TODAY'S STOCKS 'Sam. Tburlay, July 2, 14 1 tit ' J , ' . 'i 1 -- v t GEORGE DAWfcS ., -u k (,' V auctioneer ; aVrr Phone Blact 846 and Red I?) VWLl Aj JA i ; '1 Johnnton Cn. Little Long Lac .51 VANCOUVER Lynx .11 "2 American Btandard Vi Madsen Red Lake 1.40 Bralorne 4.00 Cariboo Quartz 1.05 McKenzie Red Lake 36 Macleod Cockshutt .... 2.10 Moneta 45','j 11 tm- .08 Congress XWrVV I 'I VANCOCVER J -;' lAy SUNDAY '-ICV'.f'' r Vr- I ESCamosun,8p.m. .Cp.t Hi Cronin Bablne Giant Mascot Indian Mines . Pioneer Premier Border .... Privateer Reeves McLonald Sheep Creek Silbak Premier Vananda .10 .45 .05', 1 95 .07 .03 2.00 .63 .13'. .02"., ' .01 I 1 I I rKUJA .4 1.11 1 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Negus 16 Noranda 68 00 Louvlcourt 14'i Pickle Crow 1.22 Petrol Oil & Oas 45 Sherritt Sherritt Gordon Gordon 4 4 55 55 Steep Rock - 6 70 Silver Miller 70 Sweet Grass .43 Golden Manitou 2 65 Landover Oils 33 Rix Athabasca 195 Nesbitt Labine 2 40 Boreal Metals 3.55 LEGAL NOTICES 40 HOMES FOR SALE Spud Valley ' rMKIIKIt ALICE ARM and STEWART ' & 4& ? UIINIlN'O Friday, Camosun, Midnight H ")1 Dl C A CI IDC FOR NORTH QUEEN 1 .V..' rLEAoUKb CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. . T . June 17, July 1 ,,. ' ( 1 i . , ..r-,., S3 Coquitlam, -Midnight- J, A f. $ Classified Rales Silver Standard 103 4 30 pm, day previous time ClnMirr 2 00 ...iinir-ul loll . Western Uranium Sll-Van ., Dorreen TWO-BEDROOM bungalow with N DecEa8Ed lovely sea view. Large bright i ' iohhmi: llvlnioom. Modern cabinet written umders will be received by kitchen With piped-in Oil and the undersigned until August 8. 16. rnnirc Attractive bathroom. New for purchase lor cash or one-hall Estella rings and oil heater cash and u-rms of property at 674 1 oilH .48'; .24 .61 em .28 l.rj floor cove riss-m-d 3 "'' Ir word per In- , minimum charge nil cents B.rih Notices. 60 cents: Cards of lwll Notices, T, ,j Si.Ik'i-s. Murriat;e " EiiK'lif'niMit 4,111 HW:fW. Su..l;il lluplHV double IT'-No Refunds V(. ,-ni n it accept resMnslbtllty ...'.hwidMl utl Inserted Incorrectly Threc-voom suite Includes Rock- 4th'en"e J .1 ; Citk l I t Anulo Ann', , " ! SURROUND I NoS l charlotte islam.s. 'W' ML. Commodore Cafe i "HSr mM t ' l t l Prince Rupert Agent. l "7 ' ! l 1 ntcT ' Third Avenun Phone 568 V t , ... f. Canadian . ejection tt. gas range, automatic heater and ' B - Prince Rurt, consistlnii of sub- A P Con . Calmont all furniture. Part cement base .......lai Htvollina In ennd condition ment. 745 5th West. Home Oil 8 25 1155) djympd into three large self oon-1 talned apartment with cement baw-' ment and foundations and attractive 42 WANTED TO KENT ,r ,n,.i. r wrong clnwllicntlon unlet ,',..,! -limn 'l ""it'll errors Is received fini'Vv MbiVt wh W et, h.rd to plr tlo'"d Hut wc.3 grounds. Apartment presently . - tnlini M hours uf first Insertion, .14 2 95 10.00 .H'2 TWO- or three-bedroom house, cupiea on monthly tenancies JAMES T. HARVET. Hox 712. Daily News. U51pl 7T 111 SIM HS PERSONALS COUPLE desires unfurnished apartment or small house to Box 6S8. Prince Rupert. B.C., Administrator - (J2,'J,.10,lfl 17.23.24) Mercury Okalta Pacific Pete Roynl Canadian . . TORONTO Athor,a, '. Auniaque . ... : Beattle Duquesne . Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian . ELECTRICAL 30 rent. Phone Red 182. UaZp) 45 PROPERTY FOR SALE .12 .15 .30 .39 .21 I'ailv News Want Ads Get Results II ' j v.' FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS . ' I'SuVS I YOU WANT A , , Phone rnoneuu 200 IF " s J KEITH H. TUCKER cindet. driveway. VtV ' BrOaOWaV L3le optometrist rock or concket? work.. livuuiiuj vmiv Rent of Trucks and Equipment r. jr j'n ZZT 933' M' J' SAUTOER3 JJj u, 527 3rd Ave. Phone 212 (XV) r : rFrHugheS.D.C.) j;JK," V V S llil .1 . I CHIROPRACTOR. ,,,, I if'tW rt vVILFORD Elecincu Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. tf FOR SALE MISC. LOT and building, industrial centre, wired 220-110. 1st Ave. East. $3 800. Apply Marine nn-t-ral Repairs. (155p) 46 BVSINESS OPPORTUNITIES This'll Curl Your Hair BIG REDUCTIONS ON PF.RMANENTS JERRY'S CFAUTY PARLOR 0ii. Supcr-Valu. .Phone 855 r;ir!v for appointments. Pro-Cons Would Ban Communists VICTORIA Vh Hon. George C M & S 28 "1 Conwest 4.90 Donalda - 73 Eldona .30 East Sullivan 5 10 Giant Yellowknife 9.23 YOU'LL SAVE AT GENERAL store for sale. Stork at invoice opprox. $5500.00. Dwelling quarters. Terms ar- Gfjod turnover, prosper- Simpsons-Sears Drew, Progressive Conservative and logging district. God's Lake Hardrock Harricana Heva Gold Duvex JoUot ueber 157c I'LACK your rU.wifled ad In this! paper' ul the economical six! iimi mte. l words for "l cca- rnri ai C Good Kchool, picture show, com- brtV!ALD munUy hall. Om mile station leader, says the Liberal government is incapable of dealing with the Canadian housing prob Reason for selling wishing to retire. Apply Box 425, Kitwanga. (154p) nenitlve dav.t cost $1.3S: 15 1 500-lb. words for six consecutive days rnr rnATflR FRFF7FR cost And lemember you LUULtKA I UK r-KrLK nn phone vour ads Just call m. Dally News ( tf-nc) Reg. $675. lem, because the "number ol houses completed In Canada was smaller last year than In ,1950. Mi. Drew, In an election campaign speech delivered Monday night before he left for Vancouver, also accused the Liberals ol sitting back while Communists LANDSCAPING AND GARDENING Rock walls, rockeries, rork flower boxes, lawns and fences, garden keeping. Free estimates. Phone Red 806. U75p) Now $475 $10 diiwn $23 per month Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER tnd Intermediate Porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p m. Fo KETCHIKAN l VlJ-- iJpton,efr'if H. G. HELGERSON A) 'n f 'ztfZed' . a , limited Q P1 rfY Ihird Avenue REAL ESTATE & INSURANC fr , m)rr S W Bujaer Ltd- 1 pho,ie96- viacf , v mmtv I : scoTr McLaren,; $'' ( ftt . T.J CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ;."' L-i 1 -htnede tJlShf3 jaine, Block 608-3rd Ave. W. . ' "" . Prince Rupert, B.C. ' ' ;,. -(. 4 ' L jr1 CHOP ,0 rl SUtY ,r. . . . phone 347 P.O. Bos 374 v S, . NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited, Dlr,trlb.itors foi: Mining, Sawmill. l)grlng and Contactors' Eaulnment Inquir ies Invited. OranvlUe Island, j RESTAURANT No reasonable ! burrowed into vital Industry, offer refused. Or will sell j sald ft Progressve Conser- -200-lb. 1- ,'ancfuvcr I. PC (tft equipment m excellent conn -. vprnment would ban V tlon. Apply after 7. pm. or nui"""- j. .v,. PHONR 18 your Northland Dairy, I day Sunday. Phone Blue 127. wmmumsj, acuviu- . -(153) Criminal Code because present WEDNESDAY Midnight Canadian laws had no way oi Comfort and Service QUIC FREZ Upright Freezer Reg. $259.50 Now $199.50 $5 down $13 per month for daily delivery except bun-d::v Bv looking after your milk vour milk will look after you. Km-d it cool. All milk guaranteed, tf) Por reservations wr-te 0 CJ I UDen S p.m. JiJUO-m. i caii my w r.erot oflic. PRECISION SAW FILINC . Pr.c Rupert, B.C. . I (Dallv except Sunday) . .. . . tfi,i-f i, i RELIABLE and experienced i deaUne with Communists until man wanted to operate short- j n h d committed sabotage, order restaurant. Apply base- . . , . ment. Bus Depot, or phone 2200 ! The Liberal government took or Green 767. (154) ."arbitrary action" against em- i ploying some persons on Com- rtllKNTS t ir i-aimulan Liquid Mr Co. Ltd.. for ovgen, acetylene and all welding suoplles UncisnVs Curtage Si Storage Ud Phone 60 c ! T'T Ainypesotbows: ; v; JP( I - ' - 'j HollYWOOd tale Sharpened kyj( " rSSJHittlS Outslle ! For Orders Phone 133 , " iHCfeu. ffc -- -3 L. munlst grounas wnire iimnins uu i .t.nmni Hpflni rfimmunism Simpsons-Sears Limited 312 Third Ave. W. Phone 460 Prince Rupert. (154) Re;eHRwThS "Hbr.5eVSkeCV under law. and at the same time Not a vt oSh! fusf.ike -p.oyed "thase of wea-known chrome! Last years! Send SI. 98 Communist record in other agen- HAt'I AGE Prince Rupert to Rmlthers via Capling's Truck l ino everv Tuesday and Friday. Contact Whalen's Cartage. Phone 318. , (163pl nr COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, ties 01 the sam3 government. . HnnUltcu, Ont. (LValers want-r.-The extent to wnlch Com (174) ,ni,;t niDnntzers have estab- "-Water By CHiC YOUNG , k BLONDIE" on the Brain ; , .. .. w.wjmuwiui- ' "S , - VWOULDNTJ yij- T- WHV ;' ' IN THIS HOT SUSj ' BRING ME ) LJ ! Vj! . SYL jCli "'' tfV M1 MAKES A FELLOW ) A DRINK OF S. Al UsT? tfV ' 'i ' ' , - BABY pram, $7.00. Large rrlb ed.) PFinVP Prncu "Gentet.ner" Deluxe Fordor, j usneu tnemseives in yumm vu- P.n entl,,; rlrrnlnr letters' nfl J!??""""- .V 1 1953 CHEV. chine. $25.00. 518 7th Ave . Ea.t hf.Aler snd OPfroster. Excel lng any part in the production of uranium or other atomic pro (1540) monthlv bulletins, buslnes I's Phone 383. 733 2nd Avp. Blue 528. lent condition. Maroon. Cm be l I financed. Phone Black 472. (153) ducts suggests that the tinvs for eetlon in this country is long West. (178) CLARINET, practically "new. - .- . . I niohpst offer ncceDted. Black 'rSSfpS;: '6.;i047 poNTUCr,ndTtSn: overdue." 715. 543 Cull ti.U 6th West. I.e- LLOYD baby buggy, practically 608 8th East. Black tourneau c. new. Phone Oreen 624. (155) (154p) WnauvV FINEST CLEANER- GIRL'S C.C.M. bicycle. Blue W. TAXIS and UtANSFERS riHTnoi.ux. Piione Blue (153) 970 lor Parts-Sales Service. c) ENTERPRISE oil range. 608 8th Stars Within Half Game Of Rainiers Bv The Canadian Prerts East. Phone Black 715. MMpi PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income - POYAL MOUNTED ' byMNtwtx ,,,, ij KING OF THE ; new. Re4 (157pl Tax siweiall.'it. S. O. Furk, GIRL'S bicycle, as filone Building. Red 593. (20m) I 876. CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distance CRATING and PACKINO. Furnituro Movers FURNITURE STORAGE (Iousohold Effects Moved to .or from anv irit in B.C. Phone 950 First Ave. and McBriufl FOR RENT MISC. fcddle'i'SZA A7 'NHS liOVfltles. Newj Stnrd. Vwri0CKCTXXe6 DOHA J& HA f" HHir-fHH.'MUTMLWiJJ,ilK-MtaWCKIHJTI M I I (C With an assist from Los An-j eeles the Hollywood Stars movetl SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent pm table nxchln" Phone 864. c DI'KSRM AKINO and Alterations. Phone Red 918. (156) to within a half game of the Pacific. Coast League leading SeattlJ (e) WANTEU MISCELLANEOUS 31 Rainiers,. . j . . .. vxo'ftAtetairAhHhiped fieattlf B-4. and ' Hollywood xivercume IN FtE FSTATE O? JOHN MncLEOD. Sacramento 9-2. NEARLY ,ooov 9W c) m uri.p w anti:iCmai,e " IlfiYS! BOYsT Do you want to earn extrn pocket money during summer holidavs? If you do Just cnll and leave vour name at THE DAILY NEWS AV-v-7.'GAiiiI 'VOW'' ' Scrap: copper, rnss. batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Cnll 63'J btli Ae. Weal cl rjECEASEn. ThVV M.t'I'lfV II, o oa IrlmlKls- Oakland had a four-run trntor. duly appointnl bv the Court. seventh inning that overcame nt the estate of John auci-eud. who , port land, 4-3. This game, played r. mllmM i 35 BOATS AND ENGINES ffl'OOT Inboard boat, powered at Portland, was delayed 42 min-1 uter. by a defective circuit In the. OFFICE, for summer paper routes. (tt-nc) by 2 V, Lawson. Can be seen park Hunting system. Southpaw Al Lien of San Fran died at Vancouver. British ColumDla. on the 14th day of January. 1953. I require nil creditors and others having claims against the Bald estate to fiend the same to me. properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the 10th day of August. 10M. otter which date I shall pro- Phone Green (156) at Yacht Club. 445 after 8 p.m. cisco was pretty much the whob LI'LABNER -boma . . . bo no . . ' - r-r- : . . , show as the Seals whipped ban t DCMT FOCE ME TO GIVEOO POTT TWO OF TTT.TXafA i gK-J U 'STLST .1 Xf ', I Phone nmek Help H'td. Male Female SUN carriers winted Good opportunity for bovs and girls to Mvn nuiney during summer. Ainiiy bitsement. Bus Depot, or for rent. ROOM 890. Diego 3-1, In an afternoon game. (155pl ced to distribute the estate to those ROOMS FOR RENT 36 Phone 2200 or Green 767. (154) I "J X?' BrFtA""" r f?S Will MAP MAM JA BOUNCES SECTION '. p"-"tf SiToTJroOT-BUTTe.AT Tf FSpSu31 . J J- " , I ' TWITCHES VOOiPINt.BHEAKS-OjNtCK. ' U. BULL-UvE X )'!, J . i'.' . AMP SNAPS YOU Ht-APOFF.T- y 'AS .-.y' . aggV .Qr Jj - X- .. i,)' t emu icq oy law. naving reusra only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons Indebted to said iTuon.nnnM bhUp close in. fXPKRlKNCED seamstress, al-, 1 ava lable July lt. rnone uu (ISttl) em.tiT,e are retiurea to pay unur in-.. ! debtetlness to mo forthwith. Doris Hart Reaches Finals WIMBLEDON (CP) Doris Hart and Maureen Connollv advanced to the final round of wom terntionlst wanted. Phone El;"k 84. (153) 2 HELP WV'NTEO TeMALE 1 WO rooms. Apply after 5 p.m. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 22nd day of June. 1D53 IOCS 8th Ave. East. U3u' OOHDON FRASER FORBES. 1 Official Administrator. ' Prince Rupert. B C. (June23.24,30July2-p) sleeping room DOUBLE Red 1156) en's singles in the All-Enaland, lawn tennis championships to 471. ROOM for rent. 836 Fraser St. (154) day. . Miss Hart defeated Mrs. Dor- IN RE ESTATE OP EDWARD JOHN MARSH. DECEASED. othey Head Knode 6-2. 6-2, and I.... -mn(Zi -, . . .,-i4 EXPERIENCED fctcwu'rapher for local construction office Rime bookkeeping required. Phone Red 593 during daytime for appointment. (153) W SITUATIONS WTDFemale EXPERIENCED office clerk In diip noPj of position. Apply Box Hjjjjiiy N(w, (153p) 21 Fl'EL TWO bedrooms. Red 298. (154p) TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed by the Court, of the estate of Edward John Marsh. Miss Connolly disposed to biur- ROOMS AND" BOARD ley Fry, 6-1, 6-1 In the all-Am S7 evican semi-finals. BOARD and room for working mnn nr room only. Black 660. THE HEART OF JULIET JONES ' w UL., '.I , 6S. rIBE TOE SUMAV : , -T TO TAKE WHO WRITES LETTERS TO EVE- A m - , 1 MaS&Iss Vw.. THELOvaoEPiTca ,; i, , who died at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, on the' 24th day of Apfil, 1963, I require all creditors and others having claims airalnst the said estate to send the same to me, properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the 10th (153)- Remember when 39 HOMES FOR RENT (sootles) coal dny of August, 195S. after which PooTim.ia Phone 651. Co. Ltd PhllD:t Evitt b George Fazio of Los Angeles won the Canadian open golf title in a tense finish at Beaconsfield, date 1 shall proceed to distribute Phone Green (154) (Cl THREE cabins. 400. Que., seven years ago today, nx .v. i- i m ; ?-pcivs-A i Is "w rv. ,1 SEWING MACHINES Fazio tied Dick Metz of Kansas BALES Repairs Rentals. Singer "wing centre. Phone 864 with 278 in the regulation 72 holes, and In the 18-hole playoff Fazio won by a single stroke at . (174) the estate to those entitled by law. having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons Indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 22nd day of June, 1953. GORDON FRAVSER FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. ( Junc23.l4 30.July2-p) 30 the 18th hole. 40 HOMES FOR SALE THREE-BEDROOM house. Full basement, automatic oil furnace, hardwood floors. $8,000. Phone Red 784. Call 109 11th St. A153p) STOREY and one-half Two bedrooms up, two down. Phone Red 245, 152p) ELECTRICAL THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. Canada had only 66 miles of railway when the first postage "um! wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 165. (163) stamps were issued in 1851. 0 asaSoon Fir WaraS MS 1 f jf Oil