The Prince Rupert Dciiiy News Monday, January 25. 1954 Malayans Win Shuttle Title Bo-Me-Hi Trims Kay-Hi 46-41 To Split International Series Challengers' Accuracy at Foul Line Sees Alaskan Squad Downed 48-42 VIC'TOKIA (U)- Play in th key, Black, Forbes. Total 46. Ketchikan Tucker 13, Vincent 8, Auger 4, Antonson 3, Andis 0, Maddox 5, Johanson 2. Total 41. 1 Lee U a b with 34th annual British Columbia badminton championships wa concluded Saturday before nearly 1,000 .shuttle enthusiasts. Top-seeded Eddy Choong of Malaya came through with a straight set win over tournament-weary Joe Alston, Calif.. 15-8. lr.-13. After battling the agile Malayan hard in the second set. Alston called for two points at 13 nil rather than the usual five. Lions Awarded Weinmeister i REG1NA (CP) A new voice I with mighty lungs will be heard ' in western football this year, j British Columbia Lions -successfully gained admission to the Accuracy at the free shot line paid off for Prince Rupert Coup Challengers Saturday night as they defeated Ketchikan Rockets 48-42 in a foul-studded r.ame at tlie Civc Centre. The win gave the Challengers a 50-50 split on the two game weekend series. Rockets winning the first game 68-54, and one win out of four in the home and home series between this city j Mid Ihe Alaskan centre. ! A total of 33 fouls proved ! costly to the Ketchikan squad as the Challengers sank 60 per cent of their foul shots or 30 1 cut ol 50 chanoes. Don Seherk . netted 8 free shots in eight tries, '. Hupp Holkestad sank 10 out of j 18 and Ray Spring made 9 count) cut of 17 chances. Challengers i were penalized 14 times. i The Rockets oulseored the j Challengers in field goals 15-9. ! Harlan Johnson opened the .coring for the Rockets but nt 8:50 of the first quarter Prince Rupert's Pop Pay tied it up The Challengers pressed hard but -their shooting was off and the first quarter ended 8-8. Seven free shots completed cut of 8 plus field goals by Holkestad, Don Seherk and Ray Spring wiped out baskets by Harold Leibowitz, John Christopher and J. J. Mackey in the second quarter which the Challengers took 13-8 for a 21-16 halt time lead. Challengers only got one field goal in the third quarter, scored by Don Seherk, as Rockets' Herman Ludwigsen, Bill Martinscn with two baskets and Larry tnekson with another tried to come back. However, the Challengers sank 8 out of 13 free shots to the Rockets 4 out of 8 I Choong salted away the winning : points with devastating smashes. Paired with brother David, j Eddy also won the doubles crown from Alston and Wynn Rogers, Pasadena. in handy fashion 15-5, I 15-6. to end up with a 31-28 third quarter lead. Sinking 11 free shots out of 23. plus three field goals, in the final quarter, Challengers more than matched the five field j,oa!s sunk by Ketchikan who enly had 7 shots to take and sank only four of them. HON SCHERK SHINES j Don Seherk again stood out , for the Challengers both in scoring 12 points and robbing Rocket p.ayers of the ball. Rupe : Holkestad was Challengers' top point getter with 18 followed by Kay Spring with 13. ! Only two of the Rockets failed jtc hit the basket with MartiO.- sen heading the list with 10 points. I Two technical fouls were handed out during the game, one to each team, Prince Rupct for "lip from the bench" and Ketchikan for "language unbe-! coining to a sportsman" which '. foul made it five for Mackey. I Ludwigsen and Martinsen also ; fuuled-out for the Rockets. In a preliminary Inter B exhibition game Sunrise Grocery i led by Bob Sankey with 12 points downed Nelson Brothers HIP I I E( Paced by Dick Nickerson on the offense and with Rod Tait and Rey McKay turning in outstanding pei lot mances on defence, Prince Rupert Booth Memorial High school Rainmakers downed Ketchikan High school 4-4l to win th second game of a four-game home-aud-honie series in Ketchikan Saturday night. Last two games of the series for the international high school trophy will be played between the two schools in Prince Rupert around February 25 and 2f. Prince Rupert must win the final two games to take the series. Nickerson led the Bo-Me-Hi s(iiad wilh 12 points as the Rainmakers took the first quarter 1K-9 and led 23-13 at the half. Prince Ruiwrt managed to out-score the Ketchikan squad 12-10 in the third Quarter and the rallying Alaskan, high schoolers who came back to take the last quarter lt',-11 in the final frame, couldn't cut down the extensive Bo-Me-Hi lead. Tucker led Ketchikan with 13 points. Lineups: Itainmakers Nickerson 12, Tait 8. McKay H, Kristmansnn 7, Ilelln 5. Ciccone 6, Morison, San j Western Interprovincial Football 1 Union at the league's annual ' ' meeting here this week-end. 1 despite a threat by Saskatchewan Roughriders to block their i . entry as the fifth team In the , conference. I Lions also were awarded Arnie I to Weinmeister, 30-year-old former tackle for New York Giants of the National Football League. ' KETCHIKAN Hockey Scores l.l;i: Calvary 5. Vancouver 4 ( Friday i. Calvary 2. New Westminster 2 iRatiirtlayt. Calvary 5, Seattle 0 (Sunday). Vaneonver 4. Seattle 2 (Suturtliiy i . Edmonton 7. Saskatoon 7. OK tl AN StMlllt Pcntleton (i. Kamloops 2. Kelowna 7. Vernon :i (overtime . i mi it v ivn itvu io ti. Klmberley 5. Trail 'J. Spokane 2. Ncljwm 2 lSaturtiv" Spokane 8. Nelson 4 (Sunday ( with connections to Black Hawks Hand Canadiens Worst Shellacking of Season Saskatchewan officials had con- : ! j tended he should have been able , to dicker with them alone because he was on the Rider nego- tlation list. Weinmeister already I ias signed for two years with j Lions. 1 ! WIFU commissioner ruled he was not on the Saskatchewan list when signed by Lions. 1 SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE ond oil ALASK Phone 266 Office Opp. PostW to the tune of 35-25. The even split for all teams in the week-end action left the standings unchanged, with Detroit five points ahead of Canadiens. The Leafs are one point Lineups i:lilliliiou scnlor A COMPLETELY NEW ENGINE FOR f5 Uy The Canadian Press The lowly Chicago Black Hawks rose like terrors Sunday night to smash the mightly Montreal Canadiens. Whatever it was that got into the downtrodden Hawks it's got tongues wagging today in the National Hockey League. The Hawks, strengthened by three new forwards, walloped the Canadiens 8-3, Montreal's worst licking this season. The Hawks' goal output was the biggest single-game scoring production for the team this season and was the highest number scored PIUNCE RUPKI1T CHALLENGERS: Hnlkcstnd IB, Olsen 1. Webster. S. . Si-hiTk a. D. Seherk 12. sprinR 1.1. I'ay '2, Webber, Davis. Kliiten. Total 4a. KETCHIKAN ItOCKETS: Ludwi'-seu , Johnson 4. Martinsen 10. Ilrewer 5. Leiuowilz 1. Ellis, C'lirl.-,-lopher B. Malizonl. Mackey II. Eriek-son fi. Total 42. behind and 10 in front of the Bruins who remain two points up on the Rangers. The Hawks j are in the rear with 23, the Sunday win being their ninth this season. Two of the Hawks' new for- ) wards, Jack Mclntyre and Ike I Hildebrand, played prominent roles in the win. Mclntyre, for- I mer Hershey Bears winger, fired I two of the Hawks' goals. Hilde- I Steals Show TAMPA, Fia. (CP) Marlene ADVANCED DESGV OVERHEAD-VALVE Stewart of Fonthlll, Ont., stole; the .show in the final round of the eighth annual Tampa wo- i men's Open 72-hole golf tourna- j men Sunday when she posted a ' two-over-women's par of 77 and came within an eyelash of! catching winner Betsy Rawls of I Spartanburg, SC. Miss Rawls finished with an 83 and a total I 01311. j 7T z?r) brand, in his first game since his purchase from Vancouver Canucks, counted one goal and assisted on another. Kenny Whar-ram did not figure in the point-making. OTHER SCORERS The other Chicago goal scorers were Jimmy Peters, Bill Mosien-ko, Bill Gadbsy, Gus Bodnar and Gus Mortson. Maurice Richard fired two of 4 t . .. 7 . .......... ... . ... .. JJ 1 4 1 (.FORCE DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 12. by Uinudd s most exjwncnccd -6 builder the Montreal goals with Elmer Lach getting the other. Chicago's goal Saturday was counted by rookie Lou Janowski. against the Canadiens. j It was all the more surprising since it came on top of a 5-1 ! w hipping the Hawks took fomi the Canadiens in Montreal Saturday with Bemie Geoffrion the j triggerman for three of the ! goals. i Chicago didn't provide all the j surprises. Toronto Maple Leafs i stunned their fans by failing for the fifth straight game this season to score a goal on Detroit ice. The Leafs were blanked 2-0 j Sunday night and they now have gone 332 minutes and 58 seconds without scoring in Detroit, count- j ing the last 32 minutes and 58 seconds of their final game In Detroit last season. GETS EIGHTH SIIUTOVT The Red Wings' victory Sunday night gave goalie Terry Saw-chuk his eighth shutout this season and mads up for the 4-1 defeat the Leafs handed them in Toronto Saturday night. The New York Rangers' private duel with Boston Bruins the last few days ended Sunday night with Boston salvaging one victory out of three games. The Bruins eked out a 2-1 victory in Boston following a 4-3 setback in the same place Saturday night. A first-period goal by Gordie ; I Howe and one in the second by : Bill Dineen gave Detroit its win ! over Toronto Sunday night. " A I brawl at 18:47 of the final period I saw Rudy Mlgay and goalie Saw-jchuk tangle in front of the I Detroit net. The fight touched i off others, featuring a battle between Thomson and Bob Gold-j ham. All four were tagged with ff hve a fine cm ninri Tftonatch Mi DINING PLEASURE five-minute penalties. in WHL STANDINGS By The Canadian Press W 1, T P A Pin Calgary 28 17 3 188 142 B Vancouver 25 18 0 1:18 117 50 Saskatoon 22 18 6 147 143 a() N. West. 21 20 7 152 167 4!) SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe I Edmonton 18 22 8 175 18:1 44 (Victoria 17 22 8 1U 147 42 Seattle 15 2!) 6 138 178 :)0 f Dot Marshall Sets New High ' i --ZZZ-, . ir ".?.r ? V w. i f A x j... ,,hiii"- .W" TWO FOR Dot . Marshall rolled a new women's high single for the season in the Mixed Ten-Pin League when she rolled 222 and also took women's high three with a score of 523. For the men Bins Sharpe took high single with 222 and Joe Giordano caotured men's high three with 528. Team high single was taken by Dominoes with 042 and Four Aces took high three with 1814. Other 200 games were 215 by Barry Watson and 210 by Vic Menzies. Results: Tinyrnites 4, Luckies 0; Four Aces 3, Timberticks 1; Dominoes 2, M & M's 2. 1904 MONARCH LUCCtNE COUfC ONE MORE V-8 POWER FOR GREATER SMOOTHNESS, FLEXIBILITY AND SAFETY SALE OF LADIES SHOES Large selection of styles, colors ond sixes. All ot popular prices. BE SURE TO SHOP EARLY FASHION FOOTWEAR steadiness on curves . . . anil Milliard' complete elioii t of miil rii power Icaliire I'ower Steerin;;, I'uwer llrakcs. Cower Nat. I'ovot iiulow l ifts iiinl Aiiloruiilic Trail-inisinii ineiiiis a new ciiiicei of cITurlli" ilrivini; ease. Monarcli's new, luiier. slimmer hIv ling i fully inatclicil liy I lie luxurious eleniuiii' Ionarcir "(,)uiet-l!iilc" interiors so eum-forlulile, so beautifully appointed, so reslf"' unrl quiet at all speeds! Hide with iww licauty . . . drive willi '"," Mwer ... in a 195 1- Moiian li. The entirely new V-l! engine llial powers I lie inagiiiliceill I'Cil Mmiarcli deliver 11 urtr kind of V -It mcvr . .'1 for overhead-ale ilchigti re(reneiils IoiI.iv'k iik.sI ail-vanceil ami iiiokI ellicienl eiigincdesign. Tlie jMiwcr that conieo from lliis preal flew engine, iiiuilr i Camilla's most etcrii-iiceil .lt luiililer, 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1- HiiiiHillier, more rehHiiiMve ami llexililc performance, faster acceleration anil great safety on every kind of mail. Moiianli's revolutionary new rii!e-conlrol HyMcni of llall-Joint l'rnnt Suspension ailils an cMra measure of safely, comfort, anil "Monarch's new V-8 delivers wonderfully smooth power" Remember When Howie Morenz was traded by Chicago Black Hawks to New York Rangers 18 years ago for Olen Brydson. Morenz, who starred with Montreal Canadiens for 11 years before going to Chicago, slumped after the trade, but returned to the Canadiens for the 1936-37 season and showed some of his old-time greatness before death cut short his career in March, 1937. "It's mighty reassuring to have that safety reserve on hand!" SMART FISH oviviiuiaw nave iuuilu liiui iisil) migrate between the Red 8ea and the Mediterranean through the Suez canal. M lA'if.mHIil 1 I wr f J TnTl 1954 ? IflJlJ (2) LTLl (oi D3 FOR THAT C.nn.rf loorf, .r. I m84LJ I 1. I I jiJ . 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