Prince Rupr Da'ly Ne-w Thursday, July 2, 1953 Useful Weed P-1A Seeks Library Books Job's Daughters Leave Tonight CAPETOWN (CP) The first: VANCOUVER (CP) Parent- ', to have the provincial office' of ' Trespassing I . lUlli SanJu seaweed Industry in South Africa iTpnfhpr Association r.f Mnnle the Parent-Teacher Federation accept the book donations. for manufacture of cattle feed readers mped To Take Part in Calgary Sta i and fertilizer hag begun at Hermanns. The unit, first a series, Ridge has launched a province-wide drive to replace the library books lost a week ago In THIS WEEK followed a survey by a British son, Barbara Doumont. Drue , chell, Pat iemon, Etnei jwoore biochemist, Dr. R. F. MUton, who the $500,000 fire that destroyed Canadian Legion Ladies' Aux- ! At the Co-op Bakery Friday j and Saturday Something en-, tirely new: Fresh and tasty Bat-j ter Buns, 33c dozen. Strawberry shortcake, single 18c, doubles ' 35c. (151) fcald he was satisfied South Af-'the district's Junior-senior high ; lliarv monthly meeting, Thurs- The famous Job's Daughters' drill team entrain' tonight on special cars for Calgary where they are due to give a display at the Calgary Stampede on July 8. Enroute the team have been Patrick, Shlrra Halliday, Eliza- house, Norma MacKay, Donna beth Jones, June Henry, 8ue Macaithur, Margit Macarthur, Martin, Elaine Christianson, Lots I Peggy Ann Dominato, Grace Good, Myrna Knutson, Pat Mit- I Wood, Rita Yostin. rlcan seaweed offers tremendous school. I day, at S p.m., in the Legion Industrial scope. I Arrangements are under way ; auditorium. Invited to exhibit their spectacular drill routines in Jasper, and are to be entertained during their brief visit by members ot the Order of the Eastern 8tar. The girls have a remarkable record: In 1949 they received first prize for military marching, and second prize for exhibition marching at Spokane, and repeated that performance In Long Beach, California In 1950. In 1951 they won three first prlzss !n Kinsmen Bill Bond has gone out of town for his annual va- ,.atiHi, but before departing he p'irked the winners of the club's Coronation contest ... " man' wn0 earller thl a vomiK became well known to the vear fnsketbull fans-Roy Webber-the closest of all In the 83 finalists who were asked to .,v,ess the combined weight of 0 28 members of the Kinsmen Club. Roy who lives at 147, Fifth Avenue Wost, knew most of the emu members, figured an aver-P or about 170 pounds, then sul)tru.ed 30. His total was 4'R The actual total weight 0( tiK members was 4,b30.5 pounds. Roy wins a round trip to Van-,(,uvcr by t 'P Airlines and will have a car at his disposal for tun days, through courtesy of major events for military, exhibition, and novelty uiaiclihi at Richmond, Virginia. The team Is under the direction of drill master Alex Mitchell. Mrs. Laura Mitchell Is the Bethel Guardian. Olrfs in the team are: Drill captain, Margaret Oiske; 'Carol Hill. Carol Elklns. Sharon Skinner, Geonjlfia Mitchell, Sharon Williams, Judy Lloyd, Ann Eyolf- snn, Delia Halg, Catherine (in-layson, Gall Redpath, Barbara Stalker, Pat Hill, Joan Bennett, Alice Nlckerson, Linden Nlcker- "SI AA4'Y'y PERSONALS wmmmmm City Treasuref H. M. Foote and Mrs. Foote are leaving to- i SPECIALS GOOD TiLL WEDNESDAY, JULY 8TH night on the Prince Rupert.; Mrs. Foote's sister, Miss M. S. Sharpe, said today that they plan to spend three weeks vacation In Vancouver and DAIRY PRODUCTS SUNRIPE traitford Moore Travel Agencies, lie plans to tuke his holidays in the last two weeks of August ... so he'll be flying to Vunrouver. Second prize winner Mrs. E. H. ( hristisoti with a gu-sss of I. D23 pounds, wins two round-trip tiskets to Stewart, t Mrs Chris! ison figured on the basis of 169 pounds per person, added 100 and then changed the last two numbers. Her figure i,u 4 8J3 , ' Third prize winner a trip to Ketchikan was won by Mrs. Guniiard (Lis) Anderson of 303 Fourth Avenue East. She got a total of 4.M9 Tor her figure. The manager of the' Ellis oflice here Karl Lundstrom wuuld like Mrs. Anderson to give him lots of notice before she goes. He wants to make sure she won't be disappointed. . Wliile she didn't know until thn morning who won first piize, it Just happens that Roy Webber played basketball for Gunnurd's team . . . Mrs. Anderson said she knew all but eight o! the Kinsmen and just tried tt fiure the average at around 17E- pounds. Tickets for the first three winners can be picked up at The Daily News office. Consolation prize winners there were 13 of them-get five fn ? taxi trips. Taxi tickets will 3 k car, Apple .-Juice s The parents of Mrs. Gordon 48-oz Calderwood, Mr. and Mrs. Lar MILK FRESH, Quart ROBIN HOOD PRODUCTS Flour e 1.66 Flour as. 1.77 iS'iC Cream Style ROYAL CITY, 15-oz. Tin CORN COTTAGE CHEESE son, arrived last night on the Rupert to spend their Bummer vacation with their son-in-law and daughter. Heather, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Stevens, entrained last night for Armstrong where she will spend a month with her grandmother. Mr. D. M. Whitbeck, president of the Buffalo Oeneral Laundries, and his wife were touring the city this morning. They are making the round trip from Vancouver to Ketchikan. 2.5c l-Lb. Ctn. 32k Solo Brand Lb ICE CREAM ARCTIC, Pint Ctn. be ninlled tn the fnllnwlne: . Mrs. David L. Hewer, 328 Big- Mr- AIbert Erlcson. former esr Place: R. Shearer. 106J resident of Prince Rupert, has Flour a 3.45 Flour 53c and Mrs. A Seventh Ave. East. Mrs. Robert ?p'n visiting Mr. McKay, Jr., 1010 First Ave, 2m Halg for the post two days. He Is due to leave by air today for YOU'J-L F1NDJCE CREAM pNE OK " v THE LESS EXPENSIVE DESSERTS ROBIN HOOD Any Kind, Pkt. km Vancouver 9 Sgt. and Mrs. Stewart return ed yesterday on the Prince Ru- CLOVER LEAF 37c SALMON s C'DuHL 'West: Edith V. Eby, 630 Fifth Ave East; Mrs. A. Holbrook, 764 ! Alfred St.: Mrs. Betty Negraiff, 510 Seventh Ave. West; Mrs. F. H. Hood. No. 4. Waldron Apts.; , 'viyp An'iHn. No. 1. Metropole Hall, Third Ave. West; Miss Violet Manojlovlrh. 736 West Fifth Ave.; Mrs. Mary Long. ' 1?2: Beach Place; Mrs. Jack . linritny. p,02 Borden St.; Mrs. A. Sandford, 339 Flf'h Ave. West; Mrs. R. A. Johnson, 1421 Plggott ; Place. The nearest star Is about 250. nc Sockcye, Va-lb. tin nert from a short vacation in Vancouver. . Mother of Mr. Oeorge Dibh. Mrs. A. Dibb. was also aboard the Rupert. She spent one nleht here with Mr. and Mrs. Dibb and tonight entrains for Cal-garv where she plans to spend , eight days with Job's Dauehteis drill team at the Calgary Stam Red Ond Juicy NO. 1 2 ... ic , 000 times rarther from the earth than the aun. pede. Sister of Mrs. J. H. Klrnbauer, & PREM SWI T 32c Peanut Butter fes... 49c jl 50 AP wooDBuRYs 4 bars 25c GREEN ONIONS 2, bunches 3c OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10. atone Building Phone" Bine 593 -.vwiCv Mrs. 8. W. Reaney, from Reglna. Saskatchewan, leaves tonight on the Prince Rupert with her husband. They have spent a week of their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Klrnbauer ond family who have conducted their guests on extensive sightseeing tours all over the town. They visited the museum, the fish plants, and today, before they leave, they will tour the Columbia Cellulose plant. PLUMS Lb CUKES Lb. . ... . 27c C JiLa crab meat ". 55c They plan to continue their LETTUCE 2 23c holiday In Vancouver before re USlPCflla turning to Reglna. . . APPLES Fancy'Newtpn 2, lbs. 31 C ORANGES 344 s 3 i0X. 69C Wild Ride ST. JOHN'S Nfld. (CP) A 12-year-old boy experimented with '48 Doilge, Fluid Dr. $1450 ' Furd Coach $1 350 JELL-O 2 bunches 3c 9c Pkt '40 I)o(l i;c i-tn pick-up with box.... $950 '50 Austin 48 Anglia he controls of a steamroller while the operator was absent. The driver heard the big machine roll, sprinted furiously, and grabbed the youth before the roller toppled over a bank, j 1 j Famed Ballet' LONDON (CP) For the third time In four years the Sadler's $1050 $475 HOCKLESS PICNIC CCfl II Ohl'inoblle Sedan wit radio $550 41 Packard 1 JO Sedan $35Q l.b l.b ww Swift's, Half or Whole Wells Ballet will undertake a tour of the United States and Canada, opening at New York's Metropolitan Opera House Sept. 13. After four weeks In New York they will visit Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Vancouver. PORK BUTTS No. 1 Lb' 62c BUTTER 1st Grade Doien 7,c EGGS Grade A Large, Stiper-Volu - , LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI- 15-oz. ... Z 2 Tirs 33c TEA BAGS Nabob DeLuxc, 12S's Pkt. $1.20 PORK & BEANS Brimful, 15-ox. . Tin 10c Pkt 1C' RECKITT'S BLUE - GINGER ALE North Star ....... Quart l7c ASSORTED SOFT DRINKS North Star 6 Bottles 36c 4Pk,s' 19c GUM - TOMATO SAUCE, Hunt's Tin 12c; BAXTER'S JAM While they last Jor 25c PURE ITALIAN OLIVE OIL Tiger 2 -Gallon $2.59 SHOESTRING POTATOES Nalley's Tin 21- SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. SARDINES King Oscar Tin jEffC SWEET MILK 5-Pound Tin BABY FOOE? Heini 1. 2L tins 21c BRAN FLAKES Cost'! - IOC TOAAATOSOUP Campbell's - JL tltlS 27c 45c SKINLESS SAUSAGE Devon, 1-lb. carton Lb. 49c 1 Lb. CELLO FRANKS Lb TEA ,eiC? No.J FRESH FOWL ggC No. 1 FRESH CHICKEN gQc I I Wn7 j