n jjbie Durns The Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, January 25, 1954 'ft: I i . 'quel 7. ffl f. -',.rr. Tt MX First-Aiders Examined Here To End Three-Month Courses 1 Twenty-six members of first Bond, also taking the St a d claw here last night took ; examination. John oi. xuiin nmouianee fvam na. ... . .. Tonight the d:.v lor wearln' o' i heather as Scotsmen iiupert and the rest of rclrhrate the 195th v of the birth of I'll.S. , I'ri in c Rupert the 40 members of the , under president W. and about 20 special ! celebrate the Scots' tions to wind up the first series ' examJnations : was Bnh Mi, of classes , as Bob McKay. Rupert civil de- Dr. L. P. Charbonneau compli- i""1 "icers men ted instructors after con- I . , ne Jhn Ambulance Asso-1 ducting the exams, results o. 1?? thanked instructors' which will be announced later I cllarbolau for their EKamined were a ninp-mem. i ' ' "IffTtrri-BMIr C7 ber class in civil defeneo first inaustnal classes, which a..uiriiet in tne oroacr- aid, iastructed by W. N. R. Arm started along with the defence strong, a 10-mcmber inriiistri;,! J .Mbtf-ttt Jfc bride and eroom. Dlaved bv Carnl rinio nj t r,...i.. class taking the St. John exam, instructed by R. E. Eyolfson, and another seven-member ind wlth haggis anc. an rigs. iiinquets will be stag-th" country but the celebrations probably Newfoundland, where RrlR" R,H" the hit, ' Father of the Bride to be seen here Sunday, January 31 on stage at the Civic Centre. Shown above In dress rehearsal are some of he main character, of the Broadway hit show which won rave notices to 1U two-day run at Terrace. Seated to left are classes October 16, will continue study, and a further defence class may be launched if there is sufficient interest shown. The annual meeting of the St John Ambulance Association here will be held next Wednesday nlSht at City Hall. class, instructed hv Peiw a Seated to right are spendthrift mother and harrassed father played by Edna Cooper and A. J. (Bud) McCoIl. Others in the group Include Anne Tumllson, Barbara Oiraud Mervin Paulsen, Bruce McColl, Flora Melville and Rohin mi a statutory holiday. A ..-A IODE Seeks J- was oorn nem njic, You Name It! We Ship It! Complete shipping service commercial or household for local or world-wide deliveries. LOCAL OR LONG 'ISTA.NCE MOVING C .KTAGE And STORAGE Phone CO LTD. LINDSAY'S "Lepve It to Llndsavs" and died, a poor fl7M '1, 17M at Dumfries. RllC KArcr-A, A-.-Li r n s- I YOU CAN DEPEND CH Wan,. JlllenJ Applications Applications for a $1,600 bursary, open to children of deceased or permanently disahipri -j volume of poems was 4 1 1 Kilmarnock In 1788, ,e i f these poems will be M"im kiHrwvH fi.il tn 'tiW)Jv.uyv fviaiitii braws Dig crowds Despite Inferior Produce, Higher Prices . ,. ' J Bv By BILL Rll.l. Rftcs BOSS lut, 2), 'ance ' til !!ht ill ceiepi annua luntry. Despite th icv Kogihcr vegetables in your shopping bag 48 Canadian Prcaa Biaff Writer rriatT oem Midi ltd iu(i, back-), tired (ruling dunurtwd ran off-L follow. UedtlV Kidaey Pills etiruu-lnte kidoeyi to normal duty. You ff better ?tp bHtr, work bMter. (.4 OoWa lit any drtu rtore. You cas feieod on Dwid'sL servicemen or women of the Second World war, are now being received by the Imperial, Order Daughters of the Empire, in people turned up for the weekly Sons of Norm let Newsj MOSCOW Moscow's central market miuht be iioney ana yogurt are poured lntocontainers you bring with you. Fowl are carried away by the legs or neck. party in the Sons of Norway hall ! British Columbia Friday night T W. J. Crawioru open counter and customers used long-handled steel forks to pick them up for inspection. Beef varied from nine to 17 rubles (four to seven rubles 73 kopeks a pound), the latter for steaks. Lamb was consistently 17 rubles, whether in chop or roast, but pork varied from 17 anywhere in the world. The farmers and their portly wives Trv a DaUy Nev Classified! Ji) ,yie have been cno- j HANDLING VARIED With 12 tables in play, first prizes went to Mrs. Lena Schwab and E. Nielson whiu vr t.,Ho ine oursary. part of the wir memorial raised by the order, Is to finance university studies for the v inner, and will be extended over four years at $400 a year. Similar bursaries are offered in other provinces. Information and application blanks may be obtained from One farmer and his wife, with white aprons and cuff protectors, had their beef cuts spread out attractively under a showcase and sold everything at 12 rubles a kilo. Others had their meat on an Slatta and O. Brlemo took second prizes. The door prize went to Helge Ericksen. The committee in charge included Mrs. E. Somes, Mr. and ales from the Stew- Tra.'le to the meet- Kt John of the As-.aril.s of Trade. Ifpic itf discussion iilpi;icl direct, from River block, to the t. strvurt is cited as icai point both from , view ol a .short rail ,d harbor. ruoies lor roasts to 21 for chops. Bacon, extremely fat, n-as 30 rubles (13 rubles 63 kopeks a pound). In the stores it costs 11 rubles a pound. Mis. Robert S. Courlav. nmvin Mrs. O. Morgan, Mrs. C. Strand,! cial educational secretary IODE remina me oi inose at home and the bargaining between them and their eu.stomers is Just as keen. In Moscow, produce sold in the market is more expensive and Is inferior in quality to that sola In the shops. With no rationing and cheaper prices, one asks why people g to market at, all. AVOID Ql'Kl ES "Because," said a housewife, "sometimes we are in a hurry and haven't time to wait in a queue If the shops are crowded; this is quicker but more expensive." - After they have delivered w, R.w. ji. aidh wishes to announce - . ' ' that he has purchased an lfVeer StuclioA of which he has been manager for over two years , '' , from Mr. and Mrs. J. Ritchie and I Room 517 Ford Building, Main " y ad- ! and Hastings, Vancouver 4. B.C. Terrace Major Port in CPA Northwest Expansion Plans I ;mne Crawford and laaliti, Dulli recent rum St. Paul's Hos-iver. have taken over NOW is the time jub at Stewart Oen- ; i (lurmi: Hie uosence of Mrs. C. Barker. an s,;Ue-requlred quotas, farmers bring their surplus produce to market where the xtaip Qir To Pick Out Thot ' - i Dudley Little reported that TERRACE Plans for maxi- tne Terrace fire department has , mum use of Terrace airport with bein recogniwd by Insurance : direct schenuied flights to Van- coraPanles and as a result, fav- i couver by Canadian Pacilic Air- orable fire Insurance terms are! lines were outlined at the an-' now available, nual meeting of the Terrace and A nipments silence was ob- I District Board of Trade ' "erved in memory of the late L. C. Smalley. supervisor and Wi" Roblnn- ;,li.ir. t the Stewart ! operates stalls. Mot stalls are indnnrs Thr lie r.inadmn Lesion .i it Monday in the elf 'Kims. and will continue tq operate the studio . '. in the same location. . : He wishes to thank all clients for their '; commissions and looks forward to pro- V viding further photographic service in Prince Rupert. .saies airector ri:Mjr for Kir i.ka CPA in in British Mt-itich f GRUEN f ELGIN f BULOVA USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN are great halls with stone counters, some with show cases. The buildings specialize In fruits and vecctables In one, meats in another and meats and dairy pro-duets In a third. MOSCOW is a eilv in uhlfh Columbia, told the board that 011 P - ) I I CPA hopes to obtain a first-class ' ' '' aricn 11inS Orr, pa.t president h. insl.illeil the ful-- S Kirkpatrlck. lis A Laurence, vice nil, .--..t .,.,5 ,u, uperanon I fill In the northwest. : , . ju loose I VI, hi Irs. W. J. Crawford Brim-, ,"!" whool teacher earns 800 aiiua iui uir iransixirta- r, , il; Mrs. 1 A Larsrn took ton hnnnrs rubles a month, his tirinrlnnl in viii; au-a. lilt luiiin j in ni . .. ' Uati WlciT iSluclioS 7. Mis. R. L. Bur-rer; F.xci-ulive, Mrs, Mrs D, (iedcles, Mrs, M'lR Sharp. Sat.--. H. Bennett. as far north as TuUequah are , I . , ,,,st palty I,elp increasing he said, and he felt ,rJ'ht- "'""""'l v.-o-that ' st mw and u,(! c,oor much of that traffic could be tunneled through Terrace. P l.HOfl and a barb-r 1.000. The artificial exchange rate set by the Russian government ; i" In rents a ruhle (irm Vnrv.uc , FOR PHOTOGRAPHY C . ' . : v , I I . 305 Third Avenue West Telephone 4:0 with direct flights to Vancouver AiS0 wl"ning double honnra' Two beacons and othf!lhr Amctli -ta'-.ir8 wo-, aids were required nt the Ter-; t "",,d ''M.'nr lno1 n,'i;'e-race " ll,p ",e s Erie Mnr- airport, he said v,'.,i ... , ,. . end Ole Steavit tl'il f.ir rK iimntlilv niei'titij of k hr.inia K-sl ivnl "ill h.- hclil nil M H c'fii :t in 1 lie "'. Nr memliers 11.1. Willi. MTF '.arV 41 lint' .t '1, ..t.. ft I . , ; But the real purchasing value of itho.ruWe is only from five to I e'uht cents because of Inflated , prices I'orvro PRICKS ' W were espiH-lally Interested In the pri-c of potatiM's. a staple which. I have been told, the Rus-din- limic in time to provide ; frr to the public. A statooucr- ii. - ,i- ft Twelve tables were In pl;iy the enjoyable event. selKxil district 53, wa.s cleeted president ui Die b.i.mi. Mr. Macklln, board secretary duriu;; tile pi-s yejr, ll ( 'n'.,l !,uo Will Robi.ii.son as president. Other officers ejected we;c: Jim MiConnell. first vlce-prc-i-tlent; Lionel Houle. second vice-president; Larry Pruden, secretary and Jim Norrlngton, treasurer. C. J. NorrlngUm installed .ne new oifiee.s Pders , vipii sold a medium-sized ' iv-nt! nt n kopeks a kilo 2 15 ii (K, Th;it made the spuds , ribout 18 kopeks a pound. Kur people in a hurry many j ! v '( banaiining. but there was J ' nm ne at the state stall for the Annual Meeting ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION Wednesday, Jan. 27, 8 p.m. CITY HALL Norway meet in;;, 2.', 8 pm. Insta!-iicers unci soeliil. (20i "I-1 - : UFA W.U. v. J.iii. L'4. ;,t 7;3j ' MetroiK.le Hull, tlieers- ngive-( 19) Cash in on these First-oMhe-Week Specials. These are over and above the Specials advertised in last Thursday's Daily News. All Specials good until Wednesday, January 27. Annual repoi is heard at the I session emphasized the board's continuing cflorUs to assure construction of a Tcrracc-Kiti-mat highway, and provision for a direct power line into Terrace i lrcm Kiuiuat. , riiPtiner price. other vegetables available were carrots, between two and ' 3.r,0 rubles a kilo. Carrots brought the same price whether scrubbed or not; onions were the medium-cooklnu variety nt. Inn mc Hinq; monthly :l Mciisi J.ni 26. No. 101)1 'ruhlpi ft 8 O.Itl. Mnif flVtmtl.'tl,A 14am Mno ll ' .1 , ..... . ... . . 'hun en-cniimv ni- inns irooms nr, K(i m ien 130 all nieinljei-f rubles a pound). In the ulum Ul-g- 1211. , "ti. O FROZEN XY linn Hi An..,l, they sell for 25 rubles tit rubles a pound but are not ulways available. They are sold loopod torether on a string. i Nothing Is wrauped at the ! H ,, H'rvunts of Canada It J IV V I BLEACH in the Common ' ''fit re, at PEAS JU Speaker: J. j,imnrkct except meats. You Bile, ::.' ""'Xplanation nil Hi ivicp Siiiu-i .- i''. All n,ii. . sftAcargo ireoe 2,9c Soofcs out Frozo Brand 1 W STUBBORN STAINS ""iiillllU.I ""I Pl,,y (.f, Rnd ''"nibers an- U1-K. 1(1 l" attend, nt, YOU'LL APPRECIATE THESE i BLEACHES DEODORIZES DISINFECTS 2 pkt 35c No cleansing agent dea more so easily, for so little cost than "JAVEX". 1 111 I AHPf i m. f Most housewives know 20 r5v 1 Qy-" -$ avs ."JAVliX" maLea things white, bright, sweet and dean! udi.in L(;,m ad-' n Assets DIs-h:'S offered 1 N 4. also known 'U1l- Mi,ii.ted in f ('':ve, DlKby Is-a.nd contains np-l f "''res imd m buiMnm thereon Is on view at F"'' ''. l'.'.l. Ill, ',"hln U-Rion ad-I'S been n-, " r...KU.,. ' i'vuilan Pris-'. and tlint, l);i'd to sur. ,;,r cl'" " v' "'xllinr dale 0Wa4 fomifi) dkiirlu PROTECTS FAMILY I l7 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan .... J975 l5 Plymouth 4-l)oor Sedan. All hew tires .... $1450 ISM'I Ford Tudor. Very good shape $1 1 95 I AK(ii: Si;i,:(TION ov OI.DKR CARS TO PICK UtOM FOR FRESHNESS & ECONOM Y COME IN AND GRIND YOUR OWN SUPEB-VALU GOLD CUP COFFEE lb $j.03 SUPER-VALU SILVER CUP COFFEE lb $.01 RIFrXCH J HEALTH JdVCX disinfects as k cleans 1 Pkt. SHERRIFF'S PIE CRUST MIX 1 Pkt. SHERRIFF'S LEMON PIE FILL . . . a ver' important extra' in everyday bathroom, kit. rnen and laundry rleanmc IN IS 1 MiHT 1 -ii , AUTO SERVICE . run IV! lj'i'll ufiicp. 11, 4 'iv ' ' CCEICSiy P 29c B0THF0" jjc j ALL ORDERS THROUGH THE CHECK-OUTS BY 4:30 P.M. DELIVERED SAME DAY BRIDDEN : LTD BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS a, New Construction and Repair Work PABLUAA 39c OATMEAL or MIXED CEREAL. Large Pkr. I rsr aVdMii. 1 V II UP WMrft Phone 909 i