-1 Vr- It As I See REFLECTS and REMINISCES . i i 11 by i Yi.X, ... , by a creditor he Informed the! court the best job he had been 1 offered could pay but $16 80 a The press, mixed up in stories this spring, prompted a noted British jurist to make a few penetrating remarks conrfrning the c giving of access to facts and week, as long as he was idle he I AT I r . draws in unemployment ! 1 LtAST ;J Pi iHc Rupesi D&riy News '. . " Thursday, May 6, 1954 talepeodent dally newsppr Woted to th upbuilding ol Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member ol Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation! ,f Canadian Dailj Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dally NewL Limited. ,. J. P. MAQOR, President H. O. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Kates: " carrier Per wee, 25c; per month. I.OO; per year, tioon. nsS?lS?jr ' mail Per month. 76e: per year, w oo. S :nonzed as second class mall by the Post Offlre D-partment, Ottawa Gall For Northern Action J T IS becoming; refreshingly obvious that north- ;Lrn Kc- is not prepared to let its Pacific let o-o by default. The right note of urgency to i' this rfffect was contained in a letter read at the nee Rupert Chamber of Commerce this week. "-t"-'.riittTjit. benefits unci!l,s freedom t ) romment. Said Lord $18 66 plus a family allowanci of Ju-tice Eirkitce: "There must $5.60 a week for his five youn" 1 . f 1 t ... & 'i be no ptosed doors, because pub est cniidren. i . -"a . Odds and Ends licity ts tne Rieaie.st aid to truth 540, FR YOUR OLDs -' - f and understanding. I think a One of the best cure's for in-.nmnla Is td try and sit up with n friend who has the same - l Vs v TOMORROW I hope to take off on a week-end plane"' trip' to: Churchill on Hudson V '-'".iii-Jt'. preat newspaper nas a duty to Its readers and the public to comment upon the news, to com-ment. urson public affairs, and th it. comment must be couras-rnn Bnd free and above all things, fair." Canada's Conservatives are slid to be enlisUntr more vouth- You will never have what you like until you learn to like whit you have. . , coinc son Bay. Jiay. The 1 he date date will will F 1 . " j ride w it tiK my Tftth fef f ,V .'f lday. Here is a quick j I ' . birthdi clean-up o!f the odds and ,-The Kentucky Derby, a week i or so ago this year, was a big i affair. It Usuuliv lsuhii-h to ful members on the theory that ends waiting on my deski If I'rti fiit.l uni..lt K trim pnnntrh tt eill "enxmnn " r- bent, out by the newly organized Canadian Northwest Associated Hoards of Trade, with headquarters at Fort St. John, it called upon interested hoards of trade to take unified action in influencing northern railway construction. v y ( i wnntVf "W - v. --- ,n as pegs on 'which to hang, future columns: . Senator MeCarthj h o 1 1 e r s ; lick the Liberals, there ts always I 'act- we stl'l have horses, thous- Ihe possibility of outliving them. ! ind of them, along with host- ; lers and the good old livery . ... , ' stables. Times, It i.5 true enoueh "'""Mi, A comiintten Is sometimes des- h.noi t . cribed as a group of men who Tcra' tlTorontoT " must k""W and h" r it m.u nvu ks ks the Toionto Star. r ; end naye no uw for anybody wnQ jected to a maU dose of the: I'Ml.Nt K MI.MSTKK Claxton Ixmrds a helicopter at the Joint .same Investigation treatment; Air Training Centre, Rivers, Man., for a 30-mile flight to the which he himself has ladled out j military camp at Shilo, Man., during a tour of Western Canada !" rMT quantities. Inciden- defence installations. Standing at the rear Is Cpl. F. L. Wedw- " Lu S 11 111 'C. 8?t ! wo"d "f Rlvprs- CP from National Defence. Model V-707 , wouia neglect or abuse one t,. . , . ! i lh" square frying pan Is ad-! ivertised as more efficient it' - - -- 'only remoiris now for nature to pioduee the square egg. Nature, it can be a.ssuinetl is entirely capable, if given a little time. ,.n IHK'M r1 oETT ERBOX utioii when his own conduct was on trial. When he is quiziny; his own victims they Ret no such rights. ., . - . " -. FRANCO'S biilly boys in Spain ai raising .an awful clamour for the return to Spain of Gibraltar, which they clirim was OFFERS SOLUTION The Editor, ,,: That electrical impulse Is known as the lines of force. If r 1 his association believes that, unless we get organized now and prepare for any eventuality, we could very well he caught napping to our everlasting regret," it said. "British Columbia must hffme (lay have another deep sea shipping port be-fSTdes Vancouver, and it will be farther north. The sources of the northern portion of the province are about five times those of the southern areas. "It is not only the business of every board of trade, but of every individualCj-itizen, to" take an active interest in the immediate development of these resources. It can be done and it shall be done." ; ; . . ,, The remarkable and commendable part of this call to action is its quality of vigor despite the fact that it concerns a subject which has had no official encouragement for more than 40 years. It is noteworthy also that it comes from a centre deep in the area where these resources are found. The Daily News: According to renorts the Comet ! then we must presume that the some wiint i: rs si sfk r There, has icnie a sudden find understandable flood of nlekeis, in Canada and . happen to possess thf reason. It is today a fact that the Royal Mini in Ottawa W'i :put ''jnto clir illation 16.635 3'&a jliVt-eetit piecs t,' air most G.OOJ.Ulit) nioi'e' than were stolen from them.' Actually, Bri- j Jet lir"T disasters over the cosmic rays are flowing towards 'ijpy. tain paid a high price to Spain ' Mediterranean sea will go dov,;n ; the north star and on thir way lor Gibraltar in quite a large-! history. as mysterious aeei- j north they rush over the high sized horse trade. In return for' drill's caused by mechaniral de- mountains that line -the shores Gibraltar, Spain got Minorca and I f,'cts '' sabotage. From my point ' of the Mediterranean. In rush- 7-)uba Rodio lotStoniic, Short Wave brooder World'ifintitoiitoim reord changer Eicluiive "Golden .tuxurioui morJem $299. McRAEBl i ( leased the pixvioui year. Un- ic moun- f lorlda. i i oi view. tnose disasters are causr ; lnK over me tops oi tin ed bv Dockets in the iitmnsnVier. tains thev form hu 'e vorlier.s 1 doubtedlv'. the five-cent, siamti With your permission, Mr. Editor, j that causes largo pockets in the ; h.is had a lot. lot. lot to do with I will make an attempt to solve ' air. Due to pressure the pockets it. Don't spoil your holiday. Be sure your lires are in iop shape See ... on I sed Tires" "Liberal Trade-in Allowance ine mystery. . . oi air move out irom tne peaks Phones 6 m 2 Spain sold Florida to the U.S. If Spain can induce Uncle Sam to hand oVer Florida, Britain might consider handing back Gibraltar. RIGHT NOW Canadian newspapers are printing many columns of the great hoax which helned to win '.the., tail- British To begin with I will have to of tne mountains and ramble reach far hnek in met.renUiri ! around for miles over the Medi- As the man said, a bowling rl'ry is so noisy you eun't hear anything but a pin drop. SUPER SERVICE "The Store That Str. terranean sea and in time die - When northern coastal points like Stewart, Prince nisiory, in oraer to solve tne real cause and that takes one to the : '- i . ---Zzzn out. This process goes on i steadily and new vortices are ! Mf MI TOO COSTLY (hat we.mtyit. fprus " our atterH form?d ('onsta,'ty- In (iual Britain the other day tion. iivu, , ' r , NO NO iu one one uiic .si-(;iiis seems seems ia la su-jjch sasoect suspect such such nuni i Sr'' !ib"' odi"d looking youns Intelligence officers -"- created " "The 1:1 man an ctnvinced Vi a judge he could .i.i ManWho Never Was." They al-.j . Tri3 instant tne cosmic rap;,la process of nature and when a j lowtd a real corpse to turn up eriter the 1 Plane falls into one of those I not- afft'ri ... i in i nit u.tJiiu,-uiinj atmosphere , at uu the iir; to Xio to vvork Sued in Spain, complete With COnfl-1 c,i, oi i - . .... "hnrkPts mnn K mvKt ifiod-hv lh; - " vjuui ii i ij nicy 1 1 . rt te a i net ion " 11 w ' ' dential" papers which they wanf- nn(, , , tuf. I crash. K-upert and kitimat start drawing attention to their particular advantages, there are sceptics who will ' question whether their argument has anything behind it other than a desire to grab Vancouver's tra.de ,. ,. When interior points express their preference for a northern port, however, the argument becomes more difficult to answer. Obviously they have no more wish to be sold down the Praser than we have. ' ; LARGE TREES The Pacific (roast cypress tire i.i two to three feet in diameter t-cf to get to Germany. an eiPctr,Cal imoulse. It is tlus 1 The best thing U do in flying The Snanish Faseis s dntifii v : : ....... :'!? i ,, (..in r uru .. ,,., . . . TV . j impulse oi ma;. Tiiiizeti lores that " handed over the "secret" papers tains is to keep well away from ll,nd f" f' ''t , mSh. to their Oernfan Nazi partners, i "u -( U tne compass n.-dle mJ north side bf mount aim. The Germans, were fooled lntol makes it point towards the rcrrh ' ui,.,i h,. ii.ir.uo I . believing that. ;the Allies did not., star. ,. ',i P. LeCLAIRE ASK fO SCOTLAND'! fAVOUmi SON intend tn maW their main-land Prince Rupert. u f put ing in Sicily. f '" A FAR MORE serious problem for thfi British than Snain's Summerless Summer I . WITH IN rn.MGEVt E The Editor, The Daily News: reading the Vancouver Run Gibraltar is the status JOHNNIE WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY KtheMatusJ frf-t .in In a. l Q PRINO came eventually in 816. farmers sowed j 0f claim cypru to 1 4-1..'.. .1. . i. .... T mi I TU.rt The ay Jnote tin article from the overwhelming uiuii i-i v uti. 111 een snoots ni)rifl;ivff npn in lowna Associated Boards of ' cj 11 1 the people who live ade in which they present to the middle of June, snow came. Tradition has it government u resolution ianaj are urees, ny language fLt and eiilture. They wish Cyprus i to he united tn the P.i-eplr kinrr-i Sr3 tTiat from, the first tall of enbto'in Juiifi until the 0 which calls for "the comnletlon following' summer the ground was not free of tiom. The Greeks are now part- of the Trans-Canada Highway br i ween British Columbia and is it IJi y'i t M Alberta Alberta irr irixsp-jctive sp-jctive of of i'.s i'.s rout route." r" T-i llI t 't Xj , Th!t is a happenin'? which L - I Z f"j4 ol f'"t "f the ordinary. However, S. l . 5 "i I fi t S a,i"n',t!'at(,s that there urn - ? tJsSXJj S People in the world who h.i a bit of intelliecnce. As there Is snow. There were no crops of any kind. All the grains rotted in the field. The population had to live on fish and meat. The latter was plentiful because there was no hay to keep cattle alive. Thus many were slaughtered. In Quebec hay had t(T be imported from Ireland. Flour no grain urew rose to $17 a barrel, and notatof cnut 1 a right-of-way for the old OTP between Edmonton and Jasper, nothing now remains to complete this Trans-Canada highway except to continue the road from Jasper Jo Prime Geurf.e. Looking at thli from ail angles, it wooW seem that there was no neid for. further discussion on the matter, even when we take 'into consideration the ignorano" MM oin 1?0 Wf Strom nets in NATO and, if the self-difterrhination. principle means iihything, their case deserves to be considered on its merits. A READER challenges my description of the. Russian Communists as "new imperialist He . asks for,- evidence. My definition of imperialism has always been rule of one country by a government of another country. By that definition, thq Ruxsiif n Communists are among the mast-ttrmlrtrible 'tort--' periulists of modern times. i ; Before we get. real peace, in; Vhi: iafl((- every Uoufili-J "Which Is now occupied by the forces of a foreign power will have to be liberated. That means that the French will have to get out of Indo-China, and those spots which they hold in India. They will eventually have to get out of North Africa. It also-means ' ' 1 t i. ..4....: . . 1,. .. tini mm jiuiiY Lc.; etc.. 01 runs 1 penny a pound. In New Hampshire the price, of Z haywas$180aton...-'.V , . but the dominion meteorological office in Toronto t confirms that 1816 was known as the "Summer- less Year", because it was unusually cold and un- usually wet . -r-Peterborough Examiner. "OTTAWA DIARV rZlX IHstilleti, lUenileil and '?"''''' in s'tlnl JOHN WALKER & SONS LTD. Scotch Whisky Distilleri KllMARNOeiC, SCOTIAND 23 $10,000 mis-representatives IL'r-JSr 1 have at. Ottawa. . W. S. GREENE, Smithors, B.C. AS SIMPLE thnt Ikrt LI 1 :i, ..... . i Cantroversv Is rmrinir In onl . . n tk nnCTT AS A PHONE CALL we uiacn iiiuii mil win sen- 1 1,, I rifk h.i, n m, JZl . , , ., S i"5""6 J - tumim government In m aruya Kenya and mo all mi the inc SOT. I). W. DRNMNT. 0f Minneapolis demonstrates graphically how he sticks to his post. He couldn't leave even if ho wanted to. The base of the street lamp had rusted out and the post wobbled precariously in . high winds as Dunning was passing lt.-o h had to support it until a repair truck.arrlved. "mated fashion amnnir thi tarmtr With DMKtlCH 'tU ,.1P'S .these days on the practical years 1 52 and Ss available 6 to Kfn VA V, - nents of the new Gardiner farm , bolster doubtful v r ii , e already done on the- Gold Phone 60 Across the Twn or the Nation. Insulatina Panels :! alehtlar. m The Gardiner farm enlenrlnp " oast. i tninK it also means Most farmer MP's who are not' that the United States will have committed to the government's to free areas taken by war, would cease to regard the con- Zzfli'ndsqyh against the will of their own i ... .. . ISvewUonal year of 12 months as ?,uPPort- .support, ai"e are opposed opposed to to the the new new f'-n surtable farm year. In its nlace Cairllnfip G&,raner f farm calendar. 1 .1 mi They point out that everv other hii. 3t would substitute a year of 36 ,o al and Long Distance Moving ', . ,, Turn those dusty, wasteful basemenUnd-atticP pleasant rooms. Barrett Insulating Panels insui heat and cold, deaden noise, take any oil orm paint. They're inexpensive, easy to install. ASK YOUR BARRETT DEAI.EH FOR , - H.irrett Insulating Lath Insulatmf Asphalt Conted Sheathing Pan Ho has a complete lino of roofing and ww New Navy Ships Commissioned In Esquimau j l rjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ness enterprise closes its books on a 12-months' basis. They don't see why farmers should follow any different practice, especially when the government requires them to pay their income tax on an annual basis. In addition, they argue that pvuuuuia just uiree limes as ,.. Tat.is as often, Rt. Hon. Mr. Gardiner contends, as any far-i.tjner-businessman should close rtnls books and take stock of his rinajicial posiUon. . im The doughty Minister of Agri- SPECIALLY prodtirts, too. REDUCED! Our Display Stock of . tne DrODOsed t""" fiarriiner "amnicr farm larm 'in-uic, aiture, wno who enjoys enjoys a a healthy neauny Bnrrott offices in Halifax, Mo""' Winnipeg and Vancouver. .-.spent in the House as a pocket calendar would compel the farm- er to learn new versatility vxa peupie, sucn as forto Rico.j But It certainly means that the Russian army, and the Russian commissars, will have to relax their iron grfri on, and get out of, Germany Poland; Hungary?: Bulgaria. BRITISH PAPERS are carrying whole pages telling of atrocities committed by British-led troops, operating against ' the Mau Maus. But the encouraging feature of thiSjis that the,., evidence is beipgi print"d in -the British press. ' . ir : A tragic mistake madefy the Mau Maus was that they "tried to do, by force and violence, what could have been done a thousand times more effectively by appealing to the conscience of the British Parliament and British people, for fair play and equality. -Tercules any time political de- !"F 'ite hrenlts nnf. morlo " i THE BARRETT COMPANY- MtifUX J0J5 West Pender St It-,' "Jteftiwit the H'orWoW VICTORIA (CP)-The two newest sftlps in Canada's navy have been commissioned at HMC Dockyard Esquimau. They are the non-magnetic, wooden and aluminum minesweepers Coitiox and James Bay Both- were built by Victoria shipyards; Comox at Victoria Machinery Depot, and James Bay at Yarrows Ltd. The ships form the nucleus of the second Canadian mineswepp-ing squadron. The first squadron is under the command of Cmdr. James V. Steel of Ottawa in HMCS Comox. James Bay is In command of Lt.-Cmdr, G. R Washers and Dryers would have to school himself to living In the past or In the future just as realistically as he now lives in the present. Yet all the time that he is supporting his morale by rhemories of a past year or by hopes of a year to come, he is always going to have Just the money that is actually in his pockets with which to pay his bills. That's the real weakness of the hew GaWinei farm calendar. It may help the politicians to gloss over some of the months when the farmers- are finding the going a bit rough, But it Won't reallv smneth t.h rnorl trs- Albert & McCafferyf ' PVlnee ftrtpet, M Phone iU-HUt. Terrace- v rstfbii the other day when his partmental estimates were ailed for the first time. In the ft ast he has always used the rasion to give a review of the irrent condition of agriculture. S ut In the Past Prices and mar-n-,f ts had been generally good, nd that had made such a re-ew both easy to give and easy i listen to. This year things were differ-it. Prices were down. Some 'j arkets have been slipping. And ie farm outlook isn't too clear. . t Mr. Gardiner -told-the farm- -s they shouldn't operate on a . -.-;elve-months' basts, but on a :imnths' basft,s.. ,.:J Obviously the Agricultural' llnlster was intent on spread NOW $339.50 $2.89.50 Regular ' AUTOMATIC WASHtR $429.50 AUTOMATIC DRYER $319.50 Mmirn or uueiph. As arMIMrtiv.i ,. Good Recovery CAVfiY ISLAND Enulitmi minesweepers are" receiver! fry a WNS LIMITED the builders and commissioned One of the hardest-hit spots in Low Down Payment Easy Monthly Tcjms., tney win br added to the i strength of both west and east ! coastvso.uadrftiifi,,, Jw ., , Phone J1"' 400.Third.Ave, East,. . . .......catobs ki'-::. BARRETT A' 1 SAPPltOVliB !'f , tf rnis RUPERT -JIAB1&&ELECTRIC ine North sea floods of last year, this Essex island was rewarded biggest influx of Easter visitors since the Second World War. the fanners during those months. The concensus of Independent farmer opinion In the House seems to be against It. 4t9 rti.:H,i k nr n. . . Phone 644 )!! jiiiiu jivruuc V Enquire anout our wj For action try Classifieds