1953 Thursday, July 2, Don's Grahle Tops At Thonhiii Doris Orable took medal honors 'see some new faces around the last Sunday when 17 women course. members of Thornhill Golf Club j Prince Rupert visitors to at Terrace took part in tne j Thornhill this past week were wo Rupert Scouts Leaving Shortly For Annual Jamboree at Ottawa 300 Couples Enjoy Dance At Drill Hall Ft3 flies ci"b championship andioerry Lemlre, George Bradley. I'M Twr. Prince Rupert first class Boy Scouts Assoca'.:on, says that from nearby prov.nces pay their icy S :outs and one from Terrace ; the Jamboree would stress high- iiwn train iare and an addition-ii! leave here within the next ! er standards and quality. He said al $10 to help scouts from more Between 250 and 300 couples celebrated the Dominion Day holiday on Tuesday evening at the Seamen's and Wrens' dance hieher standards have increased uistant provinces, John and Kathleen Martin, Roy Webber, Bill Becker, Jack Row?-bottom, T. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. M. Payne, G. Cameron, Fred Christenson, Edith Jack, Elaine Maynard, Helen Langley, Charles nd Ruth Starr. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. Alf FOOD STORES NEW CREDIT POLICY Terrace Hotel championship. Play for the championship will lOllOW. On July 12 golfers from all over the district will be shooting for the Bob Parker trophy emblematic of the Skeena Valley Open championship. The tournament Is ,open to any "olf club member from Prince Rupert to Prince George. nu;n July 13 to July 18 members are asked to bring a visitor for a free round or rounds at the boy scout population in j Acting on the old saying that Canada to 150,000 from 92,000 in an army marches on its stom-1945. i ach, some $30,000 will be spent on Gen. Spry said the Jamboree ! food for the week. In all some would also give the boys a j 60,000 meals will be cooked by hanoe to know boys of other the scouts themselves over char- we weeks to join some 300 other B.C. scouU to board a special (rain to the second Canadian jamboree at Ottawa July 18. Nor'hwfit representatives will Jimmy Baldwin of the Second Prmre Rupert Conrad) Troop; David Rtdsdal-?, First (St. An sponsored by HMCS Chatham at the Navy Drill Hall. Proceeds of the dance were In aid of , the mess . and canteen funds Of HMCS Chatham Ar .uvi-it and Tea Smith. Owing to the new short term Credit Policy of our suppliers. Drovinces and would enable the coal fires. we are forced, In order to meet our obligations, to Insist on the following rules: .outs to soe the national cam-1 They should nave plenty 10 rangements were handled by a committee composed of Wrens Nina Youngman and Jacqueline Mozart's opera "The Magic Flute" was composed a few months before the great Austrian's death In 1791. Thornhill. This Is to be an an- Cochrane and Seaman Bill Hemmlnger. Master of cere nal event as the club wishes to 1 2 3 Al1 accounts must be paid on Due Dates ax mentioned in our Cre-'it Terms., All accounts must be paid in full No balances c:i:t be carried forward. It will be impossible to extrnd credit if anuunl:, arc not paid in full, on dates sperificrt In our Credit Term. tal. A full program has been 'eat. Already ordered are bread, jutlined for the week including i 11,440 loaves; buns, 8,800; pas-"wimmlng periods and tours of .tries, 15,400; cereals, 2,640 boxes; Ottawa. potatoes, 3.5 tons; fresh meats, No matter what province a , 5 610 pounds; canned meats, 3,520 scout comes from, he pays no tins; vegetables, 14.3C0 pounds; more than $40 return train fare ciss, 2 017 dozen, and milk, 17,-to attend the Jamboree. Scouts : COO quarts. RUSS WIFE OF NEWSMAN drew's) troop: and Joseph Sharks, First Terrace Troop, F. F. Anfield, district commissioner announfer1.. Thp three will fly to Vancouver by courtesy of the Boy t ' Afso-nUon, B.C. Provincial Command. other expenses, such as train Ja -f and incidentals, provide.'' at f--i,ir.H -nst. will be borne by the individual scouts. , ,,; , is "" Ih'-'il imn Prince Rupert scouts have attended a VISIT YOUR INDEPENDENT FOOD STORKS FOR T!1E.'S monies was Syd Alexander. The hall and annex were appropriately decorated with streamers and flags of the International Naval code. A guest of note at the dance was Leading Seaman Edward Dawes, RCN(R), who recently returned from taking part in the coronation of Queen Elizabeth JI in London. Dodr price of a floor lamp MANY SPECIALS THAT ARE ADVcRTLSHU IN OUR STORES. PHONE YOUR ORDERS IN , , , THMtK APE NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR DELIVERY. ' enriches the flavour of P. F. Gar Jen Cream. Serve Garden Cream at tea time . . . lunch time . . . any time. PEEK MEAN S Jamborees. The first, four years co. -was held at Ottawa; the NOW ALLOWED TO TRAVEL MOSCOW (AP) The Russian wives of two U.S., citizens Eddy Gllmore of The Associated Press and Robert Tucker of the U.S. embassy expect to leave Ihe Soviet Union next week. The government announced on June 9 that it was lifting the restrictions on outside travel for Mrs. Gllmore and Mrs. Tucker and others in similar position. The restrictions had been in force for years. , . Harden Cream A r . MIDWAY GROCERY LYONS FINE FOODS Thone C39 riionc 2"0 ami Hrt MS , RUPERT BUTCHERS SKEENA GROCERY and GROCERS ri nc Flionr 21 '' !1 and ! was won by Fred Schaeffer end spot idance prizes by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchcock and Ray Spring and his partner, Mrs. Lorraine Dell. Refreshments were served in the drill hall ennex by mem Jocond, a vear later, at Valley forge,' J.S.A. , iiitr year, the rolling Con-J""ieht Rifle Range near Ottawa 111 wk with the excitement of Jt;m- than 2,000 Boy Scouts as ihry prepare for a week of out-J'cir tup. g The ifttv-: firt "'ok "o-' Jind between 14 and 18 years old ENGLISH QUALITY , p. r. iff i; WILLIAMS GROCERY I'hone 65H liuill nil iu;iu.v xantiua Bernice Miriam Ryan Wed In Pretty Ceremony Here bers of the canteen committee The dance was the first of the summer at the Navy Drill Hall and It Is expected th-it there will be similar eventr later In the summer to mark the visits of Canadian warships. nn fioz. H ' Maroon and yellow packet. Stores of Quality Ct 03ViCG j IMI ULUAWU WiUdBMlk.5 An international toucn win De Jidiied by scouts from the United talcs, Cuba and Central Ameri- The Jamboree will be officially Jjpcncd July 20 by Governor-frrncral Vincent Massey, in his p Bernice Miriam Ryan became Woods, Lawrence Helin and Eddie a June bride when she was united ""ford. l;th"ir, were Charles in marriaie to Thomas Pilford Pilford and Artie Helin. Tanacltv as Chief Scout for Can- 1 at a ceremony in First United The leccptlon and a dance i.evi Mr. Massey will make a Church last Friday. Hour of the camp and see the j Daughter of Mr. and Mrs 1-invs nt, work. William Kellv of Port Simpson, were held at the Valhalla Hall where the guests were received wdfAt 2 Prince Rupert scouts attend- 1 end the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. by the bride's mother, who wore mm J- R the event have be-?n groom- Pilford of Prince Rupert, made a navy blue suit, and the mother j'lig thcmseh'es for more than a their vows before Rev. Lawrence of the rroum. who wore a naVy month, said Mr. Anfield. Sieber. The bride was given in blue dress. Both had white ac- J "Tbcv have been out camping marriage by her undo, Mr. Henry j cessories, and corsages of Ameri-practlcally every we e k - e n d, j he'in. can Beauty roses. Th" master of ceremonies was Mr. Henry Helin. The toast to the bride and a ;peech were given by Mr. William Beynan. 1 . r Jiardening themselves for the she chose a gown of maize net rigors of eastern Canada." I with a sweetheart neckline, and J The big Connaught ranges will her shoulder length veil was hold "take on the appearance of a in place by a yellow halo. Shr miniature city for th3 jam- wore a beautiful golden locket, r "c. gift, from the groom, and carrier In addition to a daily news- j a bouquet of pink and white JJpaper written by the scouts and j carnations with blue iris, sprinted by an Ottawa company, Tlr; matron of honor, thi Jthere will be a post office, a bank, ! bride's aunt, Mrs. Henry Helin a 20-bed hospital with a full- j chose a gown of turquoise, anc l.pie staff, three canteens, a wore a corsage of pink carna-Jpolice force, church services for tions. -all denominations, a sports arena Bridesmaids Mrs. Glen Doane Jeomplete with bleacher scats for j Mrs. Dorothy Di Guistine, anc .the public and many other fa- i Miss Marietta Musprave were al" ' duties. dressed in beautiful forma! n Mn.-aen. D. C. Spry, chief length gowns with matchisu f 7 .4 I t Jr Only k B 14Hrs.30Min. Iff From Terrac km ! CHICAGO 1 $162.25 i (7 n of? i -if 1 1 CoMadiojt (Pacifr! i "executive commissioner of the nosegays and the flower girls Isabelle Helin and Marlene Pil ford, wore long gowns with matching nosegays. Best man was brother of the 1 1 Tenders Called I For Deepening First Narrows f;room, Mr. William Pilford, and the groomsmen were Doug Consult your Travel Agent r Canadian Pacific Airline, Phone 7J Fisheries VANCOUVER (CP) KM 5 A v I BOTTLE-FED BABIES If your bhy it bottle-fed, he iur to Watch little bowels cloaely. Mother's Li ilk has ft natural laxative effect which helps take care of baby's need. Lacking this, a bottle-fed baby often gets fretty, feverish and suffers constipation and upset itomach. Let Baby's Own Tablet help you keep baby's bowels on schedule sweeten upset stomach. Used with confidence by mothers for more than fifty years. No "sleepy" tuff no dulling effect. Equally good for aimpU fever, constipation, rem letsneu and fretfulness resulting from irregularity at teething time, and other minor ills. Get Vftbjr'a Own Tablets today at your druggist in.? .Minister Sinclair has announced th'it tenders have been called Jfnr the job of deeping the First Narrow shipping channel. J The channel will be deepened to a depth of 37z feet. The "present channel is 35 feet but It hare pre places where it has been silted in to a lesser depth. It win be 700 feet wide. , . "This is the first step in widening the entire narrows," Jsaid Mr. Sinclair. 1,. 1A JljlHM.ll.il I'H.II !) 4 i 4i ',1 v . -if tmt'ihiMjL, Travel Service The Complete US.. v i'...-iiib ... Wot-"8) i.,iiiilirwirti(,i i and there's another Welcome for you... CALVERT. HOUSE 1 ' jfojrw I . in i sh r- ajjii iiiWf i liiiiiffi 1 1 mil2. Think of it!.. . .An instant coffee that brings you the robust, natural flavor and aroma of freshly-ground coffee . . . yet so convenient it dissolves in a flash even in cold water so fast you'll hardly believe your eyes. ! What's the secret? Instant Chase & Sanborn's new "Natural Flavor" Process. It's an amazing process so revolutionary that experts said it just couldn't be done! It begins with the finest coffee . . . carries all the truo natural flavor of these select coffee beans right through to your cup. , Test it! Look at the rich ground coffee color and texture! Make a pot ful. At last, here's an "instant" that's 300 real coffee and looks and tastes like it! So marvellously good you'll want to make it your .regular coffee! j --n i a m j wotw ! ' r:w t-a i mmam S'iu'l tej rL,l,, imp- 4 " . . SPECIAL PRICE 0O7.RSAL COFFEE M isias Wit 0O7oRCAL 3 X,8 - 'L! rfii-rf'rf With Calvert House in the camp there's 7:r' yet another welcome waiting for you. J caiverT fcf,Bvl Smooth, delightful, it's a whisky you'll J HOUSE rW:M'!skWuW thoroughly enjoy! i.l SUSS M--CALVERT HOUSE . . . like getting 2 lbs. of coff e for the price of I J Today yo'jr grocer has a wonderful coffee bargain New Instant Chase & Sanborn at amazingly low introductory prices! Get the big economy size jar. It makes about the equivalent of 2 pounds of ground coffee . . . just like getting 2 pounds for tho price of 1. LNSQFFEE torgo Regular Size s0 i 1WS A,pVtllII5ttNI IS NOT PUUiHtO 0 WSPLAlftO Y IMt UOUO CONIKOl IOAHO 00 Y tHf GOVkNMNI Of HI7ISM COIUMHA.