I'lnil-srtm-. NoveinWr 1H. iHnS One-Tlme Maryland HandymQn To denounce U.S. Citizenship . ,... , . " .i V. ,1 ll,n t, n,na n June Callwood Puts on Clue Bonnet Likes it Best! . had the Keys, was cut. i guad c'.ean-un KI'IOWAi;, Scotland (Reu I'll soon k.. i I tei Ki Sir Adrian Dununr, one " 'WIT hin.p handv man from Maryland will not live in1 the manor. In busy." 65 v, !uiio WilO Inherited illhClllea a a Scuttish tiCUVUSn title, line, Juct, they mrj don u"n t miu know where ucic t iney He had no lntentiw, . ing the mm! I 01 " stood in the shadow of a dere- can live on the estate. Ratepayers Reject Motion Seeking Grant From City Alderman' George Casey might be a good supporter of the Prince Rupert Community Ratepayers Association but he wasn't having any part of a motion that the city council subsidize the ratepayers 7)00 to help it carrv on its busi- i lts W0:K- Aid. Casey said the city coun- ness was defeated at an associa- j lict moss-covered mantion andl "At the moment I Just can't ! 1 him "a e,An,r dollars and at aid he will renounce his United find" a place to live in," Baronet states citizenship. ! Dunbar said, "but even bo It I . 1- 4L...111 n bAA 11.. 81) ,. vants most h . i: - I I- N N- 1 1 f. .1 ail : I L i- 1 I ' ' f - : V, V ?"" , iff ; Y- ?n out ,4 the estate Is an Whi'e he paid his first visit to , u,c - " " l,,c "The whole estate needs a less tax, in ri ts 'an hi, Ills ancestral estate at nearby Mofhrum Park Tuesday he suld: "I am going to renounce my i American ritincnslili) oecause this is my home and this Is the land of my origin." nectinz held in the Legion : en. eiecieu uy me p, tion eouldn't be rightfully called on Dunbar was born In Weymouth, England, f.O years ago. le inner.ted Mn hium Pari' auditorium. J. W. Prusky, speaking to the ; motion, said the ratepayers or- j l(flVT!ir"lf i nr. iii. AnvnniKi. k., i i, 1 'Cl'V Xj lime 4 ?l liood SU'fif'Stnm frnm lion ionization was the backbone of wnh ciuii-ki-tartinir to,,,! ,.,.... ',. "' ,H,J ckiiI. line of ( .-inula s most fanmiH to support the ratepayers. If the council was going to assess its taxpayers to subsidize the ratepayers, it would mean in effect having two city councils. t:efcr matter In any case, he added, the present council would merely iinnuUai uf Ix.iliua i ..,. i. I , ' "( Iliulji pupulur wnh every uv M,' " iT '" lunatin.r I.,...,- .. ,' . " M II M t4 . ..... ,,,, W1U1 , - of nnnaninii und nnml. nrh ih lk '',i,ii, , wnii a iiiifm tw; or ronknl w,i, wrvrd Willi corn syrup. Mullier learns quirkly Hal ii ii, " days wa-lniig or itouiu or Klu.ppmi! uln-ad ai,e with Its 40-room mansion, 15 farms and 3,400 acres of land In T.M'pm v win n h! Iitcomp 'hi1 12lh baronet of Dunbar after the death of two previous baroni;ts. He arrived in Scotland about 10 days ago and until Tuesday had been conferring with his lawyers. Dunbar, who went to the U.S. via Canada, was obviously dhan-pointed when he and his American wife, Kmma, drove up to f 'ivtiruin mansion, a crumbling ruin. He couldn't get in to see the p!a:;r. The caretaker, who !i:ir:i.mt' wriltTs: ('(impure 1)1. lit xi. Jii.rf Howft M:irr;iriiie wnli atn -prcad :tt tltitl price! Like tin' Wlfi' of miDior I rem l'liivw. you will find )K l.i'.XK Hi.ru Hoknkt a delimit', punnv-sweet Huvor is really wnnili'i lul. You II appreeiflic its nutritional v:ilm, too. Anil .miu'II find 1 K 1,1 XI' ISu K Hoxnkt. in loin toil-" rappi'd cjiunicrs, is ft niaivrl til f Kuril quarter is ideally tM.piil ionit lislil "ii the serving platr ,.r t,. slitT into neat puts. Knjr d luv ipL.lil v pill- i mi-vi'iiirnrn. Ask lf !' try' H..i K licNNLT Mitrm-niic. m-m noun-liinir "Crpiun n( Wl..,.i" " WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 90!) Third Ave. Wist Pliune Ked 878 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily K'UITUllOllSI " hot A llXlthy Buby!" in hC t'NABLE TO liSE HER ARMS because of paialyolo, 22-ycar-o!d Helen Melvln of ViTinnipcg paints as a hobby. She clenches the brush between her teeth. Her instructor said Helen has "accomplished in a year what most artists would take 10 years to learn because she has worked so hard at it." Gyros Hear of Difficulties Of Pleasing Radio Audience refer the matter to the incoming council and the new civic , ;ocly would turn it down as it j nad" a previous request by the i -,s::ociation of the same nature, j "The ratepayers can't discuss I things at city council meetings," 'Mr. Prusky soii. "I disagree that we would have two city I councils. We have a group here," 'ie said, referring to the asso- , iation, "that is working toward i Ihe advancement of the city." Aid. Casey agreed that the ' prime for a ninl tier's loving rarp. And ninny ninthcr I know ay it's Inicli praisi" for IIKINZ HAISV ML ''f ' i jjj For action try Classifieds E3 YWIM, t o o. "Skinny" Girls! 'Difficulties In plear.ing all instead, he doesn't know. He has t hmt Urnlm. Fill miMKnr n.plitinn' nlm wis : tnt nf the radio nubile were no suRee.sllon3 to nisiKe vsn.n- rim r. fo iu. ;' up u,(!v J)')llov. l. 1 unit inv In" . ik tit. ' (Wilt OitK-tlOH Ln k (l irt.il, tutr(iV'-i tt (.(., Hire's To Thai Sr;J,1H, fj. f ... in a cuiw. h,:,i nva yui nnd ImliU ymi wiih d,;,,. fill f.-i-i'. Ami il,..!', m,y ela-in ii iviili I. V-1IA lt!,lt, rue. yon'H f. -l a mw iinn in n form-lii i ina, runn-tii'ilim iidl( mode of dm "mm,!, i1 vim I tlx o to ill IIY: vim ml- -d mii Hi lillm tivi fa 'iiJc. llUnt- o promote civic welfare but, he : described by Bill Hankinson, soever. Perhaps Uie best way to said, he would rather the asso-' manager of CFPR, at the weekly please that, type of listener is ck.tion did it on its own initla-; luncheon of the Oyro Club yes- to have a program of complete live. "We hive no right to hope j terday. Uiic ;-'. ' that the city council will pro- "There is, for example, the! lne speaker said that or.e of vide funds for the ratepayers ; fellow who doesn't like any-1 the most serious criticisms is association. There are service thing," Mr. Hankinson said. "He ' that the CDC is too 'cultural" clubs in town who do good ; wm tell vou to chance it all but ami ii trvine to uive listeners (im Uny si ' n' l . 'fiy tl;r Tomo '1!)U li fM ioM'U 11, tu-w inl viUlily, UHiMy. At .ill iliiiH'4t. l or hi liiel thrive on Hi itu Baby Foodn , . . Ilic whoksomc Prr-t'oiiki'd (rruln nnd tho notitLliinic vanriy of atruinrrl rrlrat fooil prmhifis, sups, Vf pi'lflldiil nnd iliiwrls all rx-rarlly Idindid Ui nivc Imby llm uoiiri-hnn'iit hi nnil.i. And pn-nHikcd, too. All ymi luivo to ihi, molhrr, is take thrm from the tm, lifat nnd sfrvo. .And, iti'-i-dinislly, whrn linby's a nl oliler. he'll lie readv for IHINZ JI'MOlt FOOIJS. Your d.al-r has thi'm snd lliu rnmpttte varieiy of Hi mi llaliy Fonda, u well. Neil lime you're shoppuig look for Ilrius t'ciwiii, B.ihy nud Junior 1'ouils. lli.it 5tn-t,i, and Bivi- vt trolfi piTff'-l!y.. I'.il,riin fi;,!i "l.ri?il, " hip m unit'i, rfiilly lii:re -o llillil mid n,i ili.rlalde. V.I, vork, raise their own money , wnen ftsked what he would like urc-nims they do not want. Liiuub a.siii tiic riijr iu iu:iv you fan lian- ihe tiipiic of Mm them money.' in nivtiurl, Uuuki to yam Nt xl t ine y,..i -nop. ak iw OPEN TO EVERYONE a Kirdlt' thinly wiMi "l..t-11-x - ASK FOR SCOTlANO'f FAVOUKITC ION JOHNNIE WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY nut ui le yarn that liuk liiii Mr. Prusky replied that there nil ' 'I here are thoce who argue; that v;c put on loo much 'long-; huir nnf .ic," he remarked. ".et; the fact is that on the CISC light, popu'ar music is given more in-'.- i'i.xn uny other item. It is allowed about 25 per cent of the ; M' -it hv'i.'d' a 'nit: hom-;. -'.yt- . phony music is well down the Kinsmen Club Plans Yuletide Activities Here was a difference between service clubs and the ratepayers as t ) Menu , ( USEFUi HINT No 14 U-jfe&fi & ' J A 15 02. con is equal I S'f M fo 1 cups. k. ( ) 6 CH H E D FOODS K B309 S 11 y jtprutt 9ett t-in no mnwm t i nniimii nnsnart iucy re w m sociation in as much as thsi latter wus open to unlimited I od dainty, with erup edn'si, ptflty po.kn, w-jiMnn rikI niivi hound in mv fuvorue i'iil('il.LA HI AS I Ul.U TA!K. You t Vrift ill i twt' ii in a ttwi ud iiembership. It was open to 1 veryone in the city who has to i ii m a 1 foot the bill, he said. Mr. Prusky started 'a discus- j Plans for their Christmas : list ann opera la ngnt, ai uie . Party-Pack sales campaign were bottom." made by Prince Rupert Kinsmen i i ridded that .some variation , yesterday. is made in CFPR broadcasts to Hal Newman was appointed ' me?t local requirements but in ! they conform to the sion regarding the laying off ml I vvijy, to ihut Uie flnf lawn n made of, foMn over the nltcff m minothty m ivy claitW to wm'U I ran K"' j daaitif't cunbi nation of colors, too, brain? 1'iwnlia romi'l in eiofftn txquutite kmi , Willi, of ci-urne, lui. Some vi the pMtlint npron 1 make art eitt'd wnh l'rii"-illa two lone colorj and Siimplii it y triiitit icinaltuiii ih'k alo by the nmkMi oi FutwilU. So wtmttrr more Wftwn buy nvuit in Catnuia Pruiilki Butt Futd Tnpe than any uthtsi' kmdf 10 civic employees. He said that ) :-': m increased assessment had i 1 xen set aside for public works j miUe., whlch in(,luaes Frank 1 rir.tio -,al pattern. ; irojects, and if works depart nent money had run out so that Your Ana Ilhamsi . . . irnmpiiiftte and ffniifortinii rrMi'f from nw, Dafoe, till Long, George Levas Turning to new programs to and Harry Sheardown. The be heard soon In Prince Rupert, j party-packs of fancy nuts will ; Mr. Hankinson ' .said that the i be fold in a door-to-dopr cam- nvdror-oiitan opera :;eric.i would, tiiit!mM or ei't-ttivet tit v new nil I Htll.AII M -nen were being laid on, ne j X .- . U,F 11 oii.li au.h tln.ltil Hid Vflt a::9 would like to know where the money had gone. jpaign durin-r the second week start on Dec. 5. After Jan. 1 two that when.0j December. new soap operas will be intro- Aid. Casey said his subject was broached at Th" club planned to discon- dip cl as well as the pronnm! uy council, ne nap niggenieu tinuj Brinuai Christ man partv ."Folher Knows Best" and the; Unw drv msitrils . . . And if yi.u'ie k pi aw.i nmlit with ( "eiuffv" no'. I know no Mler MH 4 ' Mi-ntholatum. Sim.d you'll find vnur If n'-tiM J . ..ami w:ik.ne up fii'lmn tW rifnlii-'l Ws rherk mv lin.lmil-? Thin tmi lir a Id M PHI I". S1MPI.I.I Wnle H.illi.u.1 Itiitlt, HllO ff SliU Going SUMS. lebx, i;ou busij people.. have a Coke as ijon work Montri-ai. .St hat the semaining tunas in me for p,,,, R n cnlldren, w.-vn? r.nd Schuttr.r .-how. ri-m, emetery reserve fund be used whlch hfld grov,n t0Q big to a,.(; poU for t,,0 j!ncpy (ian!? , .id a start made on tne over- , n;ldlr pnd wil, use the ur,ds.Hr.t Radio. Arthur Oodfrey mid1 .rown drainage dltcn. - for nther piotrcts such as the thfi" the Wraith rhow. i Aid. Mike Krueger told the Christmas party for child pa-' With reference to nro-rr.ms ! neeting that the reason thejH1s st Miller Bay hospital, put on locally, Mr. Hankinson :-money had run out was that in Mickev Fudeer was named chair- said that efforts are bf int made I'm ConrincrA there are lota of people who kwp on buy ng ih familiar faabiMirand of timie Imndkerrluefa nmplv he-cause they've never got rnund lo Irvinir ai'V o'lu-r nmke . . . Hul 1 brlu ve you'll uhimb vuii r ln Diatilted, Itlcntlfd and Hotth'd in Scotland Otntentl Ui oft, JOHN WALKER ft SONS LTD. Scotch Whisky Ditlilleri keeping the city waterworks man of tne committee in charge ; 'ft v h-otulra-ts of choir system operating the water-, the Mjer Bay party ; sinr Hit in Prince lluiiert (lurim;! works accounj had been over- j A rP.ort Ly Jark Inele? of t!l., fhrbtmas s-a-:on. In nrtcH-; expended. I pr;nr npnrpp zone rn-nrrl;nnnr ' tiir-i llTPrr- are nin-is fr n Pilnce ' The life and sparkle of Coca-Cola make a little minute a big rest. There's matchless flavor in each frosty bottlo. You'll like it. mining out on someihins: good the iir-t lime ynn trv KACK-IXI.E timie haiiiiken hiefa. You'll liki- rV -lle extm sofinoiis . . . ita doiiy-oft ran--i llmt i l.;ud'r to the nous. Its extra ub-ortienry inean more ivimiurt too . . . and. bema nnirh atrona.-r, faiv-'lle i" most peart leal tiia for now (ne aa well fur ifiinv-inu enld erinm Me. take a lip and In haee-ll. KIIMARNCCK, SCOTLAND I This ucf vcrtiHcmrm u not, puDUhl j or dtspluyfd by the Mquor Control At the opening ol tne meet.- fnr the Frontier Kinvention, ' P.nrTl titii". shev and a 'oral ing Mr. Prusky told the rate-1 rr?n called Doctor':; View stressed the need for full sup- I You'll pay no more anil gut extra value I r.onrfj c.r v the Ouvornnient 01 Brtt.iRh Columbia. port by all northern clubs for the j point. It is al'.o intended that Kinventlon to take place in ! Pi-'uu-p R'Mf rt v.ill l.o in'lucl"d Prince George next year. las often as possible in the new Ralph Anderson was elected rrTirnil profuam, B.G. Profile. treasurer, replacing Wally Isher-! Th sneaker was introduced by wood, and John Banman, new Dr. I,. M. Greene and thanked payers that they should all exercise their vote in the December 10 election so that the 1953 election would be the "grand-daddy of them all." At the conclusion of the meeting the association approved a motion that a hall be hired between Dec. 3, the deadline for filing nominations, and election day, so that all candidates could speak to a public meeting. member, wan Initiated. bv Orme Stuart., A thrifty laas i3 Kit.. D., Ko bargain buys eactipc her. . IT'S TIME . . . TO IN5TAL STORM WINDOWS ''" i The fall rains are here arid winter; is not far behind. Call us ,;, ttoU'ay to Instal storm windows in YOUR Jiousc. , , ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO OUDFIt GREER &BRIDDEN LTD. . - . ...lie aa -aP rnilJ Five Parties To Contest Victoria Seat Of Hand-e-wrnp waxed paper. 215 First Avenue West Phone DOS VICTORIA Finance Minister : Einar Gunderson will be opposed by four other candidates in the i Victoria by-election Nov. 24. j When nominations closed on Monday, the list showed: . j Finance Minister Gunderson, Social Credit; George F. Gregory, Liberal; Alfred Matthews, CCF; Progressive Conservative Leader Deane Finlayson, and Mrs. Doris Blakey, Labor-Progressive party. Each time I get a refill roll The by-election was necessi I pop it in the oarton And soon I've saved enough to buy tated by the resignation of Social Crediter Percy Wright, elected last June. He resigned to allow Mr. Gunderson to contest the city seat. The minister was unsuccessful in Oak Bay in the June general election. Authorized bettlw of Coca-Col wndor contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 132 The thing I've set my heart on "Coke" Is a registered trade-mark.. em ""sa. - -in.'-s.i 'ii'r5"a,"'3fc-'li -.Xi-'su :i 5? MmWDEVlA MILK jpSiglpn FOR INFANTS K,Iinii1 FORMULA mrjH--- Golden lined Vacuum "JS" Sealed Can. and si he aw ft ft ft ft UflXED PAPER I if USE GEO. COOK Jeweller Christmas Layaway Plan A small deposit 'will hold any article until Christmas TERRACE PRINCE RUPERT ft ft I? ft ft Yen. your llaiul-e-uriii carton is ko Mining it will initial-1 M'vrrul rolln und wive you tll Mnt of u new rurton every time! Vi ln-ti you Niiop, pick up two or tliH-r llanl-r-ra; refills it' hiiuirt ci unoiny ! a. - Mm0 &m 9 mi,8.siss' ts ' ... v tl $ i VOTERS sum