1 9) Prince kuperr Uuily'Newi Thursday, February 28, 1952 u-- Problems of Rail Service Fewer Ottawa ; Night Sessions schedule, too, had some unpopu- lar quirks. i MOST POPII.AK SCHKDLXE , Finally, the chamber agreed toi finish out the session with these hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thurs-; day 2:30 to 10 p.m., with a din Housekeeping .. . ha5 personality if it Indleo right it-s good iment. who returned to the city at! GETS NEW DOG , the first of the week after a pas- ! REGINA CP Tony Garnty, genger officials' conference in sightless citizen who recently lost Winnipeg. Not only in this area, .his seeing eye dog, left for Min- Notwlthstanding the problem but throughout the system, ex-; neapolis to pick up a new ammat f tri t fit avaiiahip pnnin- pandine demands on railway . t0 reDlace his beloved "Valiant. ' Ottawa House Seeking To Improve Working Conditions V . 1 S v i A ner adjournment between 6:15 and g p.m. i Wednesday 2:30 to 6:15 D.m I n fu! egg : tablespoons of simur for each N0t tlie , egg white for best results. Finish 8""' ..... ,u i ,,, Ko-itlnp- until thp whites ntlv iment into needs of increasing service are being made and theThe tri and pulchase of the. S traffic, Canadian National Rail-1 task of catering to It is a Per-. made possible OTTAWA- tM.cis.niK mj iihh'"' wi h nn even nor si tine- . i v.i i (.'nllslO' ' u,,: "y ""'-o - - i !its own working conditions, the, Tnose hours werenl approved, exPecls, 10 nave a- TT'" '5 v , ' 'tmM through a fund collected Ay the dress i up wen. um,.. nt rnmmoni sessions of , Jlh, r.rr. railway equipment j .ninema . ... . .... the thp same Kam.T rmiwav fuuiuiiitrui, in in . nuin lanway auu ..... ... . i 7 i - will 1 Slurred Egfrs In Bacon Knifes it. will he i canuaiun rtuunuuu ui u .i...v.' Hg t 8hort.lv . ... . Inneration on the Jasper-Prince services this summer w " . 5... turrit i Mrwi hfimemakers will serve w 1 1 n. ii uiJiiu ivea iiom ine uwr mey wc;c-r ..... i. j . , itju in ii a 1 - . .i,n ........ nflfln I tif.cn rl'ivfi fnr ihotr expected to come to a final ae-,..a bunch of tommyrot" but KUPerl llne lms f5.ll.,m" along lines similar to-iast yea., pu.m I HIICl I III" I'Kfl m-W W.v.'l. .v.. V.I.J last. With increasing industrial. ifcll.SP Ibb iiTQA tl.a vT.r nrimilnW nt cision on hours. Tte expectation is that the tn lhrM schedules. They pro- activity throughout the central mu- w..i v ,,. fillOI'll'SS, bad'' rule advantage of low eKg prices. Eggs Tiie '1 i hii;h are one of our best buys and may fucLvi whether 1 ,r i , the oven. Il b iu-hed. so li sWttlv over a iieat. There is . Hie 'hard Or used LU auunilHc iwi tiicrm-ai, many m-'ftls. Fortunately, there me many ways to serve ejjgs and they are riht for any meal, breaktast, dinner or supper. For a slightly different dish, home economists surest this recipe for Commons will adopt 8 scneame bab, wjl, be made permanent interior area, n m.:S. ul uuu.se , giving members Wednesday and , with one small change-that the be that even more equipment Hiday nights off, leaving only;HouJle rise al 8 pm or dinner;'111 bo esaeJ- . . . . 1 thiee night sittings a week- insU,ad of 6:15 Pm ! So says William n Cruickshank, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. ; Because th3 new hours were' general agent, passenger depart-That was the schedule withvg,d only lor the fall session,! " which the House finished up last . the House Ls meeting under its popular, is that the limit on December, after experimenting old hours 3 to 11 p.m. with ' speeches by private members be with various combinations ' ; start of new session. A decision i shortened to 30 minutes from the hours for two months. on tne nf.w S(.heaule is expected ; present 40 minutes. EijK.s and Bar.on Pinn: ,ierv has Shirred six servliiRS, cook six j. ,d replaced ; To niak The old hours appear at-iin- . taken within the first week i The committees report was , . ... i . .v.- ,,.. ltnlr I, juirrt- sncvi- oi uueuu, uui uju isp us ,W( -' , ... ...... .,,...,,, u-. ..(.! fl,.lt,l., j iieiy w ue uu m- wuj uwv. or 80 i them, the chamber sat dally Ainno u.iih th iJinnvp In hours crowded out in a last-minute rush of business and thus died with the fall session, but the tousle I'llie 1 niiuuiw uc i.m.j u i.ijit, ,cj are cooked Line six muffin tins with strips 'h,.iH in of baeotr; forminc each slice Into Monday througn Friday from 3 j lhg special committee also made j.i. to 11 p.m., with a f1innr;vaal other suggestions aimed ! government may ask that it bei 0 1 ' ( . iiiii -t m. Dieak irom o to o p.m. dul vcu- at peeing the business of par-; ivivea ana aeDaiea m me nt ! nesday evenings were free in the liament. One, which may prove session. I early stages of each session. These hours, adopted during ! the 19th century, drew a lot of complaints. Year after year WAS KIDNAPPED Three-' year-om Baroara Nemeroff was returned safely to her parent little more than 12 hours after a masked man forced his way Into her Montreal home and abducted her. He left a note demanding $50,000 ransom from the child's lather, Moe Nemeroff, leather manufacturer. Police are holding 10-year-old Robert Pat-enaudc, an employee of Mr. Nemeroff, in connection with the alleged kidnapping. CP PHOTO i PYREX and FIREKING 0VENWARE l-'iieboilii"! point 'a ring' around the edge of the Accord-' Un. Add a little of the bacon fat i s r.ut-'.s. ''"1 Mini ;ts the clif- to the bottom of the tins. Break '. "J the imwh. "lb- i an iK Into each bucon ring and ', J iiid )'. tender. season with salt and pepper. ' ' j,' will mirth ih' Bake In a moderately slow oven ' I of 325' r.. for 5-10 minutes de- i i! iss iVhiies: pendinK on how well cooked .,' j ,,,,1,1 lit folded ecus are to be. Remove from the , T.j ho this a tins' and serve on toast. They're ,"-,:$ uW-r motion good to , -at and look (iood too! '"'-il?F,u' t:i i!y omel- .;u!ft-. fuitf the heavy ' ItfcMIMSCKNCES .,',. jthe fefti'eii e-UK . - i Continued from page 7 1 4 r,,:c into the - .,.?. iciti' i" ully. eat! Masefield, 74, has still to pass ,U! ;j- up in arcater j on. What Elizabeth may have In tnA'f '''ken nut of mind cannot be known. Some- ..i am '., aimed up times a poet can anger a queen. PQYALQTY I CANNED FOODS w memwrs called for revision, suggesting that 11 p.m. was too late to finish work, especially when they must be back in the morning for committee meetings. Nothing was done until early last fall when a special committer representing nil parties met and suggested several combinations of hours be tried on an experimental basis. First, the chamber sat a week caskkroi.es huhum; dishes mkasi king c its m stako disiiks I.OAF DISII1S Bears Seen Outside, Maybe It's Spring from 1:30 to 7 p.m. daily with ''i.aS'uie 0- fore iisins I Victoria was furious with Rud- out a break. The members didn t . yard Kipling. Had he not writ a 8AULT STE. MARIE. Ont. lllkj that: it was too long A ii limes the ten "The Widow of Windsor didn't tho um-riKMiiir i UicoX citizens would Just as soon Utretch. Besides, many ib.il , - J i l' until the mm rviKpfi in know what to do with so many fier famation... Wl then go down Tommy Atkins, the prestige of,takt the bear'8 appearance as a WStZ?' mtnri fflia spring sign, as put their faith in evenings off. jits' :.! liquid 1 he ; laureate might have been his. . , ... ,,lw l.L tll.lt TU.. A-.nH rttrt ... ..in.i ll.t.H. the recent antics of the ground-1 Then they tried a weex wnn three nights off. but that uadd.idUR.tast mg to the world being told "she hog. only ,! ,! a . i.ance to ' owned arf of creation." A caretaker at Bcllevue Park - ' " "l i I (, .L-inu mci niuues inert rutin wucu u icaTm j 7 ' ... I 1 klV...rnatiin hibernation HliiVinilt without being .mil.- nne I: n,'- civt Giv Its iws inwt i v.. i.rm.- inrw . Jr, a .i not f ar away," Th. Nowvrk Tim. ,ihmit - disturbed, spring's beating well The bears made their ted six queries: Where Is For- appear- ,i!4ri(in. Allow two I mice ncic uci mi. . u. t " mosa? Where is Manchuria? i I'ltOVIItKO What is the 38th parallel con-liiirnm p:ie 7) neclvd with? What Is the Atlantic FINISHES HARVEST t ffro,iiinanding the Pact? Who is Chiang Kai-shek? 1 MANYBERRIES, Alta. (CP) Who is Marshal Tito? Twelve j District farmer L. A. Goulet fin-per cent of adults queried could i lshed threshing his 1951 grain Carnation Milk is aiw.,, wiU g sure diatyou milk at its very best. tt,i4m Seoul province .riljriv is uiider cover . Thi re isn't anybody As answer all six. Nineteen per cent crop at the end of January roulct not reply at all. Yet these in the names and phrases are featured anl more, or in many other districts, bad weather last fall prevented completion of the harvest then. every day in press and radio. mjf the n (usees live f 1 W TRADE-IN NOW . .' never a worry about "" use Carnation. Every isuncondition.Miyi, Get Carnation -ALWAYS GOOD! Trade-in Allowance $100.00 Vi cu. ft. DELUXE Refrigerator .... $499.00 :eii nr tenieo dugout, i : jf . ' ' officer said: k -n rumors about ,;r,jt in caves this win- t iiliriiilly I know of p uitovert'd one rase: sul'.Ijf: prtmaturely dis-Sr,ri hospital with a j'iUH-' died in a cave, ni s Ji,,ndwrittcn state-;:n.nS! c;vilian hospitals ii ti'gair.'-ations. oi-.!, the office and and a quarter It,Rjs were destroyed. 'S xporary house? 'il!t. Others in the are ji 'iibuted between ar.d jl rongbu. Largest lre Is at Taejon, W n Seoul and Tae-r are under ron-"' I $461.50 $ 70.00 8' 2 cu. ft. DELUXE Refrigerator 8'2 cu. ft. STANDARD Refrigcrotor MAKE THIS 7 DAY TEST CU Milk in pl brM 6f yor present $432.50 $ 65.00 $100.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 One yu ue are Camion, DELUXE Range $519.00 STANDARD Range $388.50 DELUXE WASHERS $359.95 other bran - I f 1 A I jK JL f i I (liio i r Northern B. C. Po wer Co. L ti an Wi winter has be(n ? Bid the thermome- KIND OF SOFTNESS $Mf I .1 - "T.iiHWti'"--" -'-' oout the zero 'jeen a problem. order against Kesner liluck Phone 210 Prince Rupert. B C. Stewart, B.C. w sent firewood ling to the Ko- jf 'it of 15 cents a ?! ! f S to Interest the ! Jing Peat, which : 'is wood but burns I 1 "ong. Koreans are ! ' ide. however. The ; "d most of the "Hjlii," Chief Lee sum- 1 , at home wiri,g0g J If at least we have vrf -- . in The - D FPH P.M. DAYS 3 h s 1RLST hiiddvi RFUL PRIZES ;N0W... BIG &IE RANGER" CONTEST! gentry blank . . . Mm 1? 5 Av) SlK !. u. r'"'K H,'"N IK.OI. : "' Slat ion CI TR aire Ituncrt t einit Contp I,,,, , I nm Hnnrt ft- mi a "1 " '