it 1 I' I Pilnce Rupeit Daily News As I See It Ray Reflects and Reminisce Canada's Postmaster-General sight. The wonder is tint along the St i tint not without without manifold manifold resoon- respon the the rnilw.iv railway hotujmn between PrW Prince o.." : ' Larenr . Wi-dne.sday, November 4. 1S53 f ? - i' : is Rupert and Terrace more h-ive rr, sibilities. A gentleman living to. rVhite Rock near Vancouver re-iiiests him to reduce the sbe jf postage stamps so there will )e less to lick. Sht'd' In Ma,. ltl ; Lawrence, the v boat, and the CPR?tS Z und thirt- J n vanished. We praise and picture gllTftntl.-! cliffs and perhaps mur-tmir "magnificent." Trui-enough, but It can't restore An Inrtcp.nttPiit dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern mid Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of circulation Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. Fubllshed by The Prince Ruprrl Dailv News Limited J- F- MAQOR. President H. Ci. PERRY. Vice-President Subscription Rates: riv carrler-Per week. 2Sc: per month. $1 00; per year. l(!.oo. BtPto Dy mall Per month. 75c; per year. (8 .00. '"tft-.-5 uthorl?ed as second class mail by the Post Office Department. Ottawa. iT LEAST AN ADVANT.U.H There wasn't a car to he sighted, or perhaps nyt to ba :ven Imagined away b;ick in ?randdaddy's day. They knew i Canada is running short of dentists. Putting it another way, , the cavity should be plugged. Advice from Toronto says the nriCP Of fPK h lii hoar. face Rights in News Pioneers Still Needed rf V" i M' J- , - 1 T ' ' All about pioneer stuff. Think of A HIGH official in the public .service in Toronto has stirred up a storm nf public indignation by it having all that parking ;pace and nowhere to go to Ripple Rock excavating ap I & Find Out For Y0) i I ' . ..uiinilU- ing to fall. Nevertheless Its possible to stand the strain a whit Monger. To pay two bits or 55 i cents for "two in thp water, any style" in near any cale. is 'Still " something to contemplate i with composure- pears to be making headway nl- '.'ord "ni i lu til!' II: hough, would you believe i', on a there was once a proposition t put a bridge there, this bcin,? Ahen Victoria fancied being the It now costs more to TV prno-ram. 1 h i ; m:M- Ulinss Hi.' i hi hiid fl nil ins Iul- and it h.itl insulting Tin til fii i ! ' 'i: by in-, UM-rt t;e ( ni'.'tT know child than It once did to edu-i CPR terminal city. Few jobs are of more real import aife th"-i ca-.e i-.y.ncr. Mercury. CONTRACTS! I complete removal of the Rock, i No one disputes this, and nono wish to. I Moreover, ugliness in n man, : if it accompanied utrcnftth. ol-! most always prejudices- one hi ;its favor. Superiors almost n'-v-ier have a feeling of jealousy or j indifference Andre Maurois. luunint!. One niiL'.ht well . wonder by )ihi qii.i:ifi;'auim the city of i i ns public officials, ji ak "Brother, where have you oeen since 1900?" THERE are certain terms, which no one would ever use, except ;i.s deliberate insults. And anybody who would rielihtratlv iKf. Collisions on water are not: any the fewer, quite a number: bring free of lots of life. Here j ! sflmethlnic that offers contrast.) Indeed, the comparison sicken.H. ! A few weeks hack, Norwegian' and Italian freighters met in; " i .. . -' i 4;.; v,L -'V :" Ji, fEHHAPS there have never been more fascinating tales told than those originating with our country's early jn'oneers who, coming from many lands, wevo inspired with a coin-ape that t!ioy themselve?! could 'lardly have defined. In spite of -bard ship. .ul'f.-ii!-r uv dis'ipiiintiiH'iit t bey did iu.t turn lark hi the rountry from which I bey had eonv. where they had i-od honies, comfort, and ample food. They had A-anled to come to this new land to start anew, to stand on their own feet and build up the kind of life :bey desired for themselves and families. How many of us today feel like those men and women who pioneered Canada, or to get closer to home, those who at the turn of the century stood pn a hilltop and first looked down upon this valley we now inhabit? There were no houses, no streets, no power lines," no roads, no railway. We have these conveniences today, not alone because people stood looking over the land, dreaming dreams and seeing visions, but because they also went out and worked hard for them. And in a certain sense we, too, are pioneers. In our daily living we lack many of the conveniences of our city neighbors. Right here in Terrace vve need a better water system, a proper powerage system, and better hospital accommodation and equipment we want a road to Kitimat. I low are we going to get .them? Only if we follow the example of our predecessors and go out after them. a word which he knew hurl the U't'llllHS Of another human hn- Reporting on her social sue-1 cesses, one girl is reported t! have told the other that she was j doing well, being virtually m! her last lap now. J inu. on the mere tround of rai-inl or national origin, shade of skia. shape of nose, or slant of eye- SQUADRON l.i:.III K KEITll R. ClttKNAWAV, 37, of Woodville, Out., receives the McKee Trans-Canada Trophy for 1952 from Defence Minister Brooke ClaMon at the. Air Industries and Transport Association banquet at the Chateau Laurier. The award, presented annually for outstanding service in the advancement of Canadian aviation, was won by SL Greenaway for his development of new methods of aerial navigation in polar regions. His "Twilight Computer," perfected in 1952 has been adopted by the RCAF and the RAF fur standard issue to crews engaged in Northern flying. -The trophy was donated by the late Dalzell McKee of Pittsburgh, a wealthy aviation enthusiast who made the firs.t trans-Canada flight by seaplane in 1926. SUFFERERS . - i in j . Stop mi-irralile Kinun miffpring urow mat person is just not a civilized person. A. J. Arnold or the Jewish Western Bulletin suggests th:it j there should be a npwsnitnpr now wun npvoMnus Kimttly. ' ( Hreful mwlical testn iihow that Nevo rnmpletely rliminatp Bigger, single SMO' head shavel CLOSER any other method, dry. Try it ihrndrof . to uiefolki for Chris; and radio "Goodwill Code" to inua utli-ring in ilnwl all I caws Kvi n ciinmic run, and tliose which have had rprourxe to mritiial (IrainaRe. Safe for Dr Alfred Kinsey, naturally enough, appears to think th u what he writes ought to be interesting. He's a medical nun and never strays far from sexu t! affairs. One suspects something like this. Red propaganda in Asia can change plenty. Hundreds of unfaithful wives, fo: example. But no one Is going to feel distressed, or wonder what next. RUPERT M guard against misuse of terms which are derogatory I do not know of any reput- pble newspaper in all Canada which will Dprniit . Ihp 1IAP ,lf I 1 children ana adult. i PACIFIC PHARMACO CO LTD. Victoria Report H4 WtrKlriNt. Viinrwiw a. H.C. AND ELECTP rank ofending terms like nis;- ! ger, wop. dago, bohunk, kike, or . . by J. K. Nesbitt v., ... :OTSX!:Jw J Phone 644 nink. j A few days ago a small group nf lie vtnrA i ... 1 Occasionally something slip. . hectic. Sometimes Miss Alice was , humiliated at the goings-on of sister fcmily. Ii2r a niBpor m tno Ross Bay Cemetery, the mis!., woodpile phrase which recent-: swirling riamniv niv..., ... .... a Iv found its ttruv im ., r ' J " "-. Miss miss Alice, nine, when wnen i I saw saw he. ne.;rt'VdoVno;;rl'' ?' - A dear Relax the best way ... pause fo.4 Coke ; MAKES C.OOO EXCHANGE ! No one except the RCMP I knows where Igor Gouzenke lives , and . they do not tell. He's the young man in t ne service of the 'Soviet, and some years ago. in i Canada tipped off the Canadian : authorities. Igor and family would seem to live exclusive'', as well as comfortably, in fan far better than In Moscow. Tin'. think this ever happens again, of A cV r. r ".?lVu: . ...... u, (liltiu UllklT lilUL 1 tT IIUS- Miss Carr was a little old lady band, having retired from 84 years, blind, brieht ' 'ess, - was about to achieve a cheery as the birds she f t! 'i'elong ambition he was going How many times during the past year have we heard such remarks as British Columbia, the Land of Opportunity B.C. where they are pushing back the frontier to make way for industry industrial development springing up in the wilds of British Columbia, and so on. When the plebiscite for the new' water and sewerage systems comes ui will we have the to be a clergyman. Allcp suiri ;il the offending term is brought ;to the attention of the publishers concerned. No doubt publishers will offend his own sub-' scrilK-rs, for no other reason Khan (he accident of their birth .'' ; WE STILL do use bordi rlin. I words in B.C. lik.e Jap and :i)ouk. M.mi of that, small chance. Qviick rcfrphnvnt is important Um busy days. That's why a frosty bottle of Coke fits nny occasion. every day of her life It was my good fortune to meet Miss AM-e three years ago. I remembri she made bread for me, :erl hot tea. She was the genl'e sister of the tempestuous Emily that was lovely, but Emily snorted: "Good a hobby as any when you're old." and stamped out of the room The dear friend burst into hurt tears. Alice was I'Mtise . . . rt-fnenhv. i so mortified she hoped the floor Ar . J .. n,w pnuiiiu.-) U11U Writ- ".. ...','..u ...v iu.,i inps hnvn prnto a would onen ud nnri Ru-llfiar hpr courage to vote "Yes" and pay for it; are we willinr Hcn," Zn Ldnt" 1 Ia youraelf uguin. When a man wv.i!;., in'.t r ! showroom and plunks $2,000 for j a new auto, nownere Heir that I amount reaches the pockets of' the dealer, the mamu.ictum and suppliers of parts and nu- : terials. Some $644 has alreiulv! stuck to the fingers of P-dei al, state and tax collectors. to do something towards an adequate hospital' are ' hr"mR ,'iti"n. ""t iwi ..... i t . . 1 1 K'llllCl tllHt (Stu.lC JHD.IUCSI- IP. fanatical in their devotion to but Enllly felt better right off, everything this strange strong ?nd worked long on a fine paint-woman did. inB in oils. "l; i-o sianci pack and wait for the road to .wtpd it i nm using it. Ukp wise with the nickname "Dunk" 1 Was thon gathering material When Miss Alice ti!d me this for IXmklinbor.'So far :is I kin ? on Eml,y's llfc' and so it was I Emily was gone, sret the dear the Hiuikhobors do not vM-nl hi'd tra w,,n Miss Alice in nf r friend was gone, and Alice was cozy cottage on land that: v.-r-; over her humiliatinn anri hn mar term anv iihhk ihi.n A man has been missing from the Lome Creek mining cai:i ). following the rock sliiio ih'.t ens of nortli-ca.stcriru.S.A. re- i 'Ue pf,rt pf h,'r f:lt,lt1' I'nviy put back her head and she 'lit. Iho Icnn Vanki'i. .if I !.. the ' ' a VI,',ona 'hat is no v laugnea until the tears came tt crushed nearly everything in ; li"t t 'inn. Yank ... ,.u i,i. w Kuwt, uui wiine merii- imstru om- eyes. Kitimat: - . The early history of our country's pioneers is . both stimulating and inspiring because of their fight against odds to get what they wanted. - We have a chance right now to show vision and foresight. If we are convinced that we want and need these things, let's have the courage of our convictions and go after them. Ominrca Ucr.ilil ory remains to lend glamor ,-to ' Alice recalled for m irtt 'fhe tree" "The imf" dnri i ne present Alice was twtvvears nlrW nvin 5t s.m the boulovarde, and it blocked Emily's view of the street as she lay ill in bed. One da,y, in a rage, Emily got out of bed. fount: a ladder and a saw, proceeded to take all the branches off the lower half of the tree. Alice said She livprt in fpnr fn- rlo.,a l-milv. She appears to have b-en rmily's favorite sister. Emily called Alice her gentle ,sisle-Perhaps it was that Alice learned not to argue and row with Emily. If Emily stormed, and she Milt if I rwf find 'thai n,Hik-"Jburs do frcl imrt itX flic short term. I wllhcHalnly urVrr u. , it again, llw about it? ! ;MU Atjf.'oui susgctils Ih'it new ..p.-iprrs should never Identity i i;,, or others jn t li-im w.i in a bud liclit, bv their ; race or color if tho effect of j iich Irlentificailon Is to brin odium on a wholn iiiii,.....,.J iictiuenuy aid, Alice let ncr OTTAWA DIARY SOW stnrm . nnH frr.t ... i ttio rt.Ii.,a ...n..l ti a ... Parliament Hill political circles under different leadership-been I s ,v, tit r consider that one of the safest pin-pointed so strikingly. The We rtr- nl ? murder cases KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune-up . . . and we 11 winterize your car too. You'll be pleased with our service. t,ui iiiil ui iiri way. w"' wuum can, ior ipe Could that be what Bruce Hut- Lloe 's city property Emilv. thison meant when he wrote: sald Alice, would brook nothing "The mystery of Alice who tllat stood in her way. be it fought and subdued life on her human or tree, cwn terms, and alone." "She was either nice or nasty Alice gave Emily a tremen- shc was that way all her life, dous devotion, and Emily was ' and she would be nice one mi-grateful for it. Alice gave Emily nutc and nasty the next," said t.lirt.1 J . t . Mien Al. flirt ...... . ' M" 11 " .1 i-t. Frenehin:,:i wagers of the moment is that voting areas in the two cort-,! the Niagara Falls orovincinl hv. 'ere the sallle- The Cnt, I 1 1 1 i ' , H M i 1 fill ., l.-l election will develop an interest- e 'il" in ' .nu aiiL-le i .r ii:.r..m,.i .iif !,..... weip of pmial awm,, ilh !t1l- - .... i n. Hie LUJU 11 'he ::'U'.i'i(i of t.;pist was "' "f'lie 'l"l'c licddler 'J'rl' -'I lllBC.'l ... " ouu uncli r- i-c. mu-u sue was cross though she could no'sne looked cross and that wis ilnrlprsl.inH frm;l., i i the time tn itav ont .r atfore too many weeks or month-, "Iy V1 ;J"r f-" ''"' n i.e.- have elaiO, . -w:,f Ui" .-falrr:.hip in I he 'u- ' The likelilW,rVVs-feeMt'. . ll ' ' helping to tip the scales in the1 , s statrmcnt f newi.-en argument in PC circles over the had , , the unUng of the bullets Superior, .....vU..u iaiimj L11UI1 1 w"w..w WAV ; m ....f!.;.. ..,, ,,,.,11 taken - standing, nifjtafr". Af id Uieir r nuint'luils numerniK nii.n. .r,t If a, m tt'oni qi . ..i.-j 1 i read Egyptian Alice-i,nn asK no questions:? -. e - - " r k m . . UUeStioned Emilv iw. ' Alice rfmembererl nrn ri- A, I let Emily be Emilv knna'in,, ; when Emily made h..r fni inn revealed the continuance of thp n.-..u, eomfovt!'b!c til J.llff-:,'vy it hn win almi.t AUTO party m that Fmilv urnnlfl hn TTn,ll.. J!'1 Alice mnrln n J- l . ...'bniMl ixltl.t .( C.-C.l. dlr wiMcl wi Ckw margin " of his victory, ..v-vu.j, j: PC caii- uuil- ti leadership Hues .ii,ca at bl the llie UIVIIIDI Olympic ,. nuu.u sillily, mj " ..v. ii r uilTclU 3 mutter how much others 'get over her fuiv Emilv !itwni Certainly the Niaenrn f-.ii. . . Jey declared frankly i Barnes. Nor are U.S. negro sold r40RTH STAR. BOTTLING WO try to make Emily over. - impatient, wanted a frame for j. result provides made-to-nrrier t . mWy: My victory is a tri-;iers identified as such In the Service Limited evidence to bolster the ens. n " w rremler rost- .casualty lists. bui tmny would not live with P'cture. fahe ripped a picket from Alice lice . . or the other sisters. .u- . .j. fcjiii; She 'he fence, and made - her own lift Rh nrr.olrl would ... 11 , : frnnt,, Alice A linn . .. J .n . Rut nn nno . ' rl,ont 'E Trinre Rupert, B.C. "Coke" Is a 1st ert'd tra elf -mark. Vtm uiir, iliilltjl Hi y limPlIT the anti-Drew faction. Federally lesson ior Federal PC's it seems to me Mr- Arnold is no1 ' t not live in n liaillt- counted 10 and ouite right. He asks what coin' househoW of old maids- In the whrn that did no good, she there was in identifying as an! ' nowever- od and sick Hnrtimadetne batch of bread Easi In' th. .1. ..,.... tired, worn out bv the fnrv that I Miss Alice taucht in hnr iwn the seat is a new one. Provin- ;ula "rdly be clearer; what daily it has been Liberal for ,y "eed 18 a leuder ' the Pedal most 20 years. In the Federal flal fleld w'th the acceptability election of last August the new Fede'al voters that Premier Feoeral seat returned W L ,0' s ,0 Provincial voters. Houck, who resigned from the tneory. t""t was what the Communist premier of British 'She put into npr work' Emily Private school for more than 40 Gianana Dr, Jagan. . cutiage. to h Jla,. " "'e ooys ana girls 1948 convention was supposed to ! - to me that' Precisely I " , ZT'l ,r' who would ? for " she .T.nt:nT.n?Jer folgot her' 1 . .7, )V l,( i '.'4 S V' ' '-.4 "' ' ' !-e v.--'Hi 1 :r-'i& legislature in order to run as T .i hfra I nondilnin xt i i p. I taught them some navp fivdn tho n4 ;wi.ause ine racp wrr le una c v.-... i.e. DUl, U)ey , Iiral-P Qnartmunf. c? j... ine " lessons wl of life, uik, a u love love v....,... ou uctcrmin- o ed was Emily on keeping her j r'atuie, a sense of fair play, that individuality that she painted a ' sclf-disclpline is a "must" in rnnph hnnrH u,hito . . . tifa if r.v... i.. u- i . . the main factors in the Guiana situation that it was necessary to identify the ex-premier by his racial origin. But his main proposal is ail to the good. FAST EASTB0UND SERVICE " ia.iuiuil.v;. " J ' " -iJll 11UW, 111 me f provincial by-election arising , r" Dlew's selection was the from Houck's resignation tiie ?C now . demonstrated to Frost Conservative leadership in ,Vf been ""happily mistaken the province has achieved a 1 !? he C0Ulcl 8wl"B bat'k into noteworthy upset by electing PC, PC oolumri tne Ontario rid-candidate Arthur Jolley by a gs wnleh ai'e traditionally majority of more than 3 000 1 Conservative. Nowhere else on the political J "whether Th "V m' map has the contrast between Jn It he Bra"s the ineffectiveness of the Con- 1 are ,.6 i i B t0 be glven an servatives underlie Drew leaS-:PTrUnLty l Upon ,hc ership-and their effectWenet P . tyeadership' A" siens "ldl-effectiveness cate that the Drew clinue in the V. "'"" in uiacK 1 " ""c Lu "e nappy, anu i letters, printed: "For Miss Alice Bive of one's inner strength to Carr take the path to the riehf others. for Miss Emily Carr take the i She was the last of the Carr gravel path to the left." and and old-time Victorians sighed she nailed this sign to the front j wVn they learned of her death, 8ai,e' , . . :for It was somehow pleasant tt . astJfew years of Emily'rj : think of old Miss Alice in hei u ife (she died in 1945) in the cozy cottage by the park, on ... .r cottaSe nt'ar Beacon jland her father settled nearly a Hill park must ften have been i century ago Dredge Token From Voncouver Harbor Project VANCOUVER (CP) -A dredge in the First Narrows, which has been the subject of controversy among shipping men. has hn-n 5 Trans-Continental Flights Daily Calgary $ 39.95 Edmonton . $ JJ-J, '' Rcgino 66.55 Saskatoon Q, Winnipeg . . 89.95 Toronto Montreal .181.40 New York '0i All fares quoted are one way Save with TCA's FAMILY FARE PLAN-. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays at W See your Travel Agent or call TCA In Vancouver pariy intends to sit tight if at all possible. But the Niagara Falls by-election is one more happening that's going to make it more difficult for the Drew leadership to resist popular opinion In the party. removed until further notice. Department of Transport advls- i ed today, The dredge is partly blamed! by some shipping experts for several recent accidents at the Narrows. GENERAL ELECTRIC Automatic Steam Irons 656. Howe St. (Opp. Georgia n" " 2 Irons in 1 $24 50 mAtlS-tAfJADA DINING. PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS NTERNATIONAl I Ml. T I A NIIC hfc T ANSCONTININTAl NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION RE VOTERS LIST TilCrt,of ReviSion shaM sit on November I6fh, at 10 a.m., in the Mayor's office to correct and revise list of voters for 1953-54 voters list. R. W. LONG, Returning Officer. 1'IIK COMPUTE TBAVKl 1 lOLK LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGEHCIE Commodore Cafe Fingertip Changefrom steam to dry ironing D'al-the-Fobric Control. AUt?-1RJ RADI & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue Phone 644 1 Wallace Block