! jilrTr-l"."rTT' 11 '! il . i . ...c , -r ' - w I. jm ? Prince Rupert Daiiy News OTTAVA DlARY By Nor,r,an M MacLeod "if. Friday, KUicli 2r, history has a Canadian Parliament has had too much ex-Leader had a ma jor personal ; perienee with the visits of for- txpenditure accepted so uni-rit- j eiuil dignitaries here -to harlior icaliy and even so cooperatively j the delusion that pernianen' i,y his political o:)tm-nt.s. lesulls ever come from such Hut llir re isini for Uie. mas.s I transient missions. Too ' often As I See It by Cfntore pluUft ui lajpaidra dally newspaper drotrd to the upbulldln? of Prlnox Rupori and Nortbrm and ."Antral Kimsl, Cohi.nblu Mfmbfr of Caaadlao tmt Audit Bureau of rtrni11nii , Oaaadlaa DaHy Newspaper As.soclBt1on. Pribllshed by The Prlnr" Rupert Iaily New. Umlled. 3. T. HA OO ft. Prealdeut H. O. PKKRY, Vlre-Prsnldont 8ubscrrpUon RaU: 3y carrier Per week, a5o; per month. H 00: Ier year, lflon. rtrSTStj. :y mall Per month. 75r,; per year, te oo. uUK)lzea as neeoud clan mall by the Pit omre rvpartment, Ottawa The Prime Minister's hue wiirin-girdling tour is being irrngnizcd by Parliament HU' vclorans as rnlitled to a leading place urnonl the more or li t stray i-uriasities of Canadian puiiiical history. Hard-boiled old-timers auioiiH.sl. ParliunKiit's liti!:-ian.s individual .schooled In the less effete days of savage inter-i party strife just cannot under-I stand the honey-sweet re-action ; to the trip amongst nil w-iw I See Your the only people' who really unaware of the distinguished visitor's presence are the narrow official circles who are extending him the conventional en-tertainmont for which diplo- ' mat ie protocol provide " ' ' ; In other words, such occasions' tribute which the Prime Minis- i ler has been receiving from all! parlies on his return is a rela-1 lively .simple and genuine one.j MPs of all groups fed that the. world tour, despite its super-j fieial enticements of new I .scenes and of luxury travel such a.s only the public puise could j I provide, demanded real coura", lrom a man of Mr. SL. Laurent';: Local ROOFING and SIDING Exp (;m1 Writers , .. , . THE FINEST tribute" to irbwing Industry the late Agnes M-U'-Ifir Co"""ons groups, including the Oppo.xtuori. ineir ; comment is that never before in GREER & BRIDDEI years. And so they are gencioos LIMITED ray Phone 909 215 First Ave. with their admiration. Thai's i the .situation in a nut-shell, j All hough a great many nice tilings are being said about the 'great work accomplished by the I Prime Minister en route, the : leal truth is that not too many Reflects and Reminisces are at least 90 per sent eom-! plimentary. And recognition of I that fact by ail concrrned -I even if it isn't advertised to th.' public prevents them from ' j having any deep or abiding j .significance In this connection i the late Prime Minister Mac-' kcii.ie King's' visit to Hitler Jur.t ; heroic World War II Is still 1 vividly remembered lure. Regarded as important nt the lime, it didn't mean anythlii'! in the end. Y( t these are days of highly competitive propaganda tedi- iiiipies, amongst countries no less limn amongst political partus and aiuoiig.it rival business Competitive Prices it Instalment Payment Plan k Guaranteed Workup MP'.s are impressed with trie concrete value of the trip to the taxpayers who financed it. Par- Police Search "Met" For Bomb Tiie nudist craze, it miht be said uncovers a multitude 01 .skins. Large selection ot asphalt shingles, siamg, asDesros siaing ana snakes to choos b 1 NOT IN PltAt Tl( E Ottawa's postal tannic uppcurs to be ?ettinR worse instead of showing an improvement, and more money mast be made essential, otherwise the public will he deprived of the privilege uf desls;nin how their mail Ls to be delivered. All-air service. fir.;t rate a.s it may appear in theory dites not really work out in DRESS UP FOR EASTER ' NEW YORK Police made I a bomb .search at the Metropoii-j tan Opera House last night mi.--i ing most of the opera "Fleder-I ipaus ' wiihout patrons bein 1 aware of the fact. An anonymous I telephone caller had told a tel '-! phone operator: 'The Metropoli-' Ian Opera House i.s ..oiil;; to be blown up.". Saving J firms. And the publicity won for Canada by Mr: St. Laurent'. world tour is accepted by pl4 liament as valuable, That does no! mean necessarily that a fe sour notes on the tour may not still be heard from the Opposition benches. There aie mul-teriiiu.-i that way already. But it probably will be some time ye! I 'hail was a.s follows: "Twenty-five years ano Cam-riian penitentiaries were rouph. Uaibarous would be a better ; word. Screams of outraped protest nightly filled the fetid prison air. Hut , thick .walls ol .steel and cement plus a yet-tliiikr-r blanket "of cnsurshin preveriU'fl tlx' voices from heme heard by many In the outside world. And the great majority of tlio.se who did hear turned uway in apathy and indifference. "Not so one woman, a ureal Canadian with a social conscience thai, caused .her to champion the under-privile(sed and oppressed. She heard; she founht with every resource 'it her command. Eventually she shamed a eaiious lederal government into adopting a more humane policy of handling the thousands of persons sent to penitentiaries every year. The fif, lit. was long and sustaind but Canada's new penal program of today is evidence of ! its worth. "On February 14, 10i4, this woman whose life was the very embodiment of right and ser-; vice and enlightened purpose passed to her reward. The man i behind liars lost his greatest ' benefactor and gained a patron saint. I "May you rest In peace, A-nes MacPha.il." THE ABOVE beautiful bit of writing is headed "We Lose A Friend.'' It is printed on page 17 '.of "Pathfinder" for March i 1054. "Pathfinder" is published 1 monthly hy the men who are Men's Underwear Medium weight. Mercury brand. lieglllar $3.50. t s2.75 4 NOW, Milt The patient and long-suffer before they eotne out in open. !y Nevs Clr.iiitiocl Try Do: A COMPILATION of facts and figures just rc-Xjeased hy the western division of the Canadian nljf and Paper Association reveals that this indus-ry leads the post-war parade in li.C.'s expansion. UlVith a g-ross production valued at more than ltfOinillioiis in'lO&i, the jiiilj) and paper industry as piorc than doubled in size. in the past six' years. : eSipIoys over 7,'HX) persons whoso annual pay ta& aliout .$40 millions. It is estimated that behind ery employee there is $-'52,000 in plant and o(uip-eiit. ?l'his is a pretty impressive position for an in-isp-y which went broke six months after it eom-ienced operations in 1804. That was the year in hLch R.C'.'s first pulp mill was built at Port Alber-i. Iti was designed to process ra.us and waste jiaper, s well as in make jroundwood pulp. Hut there was ttle' money, and still less experience, with which to pe'ate the mill so that it soon closed down. 'jn 1910 a fi-esh" start was made with the estab-ishrnent of a sulphite mill near Port Mellon, and ince then the imlustfy has never looked back. 'With the Columbia-Cellulose plant on the city nitikirts, Prince fin pert is a Very interested party n this development. As the mill pushes its produc-,ion from 200 to .'500 tons of pulp a day, we have a first-hand example of what the PnJp and Paper Association is talking about. Our part in the development becomes still more significant when we remember that this is not an industry based on the flash discovery of some resource that is' quickly consumed. The uranium rush of today, for example, will produce the tdiost towns of tomorrow , but with due acknowledgment .to a conservation program trees prow forever. inhere is considerable comfort in this fact. Our chil. ren' and those who come after will inherit a citythat has grown up with them and not just pome-' thiiijr that looked like a hot prospect buck in 11)51.' J Scripture PaSiaye for zJotLi'j s , J "In the house of the rightoiis s rHtich trrasure." '.. , Prov. 15:6. ' Ing British seaman is getting a ; new deal. More family life with . less time away from home. Ik Ls no longer "Join The Navy and 1 See The World" but jutlier "Join the Navy and Keep a Garden.'' Men's Dress & Sport Shirts Very attnelive color . . . Good quality. Ri . S4 51) to $5.50. NOW s3.504.oo Men's Socks Good quality. Nylons, wool and mixtures. Well-known makes. 5-T'lX'lAL, 50c,95c fair WU"lo BOOK l(ll)l)f Kl I I II S A blind Calgary man has been beaten up by drunken bullies who were fined $100 or three monthi in Jan. it s called a flea-bite .sentence. The sightless man whose nose was broken in tiie. struggle pleaoed in vain ior mercy. That should have been the . experience of the fellows who committed bodily harm in the first place. Thii odvertiment is not published or di'-played by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. MEN'S DRESS PANTS Well tailored. Iteal pixxl fit. Regular $l(K). NOW, Pair MEN'S TOPCOATS All wool covert cloth. Slip-on style Beautiful .shinies. All .-.tecs. Regular to $42 00. NOV 1 confined to the federal prison 'at Prince Albert, Saskatchew- j It is again noted in a news-!en; It Ls a twin publication of' paper that a boy or a girl may ! "Transition" another one pub- marry in Ontario without con- Ibhed hy the yomi men in New' sent of parents at age of 18 , Westminster penitentiary. I read i years. But can they do it wltli- MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS Dl.K'k and hrown Lots of wear. Good nppearnnee. SPECIAL PRICE assistance befo'-e ouc parental or after. MEN'S SPORTS JACKETS All wool iwecd.t. Ilest style and shades Rirs 39 to 41. Regular to $27.50. NOW 1 BOYS' CLOTHES and SHU I 1 both little mags each month with keen interest, but the boys who edit them manage to make 'them, "crime" nllve" and that ir I the secret of all good " tditor-f.shr)),! everywhere. The features . cover a very l-'wide! rann. Apart l'rora iei ious itopics, siK:h as those on Agnes ' MacPhuil and capital . punish-! merit, there Is a long list of j leature.s all 'worth-while. Here, 'for instance, is how the retir Boys' Blue Jeans For HUIe kids. Bizes 3 to 5. Renular $1 95. NOW, pair. ALWAYS A CHAN; K " "So Tar, 'it's ' disappointing, bat, i the possibility is nevertheless , there. Magnus Hanson and Weo dell 'Johtuon, " young- fellows of ; Juneau ars salvaging at tho i scene of the loss of the CPlt 1 coast liner Prince.? Cathleen off Point Lena near Juneau in Serj-j tember 1952. what may be found i in the wreckage of this five mil-' Hon dollar .ship i.s free game for 1.25 1 . : ' ..' . . ' 7 " , ' 0-'. J' - ,. -X, " 4 : V-"" ing "Commissioner of Sports" ends his last column: Boys' Plaid Shirts SsutforiwaV Iteg. S2.5.. i- Alt now :. I' Boys' Pullover Sweaters All sizes R eeukir $3.3.1. NOW. each Boys' Ponts playing; the-dif-i the .salvage operators. The Katii-. ' When you're leen is sixty feet down.' It's V i AUCTION SAL gamble. Oood lefent games, have a little pu-1 tience with the fellow who is j not as skillful as yourself. If j you help him he may develop into a better player than you, ! and you can take the credit! for il. . ! "The next page gives a box .score- for the fourteen game Worsteds und gabardines , . iuility. ' S RI-KCIAI. raiCK, from ..... 2-95 1; f ;Salurdayr March 27r at 2:30 p.m. in Auction Rooms, corner of McBride and Major Lahiff ts spending his declining years In Vancouver. Ho used to live in Prince Rupert, and to many old friends here, conveys his best ishes. The major, who has led a stlrrinj life, makes his dwelling place al Hy-croft, once the home of General McRae, Boys' Gym Shoes Sixes 1 to !. Good fit. Flcetfoot brand Fourth Avenue East '!4-" lube-up service means smoqther motoring You owe it to yourr.elf to give your cor the EEST lubricotion service . . . and that's just what we offer! Let our grease gun marksman get underneath it oil . . . he's always neat, fat,t and thorough. You'll be iatisfied with our - reasonable prices AND your, car's -performance;. See wi OFTEN! , SUPEe-SERVSCE "At tiii: oiim k or si:cm and si:com hiilki; Till: SMtVICK is sixonm to NONH" Resular $125. NOW, pair LOOK FOR THE NAME hockey schedule, won by Boiler House, with 21 points, against 18 lor tailors. 17' for kitchen, 8 lor vocational and 4 points for la nn." 1KB VniTINO m the masdzlnes now being issued by the: men in th.!? various penitentiaries Is of a very high order, and wide range. There is some erudite matter for instance by the prison psychiatrist who comes down to this conclusion: "I would sav from nersonal March, 1904, now near its end, can be or may become famous and that's because of thej dls-eonveys his best wish. Thi mii-the first time human beings are beginning to realUe the nearne-ts, of FEAJt. There can be a point we dare neit approach. HAVE WE ACTUALLY BEHELD IT? f off. e Tahle Mirrors 1 7x1-ft. All Wool Hiik, new 1 Oropleaf Table t New (airni-y Di lute lt-k (las Range I Inboard Knginr (BrlRfis and Strattun) 1 Singer Sewing Machine 1 Astral Fridge 2 Coal and Wood Ranges I Pot Hurner Oil Range 'i fi.l:. Vacuum Cleaners i mulct And miscellaneous article ConslstiiiK of: 1 Jhedroum Suite ' 1 10.2 o. ft. Refrigerator 1 J'hestrrfield Couch - ' 2 altery Kadlos i ' 1 Jlettrle Radio JL nest of Drawers I jUnuble Laundi-y Tub, m (complete) 1 leclrlc. Kani(ette "Clialrs 1 3oat'a Radio Teleilinne, (complete) " J y-tl. Showcase ; Itelween the Koyal and Belmout llotrlJ Advertising in the- Doily News Bring! i M experience that a very small! Is one' of the people die of 1 i Fear of cancer reasons so many It Life Today. tist your goods for this sole before Friday noon GEO. J. DAWES Japanese fishermen, injured when atomic ash, 80 miles away fell on them in a test blast, stili suffer. This Is a war menac the effect of which can be THE AUCTIONEER percentage of insane persons commit criminal acts . . . and very few criminals become Insane." Hut there are extremely down-to-earth features like the leature which asks for "larger light bulbs, , fresher, newer and less out-of-date magazines, hot , water piped into cells, four 1 razor blades instead of two per Pfcone Red 1 27, Black 846 McBride & 4th Ave. 5 '''7!T?LNX BILLY THE KID CI, CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe lor Outside Orders Phone 133 month, with lint rates of 'allowance' at 20 cents per day, Instead of a sliding scale of,. 10, 15 and 20." The magazine carries an appeal for subscriptions To "The Pathfinder" Box 180, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. The rate Is one dollar a year for 12 Issues. I believe same rates apply : fur Transition, New- Westminster, or the "TeleseoDe." Kingston Penitentiary, Ontario. STARRING ZACHARY SCOTT PRESENTED BY ONE WHOLE HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT WANT A PERFECT HOME? Take time to find tne one you want and be sure your froods are stored safely with a responsible warehouseman, 1 Phone 60 THAT'S DEPTH INDICATOR FORD of CANADA P.M. - FROM RADIO CFPR - 1240 I fjindaayh ...100 fathom t 1' Cm b installed tt a complete unit .. .or the big dial can . . be stparated and bulkhead mounted for easier viewing. Repeater dials for remote installations also available. Accuratl, dependable !o mor than 100 fathoms. RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC OA, LIMITED, PA O Your Local FORD-M0NAnj w 'The Home of Friendly Service' r.7 ! 9 Local ana Long instance moving V li 313 Third Are. W. Phone 644 'Leave it to Lindsay's" Your "Allied" Agent -