Thursday, May 6, Utai . ;;... x .v British Health Service Oyercomes Growing Pains 'p z ; Kinsmen Team Practice Called For This Evening A practice of the Kinsmen entry In the Little League has been called for 8:30 tonight at Algoma Park, Instead of 7 o'clock Friday as previously announced. Tomorrow Ltpsett's work out and Saturday the Supcr-Valu team. Monday evening uie North Stars take the field for training and on Tuesday the Kinsmen again. This schedule will be followed In rotation, the league executive announced. All practices are to be held weather permitting, and If a team is rained out. It misses that practice. LOFTON i Reuters) Britain's hard for sufficient rewards un-j fasl Pa...- ' (All ti, 0 Vam-uuvtr ... filllirl..,. , . dcr the scheme. Labor Party politicians are oiigry because th' Conservative government inlroduicd seme harges to the public ins. cad of keeping the service entirely free. Lconomic experis watch with anxiety as the cost of the services inn-cases year by year. Durin t he nrcsnnt finnnei:il y a.ini Pm. T Kitimat. natioitl health service, which had stormy beginn:n; five .ears j-,so. now has settled down o a more' or loss peaceful cxit- rncc Thi-i controversies which it at first li roused have died down. Even who were its bitterest iTpenents now accept as a fact ifc-U the conception of free or almost free, medical nttenlion fur rvjryonc from duke to s reel clean.- is here to Siay. There classes of people stili grumble about the service: ....mat--Frid M Unlll. year, the cost may rise for the Girls of Any Age Get Chance To Enter Doll Competiton Tl.e women's division of thiinatlnn of youth organizations Canadian National Exhibition particularly. Including Olrl has Issued a challenge to all Guides, Boy 8eouts, CGIT and Canadian girls, young or old, who others, stresses that there Is no still arc fascinated by dolls. I age limit for entries, nnd that The exhibition is a do!li oys are eligible, as well as girls. S"'h Que,; ZT .ir.s. time over the 300.000,000 nark. The ordinary patient seldom hinks of astronomical figures iike this when he sits in the doctor's waiting room. The sum he is likely to think GAY, EYE-t ATCIIINti accessory this spring h the floral earring, fashioned of tiny, artificial flowers attached to hoops, buttons, drops or cluster bases. This vrsion by Coro of New York features a big daisy surrounded by miniature, multicolored rose:; unci violtU. complain that they Leftists have io woi work too long and tot .bout Is th:- 10 pence a week perso. :als 1. .V contest, with attractive prizes of uioiiiaiieany ciecracicci Hum ins Prince num Aw, '"I'd Avfnu. k. . ,.0'J ' mil serving Be. sine? )f. iicirj lur the bcsl-iite.ssed doll and already entries are promised l from many parts of Canada, as j well as from several other coun- I tries. E. Salter, manager of vr.;c. Rhode Island, smallest of the 48 states in the U.S., covers 1.214 square miles. ! All Bremerton To Be Evacuated !ln Attack Test 1 Doily Ncm Co: Canadian Fi;;h Co.. and Mrs. SUlr;J arrived here yesterday aboard the Prince Rupert for the sum' .At stason after spending the winter in Vancouver. Mr.iDous Souter, nKin.T;cr oi B.C. packers, returned abojrt. For Now Construction j first doll to arive is an au-thcn'ic cowgirl, dressed by Roy Rogers' wife. Dale Evans. An- , other is promised by 76-year-old jMuinli Johnson of Oimll, Man., vim will send a doll III Icelandic I'lislunic. I i Tin- competition will be judged and Repoir Work' l KSl I.A CAKTI.AXn of London says she'd like to hunt wolves in Canada's Hudson Bay region. She has trained Borzoi dogs which arc excellent at chasing wolves. Meanwhile, Miss Cartland, a tall blonde from Stettin, Germany, rents her dogs to English film companies. fCP Photo) Girl Urges Wolf-Hunting In Canada With Borzois BREMKRTON Wa-sh. Th ; U.S. nation's first planned evacuation of an entire city under simulated H-bomb attack will be carried out June 24 In thLs Paget from a trip to Van SEE the iSipcijt CUV.-t. ' ! in two classes, senior. for groups) Sound naval shipyard centre of .mil individuals 16 years and ov Al.g aboard the Rupert wen GREER & BRIDDEN or, and junior, for groups and in vagi-o io help finance the cheme. . He probably decides that he Is getting a good bargain, j Once he has registered with ; local doctor, he and his family j an got all the medical treat -ncnt they need for njUiine. If he doctor decides to send him o a or to see a special- ; st, that will be free. too. ! Medicines supplied by the' iruggisi, on the doctor -i pies- j ription cost the patient the! loniinal sum of one shilling. ff his teeth are giving hini trouble, he is expected to pay j nly up to the first 1 of ilv; ienlists's bill, false t.vlh ,-v upplied at half price. Spc-cUcles J rom the optician arc also pro-ided at liwlf price. Free pre-natal services' av rovidrd for his wife ami the aby will be delivered without ost. AID THKOl'GH TAXES But he is paying another share f his health bill every time he enchases heavily-tax.-d cigar- s, drinks a glass of b-er, or uys his wife a washing machine Mr. Join Wallace, manager 01 Puunjside Cannery, and Mr; i in i u .is IS and under. Tires offered In the senlo' 're;ii rc $100. $7.ri imd $.n. anc snort In Canada, with each skin i.tinoin" 'J in government bounties. Her dream is to set up ' LIMITED a kennel of at. least 60 trained J for juniors, $75, $50 and $25. I Phone Phone 909 909 215 1iU.e.j Uorzols lor woir-huntlng around ' Dolls must be not loss Hum H Hudson Bay. i ast lit vrnts in. lies and not more than 21 im lies in height. They may de- CITY TRANSFER CEATISt I'AlKi';. STORM,; 3o.000 persons. "Operation rldeouf was th'j name given the test. The practice exercise will be the second In the state In less than two months. Some 18,uod person evacuated a 10-block square area of downtown Spokane April 26 In "Operation wait-out," the first of Hs kind in tin; country. Every available vehicle will be pressed into service to get presumed safety of the city'i out-kirU. .Even ferries, which link Bre-:nerton with "ea'tle across the ound, w;;i help in the cveua-talon. "Operation riuc-ou'" v.iil Irs staged between 4:30 and 3 p.m. Stroking the silky heads of piet any a'jc, personality, char-foil, iiediweed Borzois she; actor or shape. Dresses may be keeps for breeding and for work ' period, modern, national or "out in films nnd advertising, Miss of this world" in design. By Ml KMX N ARK. WAY ".J'.'KM Mi I'l l';.. StrfiT Wl H '! LONDON Ursula Cartland. an authority on Borzoi dogs, thinks Canada should establish a new national sportwolf hunting Willi Hounds. Miss c-Mar''. n t,i hionn from Stettin, Germany, now Is in London renting her Borzoi dogs to film companies. She says that of all the countries in the western world, Canada has the Ei ea test need for a revival of the old Russian sport of "coursing" wolves c atching the quarry with a small number of fast dogs hunting by sight. "It could become a national snort " sho siid. "If Canada wants to get rid of its wolves the four-legged variety, of course this is the way to do it." Miss Cartland figures that coursing would be a lucrative LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE ruRrj; iurl moving Vallate, here for the summe after penaing the winter in th southj . Mr.J J. J. Little, Mclrnpol' Euilrirn also returned yeslcrda; from $ (vo-weck holiday in Van couver. ; Another holidayer returning homo! aboard the Rupert wa; Mrs. William McLean, 1994 Sea Cove Jt ircle, who. with rwr twt sons, enjoyed a three-week vacation in Vancouver, Ladner ana Bellii&liitm. i J.li4 A."J. Croxford, long time residoiit of Prince Rupert who left ljst Christmas to make her home in Haney, B.C., was another passenger aboard the Huprt yesterday. She plans to spend a month here with her son-ij-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mills, No. 3, Ridley Horm?, before returning to Haney. 95 Phone nn a high purchase tax. 'lhc first Tive years of the m. fiial hcahh scheme cost th .ition 1,667.000 000. In five years, 42.000.00i eople registered with doctors entists gave 43.0OO.t00 treat ncnts. Sixteen mill.on palieni Cartland said in an interview: "Borzois are docile, obedient pets j but they have one of the oldest and lasicsi hunui..; leeorus H will be some time before Miss Cartland can achieve her ; Canadian ambition. It takes too much capital to get started "The .'1)lM h'H'r, fn np pot for a year and trained on wolves," she said. . ' She new -r.rr.s rjo rinv rrr- ing her Borzois. 3'2-ycar-old Teufel Yerres. 8, lor work in R"x Harrison s latest movie, "The rnnstint Husbnnd " As part of the fee, it's her job to see the dogs do exactly what is required. All dolls entered will becum the property of the CNE and wi) be distributed through recogni ed charities to little girls fo . (it l.V'!ll0. ' t-..n. f.M.ip .-e " -i' l'l. fro. he Women's Division, C;m idlar Nnt'opij Exhibition. F.xlrhition Park. Toronto, and dolls must be in p ms icssjon of the CNE by July 1. 1U51. Judcing will be on the basis of v.orknnnship. originality and costume design. Lisa. Jenkins, organizer of the contest, noting that the contest seems to have caught the linag- i''1 ers Facts About . . . Reddy-Pak Foods Ltd. Winners Given SPECIAL OFFER FROM ;.eu viirougn me Hospitals am i 36.000.000 visits were mad? t i ut-paticnt departmcn's. Mor. ! nan-10.000.000 sets of false lech .ere issued. 28,000.000 pairs o pectaclcs, and 305.000 h-.-a.rin ids. The BritUh Medical Associi-ion has maintained a wary ani distant watch over the service he association worried at firs, hut there might be government nlcrference with the profession-I freedom of the doctor. That .ias not happened. BRAN FLAKES "the family (ood pfasi" Eat Like A King On A Hamburger Budget j Meeting Deep Sea Fisher-: men's Union, Union Hall, Fridnv j May 7 at 8 p.m. (1071 Support your CN R A. Bak 1 Sale Saturday. May 8. 3t Oordo.i ; and Anderson's s'ore. Evervon ; welcome. 1 137 Special meet in of the Slio'- workers Local U.F.A.W.U. In tin I Canadian Legion Au-I lor.u .i Sunday, May 9. at 2:"0 pm There will be a vole on wag" proposals. Business Ac.-nt Ai -; Gordon will Ije prescn'.. MQti Co-op Bakery Friday and urday, CocoanUt Crunch : Cake, 55c each. For somclhhv; i real tasty, try our rai.sin and nu j wholewheat muffins. Don't for- ' get Co-op Enriched Bread a..k for it by name at your groe". 1 Your best buy. tl07) Moreover, lew doctors have suffered a drop in income under the scheme. A general practitioner, treating the maximum of 3.500 patients allowed under the National Health Act, clears about 2,200 (.$6,160) a year after paying income tax and expenses. Card Prizes , The Legion card party series wound up last night with a final card session and presentation of grand prizes for the series. Mrs. Lena Amoth, many times winner during the season, took the Series prize for whist. R. Murray was awarded the crib priciand Mrs. Jean Krause the brldgp award. for last night's play v. "iit'to Mrs. E. Dickens and Mrs. George Scott for bridge, Mrs. Velma Collinge and Mrs. H. Orinstrand for whist and Mrs. El"ic iStorrie and O. K. Olsen for crib. ; Door prizes went to Mrs. Jack iJuclge and John Currie. ' The committee In charge ln-rludcja Mrs. R. Buttcrick. Mrs. R. Bruce, Mrs. A. Dvornak and Mrs. W. Rothwell. 'Rcddy-Pok' Foods Ltd. 1395 Fourth Avenue, Prince George, B.C. Phone 595-R1 11 This is more than many doctors made before the service was introduced. The Republic of Israel, as a new Zionist state, was proclaimed May 14, 1948. their Over mlllinn fnmillcs hive ir.incit fccicl ficc'.er rlaiis and now buy food from distributors instead of retailers. Food savings pays for a home freezer Weekly food budget remains th" same but includes rood unci freir. Members ran well afford to n-.t the best food avi-ib.hlc without additional Investment that ncm-ni'-iiMieis have to f.icc. lteIJJ -ral PLAN I.-, spreacbnii rapidly over I he Nortlicni Inlcrinr. Reddy-I'ak' FchkIs Ltd. maintain their own storage, proccssimiand distnbutmS centre In Prince Ocorrje. Your initial - ,1 m7 vs-3 1 f ued to alats o l v 1 il can't wear off H .1 I J ': A -rx -f T 1 Beaded rim remit 0 I I ' 1 .chipping 4 f . I Weighted bate f h ! "t . I help prevent sj 1 t-- 'I tipping ' ' J ' ft! w' New 6-ounce I ' ' ' ''" IV iuic glatt mi V " 'jjfr " -- "i j 'smji lie J THE MOST POPULAR CANADIAN WHISKY ATA POPULAR PRICE QHOP SUEY . . . ! . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. : Hollywood Cafe For' Outside Orders frame 11 U What is your reasim f')r biivini; fixid at retail 'l for never rnilinrr slnitiini: trips? What ts your reason for nnl tvaiitiiiK to eat heller nie.-il ami top qitalily froen foods for less than you spend now? D jji IDE GLASSES a. PERSONALIZED WITH YOUR INITIAL iiiiiK EJ Travel Topics Mciitlx'i'S ....r..,..l utn You .should be aide to re-reive the following! freezer from our food savings: i i Al, ,;,. arr r 1 relllllKlWl'-' SKEINO IS ENJOYING ONLY arc the iuEc If you now spend weekly for all foods Including dairy nnd staple items: 2250 27.00 ' 30.00 35.00 37.50 ... ; nrircl Y oril. r .in i.xtrii ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. l en n en 15 (-11 i:; cu 21 cu (let. yiiir set irw . . . wl for a ijill.. 'I',ili' Mll;inlji( of ( ,111111111- I r Willi retail sli priors. Him iiiiiim'v-bhviii(j (illcr num. .In 4 (ill mil the ci.iiMn (in ji h:i It i;ick-iilic iHint-l of KiMlotK M llriin HiiikrH Ih.x tr and any tw box tops ' from Our Business Is To Save You Moicy ... Not Cost You Money L&m- fc-i I Hnn Mend ln-diiy wild 2 nnd $I.(M1 for rs-n-ii ml ordered t o K el loe u 'h (illlHHWJir" Otrer. It(.x l.rrCK, 'I'ororilo, ( lnUino You'll enjoy Ciin:i(ln') CANADIAN WHISKY While East This Summer i CRUISH ,' The? Beautiful ; Sogucnoy and i St. Lawrence ! 5 to 8 days. J CONSULT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT fiivunril. Ilrjin l-l;ikeH They're freHlier, criHpler, tiiBtier. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS ... ' of 1 We will deliver the rreezer fully slocked wllh a 3 months' supplJ choice. YOU select what you want when you want it. You O Q freezer in 24 months or less but CON riNUE to enjoy BULK uu PRIVILEGES. You'll pocket those rash savings year a"er yeai. Your monthly paymenls for food and freezer must not exceed your former expenses for food clone CANADA'S i-wb'J h Its genial, rich flavour makes G&W Honilcd Stock as delightful to the taste as it is easy on the entertainment bii.lgel! G00DERHAM t WORTS LTD. Established 1832 llialilh r ,if Ihv mutinied riti:i: iH:i;r OrrtmffiM M hiky FAVOURITE No Obligation Of Course t l-.-l BRAN Reddy-Pak Foods Ltd. 595-R1 f LAKES Phone Prince George 1395 Fourth Avenue W.IPWW Tliie ailvcriisemeiU is nut iulililieJ or dinilayeil l.y the I.i.uur Cmilrul Board or bv he Government of Hriti-h Oilirml.ia. 213 Second St. 1'hone 620 r ,