11 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, July 2, li53 .flnMrcl U, Changfe) SCREEN "FLASHES 2 Years Thro Teens Girls' Summer Outdoor Wear RAILROAD RECEIVES $5 FOR RIDE TAKEN IN 1929 ST. LOUIS (AP) The Frisco Railroad is $5 richer today because a passenger kept worrying about a free 10-mlle ride he took in 1929. The money came from a California resident who said he took advantage of a confused conductor and rode without a ticket. "If r -r 4 t SSI Of TO ixBROtm BMJI MMM HALE 7. - "! mm km Jotmm Sit! LW " im mm mm TODAY to SATURDAY Evenings 7 - 9:05 p.m. Matinee Saturday .... 2: p.m. A THE JEW WAYNE PICTURE Sun Suits Dresses Bothing Suits Jeans Tee Shirts Shorts Underwear Blazers WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Full line of. TENNIS EQUIPMENT LAKE ECHTADA SUNDAYS OR BY PRE-ARRANGEMENT .Wiiii:-:.-. ! ii rl il tt- IS THE DEST WAYNE PICTURE! 6stW, THE ; SPORT SHOP 1 ONE OF THE NEWEST PAIRS of sightseers seen almost always together in Italy, Suzanne Dardolle and actor Clark Gabte take in a few of the sights at San Renio. Romantic rumors surround the two as the pretty French ex-model and the Hollywood hero continue their tour of the country. W Bros, happily presmt JOHN WAYNE DONNA REED CHARLES COBURN L ... t 11 I 1V1 .. . BLACKWOOD on ; v d3r'ulnc Also CARTOON - NEWS Evenings 7 . 9:11 Saturday Mat . 4:14 By EASLEY BLACKWOOD roderick Crawford, noted on the screen as a "tough guy," plays his most rugged role in Columbia Pictures' "Last of the Comanches," which opens tonight at the Totem Theatre. The average screen "tough guy" is plenty tough, all right; but usually he's only tough against fellow humans. Crawford appears In "Last of the Comanches" as a hard-blt.-ten U.S. cavalry sergeant in command of a small band of Indian massacre survivors fleeing over 120 miles of burning desert and beset both by thirst nd Comanches. The film pits the star against both man and nature. Crawford, who won the Academy Award for his performance in "All the Kini's Men," hi' come into what is, perhaps, his finest role since in "Last of the Comanches." A backward glnnce at som-of 'Crawford's recent roles will illustrate In "The Mob," the star played a hard-hitting cop on a rough assignment: to crack racket wide open. In "Scandal fheet" he portrayed a ruthless editor who would go to any lengths to get his story, even if hp had to commit murder! In "Born Yesterday," a role on the "entle side for Crawford sa him as a ruthless big shot trying to buy up a Congressman, A brwnv brawler, mixing !t with his dukes or swineing his weight around in a figurative sense, Crawford always can be counted on for a colorful, vigorous performance in a freo-swinging style of acting. LONDON (Reuters) Lavrenti P. Beria, who became the No. 2 man in he Kremlin hierarchy on Stalin's death, is still the subject of much speculation. When Prime Minister Malen-kov and' 11 other Soviet leaders went to the Bolshol theatre In Moscow last Friday night to see a new opera, Beria was not included. The 11 names comprised all the ful! membars of the party praesl-dlum top direction except Beria j who is secret, 'police chief and j interior minister. I No explanation of Heria's ab- j sence from the list, was given, i It was not. known so far whether j Heria is 111, out of town or out of favor. Had Beria been in Moscow and in good health, It is regarded as certain that he would have been 1 at the opera together with his colleagues for what was evidently a "state occasion." The listing of high Soviet officials in a strict order of seniority follows a dc- finite pattern and omission of I names Is never accidental. There is to Mote-Catching Mr. llcinsite Was Slightly Off the Beam It JtlUEENS . HARLOTTE i04 IRLINES Do you have your own Mr. Hein.site, who makes your ears ring with a long and boring analysis of v GROUPS OF SEVEN, PER PERSON MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCE - FRIDAY LEGION AUDITORIUM Admission $1.00 Dancing 10 . Music by THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOYS EVERYONE WELCOME 0.15 ONLY $ 62 Xssa RAD tO EIAL CFPR I MO K.'ucyclo THURSDAY PM. 8:00 At Home With tile Ieuutcks 5:25 Int. Commentary 5:30 UN Today 55 CBC News, Weather Report 6:65 Have You Heard? 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:30 Wayne ana bhustor I 0U CBU Mews 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 "The Ways of Mankind" 8:30 Humer's OdyBsey 8:00 Thursday Playhouse 9:30 CBC Vancouver Concert Orch. 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:16 Midweek Review 10:30 Parade of Choirs 1 1 :00 Weather Report 11:02 Pish Arrivals 11:04 Music Till Midnight 12:00 Sign -off FK1DA AM. 7.00 p 3 Fisherman's Broadcast 7:16 Wslral Clock 7-30 CbC News; Weather Report 7:3b Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 -Here's qui Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morn lni$ Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 PRC News and Commentary 9:15 Musical Varieties 9:60 -Time Signal 10:00 Mcrnlng Visit 10:15 "HI I" 10:45 Musical Program 11:00 A Man and His Music . 1 1 :30 Weather neuorl ' 1:31 Pish Arrivals I I -'it TI1....1 1 11:45 Scandliavian Melodies PM - 2:00 Mid-Day MclcCIn 12:16 CBC Niw 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2:30 TransCanada Matinee 3:15 Recoi is lor You 3:45 B.C. Request Roundup 4:15 A Trip to the Moon FORD'S FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY SALE 2 Weeks Commencing Saturday, June 2 COME IN AND TEST-DRIVE OCR USED CARS TIPTOP Condition Guaranteed Bob Parker Ltd. SERVICE STATION "Tlic Home of Friendly Service" Me BRIDE at SECOND AVE. control. vill cook jom. cot on a pleasant posh . bmtoa, , meal cooking right lor Advance Arrangements t'oiil.'ct CRAWFORD MOOR " 5-' ?.. South dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Mr. Mnzv) S 7 2 H A Q 10 5 3 D 0 4 3 C 4 3 M cl i,s (Mr. Iliilr) (r. kmi) fri- fc! J 10 0 3 S 5 4 H-K 4 . H- 8 7 2 D--Q SB 1 J 10 8 2 V Q 10 B O- K J Still) Il (Mr. Ilriiioiti') 8 A K 6 H J 6 T- A K 7 C A -7 6 5 2 ' The bidding: South Wpst North East 1 C 18 2 H Pass 2 NT Puss 3 H Puss 3 NT All pass the contract was down one. Mr. Heinsitn ccnliniied his verbal ch'.i.stb;cmrnt of his partner. ; "Dirt vou ever har such biii-riing?" he asked, tinning to Mr. Dale for sympathy. "You're right." Mr. Dale replied. "Miu'yy's two heart bi' was prettv b-d On the nt.hev hand, it. wasn t nnv worse thir yol,r CortTinlv you be- !"n,,p" 1,1 '"imp air' in fact it was ice-old." Mr. Heinsitc ws stunner! intr "Hence for a mo-nrnt. Jf h' '"'r'n't. been m engrossed iii nnlyzins Mr. Mnzy's bidrlln" he prohablv would have srr he rieht play for nine tricks. It wasn't a difficult play. As Vtr Dale pointed out, it con--isted merely of letting Mr. Dale hold the first hert. trick with his king. Mr. Heinsite ther would have w-n the n-xt fotr hearts which were all he needed for. his game. POSTER eiSPLAY ftooKiro CATALOG I STATIC- UEf WHERE CRAF1 SM ANSHIP COUNTS . COUNT ON US! Dibb Printing Co. I COMPANY TRAVEL AGENCIES Phone 620 or 476 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Plume GO or ti8 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. L Enquire for Charter Quotes TOTEM A Famous Players Theatre TODAY to SATURDAY" CAPITOL A i-'AMOl'S PLAYERS THEATRE MOT KZZ1CZDC your favourite iI with a lZsctcune shoe Please VOW Fin quality style i ' ' practically every hand? Let me tell you a little secr?t ibout him. He does not analyze everything there is to analyze about a hand. Not by any means. He analyzes only thnt which Milts his purposes or. In other "o"Is. tint which makes him 'ook pood and makes his partner look like a drp No sooner had Mr. Heinsite -cen the dummy in today's deai fhan he started yellinp; about Mr Muzzv's two heart bid. I "You heed about twice as nuch as you had to make a rree bid in a higher ranking ?uit than mine," he snarled. Continuing his complaints all throuch the hand, Mr. Hein.site olayed as follows: The oneniw? lead was th! nueen of spades and he won -vith the ace. He laid down the ;ack of hearts. Mr. Dale covered vith the king and dummy's ace von. The queen and 10 of hearts vere now cashed and, if the i:it had broken 3-3, 10 tricks nuid hive been taken in all. But Mr. Dale showed out on he third heart and Mrs. Keen's line spot effectively blocked the un of the suit. Now there wer- mly eight tricks available and Douks Fire Homes After Wedding KRESTOVA W Romance kindled terrorism during the weekend when a younc Doukhobor leader got married In a colorful In the hour following the marriage of John J. Verigln, torch raiders came out of hiding tr strike at three communities and set fire to 10 homes. It appeared the raids were timed to take the spotlight awaj from the peaceful joy surrounding the wedding. The 30-year-old i; i"in. twin of violence, i secretary of the orthodox Doukhobor communities 10,000 inhabitants. Eorn in Russia, he is a grea' grandson of Peter (The bordly Verigin, former Donkhubor spirit ual leader in Canada. Close to 50 dwelling have beer destroyed by terrorists in recen months in Doukhobor settlements in the province's southern Interior. There was no trouble at the ""mmuiuty of Brilliant, where Verigin claimed ns his bride Doukhobor Laura Relkoff. Pacific Milk ii recommended by doclon for in- fenti' (ormulei. to other Fishing Haunts You'll be proud, will give to your kitchen. meals automatically while yon go OF ELECTRIC COOKING a dial and the quick beat starts WITH A MODERN ELECTRIC RANGE I YouH be proud of the cooking results yon can achieve with a new, auto v. : matic electric range. too, of the smart new look that a modern electric I range ENJOY "ABSENTEE COOKING" Clockwork ENJOY THE SPEED (7fj FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. N Ernr 11 ii irT i " i You'll also enjoy tb economy and cleanlioen ml cooking electrically the modem op. See these fine slinn at shoe store you'll Ite i!ciim - viB.0YTfi' , PRODUCTS i PffliPH - first, the way they fit, the smart styling, last but not least, the price is RIGHTl If your dealer is out of the style you want 'be can gel it for you front the l)u haine in-stuck service, lJNSUsT on Dui haine for the best in foot-wear.