The steel pen-nib was Intro- Baghdad in Iraq, great inter riuced in London in 1803. and I national air traffic centre for was soon manufactured in large ' Asia, was founded in the 8th numbers. century. he t-armers Gamble Acreage for Seeding Edward VIII "Indiscreet" Ih 1930 s Says Morrison Prince Rupert Daily New Thursday, May 6, 1954 i:;!:iS!)N ! There have been some su?- .a r pcstlons. among producer erouus :' .:! farmers . that with large grain surpluses ,i, ;r siMln? seed- ; overhanring world markets, per- '(iiu wir.t basic j haps less grain should be pro-;j i ll next fall. I duced this year and more acre- reflects Morrison's more than 30 years at Westminster, as a mem- ' ber of six parliaments, and a minister in four governments under three prime ministers. Of the 1931 crisis, when he was a minister in the MacDon- ; aid government, Morrison suggests that George V erred in judgment after consulting the Opposition leaders, including , f , V 0,.l !- V i r I'mwwiiiait li , -: - v) untii aouui age ictt to summerfullow. How-.u July 31 icver, the majority of producers rl-'V LONDON (CP)-King George V erred when he accepted the 1931 Ramsey MacDonald National government and Edward VIII was indiscreet in his famous "Something must be done" phrase regarding the unemployment of the 1930 s, writes Herbert Morrison in "Government and Parliament; a Survey From the Inside" Oxford. The book has been greeted as the best study of the Ins and outs of the mother of parliaments in years. Non-political, ii Inu; time, umr, nave r-.jcctrd this view. Initial prices for thi 1953-5 i initial , -!n-:it board ' crop year, announced lnsi snrim I, ,,,-vi ..ting of of, wr $iAQ hushel for No. 1 Stanley Baldwin. The National government, says Morrison, was strong because MacDonald was supported by only a handful of ni buii' v which the j northern wheat, 65 cents a bush-r pimiuccrs under', for No 2 oalg and 99 ccntJ a r wai i.'s- . bushel for No. 3 CW barfcy. basis ;ii:nounceinenij delivery at Vancouver or the idea of; j nkphenri I The whoat board i ually aue- i,. ir prouuc th best possl-!,,iiiiih; opera ! ments these Initial prices by mld-j year interim payments, usually mf On Jlcr 2)y ... X PURSES f& A" the scason'5 3 - J$S- smartest styles and NStiSc" latest shades. " "' World Population 4r000r000r000 In 30 Years' Time Howe ' ,,y 20 mitji 9 bushpl ,or ncat.- ' i, tin1 l.'oinmous in ,v. CQF-A.s- rmw-v'T, in 3 year ior U1C Iir.'ii time in some years, there has been no interim payment. ,m Iv niiniiunei ill not be Labor members. Morrison says the King was not unconstitutional, but might well have called for a Conservative-Liberal government, even t hough MacDonald himself sug-g'sted the a!!-pnr'y Nationil government. Of Edward VIII, Morrison writes that his unemployment remarks could have been construed as criticism of the prevailing Conservative government and says "it was a case of the sovereign publicly expressing views on matters which were the subject of political controversy." "Ex-monarchs are wise to be silent," he adds, speaking of articles written later by the Duke of Windsor piii.- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. The world's population will rise by 1,500,000.000 persons in the next 30 years, with dubious prospect of world production to support such an increase. United Nations experts say. In a 400-page report on popu f "ii ' tmrnittfr . s ' jWrf-fir " -- i i ii " i r Suburban Shops Pose No Threat To City Centres TORONTO f The .suburban .shopping centre has its place-, but It ts to suggest that it will slipplant downtown areas in the foreseeable future, Morgan Reld. Assistant' vice president, retail of Simpsons-Scar, lation, the UN forecasts that rising birth rates and lowered death rates may increase the THIS TWO-VKAK-OM Kitchener, Out., girl has trouble keeping up with the art of growing up. While copying mommy with high-heeled shoes and lip stick, her dignity slipped. present figure or 2,500,000.000 to , my factor j ' ,,, ,,1 I he moment i ,!! iiiiii'e clearly j , in i, ason," he ! .,,.1 1 n 1 1 1, will ; ',,,,1,. 1 . Inic the end 1 1. hi mil much ' ,, , h v. '.'-en dc-r ,1 i.sii ; by cold 1 work lik"Iy - j.i.- within a -;y ih it till' j,, ... S pi.iii to rontin-1 In- ; :.! ac- ; v. ii-ii Canada ;,,"lli,'", llll .llf'is Of !') ihiii uf oats and Group of "Rookie Products Boosts British Export List t W V TASTGS scram) 4.000,000,000 in a generation. And ! while the potential exists to sus- , tain such an Increase, the re- j port finds "ignorance, greed, 1 strife, superstition and blind ad- j herence to tradition" will pre- vent mankind from accomplishing works that are In his power. Production of the necessities of life will not keep pace with the expansion of population, and llv-ino- standards will be denressed. Ltd., says. He advised retailers, In an address to the annual conference of the Canadian Retail Federation, to examine whether pro- war. Track-laying tractors, oil-drilling machinery and air-con- Genuine Leather' HAND BAGS dilioning equipment tall Into this bracket. LONDON CI . A bunch ol "rookie"' products, few of them more than 20 years old, is bringing vital strength to Britain's team of export goods. The newcomers, discovered or commercially developed during and after the war, range from penicillin and plastics to diescls exported regularly In, 5,3 the report which was ln nwi EUEQ pre-war years, but which have had exceptionally rapid expan in Clack Brown, preparation several years. The report finds that the highest fertility rates are in the or Navy sion since. These include elec dway Cafe tric refrigerators, plastics audi r inrf.riai rio Golden 'i?'" petroleum products. velopment. Medical advances Those hose discovery , over the last few years are re- w m-spJ new developments are; based on retail experience, or J are promotional el torts whera i and has no profitable alternate j use. I "It is not possible," he saia, ' "to sues how many of the shopping centres now on drawing Kia 'd.s will actually come lno reality and be successful, but I : should be very surprised if more : than one out of 10 are really jiHtiflablc. 1 ' As with ether new Ideas of i undoubted but limited merit, the shopping centre has been defin-(ely over-sold.'" STILL CO DOWNTOWN The same survey showed that consumers In suburban areas up to 15 miles "away from the hub rnde 50 p?r cent ol their pm- and determents. Last year they earned 283.300,000 or 11.2 per .-ent of all t'nitrrj Kingdom exports. The ftnid of trade, which has Just Issued a progress report on the new exports, lumps, them Into three groups. riatei from the war years. This is I fleeted in the gradual extension the biggest group and includes j of life expectancy, even in under-many types of electronic equlp-i developed areas, " ment. j ' Suggested steps toward a solu- TV EXPORTS SPIRAL tlon are easinS 01 restrictions in . , , ,.,!, i International trade and migrate board cues from this la,c countries in 7Z J?e-.?lm i, .-''I0". : mrger economic units, and inten- At Only 55.95 $6.95 or Trios;-, exported in only negligible quantities before the Pacific i Z VK'slficaMon of International co- ... . 'i.l equipment. Sales of r these .. l.vw-i1, inmnM f'om r2.300.000 Perauon- ' OF FOOD OF COOKING Kl 01 I (1KIII US hone 200 ln 1948 to 10,100.000 last year. Breeders Swing Fur Fashions television equipment earnings Uso yprini.'d from 55.000 to '.12 C1 n the sai' period. E-.'.ui". ile' of cO'-'hW hr- Family Shoe Store , Dutch Children Honor War Dead To "Long Hairs ' rs'er - threshers climbed bv LIMITED WfJTfM CANAUS U2CEJT SIUIM6 IVAP0KATID MILK .; me than tl.OPO.000 Irom 1951 U : wml lc Phone 357: 638 Third Ave. W. LONDON r--A move made rc- 1933 The world market for this ,,'r"J,,r'' im. - :ently by Canadian fur breeders' product has traditionally ' b-wn eflomis w-jk encn grave oi m, ceim to be swinging fur fashion I rMminated bv Canada and the Canadian military cemetery here, ! 1-200 school children today plac- , lavor C v -'uiuu sicns. United States. . ..... I t,.ii ih, oiihrm..!-, mnn.irn... ' P 'Tn honour's of daffodils. iff ill chascs downtown. Mr. Reid said purchases b categories showed the following own. own percentages: Fur coats 54; Jewelry 63; chtna ir.d g!asswear 57; slice -and pillow cases 57; furniture 56. In the 15 to 35 mile limit, V to 21 per cent of rheppers dr peiidlrr on Hie mcrchandis went downtown. Downtown arcas, however, i' they were to maintain and increase their position, must study the need for Improved transportation and beter parking Ml' .rr'i.'i .-iiijih:; I i rre in - 1 . ii amie of Britain'- "Top 12,"M""ed bv several othrs coun-who accordingly lured Cana-j tries, including Canada, h .s jian silver fox in .spring and I """""d V in six years to summer couture styles. Now Lo i- ! 4,455.000. Export of other anti-rinn's b fur traders are showin ' birti-s have also crown and sire thrt indicate a giadu il amnion wing lowa::ls Ion. ei-li.iini WirHtiis were placed at th : ernes of remembrance bv Onee'i J illan-.'s -"idc. Vice-Admiral Ro"t "n Tonnin"en: th" . Onirlinv. 'h"Trc (I'lff-iirrs. Paul Twan-gi'ry find Autnl'o's ambissa-rvr Allied Stirling on behalf if th- diplomatic porps. Conimenuirating the C nudian soldiers who were killed in Ihi S rond World War, Rev. A. C. Austen, a Canadi in chaplain, al-sr. saiu prayers for the sueces.-r.t th? Geneva conference. Korean Pilots In Minority 7fo 'j,pum as .me aa liii.c ji wilt- cillin despite strong competition from the United States, which enjoys the major share , of -ho world market. Synthetic determents have joined the export trade .since 1945 and last year they brought in 2.597.000. Britain has olfj become the largest exporter of prefabricated buildings and their export value climbed to 3,815,-000 in 1953. pelts. In the last decade with the cv eeptii;n of lynx, up-to-date anJ rasliionable fur cnsmWrs hvt been short-haired styles rang-, o c io'ir beaver lamb. Even this spring .pru mi- ;a-liuiis wihilbreaker in bl-ick moleskl.i r(.,;,-,,i .vooi 1)Cek ine, culf. and waisl'oan;!. I 'it "1 1 " ! I I SWEATERS DALKEITH FAST RELIEF FOR RliEUIC PAII1 Imported from England, made by world-renowned manufacturers. "All full-fashioned garments. Fast dvc. Shrink-resistant. . ,1 ' ' hi1 i 1 ,v i- ! tp4 i - 1 iti i- !r i ! V- EVGX Short Sleeve s "T r c Long Slocvc $8.95 Pullover J Pullover Cardigans 59.95 Says Ex-Flyer ! SAN FKAVCISCO There were more Russian than North K r-an pi'.ots tying tor the Com-rnnnls's In the Kurenn war. Noil Kum Sok 22. told reporters when Iv'lr-iiclrd in the United Stales ill' week He is th:- former North Korean fl '.liter pilot who got $100,000 Tor turning a MiO-I3 Jet plane over t,i America. authorities. Hie sohor-fared uiuiig ma.i wu.s met. at the airport hy K r-enn consul Gen. Young Hun CIuhi nnil his wile, waving Suiii.i iviri-iiii Ha -s. lie shrunk visible as he came down the sU'ps of the plane fiom Manila to face n lvii'rrv -r populii!' flashlmli-.s and television fliKxlllght.s. Noh will leave for Wa.shint'in onighl. ii- is going lo the Uiu- y-9 " -I- i1 LADIES' SLIPS Nylon trimmed and tailored styles. O Ravon crepe trimmed and tailored styles. I lm a JvcriiMintni is not pullishcU or ilisplayt..! by the Ltquor Oniirnl Boanl or h the ocrnmeni of Hnliill Cutumbt However, the b?e-t thr.i" MM honey-ro'.orcd lamb sports a xt ?i r ort "f wolf just right f-r skiing parties. A fur iii ni, tva'.'R .nnd W"l!.-iin to i''n a fur sinre in Montreal, featured ft'ilo f"" v'", inj wear combining white fox tiii h mink. One of the o"'-ti'ii(liH Ci"rili;iii fox dej-lns shown at the routine. riis-p ay wns a cream linen waisi-;lcr:'h rnpc like two hirte cif-i with fox. i-nliir -dlhir." liimmed ! Tied at -lie m'"k with a bo.v, I p .,!.. rx-inscd nec.l;line In a fur .luw at a select west end tlrpurlment stoic, short fui 1 j.icki'ts attnic'rd much atlen-il.m. A Chino-e 1'inib n,i,,i 1 'nx ruff- eavc sumnier warmth 'o dark li "ions. Noto Stamps ANKAR (CP) - Tlv- Turkish post office issued thro new ws'ii"" stninns romnirinoratin'; Mic fifth nnnivors'TV of th- $2-98, $3-98 $5.95 fisinlccts odorizes fovesStcins ns, Brightens erslt v or Delaware for a year to spend a small portion of the ivward he ' ol from Gen. Ma1' W. Clark last Sept. 21 when lie untied his MiO at Kimpo air- tc'H neir Seoul. The airman said he'know n-i-ii.,,,r niion' th iiiid nun rewar-1 ""irt-s arp V, ASCII ni :n- nrt,.r h,.r r hn limiieri "I rnme North AU'-intlc. Treaty Or J l'"ll! to free country because of yeais Mm, which Turkey Joined in io, . ,..,he free," he said in 1052. The st.imps show symbolic halting En-jlish. l""S by Tm ki lt -artists. j f TO LADIES' BLOUSES Nylons, Orion, Rayon Crepe, Sharkskin. Assorted shades and styles. 52-98 3.98 $4.95 LADIES' GLOVES Nylon, Iiayon and Plnkham double-woven fabric. All new shades. Assorted styles. Pair $1.25 $1.95 $2-25 'r ,.X;V-4- ':-Hj if ',f-;'' ?L rf'' JL iiillilllllH'l "' "i "T KETCHIKAN i Work bonders in DotitXi-ih till MotfuJ Unit Vm to Hie punch by slmiiig your furs in our cold-storage vaults NOW! COMHTlTtf , I I'll SIJtVK K: kndbl AND f M'iln .im haihnwm J nJ '" il: laundry. J JN I Safe for , f Septic Tanks CO o'Vft Cleaning Glazing ""!:'t' S'i 1 A II ll"fr '"""i'""' stv'es. Harvev Woods. M V I I IN HI IX r Holeproof and Orient. 51 and 54 $1.50: 15 and 30 denier. PAIR Re-sry!ing Repairing ALL ALASKA MONDAY - WEDNESDAY . SATURDAY PHONE 266 Call at our Uptown Office ifi L I . it CT" I FRASER & PAYNE Phone 974 ,or trce P'ckuP BILL SCUBY FURS Third Avenue West w 1