Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, November 19, 1953 tat-tm-Kaw I iger Lats u It SKATE CLUB EVERY FRIDAY 9:30 p.m. Members Only Prince Rupert Civic Centre Shoe Maul Alouettes 37-12 HAMILTON (CPX A defensive television, Tiger-Cats powered wlngline loaded with all-star ma- for six converted touchdowns, terial took up the "eat-'em-raw" four ol them in the second quar-battle cry of Tiger-pat football ter. And they parlayed six Mon-fans last night as Hamilton treal mistakes into 31 of their mauled Montreal Alouettes 37-'points. TRABERT'S, SEIXAS' DEFEATS DIMS US. CUP HOPES , SYDNEY, Australia (AP) American hopes of regaining , the Davis Cup dipped today with the defeat of both Tony Trabert and Vic Selxas in the semi-finals of the New South Wales tennis championships. In what was looked upon as a preview of Davis Cup strength, the Americans went down before two 19-year-old Australians, Lewis Hoad and Ken Rosewall. Hoad whipped Trabert, the United States champion from Cincinnati, 8-1', 6-2, 5-7, 7-5. Selxas, the Wimbledon champion from Philadelphia, tumbled in straight sets before the agile Rosewall 6-4, 6-2, 6-3. - OUTDOORS Wui- nl 'oe!r: I- a KNIT WOMEN'S SANDALS Tiger-Cats ripped through the A- 1! in the opening game of the best of three Big Four final. It was the worst licking the high-powered Als have taken all year and victory 'jave hope . to Tiger-Cat supporters that this year, after four frustrating sea- Montreal line, skrrted the ends and snared passes for 424 yards, 133 rushing and 291 kicking. DEFENSIVE STARS Tiger-Cats, who had seven men nhnunn nn Thj- fanailian Pros BOYS' OXFORDS and BOOTS War,, if m maxim 1 A i MEN'S DRESS CXFORDS Sweater For the Ideal Christmas Gift ions of watching the Bengals gojBl Four defenslve this out in the playoffs they might prowled around Montreal advance to the Nov 28 iGrey Cup backfleld most of the afternoon final a Toronto. If Tiger-CaUl to ter Sam Etcneverry duplicate their in performance for losses on attempted pass the second Montreal game at plav3 And tne Tlger-cat line Sunday, the Als are dead. held the Als to a n(?t galn c, ig With 15,000 fans In the Civic yards rushing, harried them into Stadium stands -and' countless ' errors and rr.isrues that set tin clflc information before hitting the pocketbook too hard; your columnist Is here to help. There's an old timer lives In the bush a few hundred miles east of here who prefers to let n the wild creatures around him j thousands others viewing It via FASHION FOOTWEAR ; There remains ample time to stage a moose hunt this year with the season not due to close In the nearby Eastern District until December 15, and chances of success are enhanced as time goes by because the Interior conditions are bringing the animals down to the valley floor and to a snow carpet which offers good tracking facilities. Another possibility is available for those who can make the longer trip to Wells Grey Park, where both cows and bulls are fair game until November 30; i M 1 ip": tit 7S-I., Hilltops Prep For Junior Final Patterns with full instructions stocked. Simple to knit. We stock oil shades made in 4-ply yarns. live and let live, this even goes for the bears; but sometimes he has to rough them up a bit if they get too pesky. One time he returned from a trip to town and found a huge bear in his kitchen. It had climbed in the window, and was busily chewing on a home-cuted ham when our old-timer raised his "thutty-thutty" and shot it. By the time the bear quit thrashing around, it had upset the stove, a barrel of flour, broken a gallon crock of syrup, and torn down two the majority of Hamilton scoring plays. And while the tank brigade did a tremendous Job up front, the backs poured through to take three touchdown passes from Ed fjongln, one a 100-yard pass-and-run play to rookie Ray Truant. Lou Kusserow, former Columbia University half, scored three touchdowns. He took two touchdown passes from Songin, tossed a touchdown pass to Ralph Toohy and figured prominently In the School 's Out ? and Straight tCW I SASKATOON (CP) With the thermometer reading about 25 degrees above zero. Saskatoon Hilltops didn't cherish any thoughts of an outdoor practice Wednesday as they got ready for Saturday's Dominion junior football final against Windsor AKO at Griffiths Stadium here. west way in Is via Quesnel. Maybe the local hunting is not worked enough, for It appears that those In the know get venison without leaving the harbor, the latest take being a good buck deer by TED JOHNSON practically in sight of town. About a dozen years ago the 90c ot per 4-oz. hank the mk' to other Hamilton major scored by hard -plunging Merle Hapes on moose began to move into the a seven-yard smash. RASER & PAYNE Tip Logan, formerly of Queen's T. " 7 , . I ahelves of preserves in glass ; jars. What with the blood and j hair and all it took old-timer j six days to clean the place up. j When relating the episode in ! the town that weekend, some-! body asked why he had not ; waited until the bear was out- j side before he shot him. J "Why, goodness me!" he re-1 But coach Bob Am said: "If you think It is too cold out there, Just run a little faster," and it was the team's moto as they worked for more than an hour in the chilly weather. A paying crowd of some 7.200 Golden Gaels and a three-year " 'u'" " V".1". Z Third Avenue Vest , player with Tiger-CaU, converted "r"Z 'Z7 Z' Z ,at''six ft0JiChl0VZ r thrive and Increase. At this time lr 11 LCLVel"?,I8-mJ it looks a, though somebody has tut. ' jumped the gun, for a recently plied. "Then how would he have lu T: w " a B e 1 1 returned party saw only one known what I was shooting him quarter. two turn H70AVC weeks nt of for?' frti9" fans will see Hilltops and Windsor battle for the Canadian championship. It will be a record football crowd here and perhaps the largest ever to witness the national junior final. fresh track in hunting, and further reports : Moral is, don't slay in the that there is no evidence of cows bush too long! pnd calves. The Lakelse neighborhood has 'given up some SHARPEST, SMOOTHEST-FINISHED EDGES MODERN SCIENCE AND SKILL CAN PRODUCE! Cfibbatt Leads Young Marksmen j Ticket, sale was "-topped Tucs-i day after 3.000 reserved and j aporoxiinMely 1.300 general ad-' mif ion tickets had been sold. The remaining . 2,?00 tickets dozen or more bulls this year, accessibility being heightened hv thA 'irlfin(T nt Witimnt h-it. the L. Cllbbatt chalked uo fttUt k I li ; wj.i j,uL. uicjin; ci,uudy uu iir.',neiL score iur marKsinauMup this early success i Griffiths Stadium two hours be- this week when the Civic Centre JOHN TM ,;..,,.,,, w II II II 9 i VENIARD (of a small fore tine town in the south of England) his just published possibly the Rife clr.n heid its weekly shoot, of ,r;ci in; 90 poitus out of a possible to ino. R-:nrei'-un in the .22 rifle 0ilieJ.tet I P-er-tT T. C DoiKlas Saskatchewan will be here make the opening kickoff. Sunrise Captures Double Honors Ole Lead with 92 shooting was obby. lt u titled ..rly Dresser.s. Per ccnt- ' Guide" and tells the whole Other tcp sharpshooters were story, there are color plates tim Hon Hadland with 91 per cent, are- almost three-dimensional, Alan Brett wi'h 88 per cent and clear descriptions of every nec-Blll Holaate with 86 per cent. cssary step, reasons for the use The young marksmen meet ' 1jv" -we or henvy wire hoolfs m FAST RELIEF FQP. Wfss rnocr! She hes the milk reedy when ' " h?r youngsters come in- from school. Smart boy! Ma knows thot Northland Dairy milk nor rr!ly tastes swell, but packs a powerful 1 ' lo: of the vitamins and minerals end energy hs needs for running around with his-j friends. No slow poke, he! Straight to the nvi!i end then out ho goes, refreshed and ' 'rea4y for a fast game. Help your children , grow, too. Phone 7?8 FOR HOME DELiVERV.A iiMrivm') : NORTHLAND DAIRY c;, r.,-or. OTn(,,Ti -ion. e-erv Tuesday night under the lor different flies, and so on-hie h"riv C--n-n 1 of th direction of instructors Dick I would expect it to become thf I ur-if-F1 rcwn t,otu- T'iei--v Paul, Const. Cera'.d Martin and standard work for all fly tyeif Vi fh rv. -i'-rt n n w, Tammy Eou'tT. The three in- it is a lair book truly in-team sinzle ct O'U'and a hiah trustors' -rentirted . theraselves 4 vpensive at $6.30 and m-y bo 111 th-r-"-"r" trti r.f -75i . very satisfied Ivtlh. tho ioTs ef-5 btnined from Toronto; address Outsell All Other Bladei Because They Givt Finer, Easier Shaves For utmost shaving aatisfaction always uu tuper-keen Gillette Blua Bladei in your Gillette Raior. You kirn off whiskers with Uht, -gantla trokn and when you're through your face feels smooth at ailk. For extra convenience buy Gillette Blue Blades in the Gillette dispenser that makes blade changing a breeze and haa a built-in compartment for the permanent disposal of used blades. 20 blades $1.00 10 blades 50c IN IMPROVED GILLETTE DISPENSERS Rtgalar package S bladts 25e JiL Sidl! rowninT also nf S'in- fo'ts after only three week' of "upon ' request to Marty. r'?e rint-H hlh rin-le wlMi practice. . rkntv of blueblMs in the h-r a score of ?13 nn-I Or- Me- it was repjr'ed today hat or now. oth"r rlu-ks too. -r-'wwn hirh trinl with 875. des s will be awarded to mem- ;v.-u prttinw vour shire of this In f-run 2. r.V)ri'n PnU-nt. nf fcerg of t!le ciub who c'h.n mo 0od shooing? Frven h A'xnue Meat Market pPr cent proficiency. The rifle : VIC DELI cvi1entlv sekln-fro both hieh single and high cluD ls open to boys J3 years of ultim;)tP'in home-bu!lt In--e wVi-tvsh- wrierl.S ond age ta 19 nd p-essntly -has. a ,(or .bcats. ha a pretty craft i ; , J . " " membership of 24.- t I rynr bnilfin? in his .basement Limited Phone 18 cok hoth teim honors with ion: Vic tells, of farr luck on J 1 (.--.iM-eves and bluebills, the NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS hiRh sin-Wr pf 973'and a'high trinie of rf07. : RcsjI'is: Remember When ' lr rue nucks should .snow up unv IV"tt nnw VTf! YOUNG also bringing in some birds. I - firotip 1 I Tihliv Jones abdicnted th- FulTcrs 4, Lyrn.s 0: Clover- throne of amateur polfdom !r 'f afs 3, Etnrs 1; Art Murray's 3,1 years poo todav to make a series O ft A 1: Sunrise 3, New Laurels of motion pictures cn golf, 1: PR Plu nbers 3. Dom's 1; An-, which put him in the profes- The Gift that Every :rrn,wreSiate-i Ak t. f I : 'if i City stoics well supplied with jch'-istnitis gifts for outdoors-imrn, one very nice buv is riflr- nlesccne siht. carrvin? case, otc , ni ely under S200 00. take ' vrifr choice of calibres on thi 'lifetime sporting aim. Just j rbout any requirement can be I filled from local stocks, but per-hnps the ladles should get spc- I Going Pisces neltes 3, Wallaces 1. flnml buckets. Th3 great Group 2 i aeoryU shotmker climaxed hi i I MrKiy's 4. Cook's 0; Seventh gulfing career in thst 1933 sea-j Avenue Meat .Market. 4, Toilers son by winnimr the "Btl Four" 10: Mcnson's 3', Co-op 1; Rupert tit'e American open and ama-' Radio 3, Big Sisters -.1: Skeena tcur and British open and aaiv 13. Amazons 1; Dibb's 3, Hi-Fly- teur. T L T r I : l n HIRAM Mmm IMPER 1 t-rs 1. Go by air and arrive sooner, feeling fresh and rwtcd. t"Iyir.B time from Prince. Rupert VANCOUVER Vt hrs. 44.85 PRINCE GEORGE 5 V rrs: 27.90 . . 1V1 vy.M ..... . 212.85 : 86.85 189.70 HONOLULU 13'2his. MEXICO CITY UVi brs. TORONTO !334hrs. 7 -rJr. 'via Kdrminlon "via Vancouver Tutheleautiful n srvt 7 aV. I Curling Results j Results of last night's play in I the Gordon Hardware trophy I competition at the Prince Rupert ' curling club were- as follows: Miller 13, Petersen 8: MrKcnzIo Turner 5: Hollij-.ton 6, Laurie 8; Gcorscson lfi, Sieber 8; Mc-lt-ee 10, Warren 5; Parker 10, Shier 5. I In play among the ladies curl-ins club for the Columbia Cellu-i lose trophy results were: Moore 111, Hamilton 5: Lewis 11, Part-! ridge 3; Thorn 8,.Wllkins 6. j D'R'V for 2:30 p.m. Friday In j the ladles' club is as follows: Lewis vs Thorn; Partridge vs ! I'm- Ciuiiulian P..ciac Altllmw '! '"'I' 1"n I ...11 yinir rul-lri' trip l will ui'liy nuiki' -u fi.aiiKcmciits. proMiif 'complete tliroukh tick t ftvu'p no matter where you want to go. Phono I'i'i lor lnturmatlun and reservations. K TnTiT J Now is the Time To Buy Your UP-COUNTRY POTATOES From Your INDEPENDENT , FOOD STORES Potatoes ate now going into winter storage and prices wiil, therefore, increase shortly. Go&ocUau (Pacific I I CANADIAN WHISKY 111 n IVy ui,. I I cstis,i 11 him II ll ,,.r ' aasMsassssaasssssssasasJI 1 tVrT" y-tfs - ' I 1 AIRLINES Moore; Hamilton vs Waklcy. Luxury Stccimer Prince Georre 8ATLS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Forts Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN vynvtcit susa 1 miMiMiiLwij y'tn' s mm .-; l SKEENA GROCERY Phone 531 or 562 pjr.-aasvvl mm WKDNESIsAY Midnight Comfort and Service lltrar.v '"IValuer hoixs LYONS FINE FOODS Phones 250 Red 465 itilsWiiir'-"'1 For rftMervatlons write ui City 01 rti" cfflce, MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 ,r" 'rtuce Rupert, B.C. . . S i. ' m ;. J 'V4 i.; r4 ttaitf FAMOUS Ytuulm filtf WHISKY l"1 M -1 IMatauk. DISTILLERS OF THE WILLIAMS GROCERY Phone 656 s Wa.asrfl.alMWt III liiWi.- i mm the 1 This advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by Onvcrnment nf British Columbia. ''UK COMPLFTK TRVW. Sf HVIi f fQm CITY'S