Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 6, 1954 WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE OUTDOORS Big Fines Set by Australia in Spy y MELBOURNE 0 Prime Min-I dence would be liable to up to canr-ti B"'MU0n "Cj With MARTY THAT fiv vein.!' lrnnilo,..,. In . ister Robert Menzies today an Th 7 inform , into whether anv ner, "T" agents' If , 1. - r v. or- ! were used.. m j TOMMY BOULTER and "DOM" I ; DOMINATO are quite relurtant 1 1 to talk about the splendid luck l ' they enjoyed over a recent weel;-' ' end in Terrace. They shared a BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Last Showina Toninl, r MOTHER S DAY"- Sunday May 9 j a MOTIHER she asks so little, she gives so much, i J ' You'll find the gift of her choice right at i Wallace's, of course. ! !S5..B.E.?L..?I9?.?j Sometimes Declarer Must Postpone leading Trumps If you are looking for a way to drive your partner out of his mind, I suggest the following. Fail to pick up all of the outstanding trumps and have an opponent ruff in to defeat an otherwise ice-cold nounced a new system of fines and jail terms directed against anyone obstructing a forthcoming probe into Russia's spy system in Australia. Wide and unprecedented powers will be granted a royal commission due to open the investigation soon. The probe was set off by evidence given to authorities last month by Vladlmar Petrov, third secretary at the Soviet embassy, who broke with communism and waa granted political asylum al"i)g with his wife. Menzies. speaking after the Federal Executive Council had anproved the commission's terms of reference, said a fine of up to $1,100 will be imposed on a witness who fails to answer a summons to appear for questioning or refuses to be sworn or answer relevant questions. Any witness giving false evi- o Not Mi,. JQmPicture! Friday & Saturday Only DANCE FRIDAY MAY 7th Legion Auditorium Puuth dealer Neither Hide vulnerable Nurtta (Mrs. Keen) S K 8 S H S 4 D K Q t 5 4 C 8 a it :t I III. M'h) t Mr. lic-l) H 10 6 87 8 2 II J 10 V 6 H K 7 9 D A 8 D J ID 0 C K 10 4 3 C- i) U 7 Mi. ill h (Mr. NliiW S A Q JO 4 H A 8 8, D 8 I CA J 6, The bWIlln: : Kontli West' 1 Pus 1 2 U 2 S Pans 3 S 4 a All Pass It dtL. j Of cours? there are times when j par ner will hnte you because i you do clear the trump suit all your first opportunity. That !s. ' there are a number of situations i where the declarer must postpone leading trumps and today's' hand illustrates one of themj the caso where the trumps in dummy must be proscifcd as vital entries. Mr. Meek led the j:wk of! hearts, dummy and Mr. Ab'l ! played low. Mr. Muzzy won with j Hie aee. He promptly cashed the I i ee of spades. Then rc allzing ! ' suddenly that he' was going to have to do something about setting up dummy's diamonds, ! 1 lie switched to the deuce of that mm j catch of eight fresh-run stccl-head from the Copper River. BOB ARMSTRONG not nearly so rcticpnt. He is anxious to tell the world just how he whipped a 15-pound Cloyah fighter. All the fine points on "how to do it" may be had for the asking. The female of the species are in the news again. Reports from upriver tell of the large mosquitoes already feeding on human gore and from around Tclk-wa comes news of a second treeing by moose of a well-known logger of that district. This time no fewer Uian three cow mouse ganged up on the guy and kept him aloft several hours. Don't ever believe thai this stunt is only pulled by the bulls. Your columnist's exper-ienre Is that the cows are much oflener the guilty ones. The re?-, fon? From close observation I would say Unit the bull feels forlorn and incomplete when his antlers have dropped. He nets disconsolate and crestfallen and lacks the usual masculine pugnacity, and is content to hung around close to the cows all winter. Conies this time of year when his new antlers are well started but tender, he seeks no trouble. This condition pertains until early next fall when his masculinity again becomes assertive and he seeks outlet. The cows right now are beginning to notice the weight of their unborn calves, they have had to put up with the annoyance of dogs, coyotes and wolves during the deep snow time. Most of the bulls have, already headed into higher pastures leaving the cows without the security of their numbers and the cows no longer feci like getting up and clearing out every time somebody goes by. Consequently some luckless traveler gets treed by thoroughly annoyed cow moose every spring. It "J Music by THE WECTERNA1RES I 5 f M UI "T . V-i in JK ' fj. u Tta TUB 'I. Mr. Muzy should have led a diamond at trick two. Mr. Meek , ; would duek and the queen would Am5sioj$r00 COME AND TEST OUR 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a rcxl economical car try our A-:!0 Al'STIN. A complete car with a low price of only Sll'ij, that includes foam rubber seals, leather upholstery, directional signals and heater-defroster unit. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE 1 ;. , . t i i suit. Mr. Meek duekeu and dummy's queen won. There was no way for Mr. Muzzy to know that the ace was now alone on his left and he faced the problem of returning to his hand for another diamond lead. If he led to the ace of clubs, he would set up a club loser and that, with two heart losers and the ace of diamonds, would beat him. So he came to his hand with the queen of spades and led his last diamond. Mr. Meek won and returned the ten of hearts. This won and another heart went to Mr. Abel's king. A club was returned and wm. Now a small spade to in' aee and another diamond lead.) Mr. Meek would win and. as b-! lore, the defenders would cash two hearts and follow with a ' club lead Win wlU. the aee of clubs and i lead the queen of spades. When i Mr. Meek's 10 drops, the rest of i the play falls neatly Into plac;;. Overtake with the king of spades, return a small diamond and ruff it high. Next, the tout of spades to the eight spot puts dummy in to cash two good diamonds and get rid of both clubs from the closed hand. KIDDIES ARCH-PAL RUNNERS for play and everyday CUSHION HEEL ARCH SUPPORT CUSHION INSOLE Sniif heel fit, lots of toe room. in colors of: Warner Bros. TODAY TO SATURDAY THEY'RE IN THE MOVIES HOW I TODAY Mr. Muzzy won with the ace. i Now he led a spade to dummy's ' king and cashed the king of diamonds, stuffing a club. But he i still had a club loser and down ' WAYNE MORRIS This thing I have seen so many times. Living among moose tn Joan weldon Ruby, Plaid Blue, Green, Brown, Red, Jade. Sizes 4 to 2. Priced from $2.69 to $2.95 i he went. 1 Keeping ARP BIRMINGHAM. England I Ren Mat, Sat. ?. p m FASHION FOOTWEAR TOTE, t'AMOl'S PI.WKKSTIHIAIM Alt nToo. ( tu;i)v 7 p.m. 9 p.m. SEWS - CARTOON Cvenings 7-9 p.m. Saturday Mat. 2-4:20 p.m. ders! The Birminahiim eiv.l do- fence committee decided nnani-! mously Monday to continue its sir raid ! precaution activiti es despite the local Labor party's demands that the committee bo suspended. j The Labor party wants to follow the lead given by Coventry. The Labor-controlled Coventry : ci!y council decided civil defence I precautions were poinUess In view of the power of the II-! bomb as shown by the United I States tests in the Pacific last March. MEW PROOF i Springtime is Fun Time THAT MILLIONS CAN END THE NEED FOR LAXATIVES winter p'.tjie one gets to recognize , . il animal.;, to see the differences in tcinpcr-ment, to notice how certain animals move off grudgingly if .it all when approached or disturbed, and to learn that the antler-less bull is invariably inoffensive. So what with cow moose' and biting female mosquitoes it seems to be a woman's world after all. OnUnrio is now out with the policy of no bounties for prc-o:tor.v rnimwls Mid birds, 'lii't makes the tre nd pretly well Can-t uo-wiuu, os ii should be! - - Ths column thinks thru this en s silinon derby should not be confined to Rod & Gun club members, since this would force visiting anglers into two payments and perhaps licence fees us well. Furthermore, the very occos onal angler might not consider himself of club membership calibre, yet be willing to hip In for his chince at n princ. Let 'cm all come! In case there arc some who worry and wonder as to the welfare of the patients at Miller Bay, and whether they will be ill-affected by the noise or shooting at the newly Hr-qulrwJ elub grounds at Oliver Lake, let it be known that ofriciHl sliootiii--noise tests were made and satisfactorily passed before the lease was granted. Yes . . . and soon it will be summer and those bright sunny days will bring even more funtime. BICYCLES it find relief from constipation this jafc, natural way without the injurious effects of repeated laxative use. ELKS SOCIAL EVENING SATURDAY NITE May 8th tiffin HALL V5 Doncing 9 to 1 JAKE'S ORCHESTRA Top quality bicycles made especially to withstand heavy use. Strong steel construction, coupled with long-wearing mechanism and beautiful design will make these bikes a favorite with your child. An excellent award for a job at school that has been well done. Witk ill the prosccs of medical from $59.50 h mm eac been (Iciii'hini nii-d ii, a series of s$ Mem.M ir rliiiii.d studies reported in Icidinj; uredical joiitnaK. In inn- liilv, 1.(S ikihiIc, ih know n det.iv t-i bow r limi i ii,n were yivi n uiir oinv r- ol All limn daily lor inn- week. 'I hev weie Mludied rlinit.illy ami iiilh X -My w ith tests made beloie, during and after they Hr the All -Uruii. p in h i. is rutriK, i7 smm t it ih-hmii; i i imcaT. iiri i-Mi'sr i ji sr i os. Low Down Payment . . . Very Easy Te rms V rtence over the p.i-l .TO yeir, authorities say there is no longer any leason why iiresnhiiity sliuijld lie $ur most w idespread human malady. Nor it thetc any ri-.i nil fnr de-loping thr habitual 11 c of Imi .Ii lanatrves of dosing wit hone prepa-ration after another in i!u ain II"!1 of finlill. ill Soiiie tnli.. r p. II, the "secret" of Id. ling lelicl. I oni continual Mudy ol llie piob im Has shown that ') llif- iiio-l cmmon. iiim: asl iiteiil.iiuy i" faft f in the diet. And when llii is the la-., the i'umiou -en e CorreetioD is to be found ivjI in t lie drug store but in your joml slnrel WAGONS STROLLERS Lightweight, but sturdy tubular steel frame, chrome-plated. Plastic upholstery. Ball-bearing wheels. Rubber tires. Just the thing for convenience now when Mother can get out i A fOU.OW-li-r STVDY. Steel box wagon with strong undercarriage. Ball -bearing wheels with heavy rubber tires. Lots of fun for the junior lad. llhllUI IIIW o Oil OF tTnSIO(; Ht.hS A MHHC Ll 1 fMlf.STS H IIP AIIY PKHH kAr.T ",Ht A I.I. H H AS i' 4 T,,AT A I I Rh HAS I'HO. $9.50 S.7.95 i linn, i run ah hai. i 1 IN SPRING A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY . . . It u; ed to turn to love and poetry hut. in this day and age, it scrim U be love and a jalopy. Lover boys don't seem to be writing poetry any more and, from what we recall of our youth, Its probably just as well, So now that the sap is beginning to flow, most of the young swains around town seem to have their eyes on some dame, or some jalopy or both. In cither ease we wish them luck. We hope they all get both. But about that jalopy whether you want some old boat to pole around In or one of the sleek newer models, we've got 'cm. These and many others to choose from. 50 Pontiac Tudor 52 Monarch Sedan tOODS Ar. V mE IMKMlhl) TO tAT, Al l. Till: h.l l.MI S IS SK KSSARY tOH TIIK lllh-I.O: AOIIAt:i: OF (DM. MPS COSSI IfAl IPS. READY MADE DRAPES SUNDAY : f l wrrrrri m. I he UM-jiUjI ldnl.ive ol All T.MH ! thil il ,inn. tlie enure of liie;:ul.nny due Irr iie-ulticieiit bulk. (. Iieinn ;d or drn-l ie IdXdlivcs, on the ulliei Ii.iimI. ic iiilcndcd only for oenitlit iclie.1 of teinpurdr tupojije When inTojile ore llic- pnKlueta hl)itu.dly -in a ay liul Uxaiivc niaker neer intended Ihcy punish their digestive s'.item in a way that nature never intended. Instead ol correcting the cause, they oitco actually make their condition worse. If you think you must take a laxative preparation oceasionally, do so. But ifo It wisely. Kead the instructions completely. AVOID EXCLS-Sl V IL USA! ;E. But or natural and lasting rrtiej put your Irusl tn nature. Jut rat (Liily a one-nunte scrimp oj A It-Bran fur breakjasi and drink plenty oj water. Thia All-Bran plan has helped mil-lions to re-est.ililish and to maintain healthful regularity. Why not you? One of . these elcmeiiM is natural l.roiu bulk, or vegetable crllulose, hith normally and n.ilnrjlly aids Ibe rhythmic process ol elimination. Ill no natural food is this ualnral hulk so ideally found as in the outer lcr, or bran, of the whole wheat kernel which, as you know, if lost in modern nulling. MOTHER'S. Heater. Low mileage. Not a scratch. Only Automatic transmission. Light green paint. Fine Materials ... with Superb Tailoring You'll enjoy the bright colors, the fine fabrics and the beautirul design of these top-quality drapes. They're ready made to fit your window perfectly, and you have a wide selection to match any decor. Brighten up your home today with a set of these better drapes. V 1 DAY $1465 $2295 Because of the known value of bran in promoting regularity the Kellogg Cnniiany has produced a complete, .hole bran ith mil hint; taken ajray to lessen its effectiveness olr I under the name of Kclluug's All-Bran, the natural laxative cereal. kivw elective is All-Bran? This has 38 Ford Sedan 49 Ford Sedan SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR DOZENS OF IDEAL GIFT SUGGESTIONS 'i'.V.' r-iT 1i Good Motor i new tires. Loaded with all accessories, including twin stacks. $9.50 From Set $195 $1225 GORDON and ANDERSON YOUR FORD-MONAftCH DEALER . BOB, PARKER LTD. ' 5 J , : '1THE JlOM, OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" ki aatvral luilin mtm! j Phone 46 1 1 I