i i i in 1 ..iji i .' ' "J1 Army Officer Threatened The Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, January 25, 1954 Necessary Australia Refining May Not Be For Uranium Found in As Former Prisoner Charged WASHINGTON WASHINGTON i i Cpl. Cpl. Ed Ed- , SnXSs.!,,, WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE j : ADELAIDE. Australia CP) J Aintr.Ji.i of the richest form of ward S. Dickenson, the former 'ralia. lumps of the ore contain 70 per cent or more of uranium SCREEN r.rlner-of-war wno ciuii.k cxide. w, mind about remaining with FLASHU ivnning ex per is cuum ui.ui- , ,,, . i . ., the 1 . . ... Geologists define deposi's, j j u pitchblende found at Wild Dog as massiVe resinous-loukim; Valley, only 40 miles from this j pitchblende. , ; South Australian state capital, I According to mines director S. i I rr nrcsents the first discovery in 1 P nickeiv'.cn of South Aus-I the Communists and then wasj - V fi. - I r.!Pt G.RLS', RrtYC BOYS' nn4 and charged with unlawfully t'Bn The pitchblende at Rum Jun-fle. Australia's major uranium field In the Northern Territory, is rrt in the massive form, but is finely disseminated through htock slate. KASII.Y REFINED with the enemy, is uescnuru , DRAPERY, Etc. one of his lawyers as came a. Iv JAMES BACON HOLLYWOOD ( ,,, Hii'.'lvs has run one of Hof ' wood's major motion pj.v studios for years. But he sick innn." Kdward W. Hcndrick i II -Col said Sunday night the 23-year-old soldier from Crackers Nerk.i .. i . , ,, i o run down and 'Bandleader Should Stay With Band, Not Customers' in v. i mui m.Mur n, va.. is u .. J .. . . The advantage of the newly-c'Ucnve'TTl'ore lies in tile reodi-.,. with which it can be re-fii"'i (n uranium oxide.. Si--Douglas Mawson, one of Aus-t'iiii top geologists, believes that if the deposits prove ex S Clearance Sale Now On I I All Departments ! WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE j nervous and was very mum i.e mmumra mat tong surprised and shocked when toted suspicion In a rare should act as host." the ju-i"- LONDON (Reuters) Contro I these charges weic h hvj m , ui" ''k, suung u I Friday night." inexpensive, lour-yenr-old R. W. A. (Bob) Chidwick innn vv w ll Qeiermuie on a rainy, darkened airfield Tl. I . nunc nnic uern m tin. whether the returned PoW mu r.nn enint-mai'tlal trial. j I'oing the rounds about Hue'. mm c.ise -i.-t mcanwnue - connu Bob Chidwick Purchases ; Van Meet Studio i in- 1 1. .... v.kv vvmc waa ued to have icpeicusslons boaijhe haW never lieen on the fa Inside and out of the defence j The other was that hp ik department. ) 'hronph It one right, saylntr i n f tiiltY (U N 'ord unU1 hc started out versy has split the black-tie-and-carnatlon hired help at London's glittering night spots. The question: Should a band leader stand up and wave his baton all night or should he cruise around the flood trading gags with the expensive customers and having a drink here and there? A London high court judge decided the leader's place is on the bandstand and set off the controversy. Bandleader-disc jockey Paul Adam was trying to sue the In Portable Typewriters The Leader is said. I In the champagne and show-' girl niehteries around London's West End there were plenty 'o disngree with the judge, not; himself a notable nli'htcltbj i customer. One such was one of Mayfuir's ' top band names, Ambrose. Hi; estimated he gets pr.id about $30 a week as a musician and about $2,000 as a personality. "I have to make them feel at home," he said. Harry Roy, another top May-fair name, said at the Copaco-bana: "I never go on the stand until the place has warmed u-. Conduct? I give 'em a flick of "Ps: . , F Rnrowl. DllbllC .. V'- en nC sllaP tensive, some oi tne ore may u: i carvMe of export without any i lefintng. j A large refinery is under con- Istrui tion at Port Pirie, in South Australia, to hundle the ore' fium another established .stat? t field at Uranium Hill. Shafts so'in will be sunk at Wild Do-; i.ill'v in an e'i'ort to locate a , pitchblende loc. .'. If it is fnun I 1 e uninium mine will be estn.b-liU"d tbere. j I.Teir hile, the 3outh Aus-itrolinn government hns nw-H-ied cdiiO to the two brothes. I VV. F. and J. J. Wcnlnm. who found the deposit, and his ic-! sei ved mineral rights ov-'r a nfnrmiit on oiurri mi i. . A xy&a if Washington coninmnd who an I nouneed the filing of the ; charges Frcituy night, said he ' hort received lhre threateniriit telephone rails and hid lirn given pei inl.-sien to carry his service pistol at all times. Snrowl said on man who railed from somewhere In Wes. ! Vlrplnti early Sunday "said h- R. W. A. iBobi Chidwick'. man-auer of the Van Meer photograph" studio here for the past two and a half years his pir-chasert th business and will continue to operate it under the lame name. M" a'-,d M's. A. N. Vn-i Me' opened the bulne-s here six Si v'. P' n I" Winnlpe". and sc'iik)!-ed In that city and in Vancouver. Mr. Chidwick started professional photography in 1D33, Hughes soys he has . been in the place." 1" n quar'er century hi Hr find. Huvhex hasn't iivr h-iiidful of inte''vl'ft or -ro'iferences. Only occavier., do"s a repoiter get to talk t him. i Itollywood often thinks 'tiihe as a jrlm, ruthless 1nerlng maji. During their "(w he was chatmlng ar.i" trohiT. laughing .hearth; , often. Magic Margin Triple Spacing Quiet Operating Standard Keyboard Specifications SEE IT NOW AT ritzy AKtor Club for $14,00'J damages he claimed he suffered; when the club fired him for hot I slaying on the bandstand. Adamj cent ended it was hii, iob to do, more "mingling," as he called ; it, than baton-waving. After a three-uay hearing the court rejected Adam's claim.; "There was nothing in the contract that meant Mr. Adam the evebrow and they re away for tl ni?ht." Pa- Ac:am himself was not crying over soilt champagne. Now playing at tho MUroy Ciuo at a reputed $1,000 a week, h said: "Why should I worry? Here I wander around the club as I like. Everybody is happy." li;i"e pnrt of the area. At' Tile experts say Ihat.Aus-ti-ii'i.i. although she has achi-v-cd world status as a uranium sniir'-c, cannot hope for her own power supply from atomic clingy for at least 10 years. Terms may be arranged BROS. LIMITED ciitn't like the way we weie handling the case asked if we hadn't agreed to give 'these guys' liberty." "The ceneral Idea WPS 'well Hughes released ' both ? Pliune 6 or 36 'The Store That Service. Built" trairing under K. A. Spencer I" Vancouver. j He joined the photoarnnhlc ( department, of the RCAF In 1039 Outlnw" and the current "Fr get you for this," " Sprowl ' " . " " " .""" ! , t ine" without seals of aor-; from the Motion Picture As ACTION 1'I.ANNEl. Hon. He rlnlnn neither haj in and served until 194S when he returned to the professional! phi'toaraphy field in V.mronver. j cut because of censor trpt II" came to Prince Huperl to ma rine the Van Meer S;ulio In i Astilstant Dffence Seeretury John A. Hannah said th defence department has planned for some lime to take action again.st. returned war prisoners August. ii.il. A police morality squad r two scenes of "French Lir obiectlonable, but authr took no action. ' The OutluV was given i ior condemned! rating b; Legion of Decency on its ! release. Hughes later ajw revlnlonx which made it B - Change of Name Irks Foresters SAI F.M. Ore. i Oregon's state foresters, miffed because the U.S. Forest Service has changed the name of the douglas when their action justified it. ' The charges against Dleken- i son, which are subject to fur-' ther Investigation by the army, are that hc had unlawful dealings Willi the Comiranists and curried favor with .iis captors , to the detriment of fellow pris t oners. Dicki nson first decided, undi r ; Incr. or morally nbie-tloisa nart. He says the rfeirtsiois ; talned only to advertlslrr CENTl'KIES OLD Tlie so-called "nc" cart: fir, are going to ignore the I ( change. i The douglas fir is Oregon's ; state tree by action of the 1939 j Legislature. The luw making It I the Korean armlsllce arrange-, ments. to remain with the Communists, then rhanucd his mini and cume home. Newcastle, England, dates 1 the lltli, ouiiurji,.w'- the slate tree calls It "pseudo-tsuga tuxifolia." I The U.S. Forest Service, in co- oneriilion with foiestry agencies of other countries, recently I chanaod the name to ' menziesli." j Homer G. Lyon Jr., State For- . CABINET STUDYING PLAN TO RAISE JUDGES' PAY nrrw "PvTiir. raoiiiet is studying a plan fur a per cent increase in salaries of judges of provincial supmr courU and county courts, it was learned nere. nils would raise the annual pa of provincial suprer court Justices to S18.000 from $14,000 and of county court judf k....? ann.i Oh.uln..!.,! lii..f '. iil.tleeh WOllid ' estry Department's publicity, man. said his department does not like the change, and that Oreaon can't recotinize it without action by the legislature. ' ( von -'fl the forestry, men here don't like the Idea of changing a name that has existed 130 years.- The nrenment is over which , of two Scottish naturalists, David lO .TilU.Ul'y ' II .o.''u. r'u"'i'i'H v..-.. (JW..--.-y- increased to $20.00U from Jlb.UOO. - 3 " 1 ' 1 -00' ulicrc men enjoy freedom " "-v-;:7.' 1 '. """ f - , I , of speech, religion,-ami the opportunity , ; f to build tlieir own careers j -without fear of their fellow mail 1J it9 mars to defends 1 sirtCOOPER lORtn YOUNG ijou"ia or Archibald Menzlcs. discovered the tree. Lyon said many authorities' say Douglas discovered it, naming it "pseudotsuga taxifoita." The discovery was made In British Columbia. Other authorities give credit to Meii.ies. saving he discovered the tree In 1791 on Vancouver Island. Lyon says Menzies did file his report first, in 1804. He claims Douglas, although filing his report in 1805. actually made the first discovery. Afonq Cam t? Jones rj WILLIAM DEMAREST DAM OURYEA JJ& ' rum luur-1 cmtiu arsn cow. nowctai i . -is--' 1 Tf The Screen's Suoreme Jldverrturi k StlJPElSE1 miGs. EDWAPD t mm M BENNETT .C Afj RAYMOKO lH RU4U rfct RCAF will train you fur Aircrtw at a PILOT NAVIGATION or RADIO OFFICER or oi en xpert technician in an Inv portant Groundcrtw trad: Today to Wednesdoy TOTEA', One f iimnlele ShowinK - : .. 4 Va Iff v Cf J Only Starting 7:30 p.m. f vilOI S PLAVMS THtA'J TODAY TO WEDNESDAY AERO-ENGINE RADIO-RADAR AIRFRAME ELECTRICAl ARMAMENT INSTRUMENT Th Hoyal . Canadian Ak a fr a lift ( intarttt, vntur, advncmnt, rvlc and hit rwrd. For dtoil th Crr Cawnltl-lor t yaur ntaratt RCAF Racrvittnf Unit. r mnll thlf cavaan. 'One Big Affoir" Dennis O'Keele, Evelyn Keyes in r . it CAPITOl unaerworia arory m - - m Dan Duryea. Gale Storm -A FAMOUS PIA -BS Tun K.f.A.F. Rt:( III "ITINO IMT. FINICKY . . . THAT'S US ttmen'lEti IMds.. Hwll 2nd St. hiliiKiiiliin. UI.l I'll. Phitst mail In , without ohli. ,ilinn, full particular! rt- gar,iiiR CHrolmentrrquiremtHtl ' and nieuingt now avaiUbU Yes, we're sure cranks about the condition of used i we sell. Every car must be in apple-pie order. No skw ing around this place . . . tiuess that's why to many ' say we have the best used cars In town. Why not l them over today . . . Easy terms, of course, for i convenience. the K.L.A.I. NAME (pltajr. prinll . (Siirnarnit (Chriltiia nut) STKLET ADDRESS.,.,.... CITY. PROVINCE EDUCATION (Hy grde iml province) . . ? i- 49 CHEV. '(-Ton P" Al condition thro I out. A rugged true. heavy duty t,. only $10' 50 AUSTIN A40 Excellent shape. "e and defrosters. T economy. A bW l ? 51 MONARCH SEDAN Badio, heater, air conditioning. Blue metallic paint. Only $1800 'ift FORI) Tl'IKUt Radio, heater und air-conditioning . . . Not a rattle in It. $1075 MARRIED AGE CAP-M-24 SINliI.E AMI MAN V MOKE VALl'ES OiALOKE BOB PARKER LTD. "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE c:: r ..-v- - litatm (tern Miami