Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, March U8, 1954 Status of East Germany Raised to Soverei gnty RERUN Communist prop- revolts Uut June In East Crer- the East German republic wUl east o 3LACKWOOD on BRIDGE rilin bt-n,! manv ana aeciarea trie nuuo ue ure uj uivmc . . . iui own in- iP '-Jy. use rm,.;. "ik "ills ml Uganda drums beat today to announce that the Soviet Union i , i c micoH East f Trmftnv t.n the puppet regime would collapse, ternal and external affairs, in- connects . . . Ut- nA .l,.rllnn the .n ..,.1... .. "'rwra eluding question of relations securltv nJ 11 unaer me wciynv ui'u oiu 1 i w with west Germany." . .bli,..,n,, status of a sovereign state, bull hostility of the populjice" If Sov VANCOUVER HARBOR JOB SET FOR KITIMAT DREDGE VANCOUVER (P The job of deepening the entrance to Vancouver's harbor wiil be completed by a giant hydraulic dredge, to be towed jOO miles here from Kitimat, B.C. It will suck lighter sediment from the floor of the channel t the First Nai i ws. By EA5LEY BLACKWOOD j vIaLJ ""Q ill 1X1 n But it Immediately added that SR. frr , '"nrtaij,, ihe West piomptly branded the iei troops weic uiuIUi SAYS PROPAGANDA the "Soviet Union retains in the ments." Russian move a sham. Partner Needs Help In Stopping Knd-Play "I vot so lonesome sometimes, defending these The Russians said they hereafter will assume the same relations with the Communist East West Germany's acting chancellor, Franz Bluecher, heading the Bonn government whlie Clianeeilor Konrad Adenauer is today to Saturday" "with ott German rt sov.rJig government ra tes." as but w ! on a state visit to Turkey termed continue ontinue to to keep keep their their occupa occupa- nnounc!2t i.f J J li lltr--r,ItiII)tgp9aIi, 'hands all alone." remarked Mr. Champion plaintive-1 ly. "I'd like to take up some kind of partnership : game . . . something other than hridge where, of coarse, it's every man for himself." OI wie prvpuewiiuit iwnic u wt- East against the West." Wallace's Deportment Store aid The Soviet announcement . WMwnJin. iff f 1$ ! This heavy sarcasm was not lost on Mr. Muzzy. "What do vou exuect me to do . . . see Sew and Save! MiiaCanior tion army in the east zone to "safeguard .security." Many Western observers regard this as the latest In a serl'.-s of Soviet ma-.t.uvrcs to force oifirial western recognition of the r:st-7ne .satellite, a campaign continually rejected by tho. Western allies and the West Gei-man government on the grounds 'he eastern regime ikes not rep-. eseiU, the people. As .soon a.s the East German offi-ial news agency ADN distributed the Soviet announcement Thursday night, news gCHMCQW mmMrnm Erskine wSisssC. Month dealer Nflther st-'e vuln-rahV North (Mr. Aliel) 8 t) 7 8 4 H 8 6 5 D K tf 2 C A 4 llf-l Kn. (Mr. Mum) (Mr. llutillilMi ) 85 3 S 2 H A K 10 i H Q .1 3 2 D J 5 3 U A Q 10 C J 10 ' 8 8 South (Mr. Keen) 8 A K J 10 8 H-7 D- 7 6 4 C K Q 7 3 The bldtllnR: South West North Fust IS 2 H 2 8 3 H 4 S All Pass 1 n ? ' ' lf throush the backs of the cards?" he askeH hotly. "Of course i.i, i," Mr. Champion re, .lied, "you've been playing for 20 years and the fronts of the cards still baffle you." GOLI.K.N orrOKTlMTIF..S This discussion resulted from the fact that on two separate occasions during the play of this hand. Mr. Muzzy had overlooked golden opportunities to take his partner off an SPRING SALE j YARD GOODS ! WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE I ri -v jnow limes: 3 Evenings Sot. Matinee 'ltm idtrrmrnu-ni ts not published or dikpUyt'd hy the I,ituor ( unirol Hoard or by the (juernmcm ut British Columbia. Vlil -ah to 2 4:25 a famous fimZ papers in the Soviet zone camel out with banner headlines proclaiming the new "sovereignty." Moscow's newspapers were three hours late in hitting the streets with their front-page account of the new move. But the United States s'.ani department in Washington recalled the widespread workers' CIVIC CENTRE The kii:' of hearts was open- d and Mr. Champion carefully : ,in,lcd wlth h," ,accJc' h,MTts-plaved Keen ruffed and took two Mrs. the deuce. If Mr. Muzzy had shifted to the jack of dia- rounds oI ''PS- She then cashed the kl11 ad t'U! ,,n monds at trick two the con- tract would have been doomed. of clubs' sluffing a diamond However, he stubbornly con- Il0m dummy. . SAVES JACK ROLLED "SKATING 'The Most Fun On Wheels" Be sure to see Hint M l.' ii Mt-iil "Breaking the Barriers To Friendship" k I'kN. , kr. SiiturUii). Iint l ikMii. FRIDAY - NIGHT - SATHMUv1 Next bhe ruffed her last club, Mr. Muzy discarding a small heart. The closed hand was reentered by ruffing dummy's last iieart. Her preparation completed. DANCE in the Navy Drill Hall JUST ANNOUNCED - 1953 Academy Award Winners on Columbia Picture's The Refrigerator Sensation GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 SAT. APRIL 3 Dancing 9 - 1 Admission $1 .00 Dance in honor of ship's company of 1IMC3 Sioux FROM HERE TO ETERNITY" Mrs. Keen now led a diamond toward dummy's king. This was Mr. Muzzy's second opportunity to save the day. The only thing he saved was the jack of diamonds. He played the trey, the eight went on from dummy and Mr. Champion was in with the ten. NO X-KAY FVF.S A heart return would let Mi'i. Keen discard a losing diamond while ruffing on 'the board. A diamond return would enable her to win a trick with dummy's iking. Mr. Champion gave up. Actually, Mr. Muzzy needed i no X-ray eyes to know that he !. should have played the jack on Ithe first diamond lead. His side needed three more tricks. Obviously there were no more tricks in diamonds. Mr. Champion would have to hold th- i i ce, queen and ten. As his only i hope. Mr. Muzzy should have played his partner for that holding. Best Picture of 1953 ' if Frank Sinatra "Oscar" winner for best supporting role fc Donna Reed "Oscar" winner for a supporting role ' c Five Other Awards to tie the all time record of owords for one motion picture. BURT LANCASTER - MONTGOMERY CLIFT DEBORAH KERR FRANK SINATRA - DQNHA EE OU KNOW THE NEED FOR THIS VITAL SERVICE viuULi LfLlLisiidlj uw s LLLi3UAUULiU u Acou.iAr:iu ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Mrs. Churchill Urges Husband To Quit Post IONDON (K.-uters-T'iiiK's of Sir Winston Churchill said today he is being strongly pressed to give up as prime minister by the one person who has any real control over him, hLs wlf :, ! Clementine. They said Lady Churchill, ' more than anyone else, is likely to influence the decision. -lii" i j the 79-year-old statesman shows ; j no personal inclination to make. '. PH'CCO fQH ?M3 CHGAOMfir Ori f '. . - Adults 7": : .Matinee 50c I Evenings " Students 50c I 7 : and Sill) p m. Children 25c K- an1 Mat Matinee Sal. at 2: p.m. - TOTEM Todoy and Saturday KA.MOtS I LAI Kits TIIEATKK ? 0 - - - - - I l ' No one takes greater pride; i than .she in hi.s abilitv, at ! age, to'continue grappling wlih ' ! all the complexities of his joij. ; But she naturally wants her I hil.sbard lo re ;i';n whllo he sthl ' has the pro-pert of being uble to cniov retirenien, unhampered by bad health. 1 Throushout the prime mini.s-J ter s cancer ''lie has played a , 1 self-effacing role, recomiljln'' ' i that a wife has always to take second place to the demands of ; a politician's woik. But there is no doubt that hLs illness la.t "ummrr friihtened her, as it 1 worried hi.s doctors. 1 In recent months Churchill appear? lo have recaptured all his old ni"'.,tal sparkie thou "i he has slowed u; physically in j the past year or j. ) .A ft ' ' P r ' 1 - .r rrslflll slMI Icirit lasting W"11" j r ' , ' 1 ' ! valu 0 mnrr cfTMORE dip VANWINKL! 'f.i rr f;: i-. .w MATTRESS support for ;' niaUrcs. In M.vrt iiino m 38 KOKI- (lition running conT S7.-..00 i turn r mriiii-. - , t ... .r.Mn-. - I MP VAN H'lNKIi ONIV, i ) $59.50 l M In the world within (lie Veterans' Hospitals the memory of uurs cannot fade. I'or there are its mosl tragic victims. There arc the men who could be faced with the lengthening years of loneliness. Medically they have the best of care. Dul of equal importance to their recovery are . the family reunions they enjoy in the Red Cross Lodge, the little comforts and entertainments that Red Cross Visitors bring. Support this work generously. Trtl PI.VMOI Til t-l.r. Completely overhauled. New transmission. Fine new tires. 52 INTERNATIONAL ",-Ton Pickup. Very low mileage. New car condition. 4! A IScauliliil AUSTIN A-40. Guaranteed. Low mileage. Priced $850.01) SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD "A Good Place to Buy For Over a Quarter of a Century" 308 Third Avenue West Phon $5,422,850 is needed, this year Campaitrn Headquarters: NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. 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