Frince Rupert Daily News Thursday, July 2, 1953 MASIERIOiN, N.Z. u-ri henry McDermott is building himself a (utdoors . . . with Marty tour-roomed cottage In this New Zealand community, because he wants to "ensure ome comfort for my old age." So far he Is only ( years old. Friday, 7 p.m. Sharp General Motors vs Itattery SPORTS ROUND-UP 2 - L CYO Down Battery 4-1 For Second Win in Series Catholic Youth Organization defeated Heavy Battery 4-1 last night in first round play for the Sheardown football trophy in a game played at Roosevelt Park. i By GALE TALBOT 4 4' 3id you ever deliberately set out io find native Indian petro- Both old and new engines benefit from NEW YORK (AP) Why, comes the inquiry, has there been no organized move to elect Lefty O'Doul to baseball's Hall of Fame, considering the fact that the record shows the "man in the green hat" hit for an average of .349 in-11 big league sea g : phs, stone weapons or tools a.-)tijicl our Immediate country-iuawTtwre is a whole mine of v irious interesting articles and o ljertf of historic and intrinsic value quite close by; three beautifully made stone axes were recently picked up at Cloyah CYO let-land put CYO in the lead The score which gave with a sizzling unassisted shot its second win of the series was not. indicative of the Dlav which ! nt the Gunners' net X X1C sons, a lifetime figure topped only by fobb, Hornsby saw the Gunners miss chancel In the second half, lack of after chance around the CYO j finish around the CYO goal-goal, mouth saw Battery miss a dozen The artillerymen drew first chances to score. Ruttqn in the (xf v ' , 3 '- r 1 J and Joe Jackson among the moderns? Eav, and the north (right hand going out) side of Metlakatla t-asS!:ge has rock carvings of natural size human heads. Many answers are still sought I blood when Father Mohan CYO goal made some excellent The answer is that Lefty, now managing at San Diego, wasted the first four of those years trying to be a pitcher and was crowding 30 b?fore he discovered h? was meant to be a slugging outfielder. In his two greatest yearr with the Phillies, 1929-30, C'Doul hit .398 and .383. In his the Champs' 18-game winning Ktrtak the other night. That's not the propr t rst. Walt until Stengel's mob hits the road next time whh its wondrous lead and goes prospecting for dollars out. through the steaming western tier. That big stadium at Gasoline Development in 31 Years JOHN' WAYNE stars with Donna Reed and Charles Coburn, in the Warner Bros, comedy- last bi? year, 1932, he clubbed C1,,v,land ls gojnK to look awfully 36C for Brooklyn I empty after those 70,000-plus by those scientists engaged in tracing the beginnings of our natives on this continent, and th? Prince Itupeit inu.-.eum and F. E. Anfield would greatly welcome any addition to the local collection. Junior fishermen with only legr for transportation are doing es well as som: of the far-ranging grown-ups by taking some gcod sized dollies out of the Hays Creek tidal pool, four of our celestials had limits of 2i to 3'2 pound dollies at the "Hole in the Wall," Telegraph Point also paying dividends on the same species; Lakelso Lake still red-hot on cutthroats with the Royal Lefty is tied with Bill Terry of j throngs it held when there still banEed a hard shot past goalie F. Rutton. Shortly afterwards A. Tam-bourlni tied up the game for the CYO when a Battery back failed to clear and Tambourini had no trouble beating goalie Walter Silversmith. Before half time Jerry Van- Salem Wins First Half Of WIL By The Canadian Press Salem Senators are the Western International Baseball saves but the uunners snots were invariably wide of the mark. Vanierland made it 3-1 for CYO and Tambourini scored his second counter when the Battery back and Silversmith both came out to meet him and left the goal unprotected. A. Rutton played his usual valuable game at centre hilf. In the present Sheardown trophv series CYO has two Barnes to its credit and General Motors' eleven has won one same. Tomorrow night General Motors meets the Battery with the latter trying for their first win. Last Sunday Prince Runert All-Stars travelled to Smithers where the locals defeated the th? Oinnts for having madethe i war a race. most hits In a National League "ason. 354. George Sisler holds It becomes more evident each rtiiv thnt the fans nn lonyr will record j Urn out nl artre numbers just the American League with 257. to see a baseball game. There are too many other things to do, too many other forms of entertainment competing for the sports dollars. The baseball fan now demands a contest. Up to 15 more poivcr Up to 150 more spark plug life Some of the more rabid Yankee rooters are chiding this corner gently for having suggested that their team's runaway threatens serious damage to Am Coachman leading taker, and the GI6KE- JONES drama, "Trouble Along the I Way," starting tonight at the Capitol Theatre. Yanks Wearing Loss Record New York Yankees, who usually don't have to ask anyone for anything, might consider borrowing Charlie Grimm's Milwaukee textbook on "How To Start Winning While Losing." Yankees go into today's game at Boston with a clnnce to set n "second best" losing record for the club. The all-time mark i.s 13 in 1913. The next worst is in 1045 and enuallod Wednesday with a 4-0 loss to the Red Sox. Braves went into a tallsuin the same day as the Yanks and lost eight straight before riht- champions, ciiaiuuiuiiB, - jjeague s msi-imu i , o 1 woai 3-1 ,,.-,,40.. under brilliant rednecks 6Hmtnn nome squad a met success on nri Fvidmrw in n mr I an.".E ? conditions. It is hoped that a r' the me onanau Shanlilla a Lakes ljkls iwhioh hav? laid claim to finish, prising . P fcmltneis it. will , h rje senaing ,pn(,inl, an n nnnrls most invariably s:nie s:mie ponds n almost invariably ....-...,- wtvi ,hB P,inr,Br.iir For a eleven down in the near future for a return game smooth repay for the hike in from the , A V2 victory in the seconcl highway. i Fairview in the news ; game of a doubie.header at Vans': usual with doilies, skil-fish assured couyer Wecinesday night and grey cod; a good run of , the Senators a plaPe in th., post. erican League attendance. They point out that more than 30.000 crowded Into Yankee Stadium to watch St. Louis Browns break New Record Set Over Jasper Links JASPER A new record was set Tuesday .on the Jasper Park Collins Retires From Ring TCP, a Shell-discovered additive, now blended into Shell Premium Gasoline, puts an end to the greatest cause of power loss. It is the most significant development in gasoline since the introduction of tetraethyl lead in 1922. TCP was originally developed by Shell Research for aviation fuels is now available to motorists but only from Shell Dealers. 'Patent applied or nxK-iiMi in ussuiieu coiuis "useason plaVof for the WIL pen-all the same splendid eating no ,lant Tney wil, meet the winnpr ma Iter the color. ol the second nalf of tne league's T'C"dc?s are offering pictures split season. . to lucky snapshotters who meet j The Eskimos, who became a thenf near Oliver Lake these long serious threat onlv 10 days ago, evenings; more slowly and quietly fashioned 2-1 and 7-6 wins over 11 you get a chance, don't 'Wave Calgary and took at least tem-yaur arms around and perhaps porary command of second place BOSTON (AP) After being ing themselves Tuesday. They knocked out in his last two won again Wednesday witn ease, 10-2,, over Cincinnati. Lamb's NAVY RUM you too will be fortunate. when Lewiston's Broncs bowed - There is a sea-lion finding 2-1 to Spokane. " pood pickings along the water-1 The sad-sack Broncs, WIL frnnt u.ith tVtA Vapht Plnh tn nflr.v-RpttprS Until their luck Lodge golf course when Ron MacLeod, of Victoria, scored a 64. The previous record ov?r the par 71 course was held by Stan Leonard of Vancouver, Who shot a 65. MacLeod counted a 34 in the first nine, one under par, and a f tarts. Tommy Collins, Boston featherweight, has accepted manager Rip Valenti's advice to retire from the ring. Two months ago Collins suffered a 10-knnckdown beating from lihtweitrht champion Brooklvn nipped Philadelphia in the 10th inning to keen their half-game lead over the Braves. Although they lost, Yankees kept their five-game American Cold Storage being most favored turned sour in mid-June, have villi ms pittuce, a Ulg, Uiliy- unc nunc game uii men aLiicu- Tiiite colored creature, and no ule, tonight's meeting at Spo- GASOLINE SHELL PREMIUM League lead as second-place friend to anv fisherman. kane. A Lewiston victory in the! jimmy Carter. "A staunch old friend" 30 on the back nine, six under par . He set the record despite I7A The early cohos are showing Ilnale wouia give tne Broncs in his recent "comebick" vn aJew miles nearer the Skeena second place in the final stand- h o u t. Collins was flattened two three-putt greens. He shot five straight birdies and six in Cleveland also lost, 4-2, to Detroit, snapping a six-game win streak. American Boston 4, New York 0. Detfoit 4. Cleveland 2. Chicago 13, St. Louis 4. r.nd Dundas Island vicinity ings' four Percentage points in .twice before losing a 10-round WITH TCP The most powerful gasoline vour car can use 11N i I SHELL should have good fishing any the last nine holes time now. The new record was set while front of the Eskimos. technical knockout to Tedrtv Salem, needing a single win to I i Redtop) Davis of Hartford take the first-half title, dropped i Conn., the second ranking the first half of the Vancouver I featherweight. v yf This Rdverttwment Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. playing with Mr. and Mrs. Wil Washington 5, Philadelphia 3. llam Safrold, of Edmonton. twin bill 4-3, but came back "When featherweights can strong in the nightcap. The Sen- j beat you, it's time to quit for ators tallied twice in the second i good," Valenti told Collins. National Brooklyn 5, Philadelphia 4. St. Louis 10, Chicago 5. Milwaukee 10. Cincinnati 2. Pittsburgh 5, New York 3. inning and put th3 game beyond The Boston battler considered reach of the Capilanos with a Valenti's advice for several The Snult' Ste. Marie ship canal is 1.38 miles long, gateway from the East to Lake Superior. three-run outburst in the fourth, i hours and. then decided ol-Yakima, league doormat most! low it, much to the delight of of the season, staged a rebellion j his 21vear-old wife, Mae. &t Victoria. The Bears shaded "I never would ask him to Inst year's rhamnions 10-9 in th?" Mrs. Collins snid. "Fieht-flrst game of a twin bill and out- ing was his life. But now thnt slugged them 15-9 in the aftr- the decision has been made, I'm niece. The double win lifted the vc hapnv." Do vou know that thsre are riore than 30 different kinds of villows growing in British Co-limbia, and that they range from Eea level to up above timber-1 ne, and that they quite com-l lonly hybridize? John J i t z g e r a 1 ci and two couples, th? Stones and Vincents, vith Butch Ray Johnson and daughter Arlene made the flight lito Khtada last Sunday, weather was particularly good and til hands took a ducking at Rome time or another. Most of the fishing was done rt the entrance to th? lake and roulh, th3 heavier hVh were In ie deeper water and names of tie unlucky nnilers who failed tj hold on will not be mentioned. Excellent book on the readers' table at the Civic Centre library, Hammond's Atlas of Game and hears from the cellar to eighth Financially, Collins' future out of the rinr annears rosy. He owns a two-fomilv dwellinT in nearby Medfnrd, free flnrt clmr pnd Ins banked almost $25,000. In addition, he has been prom ised a lifetime Job as a court officer or deputy sheriff in Middlesex ronntv in the fall. nlacv. Cnlgary replaced them In Ihf basement. Wenatrhee Chiefs Fhut out Tri-Cily 14-0 find assured themselves-of a first-division finish. The teams wind un their schedule at Kcnnewick Thursday night. A loss would stili leave the Chiefs In fifth place in the final first-half standings. Sugar beet or sugar cane produces four times more food energy per acre than any other food. .... Beamnere l'ish pf North America; color il- Become Experts Fc , ork . . . For Play . . . Jixiiei tea's STRONGEST jjsiratert and a very valuable work with brief account of the pictured creature that "is highly educational. ' i . ' T Presenting ORION by Grand'mcre .-C'n Quick, Easy Short-Boil Recipes give you SOUfore from your fruit . .. X s , I Maximum Strength to Wear and Wear under toughest usage, yet with Trim Good Looks . . . Right, whatever you do ... wherever you go. Heaviest 19 oz. Whipcord ' .. Durable Water ... ., m 1 i , '.If Even if you lack experience you'll score a triumph when you make jam or jelly with Certo. It's so easy ... so quick and sure because Certo is a highly concentrated iruit pectin product the natural jellying substance extracted from, fruit. With Certo there's no boiling down. You use only a ON&-MINUTE full, rolling boil. So you average 50 more jam or jelly and the lovely fresh-fruit taste and color remain in your fruit. There's a separate, kitchen-tested Certo recipe for each kind of fruit. Follow the simple directions carefully and you'll have firm, sparkling, delicious jams and jellies. mm i fou' be proud to say Two-Ply Blended with Nylon Scratch-Free Comfort Will not sag or shrink, will not crease . . . No ironing necessary . . . moth resisting, wash any way you like, no special handling necessary. Will retain 7 f 1 its shaoe il J ) F I I II after washing . . Unconditiona HCIPI IOOK 4 LP- Hz 7ae cotct PccJk guaranteed by Grand mere Bawtiful shades. ' ten, Jte? H'A TROUSERS .... .$12.95 JACKETS $15.95 CRUISERS . , , , , $19.95 LIQUID OR CRYSTALS Short Sleeye Pullovers i 1 ' II Cardigans $8.95 ERASER & PAYNE Certo in either form gives equally good results RECIPE BOOKLET under the lahrl of every bottle and In every packoge. Each type hai special recipri which , must be followed. They are not interchangeable. THE UNIVERSAL Third Avenue at Sixth Street f A Product of Ganaral ,ood,,,