'Prince Rupert Doily NPvv, Monday, March 15. 1J5, 3LACKWOOD on Todoy to Wedngg" I I O l! j . gaffes Ji ' ' BRIDGE "THY NEIGHBOUR? HUGO HASH . ft cvs' V'f E By EASLEY BLACKWOOD "YELLOW BAXTER . GREGORY PFrv -- - Care, Alertness Lead To A Winning Defence lio Times: m i " AVa Methods Of Welding To Be Studied SEATTLE Army engineers considering bids for radiographic Inspection of welding on the 621-mile Haines-Fairbanks pipe line In Alaska are studying two rival inspection methods. The district office here said three firms bid on X-ray inspection and six on inspection with radioactive Iridium 192. If X-ray methods are used, engineers said, the Canadian firm of West Coast Testing, Ltd., and Liddicoat Laboratories, Ltd., Vancouver, are apparent low "Neiehbour's Wife" 7 - 1Q;00 -APT0 FAMoi FAMoi s sPi. " W Jut because a declarer plans an end-play, it i.V.II..... Ul D.,n " o.o p.m. i dues, not necessarily follow that the defenders have to sit there and take it. There are a number of things the defenders can do to thwart declarer's play. To effect a winning defence it, South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. North (Mi Rrsh) bidders at $352,973. . - ll. Vs. -rz-' ' II . . ; f M II . - - f - ' - - - -Ml - , But a Houston, Texas firm, Isntvpe Products, Inc.. offered to perform the inspection with iridium for $220,000. - v is absolutely necessary to "count j the hand" that is, to watch the ; Luxury Steamer Pi ince George j SAILS FOR j ! VANCOUVER ' and Intermediate Torts i Each Thursday ! .11 11 :15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Mitlnizht I fi Q 10 4 H 10 8 5 2 D K Q 4 C 6 5 4 Vtet Kast (Mr. Masters) (Mr. Immplim) S 6 5 8 2 H K 7 . H J 3 9 3 D J 10 9 8 2 D A 6 5 3 C K 9 7 3 OQ J 10 Smith (Mrs. Keen) S A K J 8 7 3 H A 6 4 D 7 C A 8 2 The biclclliw: Th MnftonOOO u.nellne will deliver aviation gasoline and other petroleum products to military installations In interior Alaska. Heating Must Be Planned Efficiently An expertly planned healing system pays fur itself in a few years Ihrinicli greater eomfort lliat promotes heller health for the family. Phone 174 SMITH & ELKINS LIMITED 259 Third Ave. W. East I Comfort and Service !ft X - v South West North 1 S Pass 1 NT 3 S Pass 4 S All Pass For reservations write or call City or Drpot Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. play carefully so as to determine as early as possible how 1 ----1-ilHlAl j ALEC GUINNESS 0&wS ANTHONY STEEL ftzB n Todoy to Wednesday T O T P Evenings 7: - 9:05 . t,, - ,. n '"'mu ri,m , j -Summer Reduced prices I J g now iu effect. l.RCYALOTy. I c n n t o foods A SLOW-MOVING "sea" of earth, stones and mud threatens to engulf homes in the Monmouthshire village of Blaina in England. For some weeks the topsoil of the mountain overlooking the village has been on the move. Here, two local citizens who have been watching the movement, point out how the edge of the lountain has carried power cable along in its relentless march. Sex Appeal Not Factor the suits arc distributed among the various players' hnnds. Today's hand illustrates a do-' Tensive move to ruin declarer's , attempted end-p!ay. It Is a sim-j Die Dlav and stands out n mil". Builders Face "Roughest Year" VANCOUVER CP Spokesmen for lower mainlafid building contractors say the Increase of two per cent In the provincial sales tax will mean "the roughest year in our history" for contractors who are milding some 1 "00 government -financed houses in the Greater Vancouver area. C. M. Sharpe, president of Vancouver Contractors' Association, said the contractors are squeezed between a retail price fixed by the National Housing Act. and the Impending boost in the sales tax. He said they will be obliged to absorb an average cost boost of $120 per house. i by all reason and logic. Yet not ; I everybody would make it. be-I cause some would not count the j hand and so would not realize I the play was necessary. For Getting More Pay By' DOROTHY ROE That doesn't mean to make eyes NEW YORK W Sex appeal at the boss, but to think as a may get you a date with the : woman, since thp woman's view-boss, but it won't produce a ' point is Important in every salary increase. j business. Wallace's Department Store Get In The "Mood" With Wallace's New SKIRTS & BLOUSES FOR SPRING You'll like the variety. Styles for all ai;es. Prices for every pur.se. All the new wonder fabrics chosen from the leading factories of Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg. Yours to choose at Wallace's. DEFENDER FLtlS CARKFl'LLY Mr. Masters opened the jack of diamonds, dummy's queen was put up and. Mr. Champion won with the ace. The queen of clubs was returned and Mrs. Keen let it hold. She won the jack of clubs with the ace and noted that her chances were slim. This is the opinion of two women who have achieved top executive jobs in widely separated fields. One is Cecilia W. Kelly, recently annnintpd vi. f 3. Don't claim special privileges because you are a woman. Noth-imr makes a man madder during business hours, that is. ACCEPT SALARY DIFFERENCE She had olrrariv Inst, tvn 1 . . .. '. 4. Don't expect as much mtinev tricks and apparently there was i Ida Raisbeck, vice-president of a or as fast advancement as a man no way to avoid the loss of two 1 big advertising agency. I ''mild get for doing the same To Hand Over Firms By April 1 OTTAWA (CP) The government hopes to transfer its publicly-owned telephone and telegraph system in British Columbia to private companies by April 1. Transport Minister Chevrier said today negotiations be WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE strip , Miss ' Job. KelIy.s rcclJ,e tor SUCCCSj. then t. i .. . ! c ta,.' hearts unless she could out tht minor suits and find Mr. Masters with t .i iw luiun rveiyLiniig possiuie I uisci niuiiate against UUr JOD- KeeP V0Ur W "r V0U made two hearts Including t.h k.nW i"U W,w"Kt 0,,,u". For quick results try a Daily News Classified " 0 "' jn tne next step forward and v,mr nlalK- ihis is a common UHI.AKI.K iosf.S 1 never wtch . the clock, she j fau,t of women executives. They Working on this chance. Mrs. adds: can't bear competition from their Keen went to dummy with the ; "Many girls have the mistaken 1 ov n tex- ton r. f .m.Jni. C'l,n I I . I. ..1 . . ; ... . . .. , .. . - tween the government and two companies, the British Columbia Telephone ComDanv and the U1 cm.- leu uie mug i notion mat. Dy adopting glam- j no.n miss Keiiy ana Miss Rate- of diamonds and sluffed her last orous styles they will make a beck claim they achieved their elllh club. She Slip ruffed ruffeH rlnmmir'n dummv's 1 ln ' irrnnt eood ; ,l m-nnt.t i.. . PRINCE RUPERT TO Canadian National Telegraphs, Impression on the execu- Present eminence in spite of now are underway. However, he could not say how far they have progressed. uves. Ail cartoons to the con- nl Because of being women, trary, this is Just not so. An office lt s tougher to fight your way to is a place to work, not for flir- ,he toP " you're hampered by tation." petticoats, but it can be done. TAKE IT EASY cluo. Then fhe entered dummy again with the queen of spades, led the last diamond and ruffed it. Now she led the ace of hearts. Mr. Masters promptly played the miss itaisuecK. Known 'Irish Eyes Are Smiling" because of thd 7i. -.:iv king. If he had not done so, he Becky, has this advice for career Line Planning dependable, smart-looking bargains, Kl T( 'INK AN .r.iiu i i.i v l men put, on ieaa gins- :,!!;y: sir.1 szs s; rcr W m ci-il (r;ul'M on nsrl rars. faw terms of mrA More Soilings fnr your con vrnfrnif. ui a uuu. r,ui ip r man wmi r . ' $15.00 It"' WKANfil.l.I. $27-oo " Mt fflrvriilrt ft MciiliT. tr hpII kfpt pnh)t. I.ui k at tbr In I 0' milrt. liitMiuculiiif. " (h khm Uillurt ou'll ht HuOng ut , 4fU have let Mrs. Kern trump in f "on ' compete with men as 1lrr,. dummy while discarding her th?l'Bh ?ou were a man- Com" 'U rlUSUalld last heart pcte wltn 'hem, but as a woman. . , ' w , , VANCOUVER CP, The first nEk'WS r,MKTs Attack .. FOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY PKTEKSKl'RG $29-7o li Munarcti N'tlti. 1 h r h I r r. Mnntir, M he prtMiil In rltlf In thli 7 Dmlec Ptrkup. Ilcutor. rr rln. r l.M.k tlir ilJ Mtllu-ler, to the prh p WHEN YOU MUNICH, Germany tPt Two:10 ,our a yfilr- i United States navy carrier-bas- j The 23,(XKMon SS OronsayS ed planes were attacked by a berthed here in January on an i Communist MiG near the Czech- j "experimental" voyage. At that! .11 MAC $41.40 YOUR FOKU-MONARCU DEALKR BOB PARKER LTD "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" HIIITEIIORSE FLY ELLIS $56-00 Killer Nabbed In Phone Booth NEW YORK A Puerto Rican nationalist called th-Federal Bureau of Investigation Friday night and said he "planned to kill President Elsenhower. Nabbed before he left tht telephone booth, he was Identified as Jose Rivera Colon, 30. an itinerant paint sprayer. ui.ii.mii uu.aer rriuuy, and nine, iwo more sailings were Czechoslovakia charged im- j scheduled, with the Oronsay to mediately that they had flown return in June and the 24.000-over its uranium-producing cen-! 'on SS Orion to arrive in Octo-tre at Jachymov, 35 miles Inside ber. the Iron Curtain, and fired the Officials of the British-owned nrsi snol.. . ; Orient line advised shipping AIR LINES SEATTLE $6Qoo Phone 266 tOffice opposite Post Office) 2rd Ave. 'I U The Luxury - i ine u.o. navy sum one or ttie autnorities nere that the Oron-two American propeller-driven say will make It's third 1954 trip planes was damaged but both, 1,1 December The SS oie.ades pilots brought their aircraU : wll launch fhe 195 service in' safely down at. Neniiihei-ir i January ! ' 0 l (I - I ANNETTE'S I Da.ses in the American zone of - uermany near here. Try Do:ly Nc-.VS Ci:-.aiif ied SMI wrusKy at a popular COMING SOONER THAN YOU THlw f i t MID-MONTH MffWaSm MOWTGOMERY CtlFT DEBORAH KfRR FRiWKSIWtTRA OONW RFFO I 1 IV V Vr-HqWHMBnaaa T HU Ml I J.1J ! 1 01 prices DRESSES Sizes 11 to 24 Crepes. Sheers, Prints, etc. values to $19.50. m lm,. tw. w mm m mm am mi i mm m a m m .w -r-.ztusw $495 KI'ECIAI. TO CLEAR SUITS Gabardines. Worsteds, Cords, Uc. Regular values to $75.00. Sizes SI'IdAL TO CLEAR i&JU" SKIRTS Gabardines, I'laids, Wools. Values to $9.95. p a? Q c SPECIAL TO CLEAR ' J j 4TOT EM I rB,B, TyTT 'mmmmwmmmmmr For Jriaf wonderful name BLOUSES Wools, Crepes, Nylons. Values to $7.95. SPECIAL TO CLEAR ... $25 I o the top of your list, a FRIGI DAI RE vjssyrt SWEATERS Sa' $2.95 WHS' REFRIGERATOR r ELECTRIC RANGE OVcv (if BOTTOM 60N0 MELLOWED Ih WOOD WYLON HOSIERY W" 0 Gauge 15 Denier in new spring shades. Sizes 9 to 11 ATTENTION LADIES! The higher the gauge f the stronger the stocking). very pair perfect. N' Regular value $1.75. SPECIAL, per pair ' V lTll.H ''" "J $1.00 mm SALE STARTS TUESDAY, MARCH 16th i iTnivi I VI l Ul or 9:00 7.VW A.M. TTE AAANSELL ANNE LADIES' WEAR 0ISTILLERS OF THE FAMOUS BznadlCM WE LEAD . . . OTHERS FOLLOW TOMORROW'S STYLES TODAY See All the f rigidaire Appliances at GORDON & ANDERSON LIMITED j il" ...... t ..., i,.,,i Board w This advertisement is not published v. ..niia jcu vy (HQ tjiquur wi... Covernmcot of British Columbia;. . "