!(,, WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT t r d c . li C , .. Tk 5 - '., .'.v . ...... . - v ". i iii mi It REDSKINS ON THE LOOSE! Ml. Ihiikii i ii'ii ' APRONS BRIDGE TABLE COVERS COTTAGE SETS DRAPES TABLE CLOTHS GARMENT BAGS HEADKERCHIEFS INFANT PANTIES SHOE BAGS Trtr i .. YARDAGE PILLOW COVERS HOSIERY BAGS WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE i Lm tlaiilM t'orrlM J I MM CUHII0I mill I30II ' nun -am KILLS News of the District "0l"si:s.i Saturday,, j ,' T,,E Nt:'S RIM 0F T"E USSIV NuhTHERN CHAMPS The Kenora rink skip ..d by Jimmy uuy, extreme left, will represent northern Ontario at the Dominion curling cha npiunships to be held at Winnipeg next month. Winners of the Northwestern Ontario Curling A social ion title, the Kenora quartet went on to win the northern Ontario title at Sudbury ag linsl the winners of the Northern Ontario Curling Association. The winners are, left to right. Skip Guy;' vice-skip Jack Pike; second Leo Fregeauand lead Ray Parnell. ,cp PHOTOi T ERRACE T- ? OPICS OPICS rrince George I Vanderhoof Briefs NOTES WALTER PIDGEON AS THE THRILLING CASE Of COMMANDO GANGSTEr' ' Hoy Scouts Harvey Kerr, Terry Whitfield and Douglas Taylor of Vanderhoof spent a couple of days In Prince George at the end of last wek taking special : J-" ' ' rn-J'-r ! C. W. Alger has resigned as Social Credit organization secretary of the Tcrracc-Hazcl-startcd here last week with the ! tfn ,-h,i Hic-i-.t ., Idl VI I t v I X (V1II.(.1 VJ1 Villi : eouvcr, British Columbia orsan- : i. training in Scout leadership. BLACKWOOD on . (kritlfjc By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Ttt screen'! most . popular detective returns in a brand has been taken south on account of illness and Mr. Alger will follow. ' Us"?' , izcr, and Orvis Kennedy, Al-I bcrta M P. and national Social BULLDOG DRUMMOND Anothe r tense and exciting j picture of the Bulldog Druminond i series comes to I lie Totem; Theatre here this Friday and ! Saturday in 'Calling Bulldog 1 Diuininond," with Waller Pld- i geon In I he title role - j Set ln the colorful Sulm area i of London, the picture was made ' In England and tells the story of bailie to the death between a master detective and a master. I .ntnd w ho oti.'i-nles n KvnHiruin: Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson, D.D., new thriller! Bishop of Caledonia, was here j dinner and general meeting. from Prince Rupert and con- ducted services at Nechako and ' A site on Salmon River, about f-SS r 1 . A Finnish couple, Lllsa Tap-anlnen and Ekl Slmila, havej been married here. The groom, j who arrived In the district in i 1950, is employed by Columbia! run rrascr as wcu as here. Boy; fifteen miles north of Prince No Such Thing as a "Standard" Hand When Mr. Muzzy Disarranges His Cards Scouts paraded to Sunday night George, may be selected by Port- 11 A 11 - 'V 1 T service in Vanderhoof. ; land interests as location for a ; S25fl 000 simpr-mnHprti mntnl t-enuiose. The bride arived re- The detective thniitmiik.. ' Funeral service was held Sat- Roy A- Hurst anl Adolf Domkc. 1 cently from the Old Country, urday afternoon from the Angll- who operate a string of hnjiday That sterling team compose,, of Mr. Champion j'tho haveCsS Mrs. Keen,. Mr. Dale and Mr. Muzzv was discussing Yard, this hand from their match against a team from the! J "t WALTER PICE: can Church here for Mrs. Frank r,i01ts ln wasningion anu Ore-Gaen who pased awav at St eon' weR here last week-end vwi m hcji ume as the Umouj, Central B. C. Airways has resumed scheduled flights through Uptown Club. John's Hospital on Thursday. Nnrthrilnr I . 'S MMl LclRhtOII. Nrth-s..h lE.unant star of British stage looKing into the project. Mr. Hurst left tor Prince George cn-roote to Kitimat to visit with a brother. i. 7 4 I and screen. "There's nothing to this one." Mr. Champion remarked. "Undoubtedly we halved it. I hate lerrace between Prince Rupert land Prince George. Harry Tay-j lor is pilot of the Anson which flics eastward to Prince George inili I Mr. Vorlh) a hand like this. There is ahs- Robert Carter has taken over duties as personnel manager in (he Vanderhoof office of Man-nix Limited, contractors for the Alcan project. coituiik I Novel highlight, of the kus-: pensef ul film is the use by the :niminais of walkie-talkie and : l)ort wave and radar equipment ; which enables them to execute' ll;liiilioli I in scries of uuifl .... -..r.. 1 1 . ' CMfr twit K-J7I 1 - A K J U Ci 3 K 3 2 Wr-t l.u.l I Mrs. hif ii I ( Mr. : lutely no way to go wrong on it (Anybody would reach the obvi-j ous contract of four spades, and I when his side docs, he will win ana Kay Oliver Is pilot of the amphibian which runs to Prince j Rupert. Pilot Bill Cooper expects to be resuming the Kiti-j mat-Kemano run shortly. lEIGHl-ill 8 A 5 3 exactly 10 tricks against reason H 8 2 H - A Q Ii 3 TRAPPED INFANT LINDSAY, Out. (P A call to the home of W. J. Fcnion wound up a busy day recently for Lindsay firefighters. At the house l he fire chief had to climb a ladder to the bathroom window to bring out Fenton's two-year-old daughter, who. had locked her rKIOAY ond SATURDAY j m ! able defense. There's no wav to , F. V. Hutton, superintendent of the Prince George Experimental Station, was a visitor In this district this wek. At Prairie-dale on Monday he gave an ad -dres on gardening and general horticulture. ! The background is authentic and there are many scenes of i historic landmarks ln the old 'city. Evening 7:00 and 9:06 p.m. Saturday Matinee t p.m. a fa moi s rurai A huge trailer of fifty ton ; BO set and there's no way to capacity has been brought to make an extra trick unless the this district by Columbia Cel- defense falls flat on Its face." lulose Co. Ltd., for use in con- j "I didn't think it was such a 'nection with its operations. I standard' hand when -it was Towed by a truck, it will move nlnveH at nil (ihln " XT- D Q 10 8 7 5 1 J C tj 7 C-A (Mr. Hitiilh) . S K 2 H K 10 9 5 I - C- J 10 8 8 5 4 The l.ldlllnt': Nnrth fcttst South ID IS P;,g PfVi 4 8 All piisn self in. AM. SKATS KKSi R I II .10 Itl SI KVU, SKAT TK K1.TS MI fiT ST HE PK KF.I I P BKFUItC Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 28, 1052 Dale Witil 3 8 coois ana neavy equipment from place to place as required. THF INTERNATIONAL CINKMA GUILD OF CANADA m 5T If You Do Not Pay Your News Subscription, the Boy Loses The board of village commissioners has under consideration a number of new subdivisions outside the present limits of the municipality but within the proposed extension area. The subdivisions have ben laid out by Fred Nash, B.C.L.S. Z&vz i j "Nuts," Mr. Champion replied. I "Mr. South opened his singleton diamond and his partner won and led back a high diamond. I ruffed but South ovcrruffed and got out with a trump. Later 1 had to lose a heart trick to the king. How can they get more-or less than a spade, a heart : and a diamond?" "Well, if you'll be quiet a minute." said Mr. Dale. "I'll tell you what happened at our table. We were defending against the same contract, four spades, and . . ." Mr. Champion cut in. "I suppose you re going to tell me we lost this match. Muzzy probably Terrace Guide, On tin- same prmjra in: Improvements are being carried out at the Civic Centre here including the Installation of new i washrooms for men and women. I The Civic Centre here has taken on a new lease of life. "Art i 'r l-.ver hnil y" "Sujri uf TueiirU" ' All ii Jcl"- to of the 9"Ui Y V one Jf I V.. . nr Item f Suli i'.i ibcis or the Daily News who receive their papers bj carrier boys are reminded I hat these boys our liltle men-lianls -are rhargetl for every paper they take ul, If you are i evolving the paper and arc delinquent, the bov has to finance you. This is a reminder to people who may be in arrears, whether it is their custom to pay Ihe boy or pay at the office. It is not the office that loses if you fail to pay It Is the boy. Wc hope this reminder will expedite the payment by ; .hose who may have fallen behind. Prompt payment of your . newspaper subscription is a legitimate obligation The fact that your civdilor Is one of our boys or girls' should niuke the 1 rc.'pecling (,f ihe obligation the more desirable I ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS opened the king of spades or revoked or something. Tell me the bad news. Did they make five or six-odd against you?" "WE SKT EM" "They made three-odd," replied Mr. Dale. "We set 'cm a trick." Mr. Champion was pleased to 1 learn his team had won the mate h but he couldn't believe it 1 was d"" to his teammates' defensive skill. "What happened"1' he asked. "Did Mr. Hast get his cards mixed up?", "Some&ody did." Mr. Dale answered, "but It wasn't Mr. East. It was Muzzy. He had a card out of place and the results were devastating." See tomorrow's column for Mr. Muzzy's defense on this deal. ,, STfcAMU Prince George 'i lll !NK SIIOVI.(i OM.Y 1 Thur-ilay 8:30 pin. . "i-n at 7 : 1.1 Emil Haugland, chief commissioner of the village, is expected home soon from Prnce Rupert General Hospital where he has been undergoing skin grafting I following recent blood poisoning. Scout Rally TOTEM A I VMOl S I I .II Its I IIKMHI TERRACE. Girl Guides and Hoy Scouts had a icoori attend 'J ance of parents and friends for their annual rally at the Civic SAVAGE OXFORDS FOR CHILDREN Centre Friday evening. D. S. Collins, master of ceremonies, gave a talk on "Thinking Day," followed by raising of the flag and the group flag singing of "O Canada." Cubmaster Frank Creighton I WANT ADS ... -Market Plate of Millions- SAILS FOB . Vancouver anil Intermediate I'orts Each Thursday For KETCHIKAN ' wi im;sdav midnk.iii Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations i:avc an explanation, followed by j a demonstration, of the snake j danc e by the First Terrace Cub j pack. Cubmaster Annand Bissonnelte I mm Soft Pliable Brown Calf Hard Wearing ! CLASSIFIED ADS PAY Wrilc or Call CITY Oil III I'OT OI I l( K 1'UINCK HUI'EKT. HC. "" ' " n iii 1 i iL.i 1 Writ-' TliL'tn Youridf on thib I lundy Fumi hi1 yiV Mr A special purchase allows us to present these TOP QUALITY SHOES At the following attractive prices discoursed on the meaning oi Cubbing. The Second Terrace Cub pack gave the Cub Law and the Grand Howl followed by a number of games. Mrs. B. Giraud explained that Hrownies were the necessary stepping stones to the Guides, alter which her group of Brownies played singing games around the toadstool. Captain Gladys Clifford's Girl Guides sang their action songs around the campfire. Leader R. Edwards' Scouts gave a demonstration of first aid and signalling with flags. There followed an amusing skit on what a Scout should carry In his kit bag on a hike. Each group had its own clos-' Ing f-ercmonles Guides, Taps; Cubs, Grand Howl; Brownies Taps; Scouts, Their Prayer. "God Save the. Queen" was followed by lowering of the flag and the various flags being returned to their own groups. Refreshments were served. The, five groups on the floor were: 1. Brownies, Tawny Oil Mrs B. Giraud. Helpers Mrs Edmonds and .Mrs. Kenyon. 2. Guides, Captain Mrs. Gladys Clifford. Helpers Mrs Elsie Smith, Mrs. Brandis. 3. First Terrace Cub Pack, Cubmaster Frank . rr.i,.i.,.. .50 Sizes 8'2 to 12 5 VAM OIVKIt and VICTOKIA SUNDAY ss. Cliilcotin 8 p in. .75 SilCS 12'2 t0 3 $5 .Number of Times .'. Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, insertions for price of four.. Minimum rliarac. 50c) NARROW OR WIDE WIDTHS Acid lour words if bo; number reiuired TUESDAY ss. (;iunosun 12 lKMin AI.U'K AltM, STI VVAItT AMI roitr Simpson Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. I OII NOItTII t(l KKN IIMtl (ITK I I MS February 2!) ' ss. Cliilcotin midiiitht FOR SOUTH QIU KN ciiAiu.orn; islands ss. Cliilcotin March 7 and 21 FRANK J. SKINNIilt Prince Rupert Anent riitrd Avenue rhone 508 FAMILY SHOE STORE lin CHARLIE ROBERTS Helper H. M. Harper. Phone357 . oecona Terrace Cub Pack 1 Cubmaster Armand Blssonnette. 5. First Tfptaf. e AcJ(Jress phone Mo.... , Scout Leader R Edwards