Transferred in icont Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 28. 1952 Put Industry Before Public Forest Service !NewsV piJU. V "- f !-.'-.'" "'' " " . , il ium , . iM-o.---.ii,i -!' ' " - - n ; '' ' ii am u ii 1 1. m "iimni-i? ' ' """''. ' ' jt v J - , . ' - 'mit-ht also become organised was welcomed as a new mem-soon. . , . b,T' .. ., ... ,.,.. m.ih' The speaker recommended Lumnrwi pm-au. ' that Prince Rupert people should Bmdie of Vancouver, D. O. Little! M. O. Kullander, lor several see a new film -flying Survey- of Terrace, and E. p. Haiutan of years assistant district forest i ' rf,,itinir the country E-.lmontoii. ' here, is beinw transferred to Pen. i F.tlucating uuiig People in Forestry Important Function i; l.tlUl'!,.,! . m ,f, . charff Importance of the public around Portland Canal a'i Next Wedntsuay Gyro wi 1 dleton Bay on Babine Lake whe e ! knowing what is going on in Bowser Lake, which had been visit Booth Memorial High he will take over special dutu such a government department produced by the Forest Branch School where they will be served . in that sawmillins area of gro- '"''iatiw, , ' 11 Ml h ( as that or lorestry and in the in collaboration wun tne iojkj- j ..p, ilc allu ;vlM industry yenerully was emphas- erapliicul survey department. cla.vs and tour the school on the Kullandet expect to leave aboil' 1 the end of next month for the ivi hv Erie linifp r ' r v,i,- ,.Kii occasion ni Miucauon new post in the Interior. X f - V - H Is alt j,.. I - . u I , XJll tJlOrl IUIH UUIIO U IJllUHV ( j public relations for the Depart- leiations department, which in-; ment of Lands and Forests, who t.judcs placing of advertising, is- FAMILY CUSTOM j spoke before the Prince Rupert .SUiuice of annual reports, pho- WliYBl'k.-f, Sask. (CP) Tliere's Gyro Club at luncheon yester- tonr;iphy, were descriped by Mr. always a Kempton in the voluil-' I day. . x Druce. ' teer fire brigade here. When Ted j It was particularly desirable President Marc Gormely was Kempton retired this month ! for school pupus to be acquaint- in the chair nu the apeakt r alter 'i'i yeurs' service, his son ed with industry, Mr. Druee was thanked by A. M. Hurst Jack was Immediately sworn in as a fireman. Sergeant A. E. Wales, RCMP, held, and there was special con 1P M: or those quality shoes it SALE PRf Pacific BUT B.C. PRODUCTS 'J' (J l fcjiscil ' centration with a definite program upon tlie schools by the public relations and education division of which he was the head. Ninety-five per cent of the schools were now beiiuj visited regularly by representatives of the department. The most effective educational work of his department was that by moving pictures. Mr. Diuee believed. There was a heavy demand by schools, service clubs and other organizations on the department's film library which .ncompascd ei'.;hty subjects elative lo the forest industry. Junior j'orest warden activities if the Canadian Forestry Asso MOPFI WITH A r,;orFL Prettv Ann Martin ol Montreal takes time out to pose with a sewn-foot, nine-inch model of a deHavilland je aircraft which will go into service on Canadian Pacific Airliner.' trans-Pacific service this year. N.,v being displayed at Windsor Station, Montreal, the Slfi.OOO-nvjdel will go on tour to Winnipeg, Vancouver, and Honolulu, in addition to appearing at the Canadian National Exhi Mticn in Toi onto this year. Of plastic and metal constri"-.tion. it h:is a wlngspan of nine leet sevjn inches, with rubber-tired wheels on a retractable undercarriage which can be operat :d by hand to fold into the belly of the aircraft. CHILDREN'S SUH: 99c WOMEN'S SHC- 1.93 MEM'S SHOES 6.95 ( c summer at small joy it all expense. FOR WHIPPING Chilled thoroughly, Pacific whips lo creamy light perfection. Vacuum packe JvAPOBATf' (circle c No greater saving can be made by the amateur gardener than by enuiq .... ciation, which collaborated with " ",",CI auu vt c- '""m? thp rienarr.ment ar lo hiK FASHION FOOTW table plants I rnm seed. Modern I , commcnfJed Mr by " ",ULt- Uruce " 'ientitic methods oi preventing hoped h,.,H ,h P"e r,. ; .liLat Rupert lads disease, watering automatically : and trai.spldnf,ing seedlings, have 1 ml SWEET PEAS COMING BACK TO STAR IN HOME GARDENS Spencer Tvpe Sweet Peas inches high, brush should be pro-Sweet peis. . once the most vided for thj vines to climb, and popular annual flowers in this by the time they have grown to ccuntrj, grown in almost every s;x inches wire supports, well garden, are making a strong anchored to resist wind, should conw-back. Varieties which be in place, bloom early and resist hot Regular watering is essential; wva'her are in part responsible, (.fter the spring rains -end, the and better methods of growing .-oil should be soaked at least help a great deal. every week, oftener if necessary It used to be advised, and still to prevent drying out. A liquid i; .in some garden books, that plant food rich in nitrogen sr jd of sweet peas should be : should be applied 'every two made iueeess easy for one who ' pins the sinipie i..ethods to be ! followed. D not sow seeds indoors too ' early. In a ttn-enhouse. 8 to 10 weekr before the plants can beset out in the garden is enough; in a hot-bod, 5 to 8 w?eks, in a : cold-frame, or .Vox in the window, 4 to 6 weeks, will ,be early i enough. 11 U 0 If " u cy - I H JJZ, -,-SVJ5r I t ' 1' .- J.M U ! ?ZfSW Wear. ' your nt in ifjlrboi hi I'riiic,- Itum rt jiihI Ti-irur ami we fWI ,.l Iiumh-. W liU lh- fri.ii.llv utuo-li r-. - have fu,u that oii haw I hit mimic proprwxivc ideas thai H haw. ' weeks, equal to an ounce of sulphate oi ammonia for 10 feet of row. A mulch of manure, lawn clippings, or similar material will help retain the moisture in the soil and prolong the flowering season. Sweet peas are legumes, and secrete nitrogen from the air. They benefit If the seeds are inoculated with a bacterial culture sold for 'hi;', purpose. sown at the bottom or a trencn six inches deep, covered lightly with soil and allowed to grow, the trench being filled in as the plants grew. Now we are advised to make a thill only 1'2 inches deep in' which to sow the seeds, which is not only a lot easier to do. but avoids plenty of trouble from pocr drainage and disease. Stress is put upon the importance of sowing early, as soon after killing Just a Few Oldlimcrs Left BETTER'N WALKING 1940 Ford Sedan Moti r overhauled S599.00 1937 Ford Sedan Reasonable shape $399.00 195 Oldsmobtle Coach . Lots of miles left S299.00 1939 Chev. Sedan-Delivery Make us a decent offer mm is JtPfi Already i.oliimhia OIIiiIom- U an important fa tor in the th-vchipmi rit of tliU area. We know that we eun eotuU on yon touoik uilh us for till jirealer inihi-lrial proM'ks anil properii. Hut that'sonly one part i.f the pi. lure. new neihhors. ue of Columhia OlluUe want to take un a live and eonlruelm part in all phases ,r the life of the (.m-mmiity. e huiiI to join uilli you in evtendinf; and inipnmn" the i ultuial, mm ial and rei realional facililies and opportuiillies. AII of us at Columhia Cellulose are menihers of this eommunily in liieh VK inaLe our home. All of us appreciate iu opportunities and are eajrer lo discharge rully. our responsibilities of citizenship. f.ood ncighhois in a rov,fn- eommunily. we are all woikiiiK lofreth.r toward u common objective a more prosperous, richer, fuller life. frosts have ended as the soil can , , , Store seeds in a cool place if L prepared 'sweet en r early' Tney peas and garden peas I cool kseP better tnan 111 a warm room' art firs cousins. They are weather plan's by nature, and give their best yields before the Soil which is frozen should be weather gets reaiiy hot. This thawed cut-gradually for seed makes early flowering vital in box use. Quick drying tends to sections where spring is a brief form hard lumps. After it is interval between freezing and sifted, baking in a hot oven for perspiring. J half an hour will kill fungi and When the old fashioned gran- weed seeds. didora type of sweet peas was-! inadt obsolete by the larger and J Because leaf lettuce is derm re beautiful Spencer waved manded by hotels and restaur-strain, it was found that the ants for fine salads, it is grown newer type was so much later extensively in greenhouses all in' flowering that hot summer , winter. Home gardeners mav cut its harvest short in; - - " ipeciol for 1 Veek Only ) 'ffrf ' I " 1950 Chev. Sedan , rJtJJ&'i Sparkling two-tone. 1 Sr''jti Only $1875 jf iJi BOB PARKER Wit LIMITED ' WPVl . M .,A 'Home ot n, service- fygA Sidl many sections. It took t,me to change this, but there are few problems which modern plant breeders cannot solve, and this one was solved some years ago. More and more gardeners are -learning that now there are available strains of Spencer sweet peas which bloom early, and resist hot weather, so that a long season of beautiful flowers Is possible from seeds sown in the outdoor garden. Seeds can be sown as early as the hardiest varieties of garden peas. Porous garden soil as fertile as you have give best results. A;; soon as the plants are three I I W f Hi 1. IMI TKU . .I:K II L 1 E It 1 , It. C. Bgsv. ! Wffltn ' :..i."..i:ia :, ii,.1om. :,,,,,,,,. i ,i. (ir.i i, r rmvhUy rxPa,i!,,B ru,iian .iHl WV&n ',.M,''S,r,?, '"'"'""'"" hM a few inonlhs. lhis,r8niali...i will he coiiihiniMg tts ' Wf'r&l . . ' " ., Hruisl, tlmnWa will, airi, M. .lerivnlh.-. from When U, MM MJ1 TJ prod.,,,. u !,. ran,.,, of lihr.s ami ,l -r ,.,.,. (r.,,l, I, for liowHiois froin ' "U-fJi TXy, '" ,,"a"'; "r l.n.ara.n ..r r.iilim...ok lor.-s i. I.I r.mar.- Iali i " ---lilTH 'PylA J 'i"l'oi iil lor iIiohkiihIh f C.ou.lian workers. I TiS (Mg . JSWSSfe i i lil " K i,no-Vl mint .rfcia h I ; 'mil t- t f " c -t. f 4 f 1 ,1 Mr. and Mrs. Dudley G. Little of Terrace are visitors in the city. Mrs. Little being a patient at the Prince Rupert General Hospital for a few davs. ""l hart tm ra Mrii Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating, CartagJ and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones to and 68 i rz?fww rr z ! mm liMMm ..... This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liqi f, 'mmmm-W?W(K " Control Board or by the Government oi Stilish Columbii 7r'f