches and for food. They will deprive themselves me ajjpm.-ai.iuii ui uic acat ui uy-iwui luinuei ; ii. .u x-i jjuunuo ui nana, v.u ui nuv,v jocai reports clearer than ever. me cnair is as irue , . .,i v un,l :. ,0nt ,: vtSimr else that they can live without to get the pants to ever was. i. ,S....t tnr unnthpr flstv. ! ivvnu Iwho prefers pcicis mud); iiiuu, add assorted rush lathing f, ande!p , This being election year, s H'"1 J I Prcs '(. alternatives to maximum production and i11.,1" me tnjl l"e Pn" murl nlaster. work for VI davs. ident Truman is having his involve totalitarian , J Wand-easy "-,.100 says . - . .,ere horrifying. They a fa side m , efe'el common . '? J- .t,,U ihn wnvlr nrm nntinn eaucauon eQUCaUOn in in me Hie pasi Pasi lew icw aec- UCC- ::, "cu "-- "''- - l'"t,v'"'' B' 1 renort has it that nrpspnt nvnii repon nas 11, inai present, avail i K,,nt m. in a imi pt.t.limpnt ri nu. ,) i,,n, r-iuiiion a. iaas r,"w T, " rth nf Ken,., nn ' '"Z Z' ZZ liable funds will give him ln re .aOit'CUIlolllv ill nui.ii tnc uia, pi uuui.kivn fird of living of every Canadian must be mere are some mings in mis , , v"i"iu '"""- l'r tirempnt sinoon a vear He nwn ilife that you just do have to the road to Uijongbu. materials-wood, nails and ce-1 IT7 5 m . an all-wise bureaucracy. Superior Auto Service he world we are in, as it is, not as we might learn the hard way-and unless Lee is cnieioi me viuag mcnt, if desired-and the pros- - - - - -" he next door you do learn them you are not elected by the heads of its other pcctive occupants provided the Broke. was only handicapping yourself for 39 families because "he geU , Iabor. J Being future things done and knows how to j Wood-framed, walled in with 1 your whole life; you are Llterarv ra lumlnaries are ... run us." mud plastered on rush lathing , J"riM ialso holding back all the other rin wh wto the tta next next hte , , folks in your own nation, for ! Ther. are 20 new .duplexes nd thatched rwf. each t)i'0, is tne worm 111 wmcn we muta live, Limited exchange our goods and services. Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 li'pnt ni'crl is tn rut nnr rnsts hv mnrp nrn. , ,.. ! 1 a.. . . ipk in me viiiiLW. eacii uiui. ha r rtr a nnn py nas two r ma i 1 " " - r- Continued 011 page 8) person per day and by better methods, ; soincuoay win nave w viy lu "- " 1 ., . : , . . 'carry your share of the total housing a family and built by one a 10-foot square living-load or It won't be carried at the occupants with materials ; room, the other a kitchen half ;aH supplied by the United Nations. ! that size. n,,i in oil fuime tn the EVADED COMMUNISTS : "Not so temporary," said Lee. reduce our prices accordingly. There is plenty m In this direction to' accomplish enough to ur agriculture and industry thriving and play averting disaster. ...tiunity Building jhventy-five centuries ago, Themistocles, e fivior of Athens in the Battle of Salamis, 'schools It should be recognized': The settlement of tenant-1 "By thatching the roof every! i that they are being asked to farmers was destroyed by Ko-1 other year, I can make this , ' take over more and more of the rean Communist troops retreat-, house last 20 years." , responsibility of training the ris- ing after the September, 1950.! Across Korea. 1,024.000 persons ; ing generations. . ; Inchon landings. Lee and his , have been moved north into the ; ' Where 1s the family today ' neighbors hid as the northern- restricted areas. A total of 1,550 whleh applies the tough disci- ers pillaged ana ourned, then i "temporary" houses has been, ' plinc, or even steady routine, moved south with what little , built and 8.200 more are under ; which was almost universal at goods they could carry. i construction. the end of Queen Victoria's Last autumn the UN permit-1 To qualify for settlement on 'time? Will anybody In his right ted some farmers to go back to, this own land, such farmers 'senses pretend that the churches their land ln "restricted" areas ymust. and Sunday school, as a whole. : and plant winter wheat J. Return as family groups Have all their household ef- "Restricted" areas extend to ,loom as large In the lives of ,the average Canadian family of within four or five miles of the fects. and ' 1951 as they did. sav, ln 1902? front, where a "prohibited" area, ! SHU have their family bull to begins. P" the plow. As destitute citizens In essen- j To save materials, the new , PARENTS have abdicated a tjal cmpiyment Lee and the ; houses must conform to a basic ! : great deal of their rcsponsi- ; others ln nls community quali- j P'an, though changes have been bility. So have the churches. So . ; made to accommodate local I enter! in his old age' by political enemies ancient Athenian law that no man might citizenship unless he had acquired a trade. I i trade?" said the rurtred old warrior, eyes as he answered his accusers. "No, I have it show me a mean city and I will make it H a sentence, this dim figure of the past has now the whole tendency Is to k , our as , needs and customs. pile on to the school no only wholp Tpachers as a profession ! THOUSANDS IN BILLETS the old responsibilities but oth-! ...ri,rt onri nnripr-i Despite the building program ers which used to be discharged I paid irt w1(,n T ,- hnV nn hioh most of Korea's homeless still: the spirit that should animate every memory hoard of trade and chamber of com- i elsewhere. ' sehfKil teaeher .h.r would itra.m dream nf '.ore billeted on the populace Sex education Is now a school ,,nrkliiT in a fartorv week-ends south of the Han River or arej "ong and progressive communities are the teacher's Job. So is Bible rcad-ior summer. Now many are com-i'n organized camps. (Continued on paye 9 lied to do that to make endsi fii of a strong and progressive country and - ing. Another extra burden that pc 1 t f,.. lew till,,;, titles ,1 that , .. , , ., bcai u,...,. so .... ,,,.,,,,lhr pioudly ! "as been thrown on the school " m( a man can system m Is u by lndust Industry. In ln the tne old old meet. The schools themselves are overloaded with reluctant ; ' f a Community Builder. early days as communities were forced in S'ai'ts of this continent, when newspapers I'KIGIIMIKE REFRIGERATOR More beautiful and practical than ever in four completely new models including this fine Dc Luxe Cold-Wall. days all sorts of crafts used to pUpiis whose parents suffer from work on the apprenticeship sys- a mild form of insanity, which tern. A few still do. But mor , nolds that a man who works ai and more the schools have had a while collar job deserves more to take over the task of giving ; S0Cial prestige than one who the preliminary instruction that j WOrks in overalls, private business used to pay for, We should re-examine the and give. ' j whole question of keeping all ' or entirely non-existent and long before "t of the radio and telephone, one of the of community life was the general store. time the town hall and the business men's I T I. -T CS. 1' I ! boys and girls at school beyond j THE WEAKNESSES of the the point when it can be shown . school system today seem to J that they all actually gain some '. me to be mere by-products of future benefit from it. i i'e community. -Around the cracker barrel j mis discussed the problems of their, com- and of their country. Here it was that they GENERAL ELECTRIC 1 candidates for office and exchanged ideas Med out the problems of state. In those lite the lack of present clay methods of 'cation, citizens had a sound and personal This Summer for Sure" Yes, he's taken the important first step towsrds buying the vacation of liis dreams this year . . . he's opened a "Sunshine Account" at tlic Bank of Montreal. You can avoid the penny-pinching which kills so many happy holiday plans. By means of a B of M 'Sunshine Account", you can pay for this year's trip hi aJt,mrt saved from Instead of pink-saving a few ...with a few dollars every pay-chcciic. reks before the going away d.itc, you buy your holiday mm: a day or two .it a time with each month's income. 4 B of M customers from coast to coast are already saving regularly lor rnis year's jiinshinc. Many of them do it every year . . . they hum- how much more successful it makes their vacations. Why not wish a Ihppy Holiday right now by p of their local problems at least, and , (til MODELS 5,6 and 7 (innately the men who were chosen to repre- . AC-DC Bortcry Portables ni in the various legislatures. With the ad- f civilization, the old and familiar institu- the irenornl at Rupert Radio & Electric I -' YOUK ( l: DEALER starting a family "Sunshine Account" at the Dof M today? And why not treat yourself to that 'Happy-Holiday' feeling the year 'round by cutting down your financial worries? Look into Ptriotial Planning, the B of M s stimulating system of moncy-msnagemcnt. W hen Personal Planning comes in your front door, high-price headaches and budget boredom beat it out the back! Ask for . your copy of "PcrstMial Planning for Successful Home-makers" at your neighborhood B of M branch. 0 -Mill f ""WIC MOO BIlllUOl VUIli'vvj Rut the need which was filled by the " which took place around the cracker ;tll remains. We can think of the com- 1 chamber of commerce as a replacement for j lf and familiar institution. The chamber of j fee provides the opportunity for the forward- j I citizens of a community to exchange view-ideas, to discuss problems and to arrive factory .solutions for those "problems. Yjppfp Ing each other for months now f'liiCI IQ nnd wed uke to flmsh it out 1 ' if together." A III A0rC5 I The father. Pte:- John J. 4 H i Wheclex, 48, and son, Pte. John, 'ftttRE IN KOREA lf- r serving with the 1st Bat- Canadian sol- tallon, Princess Patricia's Cana-fc oiunteered to stay ln dlan Light Infantry. They are IN VANCOUVIIU FRICIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE Mndf Is for every kitchen and tmd-Eft. Muriel KM-60 cooks a wliulo meal while you're away. Come in and see our (I'rigidairc) Refrigerators and Stoves at amazing reductions. ii sr mi r-O 'MY BANK 11 AUSTIN U DRIVE Spcciol Low Rotes for day, week or month For reservations contact: BROADWAY U DRIVE LTD. Bank oi Montreal Prime Rupert Branch : F.RNIiST PAULDING, Mgr. Stewart Branch - - MKLVII.LE G. GENGE, Mgr. niontns so ""i west ouikiik, iviuu. GORDON & ANDERSON Limited Phone 46 Stlng0homc tO- 'I t know ', District Forester Marc Gormely 1616 Broadway at Oak BAyvicw " the fan 0 retlrned to the city on the 5 ,h win uniS "but Prlnce George yesterday from a wu of life sjmc W O K I N G WITH CANADIANS IN fVSI HI' ana VANCOUVER 9, B.C. Bd anrf . u '". irln tn th Oeean Fn Us and Bella nave been see- Coola rllnt.rlc.t. m riffleial duties. I " . -. v v.. . i