Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, July 2, 1353 WW Kr Bid for U.S. Sabre Rejected So Jacqueline Came to Canada .IITHll. jt.'.llIIIU.?v1 X X wr w m w m m i m r r . m m m m r w m m m m r mm Youn 6UDGIT1 Murder Sentence Reduced Hv The Canadian Press Y-.iwiU his been dragged Into battle ol the jet-pro- i avi.itioii s rrV fltrin.Y .. t ,.lll nt'S. 11IC iljuib line. Jacqueline Auriol, 35, the daughtcr-ln-law of the president of France, had had the temerity to steal Miss Cochran's women's speed record. Chances are Mme. Auriol now will get herself another Jet and do some supersonic hair-pulling of her own. : WENT TO CANADAIR The Inside story of how Miss Cochran got hold of a Canadian Sabre has not been told. She It's easy, if you moke Gordon & Anderson your headquarters because we concentrate on quality furniture at modest prices. VANCOUVER (CP) Court of Appeals has reduced to manslaughter the verdict against Glen Donald Smith, 22-ycar- Women's rivalry has been pushed through the sound barrier n a Canadian plane. in California, Jacqueline 43-year-old wife of un n-hriin. Lrriran millionaire, flew a Cinadian-built F-86E Sabre Jet f-'pU'cr faster than sound. , But probably more Important L hl,r wis the fact it went taster than the other Jaeque- o!d army deserter who had been j sentenced to be hanged for murder In Whitehorse, Y.T. The appeal court sentenced Smith to 15 years in peniten GROUPS 1 M 1 J :iTfa tiary in the case arising from the shooting death of Ralph Am i Caruso, Whitehorse taxi driver, I iff 1 i nl -rf'irr last Aug. 11. Defence counsel was Mayor John M. Cuclenaere of Prince Aioert, who Unlay withdrew nil his grounds for appeal for Smith, except the application tried to get a Sabre in the U.S. but couldn't, so she came to Canada. She tried the RCAF and was turned down. Then she went to the Canadalr plant In Montreal which builds Sabres and finally became a consultant to its directors. After that It was easy. Technically she took the Sabre south to make some tests that couldn't be made here. Jacqueline Cochran has been used to getting what she wants since she took her first solo 15 vears ago while working at a beauty parlor. She went on to head her own cosmetics com- rmny, become director of an airline, marry Floyd Odium, multimillionaire financier, start a Judgment Reserved' on Rate Appeal I OTTAWA (CP) The Board nf T -anspmt Commissioners has rt"Prv."l liidcnient nn an appeal gainst a $1 000.000-a-year V v in rate biji'Kt on West Coast lumber shipped to Toronto, j;,,,jt,( il and other Eastern markets. C w Brazier of Vancouver, ,in.H for the British Colum- for reduction of the charge to manslaughter. He pleaded for a sentence of from seven to 10 years on the ground that Smith JET - PROPELLED Jacqueline Cochran, 43-year-old wife of an American millionaire, is the first woman to fly through the sound barrier. In an F-88 Sabre-jet built by Canadalr of Montreal and powered by an Orenda engine, she flew at 652.33 ni.p.h. over a 100-kilometre circuit to win not only the women's speed record but exceeded the men's record as well. She also defeated her rival woman speed aviator, Jacaueline Auriol of France, who previously had wrested the women's speed record from Miss Cochran. had no criminal record. Chief Justice Gordon Sloan said Smith's sentence will be Modern suites to lend a reflection of good taste to your boudoir. Choose your suite from the many designs in stock finishes oak, mahogany, walnut and so on. Whether you prefer the modern or traditional . . . you'll find a bedroom suite just made for you. Priced for you from; 4-Pce. Suite subject to review from time to time and he may be released before the end of his sentence if his conduct warrants it. big ranch with him and dominate women's flying until Mme. Auriol came along. Try Dally News Want Ads , I The Harmon Trophy, awarded by the International League of Aviators to the world's outstanding woman flier, stood on the Cochran sideboard from Lawyer Eats Cockroach To Prove Point 00 1037 to 1950. In 1938 she won the Bendlx Transcontinental Trophy race against a field of men and became the only wom 225 UP f.t( l umber Manufacturers As-j !.( i.itu n Bnd other western (,.,nl)i r i'-"iips which initiated On- iipiwal, said the rate boost ,,.j Ihrirv the whole western fumb'T i -it? structure Into "ut- tr rnnfu:;ion." He i hai gcd the Increase was pirt nf a rc-ret tirlff clnal be-tuvn Canadian and American pilwav interests operating out ef Hi" Pacific coasl. The choree was promptly denied by railway witnesses. Moreover. sMd Mr. Brazier. C'rn srlinn railways took part In i-iic-rettini not In Cmdi b'-t '" In the United States iinH th is created a situation In v h I r ii they "compete with themselves." The rate inen;. se wjis Im- an to receive the Billy Mitchell SAVANNAH,' Ga. (CP) A law- 1MM Trophy as the outstanding pilot yer ate a cockroach in court of the year. .here to prove a point. That wrs the year the other , The Incident occurred during fncnueline. a shy girl of 20 un- .g hearirwr on a suit by a woman MR. and MRS. SUITES from $225 ?m heard of In the aviation world, asking $20,000 from the Savan- married Paul Auriol. There was nah Coca Cola Bottling Com- a child next year and another pany, alleging she was made ill three years later. by swallowing a cockroach while While Jacaueline Auriol lived drinking a coke, the quiet life of a wife and t the company contended the mother. Jacqueline Cochran was insect didn't get Into the bottle CONVERT 1 r i'e'l hv th railways last May 1 when It decided that West AND CHAIR organizing a group oi American at piant and then Alex A women pnois 10 ny wun me , Lawrence, defence counsel, pro-Rrltish Air Transport Service In dueed a cockroach In the rou-t-England. became director of room anci started eating It. bit U.S. Women's Air Force service by bjt to prove it harmless. ..H..I. 1 1iranpl o rt H In 1 Q4 S . How about a rumpus room in attic or basement? Sound good? It will sound even better when you learn how little it costs! Greer & Bridden Phone 509 215 1st Ave. W. was awarded the Distinguished Iklnson restrained Lawrence be- A bed for the living room or sun porch'that will accommodate those week-end guests you know.,,' will arrive when you least expect them. During' the dav ... a comfortable modern appearing -chesterfield ... at night, a wonderfully soft ond ; sleep-inducing bed. Armchair to match. - Service Medal C wi a lumber moving Into mar-It't': fa;t of the Oreat Lakes ?lruM he in the comoetltive" r tc rKs. thrrcbv withdrawing it t on Ih? $7.000.000-a-year MrrM rd.way "bridge" sub-firtv en hauls between Eastern vi Wn.irrn Canada. Th" effect of the increase ri spentled by the board pend-Ire tlr riitcon-.e of the current r weal -was to jump lumber rtn bv 14 cents a hundred fnm Ya rnaeh was pnt.irplV In 1947 she established two consumed and tne amazed jury world flying records which still promptly returned a verdict in favor of the company stand, and in 1948 she set two more. MME. Al'RIOL'S START ?18900 ' up pr.pnd.; pn hiiuls between van-f H' rr unci Toronto and by 14"i '"mi a hundred pounds on Inn's between Vancouver and Mr-ntrenl. That year Jacqueline Auriol, ' SO. with her children In school most of each day, took flying psons. In 1949 she gave an exhibition of stunt flying at Paris. A few dv later she crashed Into the Seine on a routine flight. Her face was badly niiM.shed but she flew again r"cn before sureeons had fin-I' ho n series of 22 operations ; on her. ' i KRs Have One Good Battle V. Tn..g. I Mi 11 1PM. " !,.me. A""inl UUtlilQ I OUf l-nke th world siM-o't r-ord fn . . ... 1 i e rn mjc I. faizs mom MODERN as you like You'll, like this modern . chesterfield suite in your livirq room . . . because it's so Sart AND so Comfortable. Coverings 'rmrn, ' "iTit:iuj 'ij mpii In p Vnmnlre let f1"hter over a 100-kilometre circuit. The Hnr-mnn Trophv went to France. Last December she raised h?r record to 534.375 mph and wks awrdrct In Ivrion of Honor,. Jacqueline Cochran alreadv h"d the I.cnlon of Honor and the honorary win-s of th" French. Turkish. Chinese and frirrt'sh rlr forces, hut she no lonTer hid the record. So lost month In her ftabn, bove the Mfiave desert, sh" Bv BILL UOS,S IN KOKKA ly With one gKKl IntUe and 41 ni"ht.s of routln-! I'al rolling recorded, the 3rd hat-l-.llun. Royal Canadian Regi-'"C'-t Ins crmplcted Its first tour in the Korean line. The Rett's now hope an ar-niLlicc wiil intefven-s to make then first tour a 'so tljcir last. Tut I he 47 days between April 21 when the unit relieved ttu homeward-bound 1st Royal 22nd nii-iit.. until June 8 when the ? ;'d Pi'ticcss Patricias took over ilk.,, ' , y For the fastcrt, best-looking, H ... moat refreshing shaves ever get , I GlllettO , modem Gillette one-piece Razor. R DELUXE ROCKET Enjoy instant blade changing, real H Cold-plated, one-piece raior shaving comfort and double-edge II plus 10 Gillette Blue Blades economy. Important advantages II in dislKnser with used-blade , Gillette combines. . B compartment, all in modern H Styrene case that $159 BaMnnMMaj H opens at a touch. k' v H Gilletto .IW I REGULAR ROCKET KX1. , H One - piece, nickel - plated vaj'-rlr "TV. I razor and improved lOhlade yT Vvi- A I dispenser, in handy C 29 J W ) W sfl Si yrcne travel case. I " x K ' C-410 M Nrrme the first woman to flv tor. established that, the through the Rniinrl hnrrior. Tn in smart modern fabrics with lots of texture interest. Two-piece and three-piece sets. 3-PC. SETS FROM $2gg 00 2-PIECE $225 battalion was found In all de- mnklng the rir- '"'""'''S' cult at 652.337 mph-. she not RiiJ'i Lt.-Col. K?n Campbell of miv regained the women's rec- pc: Ii Op.t.. officer commanding: nrd.from Jacqueline Auriol. but The tmops proved to have rxceeded the men's record as been as well prepared for battle well. i the soldiers we took Into It looks as thnu"h the H"- n-lr.g the war and who mon Trophv will he on thi r nr yurs of training. Per- again. Cochran sideboard for how long? Something Special MODERN- GANGES $ STYIEWEAR star: 625 THIRD AVEN'lE WEST .Ar. modern as tomorrow . . . uo-to-the-minute Modern Maid Gas 'Ranges nrovlde instantly controlled heat, cleanly and efficiently. -1 here is no gas smell . . . there is perfect Safety. Automatic oven control gives vou the finest baking oven ever . . . and you can see what is happening inside through the wonder window in the oven door. 1 . , our men were even more fit." Hluhlicht or the 47 days was Hie May 2 battle when the Chinese swarmed In strength over a Iilatoon position commanded by iirul. Kd Hollyer ot Tomnlo only to be destroyed by lashing artillery fire from the 81st Field pimcnt, Royal Canadian Artillery. The night's fiphting yielded "i" KCR two Military Crosses, " " M,,i,-"-v v.... nwi three mentions In dispatches. i "For the rest it was stralght-''"wai'd, not very difficult, sol-nierlng," says Campbell. "We learned a lot about patrolling An officer who can handle a. f't-'liling patrol can do anything." The command post worked out m efficient a counler-morlar '""hnioiir! that RCR mortar bombs were in the air, engaging enemy mortars, before the Communists' own bombs land-d. Constantly watrhirg the front mrniigh 50-pnwcr binoculars, ''t oUservers took on nnrtiru-h" wear, of ror.pcnslbilitv. As 'n ar. encn-.v mortars coughed 'rom his assigned area an observer would shout a code word into the radio linking him wlh the mortars. Canadian bombs would be in flight toward the J U L .00 199 aaaaS7 COTTAGE MODEL $1-5.00 PAY AS YOU USE BEGINNING JULY 3 -9 a.m. AKiS ltd: Children's and Ladies' Specials PHONE 46 "ve mortar before the enemv's had tirrivert. jig-MTLMBBiJ jAmi maenad-