. I he Prinze Rupert Daily News Friday, March 26, 1954 Acme rmcn no i uv.iuyuiiui i pmpensation Act Changes L . must fisher- i Victoria Monday. Association Names Officials j For Music, Drama Festival i Further plans for the forth- Mrs. C. Gilkcr was appointed coming festival were made at syllabus convener frr 1954-55. this week's meeting of the ; CHROME Lus opposition to I UFAWU Research director BiU Edit government's RlBby nnd stalf organizer Har- old Wilcox new to Victoria to s Compensa- jfcmen . ...... Thursday t;et on-the-spot Information on the new Workmen' Compensation Act. Although we understand the v i t .iineii" send a two-man Victoria to Inves- 1954 DESIGNS ndmcnts' act? opens the door for compen- that pnicii w. in'!! 00 ""u" v iwiln mull 1ft c '-1,.11-L-ilr.s to In - dont know on what basis and I I vl.nii0ii of Unit- ! we ore afraid It doesn't Ro nearly f"in(i Allied Work- fitr enough." union spokesman I ,uige a m"1'1'11 on ' GeorB North said. . Spring Scats Triple-plated Chrome New smart styles New top colors in washable, burn-proof, slain and scratch-proof arborile. FOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Hall at Smithers Prince Rupert Music and Drama ' Festival Association. Miss Olive Strand was named official accompanist for the festival to be held May 11 to1 14, and O. W. Graham, district school Inspector will officially open the festival. The group approved plans to wind up the festival with a grand concert Saturday night, May 14, at which competitorr whose work has been regarded as outstanding by the adjudi-oators may be invited to perform. It w;it aiv decided to issue passes for morning and afternoon sessions for contestants and leaders, but only those competing in evening sessions will be admitted free at those night sessioni Harold Thomas, was named stage manager for evening sessions at the Civic Centre, and directors of drama groups en cipa Demolition Shortly it i,, n.,i!v N s ' ness location in the village, and One of tln-s j trmiK of sale are expected to oiiijuim.i. - 'jiuiuvu a "n't- iimiu jui Mar; Table and 4 Chairs Terms os Low as $Q.50 Down $7-00 Monthly t; ,Mmiiilwl Hall for ! will be lorn J,.,irs. ; . ar Mure. Lmmn have of construction of a modern business building on 'the site. Sale of the property was authorized by a plebiscite held in conjunction with the civic election last December. m jtirrs on i"n ' 1'"-i foilowiiie months 'h" possibilities of J K ROE HI E R l)eacllh' on ten- j J-ofio SircaJs ll Canada Packers presents TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA l enrlcd in 113 r Union j CJ(,,,n t, SLnllsiOK til' 4 a occupied by BRITAIN'S GRACEFUL iJL'EEN ELIZABETH II is shown at the first and mast .recent stages of her tour of the Commonwealth in photos that give evidence of the weight-trimming strenu-ousness of her extensive trip. At left, the young monarch is pictured shortly after her arrival by plane in Bermuda in November, and at right at Brisbane, Australia, during a 15,000-mlle tour of that continent Despite the rigors of her journey, which trimmed 20 pounds from her weight, the pretty queen has the same gracious smile. Conti tering the festival were asked to meet with Mr. Thomas to plan stage set procedure. Mrs. J. Ridsdale, business manager Is having tickets printed, and the tickets will be available at the Civic Centre, the fire hall and other downtown points. Mrs. W. S. Kergin reported on program plans, noting an increase in drama entries and decrease in music entries, and asked for a meeting of the executive following the session, to complete program arrangements. .since I'M. I 1 ceiiimUsi' n has . , Wire of tt.500 on j Jllopel't.V. COILsid- I 4 renuiiiiiig busi- j 1'EIITH, Australia (Reuters) A polio epidemic in western Australia spread today as Queen concert 1 Holds Elizabeth and the Duke of Ed-1 inburgh began their curtailed j tour of the state under extreme ! health precautions. ! , Only 1j carefully scrc-ened fV.II,lrnn nn tDA n..U. Relief Measures Urged For Hard-Hit Fishermen T rj " t i" : . )l Tea 1 1 iiiiiuivu u igg auuilD, apart OPERA NIGHT tonight CFPR- 7:30 Exploration of new bodies nfllls affecting the fishing Indus i w daffodils so W fom officials, greeted the Queen ' she arrived at the i th roc tor -OiiM-18 gold-fieRls H tea staged by town of Kalgoorlie on her way To Get Pay Boost I VANCOUVER P Some 2,100 civic workers will receive three I per cent wage Increases under agreements with the city, it was I announced Thursday. ' commercially useful .fish to try were the tremendous cap-1 'V Clwp'er, irii- ; wuc ui uic Biiittu- "ihe Daughters est, and certainly the most at the home of elosely checked, welcoming Us, 803 Borden j crowds of the Commonwealth 1 y 'afternoon. ! tour hlch bej;an in November. I ital investment which lies un- i used during most of the year ! and the deterioration of tho j quality of products. He said that fishermen. Industry and government must co-operate in , solving those problems. i round out present fishing operations, and relief measures for fishermen suffering the effects of the downward trend In the industry wcce urged at the opening of the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-Operative Association here yesterday. fn on the porch "le royai coupie iravenea Dy ; family favorite.. ' it I Visitors at the session include daffodils on me rnxguur- , the house for "c- Tlle official welcome under j Ted Sorensen, general manager j rvi 1 fn rnl a mazing sun ana a winning red I dust took only two minutes. In contrast to lengthy ceremonies j of earlier occasions. Sir Charles Gardner, governor 4.ind more duffo-B cp were sprays i spring floweis ; jp.'.' Ua rooms and ':if pretty yellow- ' YOU CAN BUY KROEHLER Speaking at business sessions ; nnd n Bentlcy comptroller of In the Legion Hall, K. F. Hard- lne Fishermen's Co-Operative in of the board of directors Federation, Vancouver, H. John-said that the federal govern-!son- director of the Fishermen's ment should recognize the ur- Co-Operative Association. Vlc-gency Uria A. V. Hill, University of of rounding out fishing BrUllih Columbia Extension De- operations through exploration ui we.M.ern Au.'iirttiia, ana siate. t . Premier Albert Hawke greeted ; irr, chapter re- the roynl vl8jtorg- Tnere were FOR U) DOWN partmcnt and Dr. John Hart, 0 of commercial usefulness of vnrlnus t vrvefi nf flV anrt of rozen strawberries 9 director, of the Pacific Biolog- i the affair which i t home cooking and poy the balance over 18 months! saner, improved regulations -to I fal Station, Janaimo, who will hotter the cmnlltv of trP landed ! be Buest speaker at tonights i no handshakes and no personal i ' presentation of flowers in order i to protect the visitors from Infection. ., , ( i." BUENOS AIRES (Routers) : Ha!Lsto;lcs wein3(4rig p to! a i pound inttpe'J more tiian;00 roofs, killed'farm uiymuLs an1 seriously damaged, the tobarco l crop In <a piovlnce in north- product. , session. ... , : Mi. Harding said that the re- l ' 7. duction In fish Inventories eont-i . '. I 1 ' pored to those of a year aso i SrnitnSrS was due principally to i teduf- 1 '.' ',' ' ' J Clerk 1 :' municipal tea at tlw at-f rabie which was p ver vase of pink Iris and Mrs 0 W. CirrA-GraiT OiliU, titi hi n were MiV-f Mis. II. C. Flood. tions In price of certain carry- rs J Drt overs and to .simild-r. r;bfi KCSIQllS . rObl of fi.sli Jn Mti'i.t which"' i.w. is "rc4;' i. , ; T : ' ' " ' fleeted tit nir-'lnconiCi .of flsb-l sSUTilt'RS -' W. '."flap Annual Dinner Meeting Canadiah Cancer; Society em Aruentina, accordion to reports reaching here today. ppy rrmen aird iiuslnl-ss In general. : Tiu iu.-, lojigtlinc binHhei-s resl-Notlng that 1he drcliire of tivi dent and village clerk for the American dollar way a serious past five and one-half years, has factor In prices. Mr. Hardin; irHJned ffom tto villBg? post suggested thai the two major and plans' a lengthy visit to w.is i:i chiir'ie f 'vlf If and and Mrs. Mrs. H H " , ' ')V ,' I W.J. Lulchvu 1 ' vJ?' ' IP-me cookiii! sale. -.. 5- f.is tiishicr. Monday March 29, 7 p.m. I The New Wonderful 1T-A ! Ciltf ant I if - Europe. Mr. Turner, whose resi:natiovi ii effective April 30. is one of the Bulkley Valley's pioneers. He ' irume to Crinaila from England In 1(Ml? aiul. after logging on the lcluniA ( ante ders Drivi', S.iliii'd-iy ; (73) I V ana Dunce. Fri- Mr. and Mrs. J. F Williams, Pacific coast, moved inland to 820 Alfred Street, and their two Aldermere, now Telkwa. In 1913 children, returned home this he opened" the first sawmill op-week from a two-month visit erntion on the new Smithers with their families In North site with establishment of the Wales. i divisional centre here by the .Thev visited their parents in. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. at the Broadway Cafe Guest Speaker: MR. F. E. ANFIELD Tirkcts available from Mrs. Wm. Rothwcll or Mrs. J. Hicks ar Frcser & Payne not later than Saturday, March 27. WhiM 8 nclock. hy Mike t'ol-wi'Itoiiic. sts of die Cana- Connnhs Quay. North Wales,: After serving- in the First near Chester, where they were World Var, he took up farming married. The family left here in this area. He was local ven- fi'l Lociim Aff.iir. tlitina l.a(v" will' enrlv in January, flying to New lor for the B.C. Liquor t'ommis- ('"' aiKliliirnmi on : -8 No admij-sion L''Uion advisi'n i Macilmmnii. Vet- j Officer for this1 York' and boarding the Queen Mary for the Atlantic missing, ""Mn! In Wales January 14. On their return trip they sailed aboard the Empress of Australia to Canada, and crossed the continent by train. Ion for many y-ars before tak-I113 over flic post of village clerk, , '.I Vi ineUuies treasury, assess-j ment, and waterworks and pub- i , . ori" sii)ei vi.sion duties. Mr. Turner plans a trip to . "nmnnd, France and Germany ; his summer. On his return he ' Automatic ; . Ml It . Spin-Rinse Washer f j i The wonder washer that I J vTlV I ' allows you to handle I JLyX ' clothes once Instead of the. V' I J usual five times required l- by conventional wringer machines. V J nTTr ? !;;. Ij v- J JJ . i - availabli' for in - ! Icrliiii; Mr nnd Mrs. Williams came to w frmrc Riim.ri 'nrlay. March 2S I .J fpril 1. , 7-j , 'ecu ri lies Canada from Wales only two is expected to r.ontinue Ms ac-venrs nfo. He is secretary-man- tive Interest In the Bulkley Val-nger of the Kaien Consumers' ley District Hospital, of which he Credit Union and of the Kalen is chairman of the board of Co-Op store. management. J A DATE' with ' f"Miincr.s Co-op "1 llt thrjr annual ''f March 31st, 8 ''i'litrc. Common "'"-'"" nt.s Wiu i. COMBINING the popular princess silhouette with the equally popular coat dress, Suzy Per-ette of New York creates a f prlng-lnto-summer dress of ice-blue silk and cotton. To the Mattery of horizontal tnckini, that runs from shoulder to hem, she adds a pert little-boy collar and a big bow tie. c mrj.'is WKvd to FLY . . . your (76 I ijmiVED with Mn.-t ni.l. nl of Ciinaila. mul elllcr from lit? Inliii" Area of innri- than four icars slamlin, may arninc to n alie lln-ir lerlinj! lialami mid liilnl Klcrliii" no urititu and ohlain . Caiiailiaii dollars; you are iniited to eunsiilt ii. Our sen' ices and speni.-ilized knnwIed-iMii Tinted Kinud'iin ami " li'iTuii; Area n-Riiliilions affecting UTiirilies and hliickcd sterling lialaiicc-i are freely available to ai-4 you. We are plcmd to ny eudmlinn wrvices and to obtain analysts and brokers' opinions respecting Lniled KiiiK'bini pnrtfoliiM. Tlm-ic intending to t;kc-ii. prrmanrnt ' rriib-iier ill I niloii Kinloin or aov oilier nai l of tlieSu rlin- n 0V S LOAFERS ELLIS 3UCKLES A . y CHECK EASY'S 2-TUB ACTION The only washer in the world that washes, rinses.. and ;l;im)-(lries your clothes, docs two Jobs at once, and saves your Lot suds to use again. Exclusive Spin-Hir.se automatically rinses rlothes thoroughly right in the spin ba-sket. Terms as Low as $2J)-50 Down $14-00 per Month "The Store that Service Built" uol W, ear are imiliil In eoii-iilt u for "be inrio-c of neiuirin di siiilHg.Mi.-ly Herliii',' as-' l prior tl"'ir deoarliirc from lUiiiada. to 1045 KETCHIKAN Bros, BARCLAYS BASK (CANADA) and $10 95 render a Howe S" VANCOUVER, B.C 'T0E (Xrrr.RDS in black end brown with connections to. SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and all ALASKA Phone 266 Office Opp. Host Ottice LIMITED . Phone 6 or 36 TORONTO MONTRBAk HON FOOTWEAR n -