Clura iiivu Martin oi Toroniu Ti who died In 1023. wns called to! h ... a the bar In 1897 as the first Cana-1 JIk roh f f. OTTAWA Dl ARY b Nrmon M Macuod As 1 See It at w hWlei 5 i-loiter dlan woman lawyer . L i Prince ituperi: Daily (Mcvs ' Fridrijf, March 1!), 1954 - f - M lnJpendrnt dally newxptrwr dvntl to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert I and Nnrthern aha Tpntral British Columbia. , Member of Cnhadlart Press Audit Bureau nf Olrmlntlnni , Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily Npwl Limited. i. r. MAQOR, President H. O. PKKRY, Vice-President 11' - Subscription Ratet: sw 6y carrier Per week. 25c; per month. 1 00; per year. 110 Oft. ifiJr tf j mail Per month. 76c; per year, $800. Wujfr-- jtborized as second class mull by the Post Office Department, Ottawa ly more than p.-rccptlble. Some Finally, there Is that fact that industries are re-employ ins . the so-callled "period of correc-workers laid off at the depths j lion" through which the econ-of the slump. In a few parts of ,omy has been passing has the country the construction i brought about some helpful inrliistrv nlrendv is stnrtin? its I Price adjustments. Prices now RockMounl nre more closely related to consumers' willingness to pay than they were at the peak of the boom, when disturbing signs of TIJJ J There arc encouraging signs that the down trend in the economy of the past few months h is ureitj well spent its forte and that an upturn is close at hand. Here are some of the portent.? upon which government economists now are building a cautious optimism: The rise in unemployment h is tapered off until it now Is bare- New Mark Sel By Alcoa Output TI . : t . . . ; . . . ... . "'fa-llmifak M in avertisrment ts not published or dlscU,A t. i ' Bord of by the G a "buyers' strike" were becom-i! spring expansion. . Railway car-loadings. whi"h in the early months of the year-were down almost 10 per cent from 1953, now are running less than five per cent below 1053 figures That Is an obvious recovery from the low point in the economy. ing apparent. According to the yardstick of Ottawa economists, conditions have levelled off by an approx 1 imate 10 per cent from the peak Department store sales an CLEARING PRIff v -fTe; ....... VL I if i ho rwtm Thai's rmt pnmmh comment-mi; to run sunnily " " " ; , " 'Eyes South ! THERE is one sidelight j which has emerged as a result of the reactions to jour Prime Minister's I statement about accept-! ing the government of China. . ..u .....w ........ I., ,...UI,.,il VT7k' T Worstpds- Real attractive anaae. Keg. 19.00. Nw, m gain prices are an admitted uiiB u.j t. .c t... further extension of factor in the higher volume f point. Any the down swing would be. business, retailers now are re-1 that the ' lous- porting public appeals to be once more In a buying ! ' The question now is the ex-mood. Confidence now is hir.h ; tent of the recovery movement the ad vi in. of .ipi iiig wt atli- which may be expected. Gtivern-er will result in a brisk buying iment experts frankly don't ex-demand for a wide range of 1 pect the peak prosperity of last PITTSBURGH t The Aluminum Company of America S"t an all-time production record in 1953, turning out more than 118 000 tons. Alcoa, largest aluminum producer in the world, laid last year's production rep-lesentcd a 30 per cent increu. r,or lfl Mot lirnfltd JQ O.IO MEN'S SPORT Th. it is. the rieht wins; elements in Canada which used to take the leadership from Britain now tend to fall in behind the;094 ret,islpr;d Jn ,953 a fi U.S.A. 852 increase over the precedlne. Smart fitting. AH ml s Sell from $25 00 to $2900 NOW J1 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS SAVE Sl.Ofl A Sllllti Good fiuatity. Roui!hrl(ler Hi sortment. Selling now at Far year, the firm reported. Net in Britain long since recognized the real government of China. The U.S.A. refuses to do so. The come for each share of common stock amounted ftt $4.71 compared with $4.19 in 1952.. year to he repeater' But they believe ?nat the 1- ( Ulng-off point will be only slightly lower, five per cent as a maximum. By all normal standards thai will rank as a really good year. lion lirMhin Ni lriir? Ilralo "HOW CAN A BOOK BRING HEALING?" ; KTKN. U.i'i kv, Knttinlny, lw:l.1 a.m. merchandise. There are other important factors in the brightening out-louk at the moment. On" !s the certainty now that govci; iiieni expenditures are going to maintain their recent levels over the balance of the year. Another is the definite prospect II'.' development, engineering. and business cxpan.sicn expenditures are going to run a little Phead of the comparative totals t 1953. j Congress of the U.S.A. has tied ; the hands of John Foster Dulles j in advance of the Geneva meeting. He has been made to prom-i ise that he will not even discuss - 2-25 j MEN'S WORK PANTS Lots of Wear. Reg. $5.75 now : $4.25 J Old at 65? MUCH of the difficulty in making adequate provision for old-age pensioners arises from the .n supported belief that an employee's efficiency de-Oriorates rapidly after thage of 60 or so. In other ,'oi-ds, there are more people getting along in years vho have to be taken care of by the government han is necessary. Moreover, many of them on the helf are probably just as unhappy about the situa-ion as the taxpayers. While it is beyond dispute that physical powers lot-line as age advances, there is no proof to be ound anywhere that mental faculties follow the ume course. In fact, the latest scientific evidence tiggests just the reverse. The saying that you can-rot teach an old dog new tricks seems to contain Oss truth all the time. After extensive study, the Institute of Psychological Research at Columbia University has .-oncluded that intellectual power does not change from about 20 to beyond 60. In experiments on teaching industrial skills it was found that, if anything, the older people had a slight edge because of the experience they could bring to bear on the subject. Their only handicap was their own doubt about their learning capacities. With industrial equipment becoming more and more automatic, there is less reason why the physical limitations of age should be a consideration. Some companies are recognizing this, much to their profit. In one plant of Detroit's Chrysler Corporation there is a division where, the workers' average age is 60, and some of them are over 80. To conserve the wealth of intelligence among its scientists, the General Electric Company has a policy of hiring tliose who are "over-age" back on contract after retirement. ; A waste of human ability is the greatest waste of all. It will increase the country's productiveness and thereby help employment as a whole if Canadians change "retirement at 65" to read "retirement at discretion." MEN'S SHOES Heavy duty for work. Real quality. All sizes, sj Reg. $!J45. Now fm BOYS' SWEATERS I Pullovers. All wool worsteds. Good sizes. Reg. $3.25. Now tn BOYS' PLAID SHIRTS I Well tailored. J TAKE A CUE k-ROM THE KANGAROO . W'lien you move, he sure yiiur Ihlns are ,iak.Mi safely. Phone (IK. LEAVE IT TO . ... Paper Planning New Building i VANCOUVER (CP) The Van- couver News-Herald announci d : in a newspage story today that it will establish a, modi'ir. Publishing offices and plant here this year. : The announcement was timid to-coincide, with paper's 21 anniversary. ' The ne- office v.i;. be situated on West Georgi i Street in the heart oi the downtown business section. Cost of project was not announced. Research is constantly improving soaps and cleansers, addiir; chemicals that brighten fabrics, suppress bacterial growth and give better detergent action. the recognition of Red China in Geneva. - Yet some Canadian Conservatives eagerly jump in behind not Britain but the right-wing Senators of the U.S.A. , MY OWN guess is that the Conservatives in Canada will commit political suicide if they abandon the traditional position of attachment- to Britain, and affix their Te:rf Moyalties to the U.S.A. There will always be in Canada a place for a party whose main interest is to keep Canada as a loyal and vital member of that strange world cluster of nations which comprise the British Commonwealth. That was the role which the Conservative party traditionally filled in Canada. Moreover, that fierce Reg. $2.6. Now .. l un k LOOK FOR THE NAME Local and Inns Distance Moving V Aqents for Allied Von Lines Limited Itrtwrcii tlir Koyjl and Belmont Hutris loyalty to thiBriUsh connection!" was the main political asset of I the Conservative party. In tin I last few years that fact no Ion":- j er applies. The U.S.A. has emerged as the i ' greatest single, power of all time. Ihfi'MostMnqS lioryinthfiforldttij! The U.S.A has also become the i core and centre of what conservatism there is left in the worldstanding in fact far to ' the rifht of the British conserH vative government., headed by t Sir Winston Churchill. More and more the thoughts of the top right wingers in Canada turn to Washington and not to Lon REFLECTS and REMINISCES Hoy It ,When you pick up a paper: will soon have a new home V vsX? rMiv - - on v i V":'''d'.lfl,',V Canada m ! -V,i T4- ne'nP"s,n f pk'H" nf better living m t...rn.. ...... I v.w :t 1 will be one of the world's largest and finest. Incidentally this is commencing to resemble competition for the "afternoon sheets," which had began to 'rl a bit consequential. (side, you will have read scandal stuff yet true. But if you'll keep on looking, you'll invariably come across these little iorles of the vaj" if just nl.iin Jldlnary Co back purine roes. don, 1 j THERE IS no reason to believe j that British recognition of ! China would have been very much delayed, had the Conser- i vatives been in power, rather than Labor, when it was granted. ! The Tories might have been ! a bit more hard-boiled than ! the Laborites, in working out I the details of such recognition, j But the whole British nation j had taken to heart the lesson 1 learned at the tune of the Rus- j sian revolutionthat the long- ! er you wait to face the facts of ; such changes, the greater the ! international problems you ere- j ate. . , j ' TH&R.4 IS inothsi' factor fyifch.j ' tends to dampen down the j loyalty which some Canadian ( right-wingers tend to feel for j the right-wing in British po'.i- tics. The British Conservatives have (See PIIII.POTT Page fi) I H IN KINO IT OVER . A Vancouver paper It is dangerous to expect children to outgrow habits of misusing .sound. It sounds mighty cu'.e to hear Junior say "wabbit" for rabbit" when he's three years old; it's tragic when he's six lect tali and applying for a job. gives lotlce that no lime should be lasted when turning in a wed-ling report. Three days is the limit, else no, story. The bigger tiie hoifsehoM thei loik'H :dol s n. lane m row uv nnm wora.t li'-ation.iit tuo '-Royttg Military "some homes love to struggle College in Kingston announces ith printers ink, writing t lie 96 per cent of the cadets favor iiime stuff over and over and a return to the 1876 scarlet uni-over again. I form with pillbox cap. And not , ' iorgeiting tne saucy little g r stick, eith"..-. ahead i $"HO SAW IT FIRST! ' Cunada keeps pushing A FRK IXKSS GIFT It's Brand New! Cor an All-Canadian Seaway, ulte regardless of the already qbvlous United Slates policy. But fter all, the St. Lawrence Riv-y was discovered long before the Erie Canal. KELVINATOR'S 30" Electric Range Los Angeles' health oflicer, Dr. R. O. Gilbert, estimates that Americans are using between three and four million dollars worth of sleeping a year. Fellow physicians say his reckoning is far too low. One, in Santa Barbara declares: "It. is costing us more than three billion a year to get some of the '.synthetic' value of sleep that good health, good conscience and peace of mind receive as nature's gift." with All that keeps some of the boys from going to university, remarks a contemporary is their low marks in high school. yf. l P t 11 'Si. I'll M r'"8 Poll flooding .M frpft ' ' h 1 H rJr; - -1 v;- lii-.- - ; --t vt A v" J " tvZ zrir r-"r? -',v S-r 'Z"",,. if SANK" 0 Rini f 1111 g ""'"m, 'to,' rt. tf The Bydncy Morning Herald, oldest newspaper in Australia. L.,,1, i tf,ft r?.J5 299" A SEARCH VOLUNTEERS urgently needed in the search for John Clausen Transportation will leave Atlin Fisheries at 6 a.m. Saturday, March 20th. Volunteers please contact: ELMER CLAUSEN, Phone Red 917 or Black 927 Bank of Montreal ' ' , ., r ' ' ' " j;. .. .. . Automitic clock controli; luptr-fast oven prchetnng;. lurftce clemcntt with 7 encc cooking ipndi, ' hut-lock'' ovtn door, ind minjr mor kitchen tested feitures. RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 Third W. Phone 644 MOVIHG AHEAD WITH CANADIAN! IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1t7