. Printe Rupert Duiiy News Tuesday, May J 2, 1U53 I Jl a "i 1 . ..! ' . t . - J S LaS JS3 3 1 jr:r' - i' 'I' '-, '"v -,4 1 kMttU s, i. i : r v- ntafflti in', ,n- li'Wilitt MAY, 1952 -Jtrtsteele car tills i MM ; " -it A. . v!" l i ' i' -"t?t -,55. -f'. ?, - 'try ' - m'V- " ' l!'I lllrlld; J. 7 V 't AS Si'nf i inctplion, ford of Canada hat prodvctd man than 2,750,000 cars Wlrvclrl, tuktlantially fnor than any othtr CuJian monufattunr. A ) mrmsKrungann (TniincBvenimeim J ri r-- f- ir r ? wn n n liiriet ilAiiil-;iiiiler-oiio-- roof in -Xanacla I V I. 1 I- . v Nt ' " "'X.-' ' .1 ,. J 1 V 1-' , ? k. j ; t .. ; -! .i , 5, - . - , ' . ' i. ; f - ., -1 : '. ..' ' . "a . ' t - 4 'j '"ft -' -- 4 ,.'f i' V i r . . r -' I- . - i - i --. ' f V..'" 1'-" . . - 'f . ' 4k 't ' . i. Fortvline yc-nrs aRo, a little group of onthusial?1gS ;5 ; SL founded Foi-d of Canada, and opened Canada's first automobile Ford-Oakville are for one f -embFo t . and Meteor Ford and Mercury Trucks. MonarchMercury cars -and nlant. Now. still pioneering -still building for the future-Ford of Canada Iwgins production in the greatest automobile assembly plant ever con-, structed in this country. Ford-Oakville is, in fact, the largest plant under one roof in Canada. But sheer physical size is not the important thing about this new industrial giant Brought into operat ion in Ford of Canada's 50th Year, this great new plant is a multi-million-dollar pledge of this company's firm, cont inuing resolve to keep in step with Canada through the great future that plainly lies ahead. Built in record time ...by Canadians.. . . to serve Canadians ... to build cars and trucks to suit our Canadian needs and preferences, Ford-Oakville is truly an' achievement of which all throughout the country may well be proud. Manufacturing operations will continue to be handled at Ford of Canada's Windsor plants where another vast expansion program is now under way,, to provide the largest automotive engine plant in Canada, the most up-to- date automotive foundry, and a machine shop second to none in modem' tools and precision equipment. These Ford of Canada plants represent a dist inct forward step in Canada's fast-moving progress as an industrial nation. They will mean better car and trucks for you better values for your money and better servio through our 1,100 dealers from coast to coast. - " ' . l THf HIW fOKO-OAKVUU . . . AlmUy film aW fvn HYt cr. At fr4 ml Cawa car amtf fruclri wilt ki mmUtl kv wlltm rhm mw rvtwr. my a mhmt wmrlamf fvn cta ! rush 4000 ana. FIFTY YEARS fJIWARO WUH F08D