vw- 1 - St. BLACKWOOD on Fred E, Dowdie Prince Rupert naliy News ce1 t ' 1 fill A V V-'V"! - OPTOMETRIST BRIDGE New address: 303 3rd Ave. W. Phone Green 060 By EASLEY BLACKWOOD - , Dale Makes Decision, ' i '! 1 i Drives Home on Trick Two This is one of those touchy hands which seem to occur much too often and in ul.ich an important decision has to be made at the very firxt trick DEADLINE FOR CLASSlf IED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ... villain jnun it'a 111 live 01 : o I . n ri f-earts and Mr. Dale had to Classified Rates LEGAL NOTICES t tlm 4:30 p.m. flay prentmii BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe 1 , vl North dealer East-West vulnerable North i ( Mi. Keen) Hl 4 -H A 0 4 DA Q J 8 5 4 ' C 7 2 publication. IN RE ESTATE OP ALBERT JOHN-HON, IJECEAHED. TAKE NOTICE . that as Administrator, duly appointed by the Court, THE DAILY NEWS" "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3364 LAST YEAR 3183 J : v t 1 C', , i ton: mlnljiiiim onaige oo wnu. 1 Notices, on eenw. larna 01 ,.nici. Death Notlcea, Pilneral tin 0 ft A. a make up his mind whether to hold off or to win. If the diamond finesse was right, nine tricks were immediately available six diamonds, two hearts fcnd a club. Bat If Mr. .i t-i iieiu the kins of diamonds, there were only five tricks in that suit 'and a spade trick would have to be picked up to make the required nine. In this latter eaur. thr. I I of the r.tate or Albert Johnson, who 'died at rjtcwart. Province of Ilrlttih I Columbia, nn the 'Kith dfty of Octo- ber, 1063. I require, all creditors and Iwa, Mnrrlase and Krtsagement 4 East (Mr. Abel) K-A 6 5 3 H Q 10 D K 7 C-Q 9 ft a 5 Hen t tir. 4 iiaiititnti) J H 2 11 J 9 7 5 3 !-- 3 . C-K J 3 Kotltli 14 BUSINESS PERSONALS y ,, it' . 36 ROOMS FOft RF.NT 1 !o i o .uuncements, 2.UO. I Display double prto. No Refunds t; not accept reapomlblHty unified ads inserted Incorrectly (ipr wrong classification unleaa allon of such errora la received i 24 hours of flri t Inaertloo. 9 1 iSc' Luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR NEWLAND'S ArRO Kroy Wool AU colors. Stilt? price 35c bull THE VARIETY STORE. 1231 WILFORD EiectrtcanVfjr"lcIMo-tors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. tf) WU.FORD Elect rlcaF WorkT Dealer for Ekolite Sounders. ' . (38! TWO furnished liht housekeepings room, separate or to-Kctner. Reasonable. Green 600 (22pi COMFORTABLE sleeping room 338 6th Ave. East, or phone Black BIO. (2j LARGE housekeeping room reasonable. Phone Green 727. rtit LtTuAf CeMfot tioitA or by Oovithmem o fir 'tislt Cc'mbi. fl (Mr. Dale) K K Q 10 9 H K !1 2 D- 1(1 9 2 C A 10 4 The bitlclinx: Korth East , South 1 D Pass 1 H 2 1) Pass ' . 2 NT 3 NT All pass oinerR naving cimma against the sftin estate to send the same to me. properly verified, at the address mentioned tjelow on or before the 1W dnv of Marrh. 154. after which date I shall prooeed to distribute the estate In those entitled tty law, liavlnn regard only to aueh claims of which i .shall then have been notified. AND HinTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons Indebted to the aid estate are required to pey their Indebtedness to me forthwith, DATKD at Prince Kupert, B.C.. this lf.th day of January. . 1054. , , . i. I,. UflODIE, Deputy Ofiieiai Administrator, Prince Kupert, BC . . tJ!0.18.23,25rl 'ANT AD Jiold-up at trick one seemed to ! be called for. However, there was another! point to consider. If the defend-! rs were permitted to hold the' first trick, what it they shifted to clubs a suit in which Mr I Dale had just one stopper?! 1 hen the diamond finesse would ' West Pass Pass VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday : at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL Note that even if Mr. Abel DRESSMAKING ar.d lions. Phone Red 224. LIGHT housekeeping room. 701 oth Ave. West. ennt ;nad taken the firht spade, he !'0Ul! have had t shift sne'eifi- WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service REPLIES arc holding replies the following News boxes: 52 865 878 888 Replies must be ailed for in person INVISIBLE repairs, dressmaking. 727 Fraser St. U9-)i r nave to be right. Mr. Dale realized that, ho might go set no matter how he played. But if the hand was hard to play, it was also ha'rt CLEAN, warm "rooms. Green 906. 1 (25! I I TO ORDER Avon Products, call For reservations write or ,tK)iy to a cjud. xnat is, it he jrt turned a heart, .Mr. Dale ! could have won with the king, j hoping Mr. Abel had st arted I with just two hearts. The fol- Today's Stocks (Courtesy . . ji,hintn fjo. Md. t- V a 'J ... . ,' '3 1 I call city or Depot Office, 2 1 p ; 37 ROOMS ASh BOARD OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 to defend. In view of the dnngi.r of a club shift he elected to for- I Prince rinpert. B.C. ;AGAZlNKa, Haitian. i News Stand. Mdle'i (c) j lowing diamond finrtse would pet about the hold-up and to RriOM and bor.rd In private home tor working man. Red '40- (21) put the defenders on the snot at' ,Jbllt at tnis poilU th''l'f, trick two. I would be no way to reach Mr. VANCOLVtR Bralorne Cariboo Gold C0MIM. L VENTS i IX)R chimney oienninR and fwld . J""S. phone-Oreen '73. (42p, BOARD and rotm for worklne niiiiiniiii s nana to casn the Accordingly, he , won with the man. Phone Black 717. (24) 'Congress io(,n Auxiliary card party, CARS? Bob Parker of "cIirse7 rest of he hearts. 3 10 .85 .04 .05 .43 j iiiiu ii. . .c. 1 ouse. Cronin Babine Giant Mascot . 2-BKDROOM Ave. East. 812 6tn (20pl Brownie i ad Guide and CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connectior,s Phone 632 Indian Mines B;ike Sale and Novelties. .03 ' mid Street. School, Feb. C, Pioneer 1.42 ROOM and board. 937 3rd West. 21i 39 ilOMKSi foVttENT QU8CFREZ pm. '.d Church W.A Valentine Feb. II at Mrs. L. M. p'.s. 945 Borden St. CARS? bob Parker's of course. NEARLY everybody uses 99. 18 HfXP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED bookk7eper,25-35 yeurs old, for permanent position. Apply Personnel Supervisor, Columbia Cellulose, Mill Division. o ace of hearts and led a spade from the board. It should have been clear to Mr. Abel that tha old master was trying to steal a spade trick, else why was he ignoring the long diamond suit in dummy? , Apparently it wasn't clear, for Mr. Abel played low. Mr. Dale von with the king of spades end shifted to the 10 of diamonds which was ducked in dummy. With one spade trick home he didn't care now whether the finesse worked or not as he had nine sure, winners. TWO-ROOM tully furnished cabin. Seal Cove. No drinking Phone Blue 825. 2ij 39A SI ITES LOR RENT L. Card Party, Feb. II. (35- Investors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Investors Mutual of Canada ia.d. T. M. CHRISTIE . Ph. 384 - 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prince Tluperl. Terrace and Kttlmat cA.iuiun Union W.A. Valin- SUITE. Phone Red 9B4. 12. Lesion!1 SALESMEN ANT) AGENTS (29) bailee, Feb. Premier Border 05ii Privateer .03 ; Reeves McDonald 1.40 I Sheep Creek ..... , .60 I Sllbak Premier ....J. ........... . Ml Vananda .01 I Spud Valley ..... ;.. 02' j : Silver Standard .58 j Western Uranium , . ' ,53 i Sil-Van :...,.'r...i.... .08" L'orreen '.05'i Estella : , 20 ' on- ; v, Anglo Canadian v. ,., .. 5.45 A P Con , .. .27 Central Leduc 2.00 Home Oil ..:..:... 8.50 Color Harmony' Refrigerators See the color .. . . see the features . . . see the value . . you'll be convinced that there's a place in your kitchen for New Modern Quicfrez. 9 cu. ft. Model i num. 0. HOMES EOR SALE r.in U,l..ntin., T 1; I CALENDAR SALESMAN Feb. I One of the ... best selling i i i - - .,v m urns profwsi-j II illV.-H- lions in Canada is offered by i .. i, , , .... if i . " j rii.Li cxciiange or sen I'j'acre lot With two small homes In I mi rsiuou.snea cuieiidur iUI W A Bake Sale, Gor-i Advertising Specialty house The Surrov' five milltS from New Anderson's. Feb. 13. I man we want must possess defi- I Westminster, for small home In ion IT YOU WANT A ' CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent ot Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS Sale, Feb. 13. 206 6th St. ana own. a j a CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. 4' 4 Wartime, furnished. Mercury 12 ".. ee Valentine Dance. Feb. a toP "ne of calendars with an i pu $269.00 'i cement basement. Good 1 Okalta , 1.85 it- invitation onlv. Tickets ' txlenslve range of exclusive t i..,,i hi"... i. (251 Pacific Pete ,. .... 8.K5 f'Sk ris.,.,'.. ii.... i.L " miilMhi, a hi.r , .-..v.... . ......v .ui; o.n 1 7, B V yarta.. I nfii.ia naiucf iMlop, ' , we, iibt ui attvrr- ! l r.m V . ' .' . . t : , A K. 1 . V..-I...J4 yaiiies, ujmo counter w. Houses Wane a to Buy " " Hi Of Praver. Cathedra ellt-ck hunks oio Vurnln... Royal Canadian ... ....... .13 TORONTO Alhona ' ,u p to March 3, evenings, 'jhlgh commission basis 'naid WE HAVE several cash' buyers i GORDON & 1 ANDERSON Scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (47) I weekly. Give full parlieulars r;' fur houses up to $12,000. Im- Aumaque mediate in.sppctiun. (Con Discovery Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Thone 133 James Block, 603 3rd Ave. W. li'i-lu,-. i .1 1 i) -r TA- a ir isiuiiiS uBi-, i-ajs-i n-m:t. tern- '.lurch ,h IH ft'a "nd:tory covered, in letter to Box .12 2 00 .28 '23 ",, 1 : o " JI. (1. Ut'lt't'SOn I Ad. IBevcouit Reul wai. nnrt tnm i Buffalo Canadian , B'Jl, Dally News. Phone 46 f21,-l t - -- Prince Rupert, B.C. i-none Phone jy 347 P.O. p.u. Box box .174 .174 fllit.il W.A. Rummuee Sale' SITI AI IONS VVTI. Eeinale 516 Bln Phone 96:c M & S i (Or F. Wilson. Black 197. Eves ; Conwest (451 I I I ' I 1 f-- . ' , , ,.Bv CHif vr Mr, ." ' BLONDIE From the Used Department? rlral Spring Sale A0rn I WIIX care for sinaU children! t22 I I'onalU i " (37) ! ,lor wooing mother. 937 Third i 7T.TT.-- -T-TTS" Eldona lll!WfHt. 42 AN1 El '.O RENT (Ill , Fast Sullivan ItlliTH fi uFWnu?? I n f . - ' 1 1, ' U:;OTCX3THuE?5 V.DJOOTIS ) i ABOUT ABOUT !26 KULDISG MA1ERIAI.S i TRAILER to sleep four for two'oiant Vellowknife 1 weeks. Apply Box 890. IKiilv i t'od's Lake HfVOTHt l?, ) -r S , A: AtiO :0 FATHEf. TATHEfV S y TMATjJK " J ' " "7 AND ANDRA'D,- BALO I-' ( ( Th'AT?tt ADE Horn In Mr MS. BUMSTEAD 111 I h tiring 1 1 1 ; -. - m - 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 ' . 1 a . 1 n- 1 ... ...... 4 uuyv General Hospital, on Jan. sex l'lJ ,1 ,u 22 50 ', 3.70 .52' -2 .33 -.05 8.30 .87 .17 .36 .03 .22 .38 .71 .09 165 1.35 .44 .Hi PHILPOTT. EVITT & CO LTD News. (21-nct Hardnxk - ..Phone 6&I or 632 I41 1 mrinn ir'vTm "" 1 Harrlcana Inquire about our budget plan j . . V I Heva Gold for vour home investment No ! ATTKNTION Owners' We have lJuvex down payment $100 to $2,000, 6 .several buyers for good four- iJoliet Quebec , irl'ia J. ' 1 to 24 mos. to pay. (31 . . Vil. . , , ; ay. Jan. 29. legion '"num. Music hv the room houses. No waiting when 1 Little Long Lac . .. you list with Jim Oeorgeson at ilynx Armstrong' Ajrcncies Ltd.;Mdsen Red Lake ;7 , H'fci, I Macleod Cockshutt t Mountain Phones 342 Eves. Ked 958 Boys. Moneta (21) ! I Negus f ACT AlCOhollee 47 AITOMOHILES 61.50 Antmv-(31 1 I' O Box 3 Ki ' i Noranda ... i Louvlcourt .13 sedan. -fSlNESS PERSONALS""" Pickle Crow 1.10 Phone (2101 1949 MONARCH Green 326. Vour Jlenttng Hillars Oo farther . With Mv'ljood River Hai ti Coal LUMP KOO STOKEIl Coal Kiietlaltles: LHttilteIii ton lots .,. lflM)Ton Diplomat. End- Toh lots i8 00Ton Albeit & McCafftry Ltd. . Phones 118-117-58 fMcl KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED Petrol Oil & Gus " ?' . ..' " By ZANE GREY Vr'"'.' p 75iA7itezjwMT7&ir' 1 ? 1 a .j,-. ; tr: Your car needs '49 AUSTIN A-40 1827 6th East. Phone-Black 2176. (23) THAT a TANH..J OH-OH.'OU 4 a nwrtw:.vdrri5 jwrwl I . 1 . 1 i 1 k, i,f,. ' 'JPER-SERVIGE t-MTf'ttJiiwi iMu Mnetr 11 A'C ief. " I l' p ?..' Just a the insurance CUT' .50 4.15 6il9 .92 .27 1.54 .11'. 1.45 205 2.50 Sherrit t Gordon Steep Rock" v. .. . Silver Miller Sweet Grass Oils Golden Manltou Landover Oils Rix Athabasca .... Nesbitt Labine Boreal ::.t RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR us he opportun- INVfsri GATOR to serve your ATTEMPT TO PHONE car Ms. HlOfFICE (Subject to Chaniff ) MONDAY FOR your fuel requlrenients: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas ' Pacific'' Propane. PHILPOTT, EVJTT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 (31) AND MAVe PAVMtMT Phone 386 or call !0 M'I?MAW DOOUTTLE'S a. fOWtV &6CAVEP, THE 29A SEWING MACniNEJ C0NNECTICN w 2nd ond 2nd !"e the Service is 2nd to None. (if) P.M fi:00 1:0fl 7:!ii 7:M 8:00 8:15 11:00 8:30 J0:00 10:15 10:30 11:00 frlJC jFiA- A - hfolfoS IW&vfr j - " 'f.s 1ALE8 Repaiis Rentals. Einger Sswlrg Centre. Phone 884. (c) Ii wI?" YOUR 32 FOR SALE MISC. TO Ynii m 'CENT t?U, wil' yQl war ' w w it it t0 your frlen l: fed nn v eac" O"1? i'W and !lr"'ne.e. I show 1 kft lLUp? y.bi woollen saii sss& Y5gr, .j.ri luiassf? X tssr J Am "WS ,N TIME "HE'S MIDBRAINS HE LL TURN INTO WILL UNIDCItlRTFDiN r am' Aw ' i ' JtT'rXJsT: V WILDER.?!"--., TT f SHOOT HIM.? ,t4 ' SEVERAL GOOD BUYS in used RECONDITIONED WASHING MACHINES Terms Available 1 us a i,f 11 aet Quick. 1 vourself ciTA , lellln,? a" it 0. ' Pn u- H '"""eia 1 all-" "ox 68, Mont real U18.25) Gordon's Hardware " In Doubt (21) Heating Must Be Planned rj. Pressure Air fe'ona. Bllm'i I.nx rtndlo Theatre cm; News CBC News Uoundup Pacific Pianoforte Presenting . . . CBC Symphony Orch. Nntlonal fr'ann R:idio Forum Ciile Continental CHC News Pruvlni'lMl ASuIrt , Bob McMulliu Sliow Heather Heunrl Musical Mnnterpleees Musie Till Mlillllsht MSll-off Tt'ESDAY B C Fishermen's Broadcast Musleal flock CBC News; Weivther Mini. Hi Clink Miirttlni; lievntlons CBC ::; Weather Hire's Bill tlood Breakia.st Club Luurtt Ltd. BBC News and Comty. Aunt Lucy fume What May Time SlKnui - . Morning Visit Happy Oung The Beulah Show Your tlood Neighbor Kindergarten of the Air Message Period Carmitlon r.ntertjilns Horn X Years loo Koo CBC News CBC Showcase B.C. Fiirm Broadcast Interiutie. Heeords for Vnu Keeortl Album B.C. sehuol Broudciwt TruuB-Cnuda Matluee Bravo Vcrj'aye Hoednwa Vetmiijay's Favorites The Barney Potts aiww Alice m Oicbesualla Sleepyttme Btory Teller SttM'k Qtiottlonf Vocalise t International Comty. CBC News; Weather 1 PAXR of Chalet skiis with harness and steel edt?es, steei poles, and pair size 10 ski boots. Like new. what offers? Phone Oreen 607 after 5 p.m. (20) jhC Phone Sir' x 572, ' Ter-fi' 91 o. ,5ti PINfTaTrr -r sheet metni - ," neat- 17:0(1 A M. 7:00 7:1.1 7:,10 7:8.1 1:1.- 8:00 8:10 8:15 8:45 9:00 9:15 II MO 8:50 10:00 10:15 10:45 11:00 1 1 .15 1 1 :3ll llUri P.M. 12:00 13:15 12:25 12:30 VIM 1:00 1 :H0 2:00 3:30 3:15 ,1:HI 3:45 4:15 4:30 4:15 B:(I0 8:15 5:80 ELECTRIC rangette, $25; small oil heater, $25; oil cook stove, $85; youngster's bed mew) $15. Phone Black 2184 after 3 p.m. (21) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE 'A'!!' '.. ... . . " - ..... i,4 " m "f Z. ( AWNING JuliE? I I OU WSee SO IHT WHEM CJ ; H I iyXt 'tT'S' WHEN 1 TELL HlM I X I . ' ' , S',ATTEer...YJU - r Silt? I SeOU.0 HAVE KEPT OUTOP ) g KTJf 4CTUAU.V PHONED CUSTV... ' " ' LOCKLIAC-LTBviNoTJ J if "i DUSTVANO WCWVIS-S LIPS...!". ilrV TA.V 'fti AW WH4TSM6 SAlP HE LL I '1 i p V SHAUTE 0EP A NASTV PSIEAM. f V J PeCBASLV ,1ESEP TH UP S TtfJ? fi PR09ABLV STWN5LE ME '''Ti ! ' t-- -r'J- . KVON0ANVM0PE.. llf I fA AW ICOTT THINK rLLBUMC ) ,,'"'' ' p" "-v r.N ,2 - 1 .JfJ jj Jjmj. wat,Hi86soes' 7 . ' ' . CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Gall 630 flth Ave. West. (c) l.wlst: t41) An expertly planned heating system pays for itself in a few years through greater comfort that promotes better health for the family. Phent 174 SMITH & ELKIII5 LIMITED 259 Third Ave. W. CRIS-CRAFT speed boat with or without motor. Phone 373, days. 1201 146 elccuic.il Red Ave. , West. rvT ,38 2 PAIRS men's kale. sizes 7 and 10. Phone Black 410. (21) 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS and Blue USED suitcase trunk. Phone it time. -"aa!eseervlce. (c) steamer 705 any (tf-nc) " : - -- - " MT M i .,1 . at Jt 1 - Mi"1' ' ,' '. f