rimce Kupeu LajiIv Nevvs Thursday, May B, 195V Lemori Posts Fourth Win ! Wolves Defence Crumbles As V's Even Cup Series , Hank Grcenb.-rg hij two home troit 'linl JiVuil4 w, runs for Detroit Tigers against! the trick ",J 0 it, New York Yankee. 13 year, agojin the today, in hU last game before1 world pri ' 1 1 induction into the United States by four WIH'' 8a:r'p to tlw As Tribe Bests A s 7-2 Forty-Eight Game Schedule For Senior Ball League I yJl JKlllJI kJUl I lmUU - UC I VERNON, B.C. fi Penticton Monday on renucion jce. 1 vs shushed through Sudbury ine aeience, wnicn Dnmea me It will be ' Play Ball" this Sunday in Prince Rupert and Wolves' crumbline defence Wed- British Columbia team in the j CLOUDHOPPERs Terrace as the first games of the 1054 Prince Rupert and District m'sday night to jolt the eastern first game, lenked badly and ! Baseball League get underway, weather permitting. team 6-2 and square the best- only the ngile work of Sudbury' At Roosevelt Park the Gordon and Anderson team will n,Pt of-seven series for the Allan Cup goalie Al Millar Kept the score it one game apiece. from soaring higher. Sudbury took the opener 2-1 ! F,om here, the series shifts to I Kelowna for the third game Fri- By BFN PHLFG AIl j them on seven hits. His mates Associated Prens Sports Writer ! solved five St. LOUIS pitcllfts for Bob Lemon looked at his 4-0 ; 13 safeties including four singles record today, doublecheeked the; by Fnrl Torgeson. date and began wondering if this ; 'the Cubs had hit at least one is, Mi? season he escapes his home run in every ftame this May jinx. j spring until they met up with -The 33-year-old Cleveland 1 their old team-mate Russ Mever. righthander, busiest pitcher in : The Brooklyn lefthander shut the American League in I9i2 and ihem out on seven hits for his 1053. has won at least 20 "nines j nth straight over the Chicago-in five of the last six years. But j ens. May has been his hard-luck j Eddie Mathews hit his first month. I home run for Milwaukee in 10 Wednesday night, in his first : p'ny.s and drove in another run May appearance this e.son. ; with a sacrifice fly in the first Lemon coasted to a 7-2 victory j inning in beating the Pirates, over Philadelphia Athletics. It j . Esquires while the Commercial Hotel nine will travel to Terrace for a double-header. Game time for the Roosevelt Park game is 1:30 while the first half of the Terrace twin bill starts at 1 o'clock and the second game immediately following a short intermission. Following is the complete 1054 Prince Rupert and District Baseball schedule: (CLIP THIS SHEET FOR FUTURE REFERENCE) Aces Seeking I day with the fourth slated for j Penticton Saturday. Venue of if the fifth is still to be decided. ! Ki J,' ft'. Win Tonight WKite ' or , Amber ' Hi V's were ln command all the!? wav. with Dick Warwick. Jim J Falrburn, Jack Mclntyre, Grant ' J Warwick. Kevin Conway andij Ron Montgomery dividing the V spoils. ; J. Ed Harrison and Gord Heale ;I tallied for Sudbury. f The ffnme was a carbon-cony ; f CALGARY (T Quebec Aces, clnmpions of the Quebec Senior Hockey League and the east's hope to take the Edinburgh Trophy, will be gunning for a victory tonight when they meet (..lti.iiy SUinpcdera, the West Hockey League ' champions, ' of Monday 'Bht' brawl. Ij. in the second game of the best- i.f-nine east-west series. Do 'You Enjoy -a New with 17 penalties handed out in , each. Wolves, who picked up 11 in the first game, were assessed 10 Wednesday night. ! was his fifth start, and his j fourth complete game. j Two years ago he won 22 nidi lost 11. Whfn M.iv e.nne dropped five cut of six. ! (inly one game Wednesday, Detroit 'at Doston in the Annv can League, was postponed be-j cause of the elements. Wash'njton's nob PorterfieM. ! the American League's bisge.t winner last season, plnded Bob; Kei gan of Chicago YVlvte Sox j 1-0 for his first shutout. Balti-j mere's Bob Tuiley lo:.' a two- Released Seal Downs Bears For Wenatchee Ex The t'.i:!ai!;n l" s ' Nick O'Time" i.-i the Western International, League nickname-for pitcher Ted Shindor. Released by San Fram-isco of Ares need a victory to tie the j .ciies at a game apiece. They , dropped the opener Tuesday PENALTIES A KEY PAKT night by an embarrassing 8-1 This time, penalties played a ' ore. Third game will be played key part In the scoring. V's con i Experience? ' 3 CtOUDHOPPERS CREATE THE j , ; DELIGHTFUL ILLUSION OF 5 k ' WALKING ON AIR! at Edmonton Saturday night. latter for the second time this! the Pacific Coast Lea" lie. .Shin-year. 4-2 to New York Yankees, j dor arrived at Wenatchee Wrd-I11 the National League Pliil.t-! nesday niht and was put rigid dclphi.i made it two in a row to work. over St. Louis. 10-3. Milwaukee I Rm,t ln . r(,Iinfr . ,1,,. necting four times while Sudbury was shorthanded and the j Wolves making a manpower ad- vantage pay off once. I Dick Warwick put Penticton ! ahead 1-0 on a play with Mc-( Intyre In the first period. Fair-burn backhanded a rebound tn at . 3:17 of the second to make Iti 2-0 and Millar didn't even see i Melntvie's screen shot which ' made It 3-0. j 1 ' 'jrlow . . . Wedge . . . Closed j May 13 R Thursday Commercial Hotel vs Esquires 16 R . Sunday G & A vs Commercial Hotel lfl T Sunday Terrace vs Esquires 16 T Sunday Esquires vs Terrace , , 20 R Thursday O & A vs Esquires 23 R Sunday Esquires vs Commercial Hotel 23 T Sunday Terrace vs G Sr. A I 23 T Sunduy G 6i A vs Terrace 27 R Thursday Commercial Hotel vs Esquires I 30 R Sunday Terrace vs G & A 1 30 R Sunday G & A vs Terrace 'June 1 R Tuesday Fsuuires vb Cnmmereiil Hotel 3 R Thursday Commercial Hotel vs Esquires 6 R Sunday G & A vs Esquires 6 T Sunday Terrace vs Commercial Unlet I 6 T Sunday Commercial Hotel vs Terrace ', 10 R Thursday Commercial Hotel vs G & A : 13 T Sunday Esquires vs Terrace j 13 T Sunday Terrace vs Esquires 13 R Sunday G & A vs Commercial Hotel 17 R Thursday Esquires vs G & &A 20 R Sunday Commercial Hotel vs Esquires 20 T Sunday Terrace vs G & A . 20 T Sunday G & A vs Terrace 24 R Thursday G & A vs Commercial Hotel 27 R Sunday Commercial Hotel vs Terrace ! 27 . R Sunday Terrace vs Commrivial Hotel I 20 R Tuesday Esquires vs G & A ! July 1 R Thursday G &i A vs Commercial Hotel ! 4 T Sunday Terrace vs Esquires j 4 T Sunday Fsrmires vs Terrace 4 R Sunday Commercial Hotel vs G & A 8 R Thursday Esquires vs G ft A 11 T Sunday G & A vs Terrace 11 T Sunday TVrr-ief. vs O ,tr A 11 , R Sunday Esquires vs Commercial Hotel 15 R Thursday G & A .vs Esquires 18 T Sunday Terrace vs Commerciil Hotel 18 T Sunday Commercial Hotel vs Terrace 18 R Sunday Esquires vs G & A 2' R Thursday G & A vs Commercial Hotel 25 R Sunday Esquires vs Terrace 25 R Sunday Terrace vs Esnuires 27 R Tuesday Commercial Hotel vs G & A 29 R Thursday Commercial Hotel vs E. quires VOGUE SHOES LI longden Ready For U. K. Ride LONDON i Reuters) Johnny Longden, F h g 1 i s h - born U.S. saddle star, who learned his rid-in:; in Alberta, will fly to England next week to ride AJberta Ranches' Irish-trained colt. Blue . Sail, in the, derby trial stakes at I.ir.eficld Park. Sussex, May 14. Frank More OFerrall, man-!: r for Blue Sail's Canadian owners, said an application has been made to the stewards of the , English Jockey Club for a temporary licence for Longden. 5 506 Third Avenue W. gi third inning. Shandor nipped a : Yakima rally, then spaced I've 1 hits while striking out nine men as the Chiefs downed the Bears S-3. Tile former Calgarv Stamped-crs, the WIL's orphan teem. , played two of the seven gam"-; 1 allotted them in last wok's league directive ordering surrender of their owners' franchise. The Stampeders split a day-night doub'eii'ader, losing 5-1 at Spokane in the afternoon i.nd winiiin 8-7 at night. Salem ar.J Vancouver eleo divided a day-niaht douhl 'he.icli at Vancouver. Vaneou vr won the outlier 10-0 behind five-hit pitching by Jack Nicholas ana Salem bounced back 11-3 at beat Pittsburgh . 4-1. Urcoklyi whipped Chicago 7-0 and Sal Maglie of New York Gir.nU w..s beaten for the first time fitter winning four. 7-1 by Cincinnati. The pitching duel at Washington was broken up in the eighth inning when Kceg.in, who had won line? in a row. walkul Roy s;.'pvits with the be,;: s loaded.' Tirley's v.'ik'ness piovel hi-, dawnfall as Baltimore paid its first vi.-et lo Yankee Stadium. The f:i:tballiiii righth :i n d e r walked the bars full in the fifth.; watched one run come home or. a yu rifiee sr.u.vro bur.l by Eel-; die Lopat said then, after another welk. .-caved up a fat pitch, th.t Jo-, Collins b! is ted fur u three-; an t-iple. P.obin RoVvts came h.ick 34! hcu; i ett ;- .nv knoe.S-n'd out by the CarcHnuis end checked VAHCOUVU. B.C., JUtT 30 AUG. COATS 0o r&bulot Wc have Just received a large hlpment of full length Sjitins conts. Come In and Compare our values. Priced from BECAUSE THEY GIVE THE Homer by Ex-Major Leaguers Give Beavers, Rainiers Wins , By The Cannman Pr- r.n.ain' t three loss-. I. Nenl nisht. V'ictoiia ; n :c'.ed T' i-Ci'y 7-6 and Lewistcn eu l. sted Edmonton 11-8. While the Stampeders battled thvou",h lh doi'bleb.eadcr at Spokane the nrob'em of disnos- j ing of their franchise remained 1 ; the league's No. 1 headache. j Nov playing directly under ! leatrue control, the club will fin-- QUICKEST, EASIEST SHAVES $25-00 MAJGB LEAGUE LEADERS I A couple of old baseball hands Oakland catcher, hit a homer in hoisted Seattle and Portland the ninth with one on. Thi back onto the Pacific Coast Ojks held onto fi-.st place, bo-iLfigue victory wagon "Wedncs- eau.;e: Hollywood ou":.li";,'cd iripv niiht. jond place San L'iego for a 10-." I Gene Bearden. former AmerU i win. It was thi t- ' on l in , bh up at Spokane Thursday. nmht, then move to Lewiston for a four-game scries ending Sun SHORTIES day. Leagu; ,i! :n ran I.eaeuo ace now huri-nsr fori row for the Stars. For good-looking, refreshing shaves always use Gillette Blue Blades. For extra convenience buy them in Gillette Dispensers with used-blade compartments. 20-blade size $1.00-10-blade size 50c. (Regular package -5 for 25c.) Will MH't't a,, ---o : r, lwli Wll !UC AN I.I i: A B R H Tullle. Drtrntt .. s 8 21 (iiNHlman, Boston ..51 5 'If) GroUi, Chirao .... 74 8 27 Rosen. Oi'vliHKl .... Bt 12 22 Jensen. Boston . 48 8 17 Huns Minosi). Clita :o. 17. i Kcatue. soacea lour nils ana v-iaumt Select your shortle now while our stock at its best. Priced from Spokane Saturday to make San vie to: y ovei w Francisco to Sacramento. 354 final decision on the franchise.; S0CKl'a nonle run s tne "in- OUT COMES Vy. 1 NEW rflADI V VVI ' 5 V DRESSES kuns batted ln Mm-jso and F;iin. Chicago 17. Hits (Jroth. Chicago. 27. Doubles CJroth. Chicalio, 7. Tl ijjUt Minoso. C'luriit-o. 3 Honic runs Four playeis tied with Come in and bcc our new cottons for the Spring and' Summer season, hi misses' and half-sizes. Priced from j They will vote whether to move;"' - "'w mohu i-. it to another city. Tacoma.i Walt Jurinith, another ex-jwash., Butte, Mont., and Leth- j major leaguer and veteran PCL ! bridge, Alia., have been men-; hand, hit two round-trippers in ' tioned whether to make the club Portland's 9-2 win ivcr Los ;a permanent road team, or Angeles. I whether to disband the team. , The weak hittiry Angels suc- The Stampeders were left climbed to the submarine slants homeless last week when WIL j of Joe Nicholas as Portland took president Robert B. Abel, chir- the decision. iii't the Calvary owner had "ab-j Judnich hit a homer with two jandoncd" the team, ordered the 'on in the first, .singled another buses Seven players tied Stolen wit ii i pitchers tied .it Pitc1lnn-Fmir 4-01.000. HATS CANADIAN LEGION Curling Club Final Meeting May 7-8 p.m. in the Legion Board Room $5 Complete ypur spring: outfit with a hat from the. Universal. Straws and Felts franchise surrendered. ' run over in the fifth, and un-j loaded his .second homer ln the i seventh with one on. Altogether Strlkenut: Turlev. B ihimore, 37 nation , 1 1: M.I i: All R H Pel. Saner.' Chieao .... 55 21 22 .400 Jackson. Chicago . . 5 15 23 .30V tinkler. Brooklyn . . 70 12 27 .3K0 Mlislal. St. Louis . 70 20 27 ,3Bti Jahlonskl. St. Louis 04 10 32 .381 Runs Sauer, Chicai'o. 21. Huns halted in Bell. Cincinnati and MuMal and Janloni.ki, St. Lovii. 21. k- Hits Jablnmkl. St. Louii. 32. EXTRA SPECIAL Piche, Laporte inAiynji..uij.MUtiJLH,iintmj SHARKSKIN BLOUSES Top Spring Loop Judnich was responsible for six rims. Fred Richards, Angel first baseman and leading home run hitter, socked his ninth In the seventh inning and Bob Usher hit another for Los Angeles in the ninth. Lefty Bearden was pretty much the whole show at Oakland. Besides the home run, the ex-American Leaguer collected three Pluln tailored" .style. Washable. White only. j H Sbes 12 to 2t) ; I .' I r Triples Kix. players tn-d v.uh 2. ; 1 " Ile 01 eaapinners ' Hnmc Euns- -eauer, ChicaRO anc'i i lolled men's high single with 303 Mrsiai. st. Louis a. i nd John Laporte of Wrathall's wmiT Ba.-a.- uve player., t1 : took men's high thref with 728 I'ltchmi; Six players tied at 2-0 ' as the Spring five-pin bowling 1 000 ! league cot under wav this wepk mid t hoi o's a not her Marie Lofgren. Whalen's lead- ,,vi,i.i,,.ti.s oj.uni. muwauKte anu llad'.'lv. St. Loins. 31. hits and drove in three runs as off lady, bowled 204 for women's. he acked hls third victory Wei c o m e fo r y o u . . MEN'S SUITS CALVERT HOUSE iiiii Millie, iiuu rvay jonnson oi Leftovers took women's high three with 647. Whalen's team took high game with 1194. and Leftovers captured high three with 3.489. Results: Aces 4. Family Market 0: Leftovers 4, Headpinners 0: No-names 4, Hotshots 0; Last Night's Fights By The Astioeiated Press BALTIMORE Holly Mims, 156'2, Washington, knocked out George Johnson, 152 H, Trenton, N.J. (9). All pure wool yarn-dyed worsted fabrics. ' Tailored at Towne Hall. Double and single- breasted styles.' In regulars and talis. . PKICKI) I'KOM 7 BY THE bAUON 'O ALL A I 1 MEXICO CITY Floro Hita, ! Wrathall's 3. Whalen's 1; Can-tels 3. Lucky Strikes 1; Tig-r Cats 3. Chums 1. I ii : $6950 134, Havana, outpointed Jose Arguelles, 134, Mexico (10). MEN'S "T" SHIRTS ( Made in England. Exceptional value. . WM only. Sizes S-M-L ....'. " -i i MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 0 CJltf of colors J;! Washable gabardine. Large selection to choose from. Sizes S-M-L-OS ) FRST c L FLAVOR f Qjt quality, 1 I CANNED FOODS MEN'S SHIRTS & SHORTS J . ... iu ci,Art have FOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY ft uooo quamy couon nu. waistband and taped fronts. Sizes S-M-L. i fHE U N I VERS CALVERT HOUSE (jr Mf(srtt7Jt ity Calvert Distillers limited, Amherttburq, Ontario. Third Avenue ot Sixth INS ADrmiSIMtNt IS NUT rUtllSHIO OK DISrt AYtO It THE tlOUOl lOMIIOt I0D 01 H THE (OrflNMIM Of IIIIISK COIUMII -r